2,710 research outputs found

    Does postoperative radiation therapy represent a contraindication to expander-implant based immediate breast reconstruction? An update 2012-2014

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    Post-mastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) is well known in the plastic surgery community for having a negative impact on expander-implant based immediate breast reconstruction (IBBR), although recently some technical improvements allow better results. Very recent papers would suggest that there is no difference in postoperative complications in patients receiving post-mastectomy radiotherapy using modern techniques. However, study results are often biased by small groups of patients and by heterogeneity of radiotherapy timing, different surgical techniques and measured outcomes

    La aplicación de ácido giberelico en Anthurium scherzeranum respuestas sobre el follaje y la inflorescencia

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    p.89-92Anthurium scherzeranum es una planta ornamental de la familia de las aráceas, adaptada a ambientes umbrosos, y que se comercializa por su follaje e inflorescencias atractivas que se desarrollan durante todo el año. Un problema de significativa importancia tecnológica es lograr que este tiempo de producción sea el mas corto posible. No menos significativo es optimizar la estética durante el cultivo. El objetivo del presente Trabajo, es documentar dichos cambios ante la aplicación de GA3, hipotetizando que la utilización de giberelinas, es una técnica que logra una mayor calidad de planta y menor tiempo de cultivo. Los resultados evidencian que la aplicación de dosis de 1000 ppm de GA en una aplicación aumentan significativamente el largo del pedúnculo floral y el área de la espata pero se produce un efecto supresor en el numero de hojas, que aunque no tengan incidencia en el área foliar-planta (es decir menos hojas pero de mayor área foliar), pueden causar una menor producción futura de inflorescencias. Dos aplicaciones de 500 ppm de GA, aumentan el largo del pedúnculo, producen -la mayor área de espata, y no se disminuye el número de hojas-planta. Contrariamente a lo documentado en Trabajos anteriores, no se observa un acortamiento en el tiempo de producción en ninguno de los tratamientos, ni en el numero de inflorescencias por planta. Se infiere que esta falta de respuestas es debido a una situación de irradiancia inferior a la optima para la especie

    Quantitative HBsAg an unreliable marker for diagnosis and disease progression in genotype F chronic HBeAg-negative infections

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    Quantitative hepatitis B surface antigen (qHBsAg) has been proposed as a biomarker to distinguish HBeAg-negative chronic infections (ENI) from HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis (ENH), identify patients prone to achieving sustained HBsAg loss, and predict the risk of liver disease progression. There is evidence that qHBsAg varies among genotypes, however there is a paucity of data on genotype F. The aim of this study was to investigate the performance of qHBsAg in the diagnosis and evolution of genotype F chronic HBeAg-negative infections. HBV-DNA and HBsAg levels from 153 patients with ENI were correlated with the genotype. Liver disease progression was assessed by abdominal ultrasound and a transient elastography. The qHBsAg levels were significantly different among genotypes (p 3.0 log10 IU/ml, no cases of advanced liver disease were observed at the end of follow-up. This study provides new insights into the impact of HBV genotypes, in particular GTF, on serum HBsAg levels, emphasizing the need to implement a genotype-specific cut-off to achieve diagnostic certainty in the identification of ENI and the risk of liver disease progression. Regardless of HBV genotype, qHBsAg has been shown to be a powerful and reliable biomarker for predicting HBsAg loss.Fil: Fainboim, Hugo. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Di Benedetto, Nicolas. Hospital Arrecifes; ArgentinaFil: Paz, Silvia. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Mendizabal, Manuel. Universidad Austral; ArgentinaFil: Campuzano, Soledad. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Elizalde, Maria Mercedes. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida; ArgentinaFil: Tadey, Luciana. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Deluchi, Gabriel. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Bouzas, María Belén. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Mammana, Lilia. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Infecciosas "Dr. Francisco Javier Muñiz"; ArgentinaFil: Flichman, Diego Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Houssay. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y Sida; Argentin

    Role of magnetic resonance imaging in the preoperative staging and work-up of patients affected by invasive lobular carcinoma or invasive ductolobular carcinoma

