748 research outputs found

    Determinants of Agricultural Technology adoption: the case of improved groundnut varieties in Malawi

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    This paper applies the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) framework on data obtained from a random cross-section sample of 594 farmers in Malawi to document the actual and potential adoption rates of improved groundnut varieties and their determinants conditional on farmers’ awareness of the technology. The fact that not all farmers are exposed to the new technologies makes it difficult to obtain consistent estimates of population adoption rates and their determinants using direct sample estimates and classical adoption models such as probit or tobit. Our approach tries to control for exposure and selection bias in assessing the adoption rate of technology and its determinants. Results indicate that only 26% of the sampled farmers grew at least one of the improved groundnut varieties. The potential adoption rate of improved groundnut for the population is estimated at 37% and the adoption gap resulting from the incomplete exposure of the population to the improved groundnut is 12%. We further find that the awareness of improved varieties is mainly influenced by information access variables, while adoption is largely influenced by economic constraints. The findings are indicative of the relatively large unmet demand for improved groundnut varieties suggesting that there is scope for increasing the adoption rate of improved groundnut varieties in Malawi once the farmers are made aware of the technologies and if other constraints such as lack of access to credit are addressed.groundnuts, adoption, Average Treatment Effect, Malawi, Crop Production/Industries,

    Gender discrimination and its impact on income, productivity, and technical efficiency: evidence from Benin

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    This paper examines the occurrence and impact of gender discrimination in access to production resources on the income, productivity, and technical efficiency of farmers. Through an empirical investigation of farmers from Koussin-Le´le´, a semi-collective irrigated rice scheme in central Benin, we find that female rice farmers are particularly discriminated against with regard to scheme membership and access to land and equipment, resulting in significant negative impacts on their productivity and income. Although women have lower productivity, they are as technically efficient as men. The findings suggest that there is considerable scope for improving the productivity of women through increasing their access to production resources

    Why NERICA is a successful innovation for African farmers

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    This paper responds to ‘Funding international agricultural research and the need to be noticed: a case study of NERICA rice’ by Stuart Orr, James Sumberg, Olaf Erenstein and Andreas Oswald, published in this issue of Outlook on Agriculture. In summary, the article by Orr et al, based on an internal WARDA document written in November 2003 and augmented with results from Internet searches, is outdated and does not seem to be fair, objective or useful. We invite the authors to visit WARDA or any of its partners in Sub-Saharan Africa for evidence of the impact of NERICA varieties or the other improved varieties and technologies that have been developed and disseminated by WARDA in recent years

    Economics in West African Irrigated-Rice Production

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    The main objective of this investigation is to contribute to the ongoing debate on the effects of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), common external tariff (CET) measures on the competitiveness of the irrigated-rice production system in Niger. The policy analysis matrix (PAM) approach was used to evaluate the various policy effects, based on farm-level, postharvest and rice-marketing data, as well as the financial and economic parity prices of different brands of imported-rice. Results from the PAM base-scenario model showed that under the evaluated CET policy irrigated rice production, activities were competitive and private operators had positive financial gains, meaning that private profitability was positive. Moreover, the irrigated-rice production enterprise revealed positive economic profitability for both retailers and wholesalers. Thus, it generated a net positive income for the national economy per unit of land devoted to this activity. One can argue that the irrigated rice system under the CET was generally competitive (positive private profitability) and had a potential for growth (positive economic profitability). Despite its competitiveness and efficiency, the irrigated rice production system still performs below potential because it lacks additional incentives. Some sensitivity analyses were performed with single-factor and simultaneous changes of several factors, which confirmed the necessity of providing further incentives to the system. The research results suggest that greater incentives should be given in terms of improving marketing channels, especially for retail rice marketing in which a great number of women rice traders are active.L'étude vise à contribuer au débat relatif aux effets du tarif extérieur commun (TEC) de l'Union économique et monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA) sur la compétitivité du riz irrigué au Niger. La Matrice d'analyse des politiques (MAP) a été utilisé pour évaluer les différents effets, sur la base de données relatives à l'exploitation agricole, les activités post-récolte, la commercialisation, ainsi que les prix paritaires financiers et économiques de différents types de riz importés. Avec le TEC, les résultats du modèle de base de la MAP ont montré que la production de riz irrigué a été compétitive et que les acteurs de la chaîne de valeurs ont bénéficié de gains financiers importants (rentabilité financière positive). Par ailleurs, la production de riz irrigué a été une activité économiquement rentable, aussi bien pour les commerçants-détaillants que pour les grossistes. Par conséquent, par unité de terre dévolue à cette activité, le riz irrigué a généré des revenus pour l'économie nationale. Avec le TEC, le système de production de riz irrigué a été généralement compétitif (rentabilité financière positive) et a eu un bon potentiel de croissance économique (rentabilité économique positive). Cependant, malgré, sa compétitivité et son efficacité, la performance du système de production de riz irrigué reste en deçà de son potentiel, du fait du manque d'incitations additionnelles. Des analyses de sensibilité ont été effectuées avec le changement de niveau d'un seul facteur, et de plusieurs facteurs à la fois. Ces analyses confirment la nécessité de mesures incitatives, en termes d'amélioration des circuits de commercialisation, notamment le circuit des détaillants qui implique un nombre assez important de commerçantes.Mots clés: Analyse des politiques, production de riz irrigué, avantage comparatif, rentabilité économique, rentabilité financièr

