1,583 research outputs found

    Anti-establishment voting and Euroscepticism: The case of Italy and the Five Star Movement

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    This paper explores the meaning of the Italian anti-establishment voting and whether the Five Star Movement’s anti-establishment label is appropriate. More specifically the investigation addresses the policies of the Five Star Movement towards the now creaking European Union, especially as growing Euroscepticism has been boosted by the Brexit referendum and the Trump dismissal and disdain for the European Union. In doing so, the paper examines the historic approach of so-called ‘anti- establishment’ parties that have had an almost ‘normal’ occurrence within the Italian political environment since the end of the Second World War. In this sense the paper concludes that addressing parties and systems as anti-establishment does little to help our understanding of this most fluid political period in Italy and across Europe

    Having the cake and eating it too: the benefits of decoupling Australia’s trade governance in Europe after Brexit and beyond

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    The process towards Brexit will impact on the entire global trading system and significantly influence the global value chains that rely on ease of trade and investment within a single European market. In light of this process, Australia with its high levels of international economic integration and interdependency of trade and investment to and from the European region, now faces a stark challenge in forging an economic position that best suits its national interests. This paper analyses the possible implications of Brexit on Australia’s economic governance position, with specific regard to the global value chains that rely on ease of trade and investments in the European single market. The exploration relies on empirical analysis that distinguishes between and disaggregates data on Australian trade and investment with the UK and the rest of the European Union. This analysis indicates that it is in Australia’s best interest is to prioritise a preferential partnership with the EU over a new free trade agreement with the UK. However, in order to maximise Australia’s position, the paper argues that, under the present political climate and technical difficulties, a multi-pronged and decoupled approach of concerted unilateralism with the UK and preferential bilateralism with the EU is best placed to enhance Australia’s geo-economic role in Europe in the post-Brexit era

    A practical approach to the production of ENC with high density bathymetric content

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    Over the last two years, the Australian Hydrographic Office (AHO) has published and maintained Electronic Navigational Charts (ENC) with greater scale and higher density bathymetric content than those derived from paper nautical charts. Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) is investigating the production of ENCs with high density bathymetric content which will likely replace the traditional berthing ENC. This article describes the approaches adopted by AHO and LINZ to produce such ENC using current IHO standards. The article describes also how AHO and LINZ engaged with stakeholders to meet the demands of large ships navigating in confined waters with small safety margins. ENCs with greater scale and high density-bathymetric content represent an opportunity for Hydrographic Offices to not only enhance safety of navigation under normal circumstances in confined waters, but also to potentially expand the range of weather and tidal conditions in which safe navigation may be conducted.En los dos últimos años, el Servicio Hidrográfico Australiano (AHO) ha publicado y mantenido Cartas Náuticas Electrónicas (ENCs) de mayor escala y con un contenido batimétrico de mayor densidad que las derivadas de las cartas náuticas de papel. Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) está investigando la producción de ENCs con un contenido batimétrico de alta densidad, que probablemente sustituirán a las tradicionales ENCs de las zonas de atraque. Este artículo describe los enfoques adoptados por el AHO y por LINZ para producir tales ENCs utilizando las normas actuales de la OHI. Este artículo también describe cómo el AHO y LINZ se comprometieron con las partes interesadas para satisfacer las demandas de los grandes buques que navegan en aguas confinadas con pequeños márgenes de seguridad. Las ENCs de mayor escala y de contenido batimétrico de alta densidad representan una oportunidad para que los Servicios Hidrográficos no sólo mejoren la seguridad de la navegación en circunstancias normales en aguas confinadas, sino que también amplíen potencialmente la variedad de condiciones meteorológicas y de mareas en las que se puede llevar a cabo una navegación segura.Ces deux dernières années, le Service hydrographique australien (AHO) a publié et tenu à jour des cartes électroniques de navigation (ENC) à plus grandes échelles et contenant des données bathymétriques à plus haute densité que celles issues des cartes marines papier. Le Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) étudie la production d’ENC contenant des données bathymétriques à haute densité, qui remplaceront sûrement les traditionnelles ENC d’accostage. Le présent article décrit l’approche adoptée par l’AHO et le LINZ pour produire ces ENC en utilisant les normes de l’OHI en vigueur. L’article décrit également la manière dont l’AHO et le LINZ se sont impliqués auprès des parties prenantes afin de répondre aux contraintes des navires de grande taille qui naviguent dans des eaux resserrées avec de faibles marges de sécurité. Des ENC contenant des données à plus grandes échelles et des données bathymétriques à haute densité représentent l’opportunité pour les services hydrographiques non seulement d’améliorer la sécurité de la navigation dans des eaux resserrées dans des circonstances normales, mais également d’étendre potentiellement l’éventail des conditions météorologiques et de marées dans lesquelles il est possible de naviguer en toute sécurité

