1,628 research outputs found

    Dynamics of plasma blobs in a shear flow

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    The global dynamic of plasma blobs in a shear flow is investigated in a simple magnetized torus using the spatial Fourier harmonics (k-space) framework. Direct experimental evidence of a linear drift in k space of the density fluctuation energy synchronized with blob events is presented. During this drift, an increase of the fluctuation energy and a production of the kinetic energy associated with blobs are observed. The energy source of the blob is analyzed using an advection-dissipation-type equation that includes blob-flow exchange energy, linear drift in k space, nonlinear processes, and viscous dissipations. We show that blobs tap their energy from the dominant E B vertical background flow during the linear drift stage. The exchange of energy is unidirectional as there is no evidence that blobs return energy to the flow

    Clinical features of the arterial hypertension in a medical emergency service in Abidjan

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    The authors studied the clinical features of high hypertension (blood pressure over 240 mmHg for the systolic and over 140 mmHg for the diastolic pressure) in 300 black African patients observed in the unit of medical emergency at Abidjan.In this unit arterial hypertension represented 8.27% of the cases and was the main cause of mortality (12.9 % VS 7.2 % for the others causes).The common complications were heart failure (29%), stroke (21 %), encephalopathy (19%) and renal failure (16%). Diabetes was associated in 8.33% of cases. The high rate of mortality is observed when there was stroke (25.4%) and renal fai lure (25%). There was significant increase in mortality linked to high blood pressure

    Criblage in vitro des graines d’accessions locales de ricin (Ricinus communis L.) en conditions de stress salin

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    Le ricin (Ricinus communis L.) est une plante peu exigeante dont la culture offre d’énormes potentialités économiques pour les exploitants agricoles sénégalais. L’identification de génotypes performants avec des rendements acceptables en conditions de stress salin constitue une des solutions pour promouvoir cette culture sur des sols inaffectés aux cultures vivrières. Quatre accessions locales de ricin ont été cultivées durant un mois sur le milieu de Murashige et Skoog (MS) modifié et additionné de 0 ; 25 ; 50 ; 100 et 150 mM de chlorure de sodium (NaCl). Les réponses des accessions ont été évaluées en conditions in vitro sur la base de paramètres morphologiques, biochimiques et de survie des vitroplants. L’effet de la salinité sur ces paramètres mesurés a permis de classer les accessions en groupe tolérant (acc1), moyennement tolérant (acc7) et sensible (acc3 et acc4). La concentration 50 mM de NaCl a été identifiée comme un seuil de tolérance critique et discriminant permettant une classification des accessions de ricin selon leur sensibilité au NaCl. La biomasse aérienne est apparue comme un critère pertinent pour classer les accessions de ricin. Les mesures des teneurs en chlorophylle des feuilles des vitroplants ont permis d’aboutir à la même classification des groupes.Mots clés: criblage, Ricinus communis, salinité, SénégalEnglish Title:  In vitro screening of local accessions of castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis l.) Under conditions of salinity stressEnglish AbstractCastor bean (Ricinus communis L.) is an undemanding plant whose cultivation has enormous economic potential for Seneg alese farmers. The identification of efficient genotypes tolerant to salt stress condition could constitute a significant result to promote ricin culture specifically in margin soils. Four local accessions of castor were cultivated, using in vitro conditions for four weeks on MS modified medium supplemented with 0, 25, 50, 100, 150 mM NaCl. In vitro plants responses to salinity were recorded in terms of morphological and biochemical parameters and the rate of plant survival. The effect of different levels of salinity on these parameters was used to classify the accessions in tolerant group (acc1), moderately tolerant (acc7) and sensitive (acc3 and acc4). The concentration 50 mM of NaCl was identified as a discriminant level for castor accessions classification and a critical level of tolerance. The in vitro plants shoot biomass, appeared a relevant parameter to be used for classification of castor accessions under in vitro conditions. The content of leaf chlorophyll for in vitro plants confirmed the classification of Castor bean accessions obtained with morphological parameters according to their sensitivity to the salinity.Keywords: screening, Ricinus communis, salinity, Senega

    Maternal-fetal prognosis of obstetric emergencies at the maternity ward of the Mamou regional hospital

