29 research outputs found

    DH as an Ideal Educational Environment: the Ethnographic Museum of La Spezia

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    The authors present the outcomes of an educational experimentation that took place in the academic year 2018-2019 at the degree course in Informatica Umanistica at the University of Pisa. The first objective of the project concerned the digitization of a corpus of postcards from the period of the First World War owned by the ethnographic Museum of La Spezia “G. Podenzana”. The aims of the work are not only the historical study of the corpus, but also the organization of a public history project with the Museum.Gli autori presentano i risultati di una sperimentazione didattica svolta durante l’anno accademico 2018-2019 presso il Corso di Laurea in Informatica Umanistica dell’Università di Pisa. Il primo obiettivo del progetto riguarda la digitalizzazione di un corpus di cartoline del periodo della Prima Guerra Mondiale, di proprietà del Museo Etnografico di La Spezia “G. Podenzana”. Gli obiettivi del lavoro non sono solo lo studio storico del corpus, ma anche l’organizzazione di un progetto di Public History con il Museo

    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Megadoses of Ascorbate as a New Chemotherapeutic Approach in Uveal Melanoma: A Preliminary In Vitro Investigation

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    Background: Despite the more recent advances, there is still no effective systemic therapy for Uveal Melanoma (UM). However, a better understanding of the role of oxidative stress in cancer, has more recently led to a completely new approach to the systemic therapy of cancer, and modulators of the oxidative balance, such as sodium ascorbate (ASC) or arsenic trioxide (ATO), have already entered advanced phases of preclinical and clinical development. Since high doses of ASC have already demonstrated a strong cytotoxic effect on different human cancer cell lines, we have undertaken the present investigation in order to test the sensitivity of OCM1 and C918 uveal melanoma (UM) cell lines to high doses of ASC, in vitro, as compared to ATO, a pro-oxidant drug which has already undergone extensive in vitro and pre-clinical investigation in UM. Methods: Both OCM1 and C918 UM cell lines have been exposed to increasing doses of either ASC or ATO, to build a dose-response curve around the peak plasma concentrations reached by both chemicals. The assessment of cell count and viability was performed with flow cytometry. Results: Both OCM1 and C918 UM cell lines are highly sensitive to ASC in the range of millimolar (mM) concentrations which can be usually reached by the intravenous injection of high doses of the compound. ATO at the dosages used in this study, never reached the LC50. When the exposure to ASC was reduced to two hours, it still had significant effects on survival of both OCM1 and C918 UM cells. Conclusions: This report shows that ASC is highly cytotoxic for both OCM1 and C918 UM cells, when used in high, pro-oxidant doses. To our knowledge, this is the first report showing that UM cells can be efficiently killed, in vitro, with high doses of ASC

    Feedback control of a masonry vault

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    Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - Biblioteca Centrale - P.le Aldo Moro, 7, Rome / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal

    Discovering geothermal supercritical fluids: a new frontier for seismic exploration

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    Exploiting supercritical geothermal resources represents a frontier for the next generation of geothermal electrical power plant, as the heat capacity of supercritical fluids (SCF),which directly impacts on energy production, is much higher than that of fluids at subcritical conditions. Reconnaissance and location of intensively permeable and productive horizons at depth is the present limit for the development of SCF geothermal plants. We use, for the first time, teleseismic converted waves (i.e. receiver function) for discovering those horizons in the crust. Thanks to the capability of receiver function to map buried anisotropic materials, the SCF-bearing horizon is seen as the 4km-depth abrupt termination of a shallow, thick, ultra-high (>30%) anisotropic rock volume, in the center of the Larderello geothermal field. The SCF-bearing horizon develops within the granites of the geothermal field, bounding at depth the vapor-filled heavily-fractured rock matrix that hosts the shallow steam-dominated geothermal reservoirs. The sharp termination at depth of the anisotropic behavior of granites, coinciding with a 2 km-thick stripe of seismicity and diffuse fracturing, points out the sudden change in compressibility of the fluid filling the fractures and is a key-evidence of deep fluids that locally traversed the supercritical conditions. The presence of SCF and fracture permeability in nominally ductile granitic rocks open new scenarios for the understanding of magmatic systems and for geothermal exploitation.© The Author(s) 201

    Non era una MICI

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    The paper describes a case of colorectal adenocarcinoma (CRC) in a twelwe-year-old girl, at first diagnosed as IBD. CRC represents 1-2% of paediatric cancers. Generally, it occurs after the age of 10 years of life. Symptoms of presentation include abdominal pain, haematochezia or positive haemoccult, diarrhoea, anaemia, weight loss mimicking IBD or acute appendicitis. The etiopathogenetic, biological, histological, and clinical characteristics are different from the adult CRCs. The prognosis is poor and the five-year mortality rate still exceeds 60%

    The Experience of VaccinarSinToscana Website and the Role of New Media in Promoting Vaccination

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    The Department of Health Sciences (University of Florence) developed a regional website “VaccinarSinToscana” in order to provide information on vaccines and communicate with the general population, as well as the healthcare community, at a regional and local level. The aim of this paper is to present the VaccinarSinToscana website framework and analyze the three-year activity of the website and the related social network account on Facebook in terms of dissemination and visibility. In the first three years since its launch, the VaccinarSinToscana portal has increased its visibility: the number of single users, visits and single web pages has grown exponentially. Our results also demonstrate how the Facebook account launch contributed enormously to the increase in the visibility of the website. The objective for the future of the VaccinarSinToscana portal is to grow further, in order to reach out to an even wider audience