13 research outputs found

    Ubiquitin-dependent Degradation of p73 Is Inhibited by PML

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    p73 has been identified recently as a structural and functional homologue of the tumor suppressor p53. Here, we report that p73 stability is directly regulated by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Furthermore, we show that the promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein modulates p73 half-life by inhibiting its degradation in a PML–nuclear body (NB)–dependent manner. p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase–mediated phosphorylation of p73 is required for p73 recruitment into the PML-NB and subsequent PML-dependent p73 stabilization. We find that p300-mediated acetylation of p73 protects it against ubiquitinylation and that PML regulates p73 stability by positively modulating its acetylation levels. As a result, PML potentiates p73 transcriptional and proapoptotic activities that are markedly impaired in Pml−/− primary cells. Our findings demonstrate that PML plays a crucial role in modulating p73 function, thus providing further insights on the molecular network for tumor suppression

    p73 Function Is Inhibited by Tumor-Derived p53 Mutants in Mammalian Cells

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    The p53 tumor suppressor protein, found mutated in over 50% of all human tumors, is a sequence-specific transcriptional activator. Recent studies have identified a p53 relative, termed p73. We were interested in determining the relative abilities of wild-type and mutant forms of p53 and p73α and -ÎČ isoforms to transactivate various p53-responsive promoters. We show that both p73α and p73ÎČ activate the transcription of reporters containing a number of p53-responsive promoters in the p53-null cell line H1299. However, a number of significant differences were observed between p53 and p73 and even between p73α and p73ÎČ. Additionally, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae-based reporter assay revealed a broad array of transcriptional transactivation abilities by both p73 isoforms at 37°C. Recent data have shown that p73 can associate with p53 by the yeast two-hybrid assay. When we examined complex formation in transfected mammalian cells, we found that p73α coprecipitates with mutant but not wild-type p53. Since many tumor-derived p53 mutants are capable of inhibiting transactivation by wild-type p53, we tested the effects of two representative hot-spot mutants (R175H and R248W) on p73. By cotransfecting p73α along with either p53 mutant and a p53-responsive reporter, we found that both R175H and R248W reduces the transcriptional activity of p73α. This decrease in transcriptional activity is correlated with the reduced ability of p73α to promote apoptosis in the presence of tumor-derived p53 mutants. Our data suggest the possibility that in some tumor cells, an outcome of the expression of mutant p53 protein may be to interfere with the endogenous p73 protein

    Regulation of the cell integrity pathway by rapamycin-sensitive TOR function in budding yeast

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    The TOR (target of rapamycin) pathway controls cell growth in response to nutrient availability in eukary- otic cells. Inactivation of TOR function by rapamycin or nutrient exhaustion is accompanied by triggering various cellular mechanisms aimed at overcoming the nutrient stress. Here we report that in Saccharomyces cerevisiae the protein kinase C (PKC)-mediated mito- gen-activated protein kinase pathway is regulated by TOR function because upon specific Tor1 and Tor2 in- hibition by rapamycin, Mpk1 is activated rapidly in a process mediated by Sit4 and Tap42. Osmotic stabiliza- tion of the plasma membrane prevents both Mpk1 acti- vation by rapamycin and the growth defect that occurs upon the simultaneous absence of Tor1 and Mpk1 func- tion, suggesting that, at least partially, TOR inhibition is sensed by the PKC pathway at the cell envelope. This process involves activation of cell surface sensors, Rom2, and downstream elements of the mitogen- activated protein kinase cascade. Rapamycin also in- duces depolarization of the actin cytoskeleton through the TOR proteins, Sit4 and Tap42, in an osmotically suppressible manner. Finally, we show that entry into stationary phase, a physiological situation of nutrient depletion, also leads to the activation of the PKC path- way, and we provide further evidence demonstrating that Mpk1 is essential for viability once cells enter G0

    Loss of p63 Expression Is Associated with Tumor Progression in Bladder Cancer

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    p63, a member of the p53 gene family, encodes multiple proteins that may either transactivate p53 responsive genes (TAp63) or act as a dominant-negative factor toward p53 and p73 (ΔNp63). p63 is expressed in many epithelial compartments and p63(−/−) mice fail to develop skin, prostate, and mammary glands among other defects. It has been previously shown that p63 is expressed in normal urothelium. This study reports that p63 is regulated in bladder carcinogenesis and that p63 expression is lost in most invasive cancers whereas papillary superficial tumors maintain p63 expression. Examination of bladder carcinoma cell lines reveals that certain lines derived from invasive carcinomas maintain expression of ΔNp63, as demonstrated by both immunoblotting and confirmed by isoform-specific quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Another novel finding reported in this study is the fact that p63(−/−) mice develop a bladder mucosa epithelial layer yet fail to complete uroepithelial differentiation, producing a nontransitional default cuboidal epithelium. These data indicate that in contrast to the skin and prostate, p63 is not required for formation of a bladder epithelium but is indispensable for the specific differentiation of a transitional urothelium

    Drosophila p53 Is a Structural and Functional Homolog of the Tumor Suppressor p53

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    AbstractThe importance of p53 in carcinogenesis stems from its central role in inducing cell cycle arrest or apoptosis in response to cellular stresses. We have identified a Drosophila homolog of p53 (“Dmp53”). Like mammalian p53, Dmp53 binds specifically to human p53 binding sites, and overexpression of Dmp53 induces apoptosis. Importantly, inhibition of Dmp53 function renders cells resistant to X ray–induced apoptosis, suggesting that Dmp53 is required for the apoptotic response to DNA damage. Unlike mammalian p53, Dmp53 appears unable to induce a G1 cell cycle block when overexpressed, and inhibition of Dmp53 activity does not affect X ray–induced cell cycle arrest. These data reveal an ancestral proapoptotic function for p53 and identify Drosophila as an ideal model system for elucidating the p53 apoptotic pathway(s) induced by DNA damage