5,242 research outputs found

    What is the scale of new physics behind the muon g2g-2?

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    We study the constraints imposed by perturbative unitarity on the new physics interpretation of the muon g2g-2 anomaly. Within a Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) approach, we find that scattering amplitudes sourced by effective operators saturate perturbative unitarity at about 1 PeV. This corresponds to the highest energy scale that needs to be probed in order to resolve the new physics origin of the muon g2g-2 anomaly. On the other hand, simplified models (e.g.~scalar-fermion Yukawa theories) in which renormalizable couplings are pushed to the boundary of perturbativity still imply new on-shell states below 200 TeV. We finally suggest that the highest new physics scale responsible for the anomalous effect can be reached in non-renormalizable models at the PeV scale.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Ex-vivo recruitment and x-ray assessment of donor lungs in a challenging retrieval from a donor supported by lvad using the portable normothermic perfusion system: A case report

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    Lung transplantation (LTx) is limited by the shortage of suitable donors. To overcome this problem, many programs have begun to use donors with extended criteria (marginal donors). However, brain-dead patients with implanted mechanical circulatory support system have rarely been considered as potential lung donors. This case demonstrates the feasibility of lung transplantations from organ donors supported by a mechanical circulatory support system despite the possible difficulties of lung retrieval. CASE PRESENTATION: Our case presents a successful procurement and bilateral lung transplantation from a donor supported by a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) who experienced an intraoperatively haemodynamic complication. The use of portable normothermic perfusion device let us to reduce ischemic injury and assess these marginal donor lungs helping us to determine the clinical suitability for transplantation. Given our extensive experience with the device instrumentation and management, the EVLP process was uneventful with excellent post-transplant course. CONCLUSIONS: This case report demonstrates the feasibility of lung transplantations from organ donors supported by a mechanical circulatory support system using the portable normothermic perfusion platform to assess and preserve these donor lungs

    Stampa di tavolette tattili per il Festival di Astronomia di Castellaro Lagusello

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    L’astronomia è uno dei campi del sapere che più affascina e attrae tutte le persone: chiunque può interrogarsi su come si è formato l’Universo, o cosa accadrà quando si spegnerà il Sole, o se esiste vita su altri pianeti. E tutti dovrebbero avere l’opportunità di conoscere le risposte a queste domande, almeno per quanto gli scienziati hanno scoperto finora. Per questa ragione l’Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica sta perseguendo, da vari anni, strategie per rendere i suoi materiali didattici idonei anche a un pubblico di persone ipovedenti o non vedenti. Le risorse tipicamente disponibili per presentare concetti astronomici a persone con difficoltà visive sono limitate a figure tridimensionali, figure piane tattili e alcune lezioni in Braille. Alcune istituzioni accademiche, luoghi pubblici e musei hanno una selezione limitata di materiali adatti che possono essere utilizzati per elaborare concetti di astronomia e sono disponibili per l'uso da parte di visitatori e studenti ipovedenti. Imparare a presentare i concetti di astronomia secondo le esigenze individuali in questo modo non solo migliora l'apprezzamento individuale dei concetti e l'accesso alla conoscenza scientifica, ma promuove anche una cultura del rispetto per le differenze degli altri. Questo documento si pone come obiettivo quello di raccogliere e descrivere le prime esperienze di stampa 3D con la stampante Stratasys j55 volte e realizzare una serie di modelli tattili di galassie e costellazioni che saranno utilizzati durante la terza edizione del Festival di Astronomia di Castellaro Lagusello

    Enhancing Heritage fruition through 3D semantic modelling and digital tools: the INCEPTION project

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    The INCEPTION project, “Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D Semantic Modelling”, started in June 2015 and lasting four years, aims at developing advanced 3D modelling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets. One of the main challenges of the project is to close the gap between effective user experiences of Cultural Heritage via digital tools and representations, and the enrichment of the scientific knowledge. Within this framework, the INCEPTION project goals are consistently aligned while accomplishing the main objectives of accessing, understanding and strengthening European cultural heritage by means of enriched 3D models. At the end of the third year of activity, the project is now facing different challenging actions starting from already developed advancement in 3D data capturing and holistic digital documentation, under interdisciplinary and cross-cutting fields of knowledge. In this direction, the approach and the methodology for semantic organization and data management toward H-BIM modelling will be presented, as well as a preliminary nomenclature for semantic enrichment of heritage 3D models. According to the overall INCEPTION workflow, the H-BIM modelling procedure starts with documenting user needs, including experts and non-experts. The identification of the Cultural Heritage buildings semantic ontology and data structure for information catalogue will allow the integration of semantic attributes with hierarchically and mutually aggregated 3D digital geometric models for management of heritage information

