19 research outputs found

    HIV-1 induces in vivo platelet activation by enhancing platelet NOX2 activity.

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    OBJECTIVES: HIV-1 patients show increased platelet activation, but the mechanisms involved are not completely clarified. We speculated that HIV-1 might induce in vivo platelet activation by enhancing platelet NOX2-related oxidative stress. METHODS: We measured soluble CD40 Ligand (sCD40L), a systemic marker of platelet activation, in 36 HIV-1 patients under effective combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) and in 10 naïve HIV-1 subjects. As control, 20 healthy subjects (HS) were included. Platelet oxidative stress was measured by platelet NOX2-derived peptide (sNOX2-dp), p47(phox) translocation to platelet membrane and platelet prostaglandin F2α (8-iso-PGF2α). RESULTS: sCD40L was increased both in HIV-1 naïve and cART patients compared to HS (p < 0.001). Platelet sNOX2-dp and 8-iso-PGF2α were significantly higher in HIV-1 naïve subjects compared to those on cART and to HS, and both were mutually correlated (R = 0.734, p < 0.001). A stepwise multivariable linear regression analysis showed that platelet sNOX2-dp (β: 0.803, p < 0.001), HIV-1 infection (β: 0.146, p = 0.014) and age (β: 0.166, p = 0.001) were independently associated to sCD40L levels. CONCLUSIONS: HIV-1 infection is associated with increased platelet oxidative stress, which was related to the activation of NOX2. The independent association between platelet NOX2 activation and plasma levels of sCD40L suggest that in vivo platelet activation may be dependent upon platelet oxidative stress

    Simulating the development and progression of Chronic Kidney Disease and osteoporosis in people living with HIV

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    The "chronicization" of HIV infection brings about a growing necessity to attentively evaluate current and potential complications when prescribing the individual therapeutic regimen. Starting from this need, we developed two HIV-comorbidity simulators that, basing on the evidence available in medical literature and starting from the current clinical and demographic features of the individual patient, project and compare the risks of developing and worsening of nephropathy and osteopathy associated with possible ARV regimens. These simulators are embedded in a desktop, user-friendly software thought to be used by the treating physician during prescription discussion with his/her patients, in order to highlight expected clinical outcomes and healthcare resource consumption that may differ according to the therapeutic strategy selected. In this article we present the sources and methods used in developing the mathematical models, alongside a set of examples and the results of cohort-level validation runs

    Secreted Gal-3BP is a novel promising target for non-internalizing Antibody–Drug Conjugates

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    Abstract Galectin-3-binding protein (Gal-3BP) has been identified as a cancer and metastasis-associated, secreted protein that is expressed by the large majority of cancers. The present study describes a special type of non-internalizing antibody-drug-conjugates that specifically target Gal-3BP. Here, we show that the humanized 1959 antibody, which specifically recognizes secreted Gal-3BP, selectively localized around tumor but not normal cells. A site specific disulfide linkage with thiol-maytansinoids to unpaired cysteine residues of 1959, resulting in a drug-antibody ratio of 2, yielded an ADC product, which cured A375m melanoma bearing mice. ADC products based on the non-internalizing 1959 antibody may be useful for the treatment of several human malignancies, as the cognate antigen is abundantly expressed and secreted by several cancers, while being present at low levels in most normal adult tissues

    Parietal resting-state EEG alpha source connectivity is associated with subcortical white matter lesions in HIV-positive people

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    Objective Parietal resting-state electroencephalographic (rsEEG) alpha (8–10 Hz) source connectivity is abnormal in HIV-positive persons. Here we tested whether this abnormality may be associated with subcortical white matter vascular lesions in the cerebral hemispheres. Methods Clinical, rsEEG, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) datasets in 38 HIV-positive persons and clinical and rsEEG datasets in 13 healthy controls were analyzed. Radiologists visually evaluated the subcortical white matter hyperintensities from T2-weighted FLAIR MRIs (i.e., Fazekas scale). In parallel, neurophysiologists estimated the eLORETA rsEEG source lagged linear connectivity from parietal cortical regions of interest. Results Compared to the HIV participants with no/negligible subcortical white matter hyperintensities, the HIV participants with mild/moderate subcortical white matter hyperintensities showed lower parietal interhemispheric rsEEG alpha lagged linear connectivity. This effect was also observed in HIV-positive persons with unimpaired cognition. This rsEEG marker allowed good discrimination (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve > 0.80) between the HIV-positive individuals with different amounts of subcortical white matter hyperintensities. Conclusions The parietal rsEEG alpha source connectivity is associated with subcortical white matter vascular lesions in HIV-positive persons, even without neurocognitive disorders. Significance Those MRI-rsEEG markers may be used to screen HIV-positive persons at risk of neurocognitive disorders

    Antiretroviral therapy management and rationalisation of available resources

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    The treatment of HIV disease has led to a new division of management costs by shifting most of the necessary resources from inpatient treatment to outpatient management. Among the initiatives aimed at rationalising the resources available, we compared efficacy, tolerability and pharmacoeconomic impact of different regimes of antiretroviral therapy (ART). The survey covered the first 50 patients, clinically stable and with good viro-immunological response, who switched in June 2012 from an ART based on the triple combination of tenofovir (TDF), emtricitabine (FTC) and a protease inhibitor boosted with ritonavir (PI/r) or a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI), to a treatment based on abacavir (ABC), lamivudine (3TC) and a PI/r or NNRTI. Of the 50 patients who operated the switch, 39 replaced a PI with nevirapine (NVP), for which the largest group of patients was treated with ABC + 3TC + NVP. On 31 May 2015, all patients completed the observation period of 96 weeks, with a mean observation period of 132 weeks and clinical-laboratory checks every four months. Laboratory analysis revealed an optimal maintenance of viral suppression and absolute and relative number of CD4 + lymphocytes and improving trend of creatinine, proteinuria, serum phosphate and bone alkaline phosphatase. There was a variable effect on lipids, with a drop in triglycerides associated with a modest increase in total cholesterol. Much of the HIV-positive population reporting to our hospitals (>50%) comprises individuals who have for years been in stable viraemic suppression, making a satisfactory immune recovery while in good overall clinical condition. This type of patient was the target of the present survey. At the end of 96 weeks of observation the new regimes were well tolerated and did not lead to viro-immunological or clinical deterioration. Pharmacoeconomic analysis showed better containment of the overall costs. No patient needed to be hospitalised during the observation period