    Evaluation de la contamination métallique des moules Mytilus gallo provincialis et des sédiments marins au niveau des côtes de la région de Dakar (Sénégal)

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    Les rejets industriels et domestiques au Sénégal sont versés directement dans le milieu aquatique sans aucun traitement préalable. Dans le présent travail, nous avons étudié le degré de contamination du littoral dakarois par un suivi spatio-temporel des teneurs de certains éléments métalliques (cadmium, chrome et plomb) au niveau des moules et des sédiments. Pour cela, six stations de prélèvement ont été choisis en fonction des activités qui s’y déroulent: la zone de Mbao, les plages de débarquement des produits halieutiques de Hann et Soumbédioune, les alentours du port de Dakar, Cap Manuel et l’île de Sarpent. En plus, cette étude vise à évaluer la variation intersaison de cette contamination. Les métaux lourds étudiés dans ce travail sont dosés par un spectromètre d’émission atomique à arc électrique. Les résultats obtenus montrent une contamination importante dans tout l’étendu du littoral, surtout pendant la saison des pluies (Août) dans les moules et en saison sèche (Mai) au niveau des sédiments. Les teneurs en plomb, chrome et cadmium les plus élevées, accumulées par les moules ont été détectées au port avec des valeurs respectives de 380, 298 et 18,5 μg/g de poids sec et à Hann avec respectivement 307, 268 et 3 μg/g de poids sec. Les résultats de mesure ont montré également, dans les deux sites, des teneurs en plomb, chrome, et cadmium très élevées au niveau des sédiments avec des valeurs respectives de 707, 1150 et 24 μg/g de poids sec au port. Pour Hann, les concentrations mesurées sont respectivement de 654, 752 et 5 μg/g de poids sec. Les limites de détection des électrolytes varient entre 0,01 et 0,1 mg/L. Les valeurs trouvées sont largement supérieures à la norme établie par la Communauté Economique Européenne (CEE). En effet, la norme autorisée pour le plomb, le cadmium et le chrome au niveau des moules est de 1,5 μg/g du poids sec.Mots clés: Métaux lourds, moule, sédiment, toxicité, émission atomique

    Pauvreté et distribution de revenus au Sénégal: une approche par la modélisation en équilibre général calculable micro-simulé

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    La nouvelle orientation de la politique économique au Sénégal vise à accroître les revenus des pauvres et à attaquer la pauvreté là où elle est principalement localisée. La stratégie de réduction de la pauvreté va être mise en oeuvre dans un contexte de libéralisation des échanges commerciaux internationaux notamment dans le secteur agricole. Dans ce contexte, nous avons développé un modèle d'équilibre général calculable micro-simulé multi-ménages du type Decaluwé et al. (1999) permettant d'évaluer l'impact que pourront avoir ces politiques agricoles à l'échelle des ménages et de faire le lien entre ces réformes économiques, la pauvreté et la distribution de revenu. Ce modèle offre beaucoup de flexibilité en permettant notamment de modifier la distribution des groupes cibles qui n'ont pas à être revenus avant l'exercice de simulation afin d'effectuer l'analyse de pauvreté et d'inégalité ex post à l'exercice de modélisation. Dans ce travail, nous avons également comparé les effets en terme d'analyse de pauvreté et d'inégalité entre une distribution paramétrique (Dagum, 3 paramètres) et une distribution non-paramétrique et montré que ce choix engendrait des différences significatives quant aux effets sur la pauvreté. Contrairement aux applications faite par Decaluwé et al. (1999) et Cockburn (2002) au Népal, les impacts sur la pauvreté sont assez importants, ce qui montre que cette approche offre un outil riche permettant d'évaluer l'impact de politiques économiques ou chocs externes sur la pauvreté et la distribution de revenu.Modèle d'équilibre général calculable, micro-simulation, analyse de pauvreté, distribution de revenu

