2,065 research outputs found

    Future research to underpin successful peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) eradication

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    Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is a significant pathogen of small ruminants and is prevalent in much of Africa, the Near and Middle East and Asia. Despite the availability of an efficacious and cheap live-attenuated vaccine, the virus has continued to spread, with its range stretching from Morocco in the west to China and Mongolia in the east. Some of the world’s poorest communities rely on small ruminant farming for subsistence and the continued endemicity of PPRV is a constant threat to their livelihoods. Moreover, PPRV’s effects on the world’s population are felt broadly across many economic, agricultural and social situations. This far-reaching impact has prompted the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) to develop a global strategy for the eradication of this virus and its disease. PPRV is a morbillivirus and, given the experience of these organizations in eradicating the related rinderpest virus, the eradication of PPRV should be feasible. However, there are many critical areas where basic and applied virological research concerning PPRV is lacking. The purpose of this review is to highlight areas where new research could be performed in order to guide and facilitate the eradication programme. These areas include studies on disease transmission and epidemiology, the existence of wildlife reservoirs and the development of next-generation vaccines and diagnostics. With the support of the international virology community, the successful eradication of PPRV can be achieved

    La Prévalence des Pathologies Thyroïdiennes chez le Sujet Âgé au Service de Médecine Interne de l’Hôpital National Donka

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    Introduction : Le vieillissement est associĂ© Ă  des modifications complexes de la fonction thyroĂŻdienne qui interviennent Ă  plusieurs niveaux de rĂ©gulation. La sĂ©crĂ©tion des hormones thyroĂŻdiennes est en gĂ©nĂ©ral dans les limites infĂ©rieures des valeurs usuelles. MĂ©thodes : Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective Ă  visĂ©e descriptive et analytique menĂ©e du 1er janvier 2013 au 31 dĂ©cembre 2022 (soit 10 ans). L’étude Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e au service de mĂ©decine interne de l’hĂ´pital national Donka (GuinĂ©e). Elle a portĂ© sur les sujets âgĂ©s de 60 ans et plus suivis pour une pathologie thyroĂŻdienne. RĂ©sultats : Durand la pĂ©riode d’étude nous avons colligĂ© 88 cas de dysthyroĂŻdies soit une prĂ©valence de 17,95 %. Il y avait une prĂ©dominance fĂ©minine (56 cas) avec un sex ratio H/F de 0,57. L’âge moyen Ă©tait de 64,5 ans (extrĂŞmes de 60 et 85 ans). Les circonstances de diagnostic de la maladie thyroĂŻdienne Ă©taient principalement un goitre (59,1%), une exophtalmie (9,1%), une compression cervicale (25%), une cardiothyrĂ©ose (5,7 %). Les principales manifestations de la thyrotoxicose Ă©taient l’amaigrissement (17%), les palpitations (29,5%) et la fatigabilitĂ© (34,1%). Les signes d’hypothyroĂŻdie prĂ©dominants Ă©taient la constipation (17%) et le syndrome myxĹ“dĂ©mateux (3,4%). L’hyperthyroĂŻdie a Ă©tĂ© rencontrĂ©e chez 13,64% des patients, contre 29,54% de cas d’hypothyroĂŻdie. L’échographie cervicale thyroĂŻdienne avait retrouvĂ© 36 cas de goitre diffus (40,9%), 18 cas de goitre multinodulaire (20,45%), 17 cas de nodule unique (19,31%). Les principales Ă©tiologies Ă©taient la maladie de Basedow (11,4%), le goitre multinodulaire (46,6%), la thyroĂŻdite de Hashimoto (17%), un goitre simple (5,7%). La thyroĂŻdectomie avait concernĂ© 33 patients (37,5%). Deux cas de dĂ©cès Ă©taient enregistrĂ©s en rapport avec une cardiothyrĂ©ose. Conclusion : Les dysthyroĂŻdies sont frĂ©quentes chez le sujet âgĂ© au CHU de Conakry et un dosage hormonal au moindre doute afin d’instaurer le traitement adĂ©quat Ă  temps serait requis afin de prĂ©venir les complications.   Introduction: The aging is associated with complex changes in thyroid function that occur at several levels of regulation. Thyroid hormone secretion is generally within the lower limits of usual values. Methods: This was a retrospective study with descriptive and analytical aims carried out from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2022 (i.e. 10 years). The study was carried out in the internal medicine department of the Donka national hospital (Guinea). It focused on subjects aged 60 and over followed for thyroid pathology. Results: During the study period we collected 88 cases of dysthyroidism, representing a prevalence of 17.95%. There was a female predominance (56 cases) with a M/F sex ratio of 0.57. The average age was 64.5 years (range 60 and 85 years). The circumstances of diagnosis of thyroid disease were mainly goiter (59.1%), exophthalmos (9.1%), cervical compression (25%), cardiothyreosis (5.7%). The main manifestations of thyrotoxicosis were weight loss (17%), palpitations (29.5%), and fatigability (34.1%). The predominant signs of hypothyroidism were constipation (17%) and myxedematous syndrome (3.4%). Hyperthyroidism was encountered in 13.64% of patients, compared to 29.54% cases of hypothyroidism. Cervical thyroid ultrasound found 36 cases of diffuse goiter (40.9%), 18 cases of multinodular goiter (20.45%), 17 cases of single nodule (19.31%). The main etiologies were Graves' disease (11.4%), multinodular goiter (46.6%), Hashimoto's thyroiditis (17%), simple goiter (5.7%). Thyroidectomy involved 33 patients (37.5%). Two cases of death were recorded in connection with cardiothyreosis. Conclusion: Dysthyroidism is common in the elderly at the Conakry University Hospital and a hormonal dosage if there is the slightest doubt in order to initiate the appropriate treatment in time would be required in order to prevent complications

