589 research outputs found

    Elective affinities

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    We propose a marriage model where assortative matching results in equilibrium for reasons other than those driving similar results in the search and matching literature. A marriage is a joint venture where husband and wife contribute to the couple’s welfare by allocating their time to portfolios of risky activities. Men and women are characterised by different preferences over risk and the optimal match is between partners with the same level of risk aversion. In our model no two men (women) rank the same woman (men) as most desirable. Given that there is no unanimous ranking of candidates, everyone marries in equilibrium their most preferred partne

    Effetti antropici e naturali sul degrado quantitativo delle acque sotterranee del Tavoliere

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    This work is based on data acquisition and analysis of chronology sequences of piezometric, rainfall, thermometric and runoff data of Apulian Tableland aquifer. Methods of time series analysis are used. This approach has allowed characterising the piezometric regime and trend related to the natural recharge variation. The historical character of measurement period, last sixty years, is very important to evaluate the human effect

    Le acque sotterranee del Gargano: risorse idriche integrative e di emergenza

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    II presente lavoro intende caratterizzare ii rapporto tra alimentazione della falda idrica sotterranea del Gargano e ii prelievo dai pozzi, gli efflussi dalle sorgenti e l’esistenza di risorse idriche sotterranee ulteriormente utilizzabili. L’area, di circa 2.000 km2, è stata discretizzata in un reticolo a maglie quadrate di 4 km2, per ciascuna delle quali è stata stimata la litologia affiorante prevalente, la quota e la pendenza media. Caratterizzato nel dettaglio ii regime termopluviometrico vigente nel Gargano, si è proceduto, per ogni celia, al calcolo delle grandezze termopluviometriche e alla definizione del bilancio idrologico. Sono state raccolte tutte le informazioni disponibili relative alle portate sorgive e ai pozzi al fine di una stima, ad oggi possibile soltanto in difetto, degli efflussi sorgivi e degli emungimenti. Al fine di meglio quantificare le portate sorgive, è stato definito un bilancio idrologico semplificato del lago di Varano. Ii metodo utilizzato è stato positivamente validato su un piccolo acquifero campione del Gargano, l’acquifero carbonatico e superficiale di Vico-Ischitella. In termini medi, dei circa 37 m3/s di precipitazioni meteoriche si stima che non meno di 8,12 m3/s finiscano per alimentare l’unità idrogeologica del Gargano. Si è stimato che non meno di 3,4 m3/s alimentino sorgenti, pan al 42 % dell’infiltrazione, mentre almeno 0,53 m3/s, pan al 7%, viene prelevato dai pozzi. Ii 50 % dell’alimentazione del Gargano dà vita ad una risorsa idrica sotterranea ii cui recapito finale non è ad oggi noto. Trattasi di non meno di 4 m3/s che si versa- no a mare senza che si abbiano notizie certe sull’ubicazione e la reale portata, anche approssimata, di tali sorgenti. La notevole entità delle portate in gioco e la buona qualità delle acque sotterranee del Gargano impongono di considerare tale acquifero profondo come una fonte per l’utilizzazione razionale e sostenibile di risorse idriche integrative e di emergenza

    Gluten-free diet and gut microbiome

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    As the only effective therapy against diagnosed celiac disease (CD), the gluten-free diet (GFD) has inevitable repercussion on the gut microbiome composition and functionality. Being the cause or the consequence of the disease, an altered homeostasis of the gut microbiome usually affects CD patients at diagnosis. After describing the main features of this altered physiological condition, this review defines the main nutritional aspects of the GFD and elucidates how this diet regimen does not fully restore the optimal gut microbiome composition and functionality. Unbalanced ratios between beneficial and potentially harmful bacteria are frequently present in fecal materials, biopsy specimens and saliva, used as ecological model systems to observe CD. Metabolome analyses also show how an altered microbiome synthesize different metabolite with respect to healthy conditions. The review concludes illustrating the current supplementations (biotics family), which fortify the GFD with the aim of restoring the homeostasis of the gut microbiome

    Comparison of the compositional, microbiological, biochemical, and volatile profile characteristics of nine Italian ewes' milk cheeses.

