667 research outputs found

    Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generators for Pico Hydropower Application: A Parametrical Study

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    A pico hydropower plant is an energy harvesting system that allows energy production using the power of the water flowing in small watercourses, and in water distribution network. Axial Flow Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator (AFPMSG) are particularly suitable for this application, being efficient machines that achieve high power with small dimensions. This paper presents a parametrical study of several configurations and topologies of three-phase and single-phase AFPMSG, for pico hydropower application, to assess the most suitable dimensional characteristics for the most energy production using a safe voltage of 25 V. The AFPMSGs here considered has a simple single stator and rotor configuration, commercial-type permanent magnets, and concentric windings, to facilitate their cost-effective construction and the spread of their use also in developing countries. For each AFPMSG considered, the power output was calculated using 3-D modelling and Finite Element Analysis; besides, the different parameters and features that affect the power output were evaluated at different rotational speeds. The results achieving a power density up to 100 W/cm(3), at 1000 rpm with energy produced to 1.7 kWh/day

    Tra sensi e spirito

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    Tra sensi e spirito investigates the origins of a sort of 'Copernican revolution' that took place in western culture when music acquired an undisputed primacy over the other arts, becoming the privileged medium of metaphysical knowledge, if not actually the very emblem of absolute Truth. Starting from the analysis of the principal oppositions (between melody and harmony, word and sound, voice and instruments) emerging from the aesthetic debate that developed in the latter half of the eighteenth century, first in France and later in Germany, Tra sensi e spirito brings to light the essential ambivalence of music, in which we can discern a dual nature: sensual-erotic and mystical-spiritual. Examining these two aspects, supremely exemplified in the works of Wilhelm Heinse and Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder and the characters created by them, the book brings out the figure of the 'problematic' artist in a modern sense, who experiences with profound unease the ambiguity of the "criminal innocence" of the musical phenomenon: a musical phenomenon that acts at once as a redeeming and a 'narcotic' force, engendering a loss of contact with reality.Tra sensi e spirito indaga le origini di una sorta di 'rivoluzione copernicana' vissuta nella cultura occidentale quando la musica conquista un primato indiscusso sulle altre arti, divenendo il medium privilegiato della conoscenza metafisica, se non addirittura l'emblema stesso della Verità assoluta. A partire dall'analisi delle principali opposizioni (tra melodia e armonia, parola e suono, voce e strumenti) che emergono dal dibattito estetico sviluppatosi nel secondo '700 prima in Francia e poi in Germania, Tra sensi e spirito mette in luce l'ambivalenza di fondo della musica, nella quale si riscontra una doppia natura: sensuale-erotica e mistico-spirituale. Esaminando questi due aspetti, che trovano una rappresentazione esemplare nelle opere di Heinse e Wackenroder e nei personaggi da loro creati, il volume fa emergere la figura dell''artista problematico' in senso moderno, che vive con profondo disagio l'ambiguità, la «delittuosa innocenza» del fenomeno musicale; un fenomeno musicale che agisce contemporaneamente come forza redentrice e 'narcotico', facendo perdere contatto con la realtà

    Variation in depression outcomes among young people from dissolved families

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    This thesis adds to literature examining individual differences that account for diversity in depressive outcomes following parental divorce. Longitudinal data were used to assess, of those who experience parental divorce, who is most at risk for depressive outcomes, and when. Such knowledge may inform appropriately targeted prevention and intervention strategies.<br /

    Ordine sintattico e struttura dell'informazione in paleoslavo: la legge di Wackernagel