    Ontological Implications of the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model

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    The Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model (LCIM) was developed to cope with the different layers of interoperation of modeling & simulation applications. It introduced technical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, dynamic, and conceptual layers of interoperation and showed how they are related to the ideas of integratability, interoperability, and composability. This paper will be presented in the invited session Ontology Driven Interoperability for Agile Applications using Information Systems: Requirements and Applications for Agent Mediated Decision Support at WMSCI 2006

    Effet du chlorure de sodium sur la germination de graines de Ricinus communis L.

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    Ricinus communis L (ricin) figure parmi les espèces du Programme biocarburant au  Sénégal. Sa culture sur des terrains incultes (terres salées) constitue une alternative pour éviter une concurrence sur les terres à vocation agricole. C’est pourquoi le taux de germination (TG) de sept accessions de graines de ricin a été étudié pendant 15 jours sous des concentrations croissantes de NaCl (0; 20; 50; 80; 100; 150 et 200 mM). Les résultats ont montré une large variabilité de tolérance au sel au stade de la germination. Les accessions 3 et 8 ont été très sensibles avec des TG réduits seulement à la concentration 20 mM NaCl. Les accessions 1, 6 et 7 n’ont pas toléré la concentration 50 mM. L’accession 5 n’a toléré que les teneurs < 80 mM. L’accession 4 a germé dans les milieux ≤ 100 mM NaCl. Elle n’a manifesté une perte significative de TG qu’en présence de 150 mM NaCl. Elle a été la moins affectée par l’effet ralentisseur du sel sur la vitesse de germination. Ces résultats permettent de dire que le mode d’action de NaCl sur la germination est de nature osmotique et/ou toxique.Mots clés : Ricin, espèce, biocarburant, tolérance au sel, teneur en sel, Sénégal

    Applying the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model in Support of Integratability, Interoperability, and Composability for System-of-Systems Engineering

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    The Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model (LCIM) was developed to cope with the different layers of interoperation of modeling & simulation applications. It introduced technical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, dynamic, and conceptual layers of interoperation and showed how they are related to the ideas of integratability, interoperability, and composability. The model was successfully applied in various domains of systems, cybernetics, and informatics
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