    La conformazione proprietaria nella pianificazione perequativa

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    2014 - 2015This study examines the equalisation as an alternative planning method to the zoning, and at the same time as a strategic objective for the public administration. In the absence of a legislative framework, either national or regional, there is not a reference model for equalisation which it is, thus, subject to plural and flexible interpretations. In this context, the praetorian law substitutes the legislator, and legitimizing municipal techniques and plans. The equalisation technique is not free from the discretionary power of the municipality, in accordance with territorial, functional and legislative autonomy. The research aims to identify which are the limits and the evaluation and operating parameters of territorial planning, particularly in relation to the result to be achieved: the substantial equality between the owners, allowing a balanced development of the city services. Preliminary objective is to allocate the rules regulating equalisation in the right normative sources. The legal vacuum is eroded from the "bottom" by the joint public-private exercise of planning in a view of power contractualisation. It is the local public administration which should bind itself, preparing its "own" rules. Detected the functional and hierarchical inadequacy of the rules contained in local urban planning, it is the municipal statute, as sub-prime legislative source, within its competences, which can ensure the required warranties to private property, through the provision of upstream rules , which contain technical, economic and quality standards to be applied to the municipal equalisation method. The proposed legal framework has a double effect, on one hand, it creates a planning method with stable rules, on the other, it provides more guarantees to the private sector in the "vertical" relationship with he local authority, owner of conformative power of property. [edited by Author]XIV n.s

    Precise Determination of Minimum Achievable Temperature for Solid-State Optical Refrigeration

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    We measure the minimum achievable temperature (MAT) as a function of excitation wavelength in anti-Stokes fluorescence cooling of high purity Yb3+-doped LiYF4 (Yb:YLF) crystal. Such measurements were obtained by developing a sensitive noncontact thermometry that is based on a two-band differential luminescence spectroscopy using balanced photo-detectors. These measurements are in excellent agreement with the prediction of the laser cooling model and identify MAT of 110 K at 1020 nm, corresponding to E4-E5 Stark manifold transition in Yb:YLF crystal.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Temporal evolution of long-period seismicity at Etna Volcano, Italy, and its relationships with the 2004–2005 eruption

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    Between December 2004 and August 2005, more than 50,000 long-period events (LP) accompanied by very-long period pulses (VLP) were recorded at Mt. Etna, encompassing the effusive eruption which started in September 2004. The observed activity can be explained by the injection of a gas slug formed within the magmatic column into an overlying cavity filled by either magmatic or hydrothermal fluids, thus triggering cavity resonance. Although a large number of LP events exhibit similar waveforms before the eruption, they change significantly during and after the eruption. We study the temporal evolution of the LP-VLP activity in terms of the source movement, change of the waveforms, temporal evolution of the dominant resonance frequencies and the source Q factor and changes in the polarization of the signal. The LP source locations before and after the eruption, respectively, do not move significantly, while a slight movement of the VLP source is found. The intensity of the LP events increases after the eruption as well as their dominant frequency and Q factor, while the polarization of the signals changes from predominantly transversal to pure radial motion. Although in previous studies a link between the observed LP activity and the eruption was not found, these observations suggest that such a link was established at the latter end of the eruptive sequence, most likely as a consequence of a reestablishment of the pressure balance in the plumbing system, after it was undermined due to the discharge of large amounts of resident magma during the eruption. Based on the polarization properties of the signal and geological setting of the area, a fluid-filled crack is proposed as the most likely source geometry. The spectral analysis based on the autoregressive-models (SOMPI) is applied to the signals in order to analyse the resonance frequencies and the source Q-factors. The results suggest water and basalt at low gas volume fraction as the most likely fluids involved in the source process. Using theoretical relations for the “slow waves” radiated from the fluid-filled crack, we also estimate the crack size for both fluids, respectively