1,149 research outputs found

    Les carrières politiques naissent-elles encore dans les communes ? Etat des lieux des profils politiques et parcours atypiques = Beginnen die politischen Karrieren noch immer in den Gemeinden ? : Politische Profile und atypische Laufbahnen : eine Bestandsaufnahme

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    Ce document présente quelques constats saillants sur l’évolution des carrières politiques des parlementaires fédéraux de 1957 à nos jours sous l’angle de la place des différents échelons fédéraux dans leur carrière politique. Notre étude a pour but d’identifier dans quelle mesure, au fil du temps, les échelons communaux et cantonaux restent des étapes importantes dans les carrières politiques fédérales. Siéger dans un organe législatif ou exécutif communal ou cantonal constitue-t-il toujours une étape indispensable pour accéder au Parlement fédéral ? Les parlementaires cumulent-ils toujours plusieurs mandats électifs ? Nous cherchons par là à proposer un bref état des lieux de l’évolution des carrières politiques des parlementaires fédéraux en nous centrant sur la « sensibilité » cantonale et communale des élus fédéraux au cours de leurs carrières depuis les années 1950. Cette analyse nous offre ainsi des constats pour penser l’évolution du fédéralisme suisse. Même si certaines ruptures peuvent être identifiées, ce sont plutôt les nombreuses continuités qui prévalent. Les données portent essentiellement sur quatre cohortes de parlementaires du Conseil national et du Conseil des Etats (1957, 1980, 2000, 2016) dont nous analysons les différentes étapes de leur carrière politique. = Das vorliegende Dokument präsentiert einige auffallende Erkenntnisse aus einer Analyse der Entwicklung der politischen Karriere der Bundesparlamentarierinnen und -parlamentarier von 1957 bis heute unter dem Blickwinkel der Bedeutung der verschiedenen föderalen Ebenen in ihrem Werdegang. Unsere Studie befasste sich mit der Frage, inwiefern die kommunalen und kantonalen Ebenen weiterhin bedeutende Etappen für eine politische Karriere auf Bundes- ebene sind. Ist ein Amt in einem legislativen oder exekutiven Organ einer Gemeinde oder eines Kantons immer noch ein unerlässlicher Schritt auf dem Weg ins Bundesparlament? Nehmen Parlamentarierinnen und Parlamentarier weiterhin mehrere politische Mandate wahr? Wir haben eine kurze Bestandsaufnahme der Entwicklung der politischen Karriere der Parla- mentsmitglieder vorgenommen und uns dabei auf die Frage konzentriert, wie sehr sich die Bundesparlamentarierinnen und -parlamentarier in ihrer Laufbahn seit den 1950er Jahren um kantonale und kommunale Belange gekümmert haben und diesbezüglich sensibilisiert sind. Diese Analyse liefert Ansätze, um über die Entwicklung des Schweizer Föderalismus nach- zudenken. Auch wenn gewisse Brüche zu erkennen sind, überwiegen eher die zahlreichen Kontinuitäten. Die untersuchten Daten betreffen im Wesentlichen vier Kohorten von Mitgliedern des Natio- nal- und Ständerates (1957, 1980, 2000, 2016), deren verschiedenen Etappen ihrer politi- schen Laufbahn einer Analyse unterzogen wurden


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    This work reconstructs a now completely eroded late Eocene to earliest Oligocene carbonate factory of Northern Italy, through the analysis of a carbonate deep-water-fan sequence (Ternate-Travedona Formation) and the limestone detritus dispersed into the late Oligocene clastic-wedge of the Gonfolite Lombarda Group. Textural characteristics and skeletal assemblages of the Gonfolite pebbles were studied and compared to those of the Ternate-Travedona Formation. The same skeletal assemblage and the same taxa were found in samples from both areas, suggesting their common origin. Whereas the Ternate-Travedona Formation skeletal grains were reworked during transport, the Gonfolite Lombarda Group pure-limestone pebbles are pristine fragments of the carbonate platform, that was uplifted and eroded from the late Eocene to the early Oligocene. Using both these sources of information it was possible to reconstruct the late Eocene environment and its facies distribution. The areas undergoing high hydrodynamic energy were dominated by free-living coralline-algal branches, rhodoliths and larger thick-tested benthic foraminifera. A coralline framework, associated with thin-tested benthic foraminifera and boxwork rhodoliths, was present in slightly deeper and sheltered environments. Episodic debris flows, mainly triggered by river floods, supplied the sub-marine fan of the Ternate-Travedona Formation. These events were able to down-cut through the narrow platform and rip off large fragments of the substrate. River runoff probably also supplied large quantities of organic matter, leading to local oxygen-depletion and preservation of organic matter. The combined stressful effects of bottom instability and riverine discharge probably excluded corals from the association. The integrated study of the Ternate-Travedona Formation, and of the limestone pebbles in the Gonfolite Group, have enabled the reconstruction of this otherwise lost Eocene carbonate factory

    Anatomy and kinematic evolution of an ancient passive margin involved into an orogenic wedge (Western Southern Alps, Varese area, Italy and Switzerland)

