361 research outputs found

    Anxiety and Expressed Emotion in a Sample of Obese Patients

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    INTRODUCTION Expressed Emotion (EE) is a measure of the intensity of the affective family climate and plays a role in disease course and outcome. Especially in urban settings, obesity is a severe problem with serious implications as far as health risks are concerned. Having a high EE caregiver has been suggested to correlate with a worse treatment compliance in obese patients. OBJECTIVES To measure level of EE, stressful events and anxiety in obese patients and their caregivers; to investigate the possible correlations between compliance with treatment and emotional temperature of families. METHODS We have already recruited more than 150 obese patients and their caregivers. Assessment included: Level of Expressed Emotion Scale (LEE), one version for patients and one for relatives in order to evaluate 4 dimensions: intrusiveness, emotional response, attitude toward disease, tolerance and expectation; the Paykel\u2019s Interview for Recent Life Events; STAI Y1 concerning state anxiety and STAI Y2 concerning trait anxiety. Furthermore we collected demographic characteristics and BMI (Body Mass Index). RESULTS Data collection and analyses are still ongoing. Preliminary results suggest a correlation between obesity and level of anxiety. We expect to find a correlation between level of EE and variation of BMI. CONCLUSIONS Levels of EE and anxiety should be considered when planning treatment interventions to enhance compliance in obese patients and to support change in their life-style

    Socioeconomic Status, Psychosocial Factors, Race and Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping in a Hispanic Cohort

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    BACKGROUND Little information is available about the relationship of socioeconomic status (SES) to blunted nocturnal ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) dipping among Hispanics and whether this relationship differs by race. We sought to characterize ABP nondipping and its determinants in a sample of Hispanics. METHODS We enrolled 180 Hispanic participants not on antihypertensive medications. SES was defined by years of educational attainment. All participants underwent 24-hour ABP monitoring. A decrease of <10% in the ratio between average awake and average asleep systolic BP was considered nondipping. RESULTS The mean age of the cohort was 67.1 ± 8.7, mean educational level was 9.4 ± 4.4 years, and 58.9% of the cohort was female. The cohort was comprised of 78.3% Caribbean Hispanics with the rest from Mexico and Central/South America; 41.4% self-identified as white Hispanic, 34.4% self-identified as black Hispanic, and 24.4% did not racially self- identify. The percentage of nondippers was 57.8%. Educational attainment (10.5 years vs. 8.6 years; P <0.01) was significantly higher among dippers than nondippers. In multivariable analyses, each 1-year increase in education was associated with a 9% reduction in the likelihood of being a nondipper (odds ratio [OR], 0.91; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.84–0.98; P = 0.01). There were significantly greater odds of being a nondipper for black Hispanics than for white Hispanics (OR, 2.83, 95% CI, 1.29–6.23; P = 0.005). Higher SES was significantly protective of nondipping in white Hispanics but not black Hispanics. CONCLUSIONS These results document a substantial prevalence of nondipping in a cohort of predominantly normotensive Hispanics. Dipping status varied significantly by race. Lower SES is significantly associated with nondipping status, and race potentially impacts on this relation

    Arm position as a source of error in blood pressure measurement

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    The present study was designed to assess the value of correct positioning of a patient's arm when measuring blood pressure (BP). A total of 181 subjects were examined, 141 hypertensives on treatment, 25 untreated hypertensives, 15 normotensives. All the subjects underwent three BP measurements after a 5-min resting period in supine position. Then two BP readings were recorded in standing position with the arm either positioned by the patient's side or supported passively at patient's heart level. Average systolic BP (SBP) in standing position were 144.6 +/- 20.2 mmHg with the arm at the side and 136.4 +/- 21.1 mmHg with the arm at the heart level (p less than 0.001); average diastolic pressures were 99.0 +/- 12.0 mmHg and 90.2 +/- 12.3 mmHg (p less than 0.001), respectively. A fall in SBP greater than or equal to 20 mmHg from the supine to the upright position was detected in 18.2% of cases when measurement was performed at heart level; such a reduction was inapparent in two-thirds of cases when the arm was placed at the patient's body side. Incorrect positioning of a patient's arm during BP measurements in standing position leads to overestimation of BP values and masks the presence of postural hypotension

    No correlation among expressed emotion, anxiety, stress and weight loss in patients with overweight and obesity

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    The onset of some types of obesity may correlate with specific familial relational patterns, and expressed emotion (EE). The aim of this study is to address the current gap in the literature about EE and obesity, assessing EE in a sample of patients with overweight or obesity and their relatives. A further objective is to assess patients' weight loss, patients' and relatives' anxiety, perceived stress and their possible correlation with EE and diet compliance. A total of 220 patients with overweight or obesity and 126 relatives were recruited. Patients' baseline body mass index (BMI) was negatively correlated with educational level, but we failed to find any correlation between BMI and the other variables assessed. We found a positive correlation between EE median and stressful life events, as well as between median EE and state and trait anxiety. Our results seem to suggest that other factors than the psychological ones we investigated may play a role in treatment adherence and outcome in patients with overweight and obesity

    Higher Ambulatory Blood Pressure Is Associated With Aortic Valve Calcification in the Elderly: A Population-Based Study