    Abnormal cortical sources of resting state electroencephalographic rhythms in single treatment-naïve HIV individuals: A statistical z-score index

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    This study tested a simple statistical procedure to recognize single treatment-naïve HIV individuals having abnormal cortical sources of resting state delta (<4Hz) and alpha (8-13Hz) electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythms with reference to a control group of sex-, age-, and education-matched healthy individuals. Compared to the HIV individuals with a statistically normal EEG marker, those with abnormal values were expected to show worse cognitive status

    Parietal intrahemispheric source connectivity of resting-state electroencephalographic alpha rhythms is abnormal in Naïve HIV patients

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    Previous evidence showed abnormal parietal sources of resting-state electroencephalographic (EEG) delta (&lt; 4 Hz) and alpha (8-12 Hz) rhythms in treatment-Naive HIV (Naive HIV) subjects, as cortical neural synchronization markers in quiet wakefulness. Here, we tested the hypothesis that these local abnormalities may be related to functional cortical dysconnectivity as an oscillatory brain network disorder.The present EEG database regarded 128 Naive HIV and 60 Healthy subjects. The eLORETA freeware estimated lagged linear EEG source connectivity (LLC). The area under receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve indexed the accuracy in the classification between Healthy and HIV individuals.Parietal intrahemispheric LLC solutions in alpha sources were abnormally lower in the Naive HIV than in the control group. Furthermore, those abnormalities were greater in the Naive HIV subgroup with executive and visuospatial deficits than the Naive HIV subgroup with normal cognition. AUROC curves of those LLC solutions exhibited moderate/good accuracies (0.75-0.88) in the discrimination between the Naive HIV individuals with executive and visuospatial deficits vs. Naive HIV individuals with normal cognition and control individuals.In quiet wakefulness, Naive HIV subjects showed clinically relevant abnormalities in parietal alpha source connectivity. HIV may alter a parietal "hub" oscillating at the alpha frequency in quiet wakefulness as a brain network disorder

    Antiretroviral therapy affects the z-score index of deviant cortical EEG rhythms in naïve HIV individuals

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    Objective: Here we tested the effect of combined antiretroviral therapy (cART) on deviant electroencephalographic (EEG) source activity in treatment-naïve HIV individuals. Methods: Resting state eyes-closed EEG data were recorded before and after 5 months of cART in 48 male HIV subjects, who were naïve at the study start. The EEG data were also recorded in 59 age- and sex-matched healthy subjects as a control group. Frequency bands of interest included delta, theta, alpha1, alpha2 and alpha3, based on alpha frequency peak specific to each individual. They also included beta1 (13–20 Hz) and beta2 (20–30 Hz). Low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) estimated EEG cortical source activity in frontal, central, temporal, parietal, and occipital regions. Results: Before the therapy, the HIV group showed greater parietal delta source activity and lower spatially diffuse alpha source activity compared to the control group. Thus, the ratio of parietal delta and alpha3 source activity served as an EEG marker. The z-score showed a statistically deviant EEG marker (EEG+) in 50% of the HIV individuals before therapy (p < 0.05). After 5 months of cART, delta source activity decreased, and alpha3 source activity increased in the HIV subjects with EEG+ (about 50% of them showed a normalized EEG marker). Conclusions: This procedure detected a deviant EEG marker before therapy and its post-therapy normalization in naïve HIV single individuals. Significance: The parietal delta/alpha3 EEG marker may be used to monitor cART effects on brain function in such individuals

    Brain and cognitive functions in two groups of naïve HIV patients selected for a different plan of antiretroviral therapy. A qEEG study

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    OBJECTIVE: Cortical sources of electroencephalographic (EEG) rhythms were investigated in two sub-populations of naïve HIV subjects, grouped based on clinical criteria to receive different combination anti-retroviral therapies (cARTs). These EEG sources were hypothesized to reflect beneficial effects of both regimes. METHODS: Eyes-closed resting state EEG data were collected in 19 (Group A) and 39 (Group B) naïve HIV subjects at baseline (i.e. pre-treatment; T0) and after 5months of cART (T5). Compared with the Group A, the Group B was characterized by slightly worse serological parameters and higher cardiovascular risk. At T0, mean viral load (VL) and CD4 count were 87,694copies/ml and 435cells/μl in the Group A and 187,370copies/ml and 331cells/μl in the Group B. The EEG data were also collected in 50 matched control HIV-negative subjects. Cortical EEG sources were assessed by LORETA software. RESULTS: Compared to the Control Group, the HIV Groups showed lower alpha (8-12Hz) source activity at T0 while the Group B also exhibited higher delta source activity. The treatment partially normalized alpha and delta source activity in the Group A and B, respectively, in association with improved VL, CD4, and cognitive functions. CONCLUSIONS: Different cART regimens induced diverse beneficial effects in delta or alpha source activity in the two naïve HIV Groups. SIGNIFICANCE: These sources might unveil different neurophysiological effects of diverse cART on brain function in naïve HIV Groups as a function of clinical status and/or therapeutic compounds