16 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Biji Kelor (Moringa Oleifera Lamk) sebagai Koagulan Besi (Fe) dan Kalsium (Ca)

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    Research about coagulation of iron and calcium have been conducted using moringa (moringa oleifera Lamk) seed coagulant through the variation of the concentration of moringa seed and depositional time. Moringa seeds were used in this research that moringa seeds are old and dry. Compounds of moringa seeds that play role in the coagulation process of iron and calcium are proteins. This research was conducted to determine the optimum concentration of moringa seed and optimum deposition time on the process of coagulation using moringa seed coagulant in order to obtain the percentage decrease in the levels of iron and calcium. Variations in the concentration of moringa seeds were used in this research are 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 ppm and the settling time is 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 minutes. The results showed that the concentration of moringa seed and deposition time influenced in the process of coagulation of iron and calcium. In iron coagulation, obtained optimum concentration of 400 ppm moringa seeds and optimum settling time is 90 minutes. In these conditions the iron content decreased by 68.00 ppm or 66.95% from its initial level of 99.8 ppm. While the calcium coagulation, moringa seeds obtained optimum concentration of 500 ppm and optimum settling time of 120 minutes, which in this condition calcium levels decreased by 241 ppm or 49.00% of the initial concentration is 492 ppm

    Analisis Unsur Hara Pupuk Organik Cair dari Limbah Ikan Mujair (Oreochromis Mosambicus) Danau Lindu dengan Variasi Volume Mikroorganisme Lokal (MOL) Bonggol Pisang

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    The Lake Lindu is one of the potential water resources in Central Sulawesi with various species of fish and one of the most commonly found fish are species mujair fish. Mujair fish processing wastes such as offal can be polluted the environment if not managed properly. The study aim is to determine the contents of NPK nutrients in the liquid organic fertilizer by adding MOL banana weevil. The contents of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) was determined by using spectro direct. The NPK contents in the liquid organic fertilizer of mujair fish waste from Lake Lindu reached the maximum NPK contents of nitrogen (N) of 0.311% by addition 100 mL MOL banana weevil, phosphorus (P) 0.167% by addition 150 mL of MOL banana weevil, and potassium (K) of 0.037% by addition 150 mL MOL banana weevil

    Analisis Kadar Kalium (K) dan Kalsium (Ca) dalam Kulit dan Daging Buah Terung Kopek Ungu (Solanum Melongena) Asal Desa Nupa Bomba Kecamatan Tanantovea Kabupaten Donggala

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    This study aims to determine the levels of potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) in the rind and flesh of the kopek purple eggplant (solanum melongena) fruit. Determination of mineral level was done by destruction of the sample using stong acids, which were nitric acid (HNO3) and perchloric acid (HClO4). The method used in this study was a laboratory experiment using a flame photometry. The results showed that the levels of potassium in the flesh of kopek purple eggplant farmers I and II were 215 ± 7,07 mg/100 g and 195 ± 14,14 mg/100 g, respectively; while the rind of kopek purple eggplant farmers I and II were 142,5 ± 3.53 mg/100 g and 102.50 ± 3.53 mg/100 g, respectively. The levels of calcium in the flesh of kopek purple eggplant farmers I and II were 10 ± 7.07 mg/100g and 15 ± 3.53 mg/100 g, respectively; while the rind of the kopek purple eggplant farmers I and II were 6.25 ± 1.76 mg/100 g and 7.50 ± 3.53 mg/100 g, respectively

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Salam (Syzygium Polyanthum) dengan Menggunanakan 1,1-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil

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    Antioxidant activity test of bay leave (Syzygium polyanthum) extract using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH) has been investigated. The aim of this research is to determine antioxidant strength of bay leave (Syzygium polyanthum) extract. The bay leaves used in this research were young, medium, and old leaves categories. Concentration of DPPH free radical after additional bay leave extracts were determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Variation concentrations of bay leave extracts were 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm, and 80 ppm. Vitamin C solution was used as the positive control at the similar concentration, while DPPH solution in ethanol absolute was the negative control. The results showed that IC50 values for young, middle, and old leaves extracts were 37.441 ppm, 14.889 ppm, and 11.001 ppm, whereas vitamin C was 9.898 ppm. Based on these IC50 values, vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant than young, middle, and old bay leave extracts, and these extracts are classified as very strong natural antioxidant

    Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Daun Salam (Syzygium Polyanthum) dengan Menggunanakan 1,1-Difenil-2-Pikrilhidrazil

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    Antioxidant activity test of bay leave (Syzygium polyanthum) extract using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH) has been investigated. The aim of this research is to determine antioxidant strength of bay leave (Syzygium polyanthum) extract. The bay leaves used in this research were young, medium, and old leaves categories. Concentration of DPPH free radical after additional bay leave extracts were determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. Variation concentrations of bay leave extracts were 20 ppm, 40 ppm, 60 ppm, and 80 ppm. Vitamin C solution was used as the positive control at the similar concentration, while DPPH solution in ethanol absolute was the negative control. The results showed that IC50 values for young, middle, and old leaves extracts were 37.441 ppm, 14.889 ppm, and 11.001 ppm, whereas vitamin C was 9.898 ppm. Based on these IC50 values, vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant than young, middle, and old bay leave extracts, and these extracts are classified as very strong natural antioxidant

    Pengaruh Kaolin terhadap Membran Blend Kitosan Poli Vinil Alkohol-Litium sebagai Membran Elektrolit untuk Aplikasi Baterai Ion Litium

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    Today, the battery is the most practical and in expensive energy storage device in a modern community. A variety of new materials technologies has been developed in the manufacture of the battery, especially the development of the solid electrolyte (solid). Polymer Electrolytes can be found in the polymer batteries form such as lithium ion polymer battery. A natural polymer such as chitosan is potential as polymer electrolyte membrane for battery applications. The chitosan has amino and hydroxyl groups that allow for modification. The modification of chitosan membrane is expected to produce the better membranes characters. The aim of this research is to study the effect of the addition of inorganic filler kaolin on the conductivity of the polymer electrolyte that made of chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol than was added to the lithium salt. The ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolyte chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol-lithium-kaolin was measured by using an impedance spectroscopy. The measurement results showed that the polymer electrolyte chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol-lithium with the addition of 4% kaolin provide the highest ionic conductivity is large 6.551x10-5 S/cm. In comparison, characteristics of batteries that made from polymer electrolyte chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol-lithium with the addition of kaolin have a voltage of 2.4 volts which have similarities to the commercial batteries. This result indicates that the kaolin can be used as a filler to increase the ionic conductivity of the polymer electrolyte chitosan-polyvinyl alcohol-lithium, and then it can be developed as a battery