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    Aortic valve calcification (AVC) without outflow obstruction (stenosis) is common in the elderly and increases the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Although high blood pressure (BP) measured at the doctor’s office is known to be associated with AVC, little is known about the association between 24-hour ambulatory BP (ABP) and AVC. Our objective was to clarify the association between ABP variables and AVC. The study population consisted of 737 patients (mean age, 71±9 years) participating in the Cardiovascular Abnormalities and Brain Lesions study who underwent 24-hour ABP monitoring. Each aortic valve leaflet was graded on a scale of 0 (normal) to 3 (severe calcification). A total valve score (values 0–9) was calculated as the sum of all leaflet scores. Advanced AVC (score ≥4) was present in 77 subjects (10.4%). All of the systolic ABP variables (except systolic BP nocturnal decline) and mean asleep diastolic BP were positively associated with advanced calcification, whereas normal dipping status and diastolic BP nocturnal decline were negatively associated. Multiple regression analysis indicated that mean awake diastolic BP (odds ratio, 1.31 [95% CI, 1.01–1.71]) and asleep diastolic BP (odds ratio, 1.34 [95% CI, 1.04–1.72]) remained independently associated with advanced calcification after adjustment for age, sex, cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, serum creatinine, and any degree of aortic insufficiency. Diastolic ABP is independently associated with advanced calcification. This finding may have important implications in gaining further insight into the mechanism of AVC

    Perceived Discrimination and Nocturnal Blood Pressure Dipping Among Hispanics: The Influence of Social Support and Race

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    OBJECTIVE: Little is known about the relationship of perceived racism to ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) in Hispanics. We explored possible associations between ABP nocturnal dipping and perceived racism in a Hispanic cohort. METHODS: Participants included 180 community-dwelling Hispanics from the Northern Manhattan Study. Measures included perceived racism, socioeconomic status, social support, and ABP monitoring. Nocturnal ABP nondipping was defined as a less than 10% decline in the average asleep systolic blood pressure relative to the awake systolic blood pressure. RESULTS: Overall, 77.8% of participants reported some form of perceived racism (Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire scores >1.0). Greater social support was associated with less perceived discrimination (Spearman r = -0.54, p < .001). Those with higher perceived discrimination scores reported more depressive symptoms (r = 0.25, p < .001). Those with higher Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire scores were less likely to show nocturnal ABP nondipping in multivariate models (odds ratio = 0.40, confidence interval = 0.17-0.98, p = .045). Among those with low perceived racism, black Hispanic participants were more likely to have nocturnal ABP nondipping (82.6%) compared with white Hispanics (53.9%; p = .02). Among those with high perceived racism, no associations between race and the prevalence of ABP nondipping was found (black Hispanic = 61.5% versus white Hispanic = 51.4%, p = .39; p interaction = .89). CONCLUSIONS: Perceived racism is relatively common among US Hispanics and is associated with ABP. Nondipping of ABP, a potential cardiovascular risk factor, was more common in black Hispanic participants with low perceived racism. This finding may reflect different coping mechanisms between black versus white Hispanics and related blood pressure levels during daytime exposures to discrimination

    Ambulatory Blood Pressure Control and Subclinical Left Ventricular Dysfunction in Treated Hypertensive Subjects

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    Blood pressure (BP) control in hypertensive patients is crucial for reducing the risk of heart failure development and may be particularly important in elderly subjects, who have an especially high prevalence of hypertension and risk of heart failure (1). Left ventricular (LV) global longitudinal strain (GLS) is an echocardiographic measure of LV systolic function that can be an indicator of early subclinical cardiac dysfunction, even when LV ejection fraction is normal. The association of BP control with early subclinical LV dysfunction according to GLS has not been extensively studied, and it is also unknown whether assessing BP control with ambulatory blood pressure (ABP) monitoring is superior to using office BP measurements in this regard. Therefore, we investigated the association of BP control with GLS by using ABP and office BP criteria in a community-based, predominantly elderly cohort with normal LV ejection fraction

    Pengendalian Frekuensi Dengan Menggunakan Kontrol Fuzzy Prediktif Pada Simulator Plant Turbin-Generator Pada PLTU

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    Sistem pembangkit dirasakan sangat perlu guna memenuhi kebutuhan tenaga listrik yang semakin meningkat, kestabilan sangat dibutuhkan pada proses pembangkit sehingga sistem pengendalian digunakan untuk menjaga variabel proses tersebut tetap stabil. Salah satunya adalah dengan melakukan pengendali frekuensi pada tubin-generator suatu pembangkit listik, contohnya PLTU (Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap). Frekuensi dari turbin uap harus dijaga kestabilannya agar keluaran daya listrik di generator berjalan dengan baik. Fluktuasi frekuensi adalah salah satu kendala penyampaian daya listrik ke beban, juga waktu kembali yang tidak segera ke kondisi normal akan mengakibatkan kerusakan pada sistem seperti patahnya poros turbin-generator dan kemungkinan terjadi gangguan pada jaringan listrik, sehingga perlu dilakukan pengaturan laju aliran uap yang masuk ke turbin. Kontroler yang digunakan untuk menjaga Perubahan frekuensi adalah kontrol fuzzy prediktif, dengan penambahan gain K1 pada kontrol fuzzy prediktif sebesar 42.35 yang bekerja secara sucsessive kontroler ini dapat mengurangi error sebesar 1,04% jika sistem hanya menggunakan kontroler fuzzy pada saat terjadi Perubahan beban
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