45 research outputs found

    Managing State In A Microservice

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    this report takes a close look at the problem of state in modern applications, how it affects the architecture. Popularity of microservices raised the issue of information acquisition. Analyzing solutions to this problem is the main topic of the article. Multiple approaches to communication were examined with a focus on defining its advantages and disadvantages. Coupling, availability and consistency were analysed, suitable use cases were defined and ways to negate drawbacks were suggested. Microservice architecture implies multiple sources of data so accessing required information is a task in and of itself. This article will review many approaches to dealing with state within a service: stateless microservice, command query responsibility segregation principle, on demand direct communication with and without caching on top and event sourcing

    Impacts of Variability and Uncertainty in Solar Photovoltaic Generation at Multiple Timescales

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    The characteristics of variability and uncertainty of PV solar power have been studied extensively. These characteristics can create challenges for system operators who must ensure a balance between generation and demand while obeying power system constraints at the lowest possible cost. A number of studies have looked at the impact of wind power plants, and some recent studies have also included solar PV. The simulations that are used in these studies, however, are typically fixed to one time resolution. This makes it difficult to analyze the variability across several timescales. In this study, we use a simulation tool that has the ability to evaluate both the economic and reliability impacts of PV variability and uncertainty at multiple timescales. This information should help system operators better prepare for increases of PV on their systems and develop improved mitigation strategies to better integrate PV with enhanced reliability. Another goal of this study is to understand how different mitigation strategies and methods can improve the integration of solar power more reliably and efficiently

    Planetary Dynamics and Habitable Planet Formation In Binary Star Systems

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    Whether binaries can harbor potentially habitable planets depends on several factors including the physical properties and the orbital characteristics of the binary system. While the former determines the location of the habitable zone (HZ), the latter affects the dynamics of the material from which terrestrial planets are formed (i.e., planetesimals and planetary embryos), and drives the final architecture of the planets assembly. In order for a habitable planet to form in a binary star system, these two factors have to work in harmony. That is, the orbital dynamics of the two stars and their interactions with the planet-forming material have to allow terrestrial planet formation in the habitable zone, and ensure that the orbit of a potentially habitable planet will be stable for long times. We have organized this chapter with the same order in mind. We begin by presenting a general discussion on the motion of planets in binary stars and their stability. We then discuss the stability of terrestrial planets, and the formation of potentially habitable planets in a binary-planetary system.Comment: 56 pages, 29 figures, chapter to appear in the book: Planets in Binary Star Systems (Ed. N. Haghighipour, Springer publishing company

    The Kidneys and Aldosterone/Mineralocorticoid Receptor System in Salt-Sensitive Hypertension

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    Strong evidence supports the ability of the aldosterone/mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) system to dominate long-term blood pressure control. It is also increasingly recognized as an important mediator of cardiovascular and renal diseases, particularly in the presence of excessive salt intake. In a subgroup of individuals with metabolic syndrome, adipocyte-derived aldosterone-releasing factors cause inappropriate secretion of aldosterone in the adrenal glands during salt loading, resulting in the development of salt-induced hypertension and cardiac and renal damage. On the other hand, emerging data reveal that aldosterone is not a sole regulator of MR activity. We have identified the signaling crosstalk between MR and small GTPase Rac1 as a novel pathway to facilitate MR signaling. Such a local control system for MR can also be relevant to the pathogenesis of salt-sensitive hypertension, and future studies will clarify the detailed mechanism for the intricate regulation of the aldosterone/MR cascade

    The Production and Qualification of Scintillator Tiles for the ATLAS Hadronic Calorimeter

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    The production of the scintillator tiles for the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter is presented. In addition to the manufacture and production, the properties of the tiles will be presented including light yield, uniformity and stability

    The Optical Instrumentation of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter

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    The purpose of this Note is to describe the optical assembly procedure called here Optical Instrumentation and the quality tests conducted on the assembled units. Altogether, 65 Barrel (or LB) modules were constructed - including one spare - together with 129 Extended Barrel (EB) modules (including one spare). The LB modules were mechanically assembled at JINR (Dubna, Russia) and transported to CERN, where the optical instrumentation was performed with personnel contributed by several Institutes. The modules composing one of the two Extended Barrels (known as EBA) were mechanically assembled in the USA, and instrumented in two US locations (ANL, U. of Michigan), while the modules of the other Extended barrel (EBC) were assembled in Spain and instrumented at IFAE (Barcelona). Each of the EB modules includes a subassembly known as ITC that contributes to the hermeticity of the calorimeter; all ITCs were assembled at UTA (Texas), and mounted onto the module mechanical structures at the EB mechanical assembly locations.The Tile Calorimeter, covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment up to pseudorapidities of ±1.7, is a sampling device built with scintillating tiles that alternate with iron plates. The light is collected in wave-length shifting (WLS) fibers and is read out with photomultipliers. In the characteristic geometry of this calorimeter the tiles lie in planes perpendicular to the beams, resulting in a very simple and modular mechanical and optical layout. This paper focuses on the procedures applied in the optical instrumentation of the calorimeter, which involved the assembly of about 460,000 scintillator tiles and 550,000 WLS fibers. The outcome is a hadronic calorimeter that meets the ATLAS performance requirements, as shown in this paper