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    We make use of own geological mapping, interpretations of seismic reflection profiles and deep geophysical data to build a lithospheric-scale cross-section across the European Western Southern Alps (Varese area) and to model a progressive restoration from the end of Mesozoic rifting to present-day. Early phases of Alpine orogeny were characterized by Europe-directed thrusting, whereas post-Oligocene shortening led to basement-involving crustal accretion accompanied by backfolding, and consistent with the kinematics of the adjoining Ivrea Zone. Wedging was favored by a significant component of reactivation of the inherited Adriatic rifted margin. Our results also suggest that, during the collisional and post-collisional tectonics, lithosphere dynamics drove diachronically the onset of tectonic phases (i.e., wedging and slab retreat), from east to west, across the Western Southern Alps

    The SEE-GeoForm WebGIS: a tool for seismic data and hazard analysis

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    The SEE-GeoForm project (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form) is born to share and make easily accessible via Internet seismic hazard data for Italy at different scales and for different administrative units (regions, provinces, municipalities), from existing database or new dataset carried out in this project. Using a WebGIS (http://www.seegeoform.it) a tool to archive, display and elaborate information has been developed. In particular, the website allows the user to query the basic and local seismic hazard values for single municipalities or to calculate those for any single point only by clicking on the maps. In order to make the WebGIS more flexible, the system has been fully implemented using open source technologies, based on the guidelines expressed by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in this way, it has been possible to develop some thematic modules for data elaborations and queries as integrated web services such as WMS, following all of the internationally-acknowledged best-practices in this field. The WebGIS has three frames: the data panel, the display area, the map layers directories. The data panel has several modules concerning respectively: basic and local hazard data for all Italian municipalities calculated by National Institute of Geophisics and Volcanology (INGV) or from other studies, such as horizontal peak ground acceleration values for different return periods (considering the exceedance probability in 50 years), and soil classes with the corresponding lithostratigraphic amplification factors according to the EuroCode8; a regular grid of 16.810 points, with a step equal to 0.05°, used by INGV for the seismic hazard elaborations (http://zonesismiche.mi.ingv.it/): values that are necessary to draw the site-dependent response spectra, according to the Italian seismic code, are linked to each point; the calculation on user demand of basic seismic hazard parameters for a site selected by clicking on geographical layers; composite seismogenic sources from DISS (Database of Individual Seismogenic Sources, vers. 3.1.1.: http://diss.rm.ingv.it/diss/), with their relative parameters (maximum moment magnitude, strike, dip, etc.). Finally, there are two modules regarding litoseismic classes and subsoil categories: the first one is linked to a map obtained by reclassifying the 46 litothypes of the Lithological Map of Italy at 100000-scale by Geological Survey of Italy (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research - ISPRA) into 12 litoseismic classes, considered homogeneous regarding to their seismic behavior; while the second one permits to know the subsoil category, according with Italian seismic provisions (Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni – NTC 2008), for a single point by clicking on the map. This has been possible by elaborating a subsoil categories map at 100000-scale derived from the litoseismic map at the same scale, by blending different litoseismic classes into 5 categories. Datasets have been built starting from 2007 within the ReLUIS Project (http://www.reluis.it) and are being improved within the 2009-2012 EUCENTRE project (http://www.eucentre.it), that partially financed the WebGIS development, as a result of the strong collaboration between researchers from INGV and ISPRA. The SEE-GeoForm web-tool aims to become the focal point to display in a simple way many databases containing information on seismic hazard of Italian territory, allowing user-friendly elaborations for researchers and professionals

    Il Progetto SEE-GeoForm: uno strumento per la consultazione di dati geologici e di pericolosità sismica riferiti all’intero territorio nazionale

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    Il progetto SEE-GeoForm (Site Effects Evaluation - Geological Form: http://www.seegeoform.it) nasce con l’obiettivo di realizzare uno strumento semplice, potente e completo per la consultazione e la rappresentazione, tramite un WebGIS, di dati geologici, geomorfologici, geotecnici e geofisici relativi all’intero territorio italiano. In questo modo, si vogliono concentrare in un sistema flessibile e intuitivo, dotato di un’unica modalità di accesso e consultazione, una serie di informazioni che attualmente sono disperse in numerosi database mono-tematici consultabili via Internet. Attualmente il WebGIS contiene dati georeferenziati e carte tematiche relative alla pericolosità sismica a differenti scale territoriali e per diverse unità amministrative (regioni, province e comuni). Le informazioni provengono sia da banche dati esistenti che da elaborazioni effettuate “ad hoc” nell’ambito di questo progetto (carte tematiche in scala 1:100.000 del territorio italiano). Per rendere il sistema più flessibile ed aggiornabile è stata sviluppata una piattaforma che utilizza esclusivamente tecnologie “open source”, basate sulle linee guida dell’Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC); in questo modo è stato possibile realizzare alcuni moduli tematici che sono totalmente compatibili con il protocollo standard denominato WMS (Web Map Services) per la consultazione e la visualizzazione spaziale dei dati tramite Internet