388 research outputs found

    Geology and sedimentary facies of the Pliocene succession of the Baronia Mountains (Ariano Basin, southern Italy)

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    An up to 1500 m-thick clastic succession, the late Zanclean Baronia Synthem, has been analysed in detail in the Ariano wedge-top Basin (southern Apennine, Italy). In the Baronia Mountains the studied sediments are well exposed and laterally mappable due to young uplift and exhumation and rest unconformably on a complexly deformed pre-Pliocene substratum formed by Triassic to Miocene allochthonous units. The Baronia Synthem has been resolved into seven facies associations that are representative of distinct fluvial, deltaic, nearshore and offshore depositional environments and can be grouped into lowstand, transgressive, and highstand systems tracts. Using an integrated approach comprising original geological field mapping at 1:10,000 scale, conventional sedimentary facies analysis and a sequence stratigraphic approach, this paper provides a detailed description and interpretation of facies associations and new insights on the stratigraphic architecture and the geological history of this portion of the basin fill

    Superficial and deep-seated gravity-driven deformation horizons within basinal succession: the case study of Maiolica Formation, Gargano Promontory, Southern Italy

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    Gravitational phenomena on the paleoslope of continental margins play a significant role both in redistribution of sediment and formation of new structural features within sedimentary basins worldwide. Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) represent important heterogeneities within the succession and occur on various scales (tens of centimetres to hundreds of metres). Small- to medium-scale MTDs (up to tens of meters) act as layers of different petrophysical properties, whereas large-scale MTDs (tens to hundreds of meters) form both stratigraphic and structural discontinuities (faults, thrusts, erosional surfaces, dykes or injections) within the succession. The Maiolica Formation, Early Cretaceous deep basinal succession cropping out in Gargano Promontory of Southeast Italy is represented by undisturbed intervals of flat-lying thin-bedded, cherty micritic limestone interstratified with intervals of lithologically similar, but structurally distorted beds. For this reason, the studied outcrops provide a good opportunity to characterize the geometry and the internal deformation of small- and medium-scale carbonate MTDs. At the outcrop scale, small- to medium-sized MTDs can be simply identified as sheets of deformed strata alternated with packages of undeformed beds. However, several observed features such as folded stylolites with radially oriented peaks within some of these deformed packages and the presence of large vertical clastic-dyke-like bodies in the succession suggest that some of these deformed packages represent deep-seated basal gliding horizons of large-scale MTDs. In this study, we present MTDs on two different scales that have a crucial influence on the evolution of slope to basinal successions. Moreover, we define the features that distinguish superficial MTDs from the deep-seated gravity-driven deformation horizons within basinal carbonates

    Evolution of the Gelasian (Pleistocene) slope turbidite systems of southern Marche (Peri-Adriatic basin, central Italy)

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    Examples of slope channels and canyons being diverted by structurally related sea-floor topography are commonly found both on the modern seabed and in the subsurface, in deep-water fold and thrust belts but their depositional histories have rarely been documented using examples from outcrop. The synthesis of outcrop (original geological field mapping at 1:10,000 scale) and subsurface data sets from the early Pleistocene stratigraphic succession of the Peri-Adriatic basin provides a window into the overall evolutionary pattern of large intraslope turbidite systems that, during the Gelasian (2.58–1.80 Ma), shed Apennine-derived clastic sediments into the adjacent deep-water basin. Trends from mapping and paleocurrent indicators converge to indicate that the sea-floor bathymetric expression of a thrust-related anticline, the north-trending Jesi-Nereto-Zaccheo structure, likely influenced the downslope transport direction of gravity flows and sediment dispersal pattern. During early and middle Gelasian time, coarse-grained turbidite deposition occurred on the western flank of the intraslope anticline by westerly sourced, northward-flowing turbidity currents, indicating that the opposing sea-floor topography was sufficient to cause the diversion of turbidite systems, forcing them to travel near parallel to the east-facing regional paleoslope for significant distances. By very late Gelasian time, the intraslope accommodation space on the western flank of the anticline had filled and turbidites were dispersed through dip-oriented conduits incising across the crest of the underlying structure

    Submarine slope degradation and aggradation and the stratigraphic evolution of channel-levee systems

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    Two seismic-scale submarine channel–levee systems exposed in the Karoo Basin, South Africa provide insights into slope conduit evolution. Component channel fills in a levee-confined channel system (Unit C) and an entrenched channel system (Unit D) follow common stacking patterns; initial horizontal stacking (lateral migration) is followed by vertical stacking (aggradation). This architecture is a response to an equilibrium profile shift from low accommodation (slope degradation, composite erosion surface formation, external levee development, sediment bypass) through at-grade conditions (horizontal stacking and widening) to high accommodation (slope aggradation, vertical stacking, internal levee development). This architecture is likely common to other channel–levee systems

    Ultrastructure, composition, and 87Sr/86Sr dating of shark teeth from lower miocene sediments of southwestern Peru