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    La presente tesi Ăš uno studio dell’ordine sintattico in paleoslavo e si compone di un’Introduzione, di due parti (I e II) e delle Conclusioni. Nell’Introduzione verrĂ  discusso il concetto di paleoslavo e il piĂč ambiguo concetto di canone paleoslavo, evidenziandone la convenzionalitĂ  e valutandone l’opportunitĂ  di applicazione a studi che esulino dal campo grafico-fonetico e/o morfologico; verrĂ  quindi presentato il corpus utilizzato (Codex Marianus, Codex Zographensis, Codex Assemani, Savvina Kniga, Codex Suprasliensis, Psalterium Sinaiticum, Fogli di Kiev) e verrĂ  discusso il rapporto tra paleoslavo e greco. La Prima parte Ăš dedicata allo studio dell’ordine sintattico del paleoslavo: dopo aver illustrato alcuni aspetti di non-configurazionalitĂ  del paleoslavo, si tenterĂ  di evidenziare il ruolo che la struttura dell’informazione gioca nell’organizzazione lineare di frammenti di testo. Verranno inoltre analizzate le cosiddette ‘particelle enclitiche’ (ĆŸe, bo, li): mentre ĆŸe e bo sono dei connettori testuali (collegano, quindi, il segmento testuale in cui appaiono a un segmento precedente) e occupano la seconda posizione anche in un presenza di elemento topicalizzato, li, nella sua funzione di elemento interrogativo, segue l’elemento su cui verte la domanda, che risulta essere focalizzato, e che puĂČ a sua volta essere preceduto da un elemento topicalizzato. La Seconda parte consiste in un’analisi quantitativa e qualitativa dei pronomi al dativo e all’accusativo nei diversi documenti del corpus. In particolare, verranno evidenziate le significative differenze tra l’utilizzo di forme brevi (tradizionalmente considerate enclitiche, ad es. mi) e forme lunghe (tradizionalmente considerate toniche, ad es. mъně) nei documenti glagolitici e nei documenti cirillici e il differente posizionamento delle forme brevi nei due gruppi, che risulterĂ  essere strettamente legato ai fattori pragmatici esaminati nella prima parte. Un ultimo capitolo sarĂ  dedicato alle Conclusioni, dove verranno sintetizzati i punti salienti emersi nelle pagine precedenti

    Martina Schiavon, ItinĂ©raires de la prĂ©cision. GĂ©odĂ©siens, artilleurs, savants et fabricants d’instruments de prĂ©cision en France, 1870-1930

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    À travers cet ouvrage, Martina Schiavon propose une lecture de ce que furent «  la recherche, la culture et la mesure de la prĂ©cision en France, de 1870 Ă  1930  ». Pour l’auteure, la prĂ©cision ne forme pas un objet historique clairement dĂ©fini qui s’incarnerait dans un nombre rĂ©duit de dispositifs techniques et de pratiques de mesure dont l’histoire serait aisĂ©ment traçable. Elle se dĂ©finit davantage comme le rĂ©sultat, en constante Ă©volution, d’une nĂ©gociation entre diffĂ©rents praticiens impl..

    Ovine Catarrhal fever (bluetongue): Analysis of Culicoides species in seropositive farms

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    Bluetongue (BT) is an orbiviral disease of wild and domestic ruminants, mainly sheep. In Sicily, the first Bluetongue outbreak occurred in October 2000; there have been 76 recorded outbreaks so far. The National Surveillance Plan, based on European Union Commission Decision 138/2001/CE, establishes serological and entomological surveys. This plan consists of controls of seronegative cattle, called 'sentry' as indicators for the presence and circulation of virus in defined areas. To check the seroconversions, the regional territory has been subdivided in 400 km2 areas including 58 seronegative cattle, periodically checked by serological tests. All positive sera have been tested to detect the specific serotype by the National Reference Centre for Exotic Diseases (CESME) at the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale Abruzzo e Molise in Teramo (IZS Teramo). Moreover, entomological surveillance has been implemented in seropositive herds, to investigate the presence of insect vectors belonging to Culicoides genus. The goal of the present communication is to report on the different species of Culicoides found in the farms with Bluetongue virus and to investigate on the probable role of new competent vectors. This paper concerns data analysis of 581 light-trap catches collected in 321 farms from 2003 to 2008. We observed that 82% of checked farms were positive for Culicoides spp., and only 10% of the farms were positive for Culicoides imicola. © 2010 Blackwell Verlag GmbH

    Subtotal resection of vestibular schwannoma: evaluation with Ki-67 measurement, magnetic resonance imaging, and long-term observation

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    Purpose The aim of this study was to compare the postoperative clinical and radiological data of patients with vestibular schwannomas who were initially managed by near total resection (NTR) or subtotal resection (STR). The Ki-67 analysis results were compared with tumor regrowth to determine the presence of a correlation between this proliferative index and postoperative tumor regrowth. Study Design Seventeen adult patients (7 male, 10 female) were retrospectively reviewed. Nine (52.9%) and eight (47.1%) patients underwent NTR and STR, respectively. Postoperative clinical and radiological data associated with vestibular schwannoma growth were compared with the Ki-67 immunohistochemical analysis results. Results Evidence of clinically significant regrowth was observed in four (23.5%) patients. Patients who underwent NTR had a lower rate/incidence of tumor regrowth than did patients who underwent STR. Patients with a higher Ki-67 index had the highest tumor regrowth rates. Conclusions Our study indicates that assessment of the Ki-67 index may be useful for determining the probability of regrowth of vestibular schwannomas when only partial removal is accomplished