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    Abstract Nine Italian ewes' milk cheeses were compared for compositional, microbiological, biochemical, and volatile profile characteristics. Mean values for the gross composition were rather similar among cheeses. The lowest pH values were found for cheeses that used primary starters. At the end of ripening, cheeses made from raw milk contained >6.0 log 10 cfu/g of nonstarter lactic acid bacteria. Several species of lactobacilli were identified, but Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus paracasei were dominant. Random amplified polymorphic DNA-PCR analysis showed the biodiversity among the strains, and in several cases a relationship with the cheese of provenance. Cheeses differed mainly for secondary proteolysis, as shown by the principal component analysis applied to reversed-phase fast protein liquid chromatography data of the pH 4.6-soluble fractions and by determination of the free AA. A total of 113volatile components were identified in the Italian Pecorino cheeses by solid-phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis. The volatile profiles of the 9 cheeses differed significantly. Quantitatively, alcohols were the most abundant chemical class for some cheeses, whereas ketones were the most abundant for other cheeses. Esters and carboxylic acids were largely found. Specific volatile components seemed to distinguish specific cheeses

    In vitro faecal fermentation of Tritordeum breads and its effect on the human gut health

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    Spontaneous fermentation of Tritordeum flour enhances the nutritional potential of this hybrid cereal. However, the effect of consumption of Tritordeum sourdough bread (SDB) on gut health remains to be elucidated. This study investigated the effect of in vitro digestion and faecal fermentation of SDB compared to that of traditional baker's yeast (BYB) Tritordeum bread. After 24-h anaerobic faecal fermentation, both SDB and BYB (1% w/v) induced an increase in the relative abundances of Bifidobacterium, Megasphaera, Mitsuokella, and Phascolarctobacterium genera compared to baseline, while concentrations of acetate and butyrate were significantly higher at 24 h for SDB compared to those for BYB. Integrity of intestinal epithelium, as assessed through in vitro trans-epithelial electrical resistance (TEER) assay, was slightly increased after incubation with SDB fermentation supernatants, but not after incubation with BYB fermentation supernatants. The SDB stimulated in vitro mucosal immune response by inducing early secretion of inflammatory cytokines, IL-6 and TNF-α, followed by downregulation of the inflammatory trigger through induction of anti-inflammatory IL-10 expression. Overall, our findings suggest that Tritordeum sourdough can modulate gut microbiota fermentation activity and positively impact the gut health

    Characterization of Italian Cheeses Ripened Under Nonconventional Conditions

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    International audience; Four Italian cheeses (Casciotta di Urbino, Barricato San Martino, Vento d'Estate, and Ubriaco di Raboso) nonconventionally ripened under different plant materials (walnut leaves, herbs, hay, and wine by-products, respectively) were compared for compositional, microbiological, biochemical, and volatile profile characteristics. Mean values for gross composition were rather similar. Because primary starters were not used for manufacture, the endogenous lactic acid bacteria were mainly present (7.0 to 9.0 log10 cfu/g). Except for Lactobacillus paracasei and Leuconostoc mesenteroides, which were commonly identified in 3 cheeses, Lactococcus lactis, Enterococcus sanguinicola, Lactobacillus brevis, Enterococcus durans/Enterococcus faecium, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Weissella cibaria/Weissella confusa were variously found in the 4 cheeses. Random amplification of polymorphic DNA-PCR analysis showed the biodiversity among the strains, and the species of lactobacilli were in part grouped according to their origin. As shown by the principal component analysis of reverse-phase fast protein liquid chromatography data for the pH 4.6-soluble fractions and by the determination of free AA, the secondary proteolysis of Barricato San Martino and Vento d'Estate mainly differed from the other 2 cheeses. Purge-and-trap and solid-phase microextraction were coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine volatile compounds. Vento d'Estate showed the highest levels of almost all chemical classes, and Casciotta di Urbino was characterized by a very low level of volatile components. Esters, ketones, and terpenes were the chemical classes that mainly differentiated the cheeses. Several volatile compounds seemed to be released directly from the plant materials used for ripening, especially terpenes for Vento d'Estate cheese. The lowest level of volatile free fatty acids was found in Casciotta d'Urbino, in which rennet paste was not used during manufacture. The highest concentration of free fatty acids, especially butyric and caproic acids, was found in Vento d'Estate cheese


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    Si studia il contributo alla Laguna di Lesina proveniente da tre principali sorgenti alimentate dal vasto acquifero carsico del Gargano. Con un approccio idrologico-statistico si determina l'estensione dell'area di alimentazione delle sorgenti

    Adapted physical activity in subjects and athletes recovering from covid-19: a position statement of the SocietĂ  Italiana Scienze Motorie e Sportive

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a worldwide pandemic illness that is impacting the cardiovascular, pulmonary, musculoskeletal, and cognitive function of a large spectrum of the worldwide population. The available pharmacological countermeasures of these long-term effects of COVID-19 are minimal, while myriads of non-specific non-pharmacological treatments are emerging in the literature. In this complicated scenario, particular emphasis should be dedicated to specific exercise interventions tailored for subjects and athletes recovering from COVID-19. Specific guidelines on adapted physical activity in this critical population are unavailable so far, therefore, in this position statement of the SocietĂ  Italiana di Scienze Motorie e Sportive (SISMeS) the members of the steering committee of the research group AttivitĂ  Motoria Adattata, Alimentazione, Salute e Fitness have indicated the adapted physical activity approaches to counteract the long-term effects of the COVID-19, both in good health people and athletes
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