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    Bioapatite of fossil bone and teeth is susceptible to alteration and ion exchange during burial and diagenesis, varying its Sr content through the geological time. Nevertheless, fossil shark teeth are a powerful proxy for both chronostratigraphic and paleoecological reconstructions, thanks to the presence of the enameloid, a hard outer layer consisting of resistant fluorapatite crystallites. Here, we analyze fossil shark teeth from the Miocene sediments of the Chilcatay Formation in the Pisco Basin (southwestern Peru) with the aim of dating poorly constrained strata in this region. (Ultra)structural and compositional analyses on fossil lamniform and carcharhiniform teeth are performed through macroscopical observations, optical microscopy and SEM-EDS for evaluating the preservation state of the collected teeth. Shark teeth display a compact and well preserved outer enameloid layer formed by highly ordered bundles of crystallites that is distinctly separated by a more porous and heterogeneous inner core of dentine featuring diagenetic artefacts and microborings. Compositional mapping highlights differences in distribution of Ca, P, F, and S in the enameloid and dentine, and chemical results show a Sr content that is consistent with the range reported for extant shark teeth. The best preserved teeth were selected for Strontium Isotope Stratigraphy (SIS), measuring the 87Sr/86Sr values in the enameloid and obtaining numerical (absolute) age estimates. At the Ica River Valley, SIS dates the Chilcatay strata to the Burdigalian (between 19.1 and 18.1 Ma), in agreement with previous radiometric, isotopic and biostratigraphic ages obtained in the same region. At Media Luna, the Chilcatay strata are dated herein for the first time, resulting in a slightly older age of 21.8–20.1 Ma (late Aquitanian–early Burdigalian). These results strengthen the notion that the Sr-ratio of shark teeth can be successfully applied for obtaining reliable age estimates via SIS

    Distinguishing tectonically-and gravity-driven synsedimentary deformation structures along the Apulian platform margin (Gargano Promontory, southern Italy)

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    Acknowledgements This work has been supported by Reservoir Characterisation Project (www.rechproject.com) and FAR Project 2014 "Characterisation and modelling of natural reservoirs of geofluids in fractured carbonate rocks", funded by the University of Camerino, coordinator Emanuele Tondi.Peer reviewedPostprin

    Faulting of a turbidite sandstone-siltstone successions: the case study of the Macigno Formation, Tuscany, Italy

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    Faults in siliciclastic rocks are characterized by a great variability of fault zone architecture and relative permeability properties. This is because siliciclastic rocks (i.e turbidites) are often represented by alternating beds of various thickness and grain size forming a succession of strata with contrasting mechanical properties. For example, the presence of sandstone and clay-rich layers is responsible for the simultaneous occurrence of brittle and ductile deformation, known as “clay smear structures”. Moreover, numerous studies have identified grain size as one of the main influencing factors for fault nucleation processes and fracture intensity in the damage zone. In this work, we present the results of field and laboratory analyses performed on the Macigno Formation cropping out along the coast of western Tuscany. Here, the Macigno Formation is represented by Late Oligocene foredeep siliciclastic succession dominated by turbiditic sandstones with minor siltstones, mudstones, marls and shales. Thin section and 3D analyses, performed by X-ray Synchrotron tomography, allowed us to characterize the grain size and grain and cement composition of studied rocks. Grain size varies from channelized fine-grained sandstones to granule-conglomerates beds (0.006 mm to 4 mm) alternating with heterolithic levee strata of siltstones to fine-grained sandstones (0.0035-0.008 mm). The lithic components consist of metamorphic rocks by 70-80%, magmatic rocks by 15-20% and sedimentary rocks by 5-15%. The turbidite beds are normally well-cemented (by quartz and calcite) and heavily faulted and fractured. Investigated faults show dip-, oblique- and and strike-slip motion and their displacement range from 10s of centimetres to 10s of metres. We documented how both the grain size and the mechanical properties of the alternating beds strongly control the fault zone architecture, in particular in terms of damage zone thickness and fracture frequency. The fault rock types (i.e. breccia vs. gauge) are strictly related to the amount of displacement as well as to the grain size and the cementation of the sandstone. Furthermore, the development of clay smear structures are enhanced by the presence of interbedded thin clay-rich layers

    Inside baleen: Exceptional microstructure preservation in a late Miocene whale skeleton from Peru

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    Exceptionally preserved delicate baleen microstructures have been found in association with the skeleton of a late Miocene balaenopteroid whale in a dolomite concretion of the Pisco Formation, Peru. Microanalytical data (scanning electron microscopy, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray diffraction) on fossil baleen are provided and the results are discussed in terms of their taphonomic and paleoecological implications. Baleen fossilization modes at this site include molding of plates and tubules, and phosphatization. A rapid formation of the concretion was fundamental for fossilization. We suggest that the whale foundered in a soft sediment chemically favorable to rapid dolomite precipitation, allowing the preservation of delicate structures. Morphometric considerations on the baleen plates and bristles coupled with the reconstructed calcification of the latter permit speculation on the trophic preferences of this balaenopteroid whale: the densely spaced plates and the fine and calcified bristles provide evidence for feeding on small-sized plankton, as does the modern sei whale

    Pleistocene slope, shallow-marine and continental deposits of eastern central Italy wedge-top basin: a record of sea-level changes and mountain building.

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    This guidebook to Pleistocene sediments exposed in eastern central Italy has been prepared for the PRE-3 geological field trip accompanying the XXI INQUA Congress held in Rome, Italy, in July 2023. It is designed to provide an overview of the sedimentological features, stratigraphic architecture and basin evolutionary steps during the Pleistocene of the central portion of the Periadriatic basin (Central Periadriatic Basin), a N-S oriented foreland basin system associated to the Central Apennine Outer Orogenic Wedge. The Central Periadriatic Basin stretches along the Marche and Abruzzo regions and is an excellent example of an evolving mountain chain and associated deep-marine to fluvial-alluvial foredeep and wedge-top basin system. By integrating surface and subsurface datasets, this field trip affords a fine west to east transect through the Pleistocene basin-fill in southern Marche, where exposures allow a close examination of sedimentary facies and architecture of depositional systems. The basinfill succession includes coarse-grained submarine canyon-fills encased in slope mudstones, mixed beachface-shoreface conglomerates and sandstones, and alternating conglomerate and mudstone bodies interpreted as fluvial-channel and floodplain deposits, respectively. The analysis of facies architecture and discontinuity surfaces will allow the attendees to understand the relative role of sea-level changes, sediment supply, and thrust front propagation inside the foreland basins system as several factors controlling the stratigraphic record