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    Background: Pregnant women may be at risk of unpredictable obstetric complications such as: bleeding, dystocia, acute fetal suffering, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. This maternal-fetal prognosis of obstetric emergencies is influenced by factors that are most often related to complications that alter the course or outcome of a pregnancy and require prompt care. The objectives of this study are to analyze the factors that influence the maternal-fetal prognosis of obstetric emergencies; determine their frequency, describe the clinical profiles of patients and evaluate the maternal-fetal prognosis.Methods: The study was conducted at the Mamou Regional Hospital. It was a 6-month quantitative, descriptive and analytical study, from July 1st to December 31st, 2016, including all parturient women whose term is greater than or equal to 28 weeks of amenorrhoea.Results: The study covered 377 obstetric emergencies out of a total of 1273 deliveries, or 29.61%. Factors influencing the prognosis were: young age, parity, unfavorable socio-economic conditions and difficult baseline conditions. The main obstetric emergencies recorded were acute fetal suffering, disproportion and narrowed pelvis. The dominant mode of delivery was caesarean section with a frequency of 89.65%. Maternal lethality is 3.44% and fetal lethality is 5.14%.Conclusions: Obstetric emergency is a frequent situation where better management would improve the prognosis of the mother and fetus

    JuSER – Volltextrepositorium und mehr

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    1.5 minutes of madness: Kurzvorstellung des Posters zu JuSE

    Genetic Diversification and Selection Strategies for Improving Sorghum Grain Yield Under Phosphorous-Deficient Conditions in West Africa

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    Sorghum, a major crop for income generation and food security in West and Central Africa, is predominantly grown in low-input farming systems with serious soil phosphorus (P) deficiencies. This study (a) estimates genetic parameters needed to design selection protocols that optimize genetic gains for yield under low-phosphorus conditions and (b) examines the utility of introgressed backcross nested association mapping (BCNAM) populations for diversifying Malian breeding materials. A total of 1083 BC1F5 progenies derived from an elite hybrid restorer “Lata-3” and 13 diverse donor accessions were evaluated for yield and agronomic traits under contrasting soil P conditions in Mali in 2013. A subset of 298 progenies were further tested under low-P (LP) and high-P (HP) conditions in 2014 and 2015. Significant genetic variation for grain yield was observed under LP and HP conditions. Selection for grain yield under LP conditions was feasible and more efficient than the indirect selection under HP in all three years of testing. Several of the BCNAM populations exhibited yields under LP conditions that were superior to the elite restorer line used as a recurrent parent. The BCNAM approach appears promising for diversifying the male parent pool with introgression of diverse materials using both adapted Malian breed and unadapted landrace material from distant geographic origins as donors

    serological markers of pulmonary tuberculosis and of response to anti tuberculosis treatment in a patient population in guinea

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate serological correlates of active tuberculosis and of response to antituberculosis treatment in a cohort of HIV-negative patients with pulmonary tuberculosis studied at diagnosis and during treatment at the Service de Pneumo-Phtisiologie, Centre Hospitalier-Universitaire Ignace Deen, Conakry, Republic of Guinea. Two similar cohorts of HIV-negative healthy households of patients and healthy community controls were included in the study. Plasma samples were obtained from 168 untreated tuberculosis patients, 167 healthy household controls, and 168 healthy community controls. Serial plasma samples were also obtained from the tuberculosis patients at 2 and 8 months after initiation of chemotherapy. IgG antibody levels were measured by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using ten purified M. tuberculosis antigens. ELISA results were analysed by comparing geometric means of data. Of the ten antigens tested, five (14kDa Ag, 19kDa Ag, AlaDH, MS, and MPT83) elicited similar antibody responses in untreated TB patients and controls. In contrast, levels of three antibodies (ESAT-6, LAM, and 38kDa Ag) were higher in untreated TB patients than in household or community controls (p<0.0001). Levels were higher in untreated patients than in community controls also for the anti-Rv2626c antibody (p = 0.0001) and, at a lower significance level, for the anti-FdxA antibody (p<0.025). Antibody levels against ESAT-6 and Rv2626c decreased during therapy, while antibody levels to the 38 kDa antigen and LAM increased during therapy; FdxA antibody levels did not vary with treatment. Neither severity of presentation nor chest X-ray patterns affected levels of these antibodies before treatment. In contrast, after the 8-month therapeutic course, patients who presented with moderate/severe disease had higher levels of anti-ESAT-6, anti-FdxA, and anti-38kDa antibodies than those of patients with mild disease onset. Patients with bilateral lung lesions had significantly higher anti-38kDa and anti-LAM levels, both at diagnosis and after 8-month treatment, than patients with lesions involving only one lung. Antibodies to alanine dehydrogenase and malate synthetase measured at initiation of treatment were higher in tuberculosis patients who subsequently failed therapy than in those who were cured. The main conclusions of the study are: a) plasma levels of antibodies to a number of M. tuberculosis represent serological correlates of active disease; b) these correlates are affected in an antigen-specific fashion by anti-tuberculosis treatment; c) particular serological markers may be predictive of treatment outcome
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