    A Cone Beam Computed Tomography Annotation Tool for Automatic Detection of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve Canal

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    In recent years, deep learning has been employed in several medical fields, achieving impressive results. Unfortunately, these algorithms require a huge amount of annotated data to ensure the correct learning process. When dealing with medical imaging, collecting and annotating data can be cumbersome and expensive. This is mainly related to the nature of data, often three-dimensional, and to the need for well-trained expert technicians. In maxillofacial imagery, recent works have been focused on the detection of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve (IAN), since its position is of great relevance for avoiding severe injuries during surgery operations such as third molar extraction or implant installation. In this work, we introduce a novel tool for analyzing and labeling the alveolar nerve from Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) 3D volumes

    Action and non-action oriented body representations. insight from behavioural and grey matter modifications in individuals with lower limb amputation

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    Following current model of body representations, we aimed to systematically investigate the association between brain modifications, in terms of grey matter loss, and body representation deficits, in terms of alterations of the body schema (BS) and of non-action oriented body representations (NA), in individuals with lower limb amputation (LLA)

    Preliminary Data Related to the Effect of Climacostol Produced by the Freshwater Ciliate Climacostomum virens on Human Adenovirus

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    The new epidemiological scenario has so far focused on the environmental circulation of human viral pathogens. Owing to the side effects of chemical disinfectants, there is an increasing need for knowledge on the use of virucidal compounds, especially those of a natural origin. Climacostol is a molecule produced by a freshwater ciliate and it exhibits activity against bacterial and fungal pathogens. We thus also speculated that there might be an effect on viral viability, which has never been tested. To evaluate such activity, we chose human adenovirus (HAdV), which is representative of waterborne viruses. We conducted experiments using HAdV serotype 5, whose titer was determined by infecting HeLa cell cultures. HAdV5 was shown to be sensitive to climacostol at a concentration of 0.0002 mg/mL, with an approximate 3 Log(10)reduction when the initial titer of HAdV5 was approximately 10(4)and 10(3)TCID(50)/mL. These preliminary results could be an important starting point for further research aimed at improving the characterization of climacostol activity under different experimental conditions and against various viruses, including enveloped ones (i.e., the coronavirus). The production of climacostol by a protist living in fresh water also suggests a possible application in the activated sludge of wastewater treatment plants

    Blockchain and Web of Things for Structural Health Monitoring Applications: A Proof of Concept

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    Interoperable and secure data management techniques are fundamental for most of large-scale Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) systems. Indeed, given the relevance of SHM critical measurements, data integrity must be protected against tampering or falsifications. In this paper, we propose a four-layer SHM architecture that allows to build an effective data pipeline from sensors to consumer applications, passing through the cloud. The architecture is built on top of the MODRON platform and exploits the recent advances of the W3C Web of Things (WoT) standard for interoperability. We then discuss how third-party services can take benefit of the W3C WoT architecture to retrieve the SHM critical data and to publish them on the Ethereum Blockchain through an SHM-specific Smart Contract, for data protection and traceability purposes. We test the effectiveness of the Smart Contract implementation in terms of latency and costs under simulated workload

    6G to Take the Digital Divide by Storm: Key Technologies and Trends to Bridge the Gap

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    The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has shed light on the urgency of bridging the digital divide to guarantee equity in the fruition of different services by all citizens. The inability to access the digital world may be due to a lack of network infrastructure, which we refer to as service-delivery divide, or to the physical conditions, handicaps, age, or digital illiteracy of the citizens, that is mentioned as service-fruition divide. In this paper, we discuss the way how future sixth-generation (6G) systems can remedy actual limitations in the realization of a truly digital world. Hence, we introduce the key technologies for bridging the digital gap and show how they can work in two use cases of particular importance, namely eHealth and education, where digital inequalities have been dramatically augmented by the pandemic. Finally, considerations about the socio-economical impacts of future 6G solutions are drawn