    What are the economic costs of biological invasions? A complex topic requiring international and interdisciplinary expertise

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    Biological invasions can cause substantial economic losses and expenses for management, as well as harm biodiversity, ecosystem services and human well-being. A comprehensive assessment of the economic costs of invasions is a challenging but essential prerequisite for efficient and sustainable management of invasive alien species. Indeed, these costs were shown to be inherently heterogeneous and complex to determine, and substantial knowledge gaps prevent a full understanding of their nature and distribution. Hence, the development of a still-missing global, standard framework for assessing and deciphering invasion costs is essential to identify effective management approaches and optimise legislation. The recent advent of the InvaCost database – the first comprehensive and harmonised compilation of the economic costs associated with biological invasions worldwide – offers unique opportunities to investigate these complex and diverse costs at different scales. Insights provided by such a dataset are likely to be greatest when a diverse range of experience and expertise are combined. For this purpose, an international and multidisciplinary workshop was held from 12th to 15th November 2019 near Paris (France) to launch several project papers based on the data available in InvaCost. Here, we highlight how the innovative research arising from this workshop offers a major step forward in invasion science. We collectively identified five core research opportunities that InvaCost can help to address: (i) decipher how existing costs of invasions are actually distributed in human society; (ii) bridge taxonomic and geographic gaps identified in the costs currently estimated; (iii) harmonise terminology and reporting of costs through a consensual and interdisciplinary framework; (iv) develop innovative methodological approaches to deal with cost estimations and assessments; and (v) provide cost-based information and tools for applied management of invasions. Moreover, we attribute part of the success of the workshop to its consideration of diversity, equity and societal engagement, which increased research efficiency, creativity and productivity. This workshop provides a strong foundation for substantially advancing our knowledge of invasion impacts, fosters the establishment of a dynamic collaborative network on the topic of invasion economics, and highlights new key features for future scientific meetings.Fil: Diagne, Christophe. Universite Paris-Saclay;Fil: Catford, Jane A.. King's College London; Reino UnidoFil: Essl, Franz. Universidad de Viena; AustriaFil: Nuñez, Martin Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universidad Bariloche. Instituto de Investigaciones en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; ArgentinaFil: Courchamp, Franck. Universite Paris-Saclay

    Management of neuropathic pain in Senegal: Expertise of National Center of Orthopedic Equipment, Dakar

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    IntroductionNeuropathic pain is serious and its treatment difficult. Treatment is efficient, when quality of life is increased [1].ObjectiveTo determine the frequency of neuropathic pain at the National Centre of Orthopaedic Equipment, Dakar, Senegal and to study the difficulties of management of neuropathic pain according to international guidelines.MethodologyA prospective study was undergone in the National Centre of Orthopaedic Equipment in Dakar, Senegal. Study took place from October 2014 to January 2015. Patients with pain over one month answered the neuropathic pain questionnaire and those with over 4 points were enrolled. Pain intensity was evaluated with Visual Analogic Scale, motor function with Medical Research Council Test. Major function (prehension, work, daily activity, professional activity and sleep) were appreciated. We verified the conformity of complementary exams. Evaluation was done before treatment, three weeks and two months after. Treatment was based on international guidelines.ResultsForty-three patients suffered neuropathic pain. The sex-ratio was 0.96. The mean age was 52.22. The mean score of Visual Analogic Scale was 5.75. Working was difficult (33.96%), impossible (4 cases), and up and down stair climbing impossible (18.83%). Among the patients 18.86% could not walk more than 1000 meters and 13.20% of patients could not pick something up. Professional activity was stopped in 2 cases. Sleep disorders were noted in 33.96%. Complementary exams were done in 54.71% and 9.43% were not compliant with international guidelines. Most of the patients received Amitryptiline (54. 71%) and adverse effects were noted only in 3 cases. With a two months follow-up, dimensions of quality of life were improved in 94.53% of cases.Discussion and ConclusionTreatment of neuropathic pain improved quality of life. In African country, the choice of molecule must take into account its efficacy and its accessibility. Rehabilitation is important in management of neuropathic pain. It increases function and improves quality of life. The unnecessary complementary exams increase the cost, and general practitioners need a specific piece of information about the neuropathic pain and its treatment