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    Purpose. The prevalence of invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC), the second most common type of breast cancer, accounts for 5%–15% of all invasive breast cancer cases. Its histological feature to spread in rows of single cell layers explains why it often fails to form a palpable lesion and the lack of sensitivity of mammography and ultrasound (US) to detect it. It also has a higher incidence of multifocal, multicentric, and contralateral disease when compared to the other histological subtypes. The clinicopathologic features and outcomes of Invasive Ductolobular Carcinoma (IDLC) are very similar to the ILC. The purpose of our study is to assess the importance of MRI in the preoperative management and staging of patients affected by ILC or IDLC. Materials and Methods. We identified women diagnosed with ILC or IDLC. We selected the patients who had preoperative breast MRI. For each patient we identified the areas of multifocal, multicentric, or contralateral disease not visible to standard exams and detected by preoperative MRI. We analyzed the potential correlation between additional cancer areas and histological cancer markers. Results. Of the 155 women who met our inclusion criteria, 93 (60%) had additional cancer areas detected by MRI. In 61 women, 39,4% of the overall population, the additional cancer areas were confirmed by US/tomosynthesis second look and biopsy. Presurgical MRI staging changed surgical management in the 37,4% of the patients. Only six patients of the overall population needed a reoperation after the initial surgery. No statistically significant correlation was found between MRI overestimation and the presence of histological peritumoral vascular/linfatic invasion. No statistically significant correlation was found between additional cancer areas and histological cancer markers. Conclusions. Our study suggests that MRI is an important tool in the preoperative management and staging of patients affected by lobular or ductolobular invasive carcinoma

    Relaciones suelo planta de crisantemos (Dendranthema grandiflora) en maceta

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    p.365-372Los objetivos de este trabajo han sido: (a) cuantificar las mezclas de sustratos más utilizados en la producción de crisantemos en maceta a partir de parámetros físicos y evaluar el comportamiento en diferentes combinaciones y (b) evaluar el efecto de la dureza del agua de riego sobre el crecimiento bajo condiciones de cultivo comercial. Para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos se utilizaron sustratos compuestos por diferentes combinaciones de turba, perlita, vermiculita, tierra, bosta equina madurada, leca y arena. Sobre los mismos se determinaron las principales propiedades físicas (porosidad total, poros ocupados por aire, densidad, capacidad de retención de agua y contenido de humedad). A partir de los resultados del primer ensayo se eligieron cinco sustratos que diferían entre si con el objeto de establecer situaciones de crecimiento en: (I) Sustratos livianos, (II) intermedios y (III) pesados. A partir de un sustrato de crecimiento con características físicas intermedias, se evaluó el efecto de concentraciones crecientes de carbonatos (0, 2, 4, 6 y 10 meq C 03Ca-litro en la solución de riego). Se utilizaron plantas de Dendranthema grandiflora de las variedades CHARM (uniflora) y NEOGA (spray). Nuestros resultados indican diferencias no significativas en el crecimiento de las plantas de crisantemo cultivadas en sustratos con diferentes propiedades físicas o con aguas de riego con contenidos crecientes de carbonatos. Se ha sugerido que estos resultados se hallan asociados con una elevada capacidad buffer de sustratos que contienen una alta proporción de componentes orgánicos locales diferentes a la turba de Sphagnum

    Impact of episiotomy on pelvic floor disorders and their influence on women's wellness after the sixth month postpartum: a retrospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The role of episiotomy as a protective factor against pelvic floor disorders postpartum has been debated for many years, but its routine use has been hitherto discouraged in the literature. Comparisons between restrictive and routine use of episiotomy in existent literature, however, fail to include any consideration relating to quality of life. The aim of this study, therefore, is to state the role of episiotomy in preserving the perineum from damage, in order to prevent the influence of pelvic floor disorders on women's psycho-physical wellness after the sixth month postpartum.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A follow-up telephone interview was performed among 377 primiparous and secondiparous Caucasian women who had a child by spontaneous or operative vaginal delivery in 2006 using a self-created questionnaire and King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The mean age at delivery was 35.26 (±4.68) years and episiotomy was performed in 59.2% of women. Multivariate linear regression shows episiotomy associated to higher quality of life after the sixth month postpartum by correlating with inferior values of King's Health Questionnaire (p < 0.05).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Episiotomy appears to be a protective factor for women's wellness. Women who had episiotomy and who experienced perineal symptoms have a better psycho-physical health status in the 12.79 months (±3.3) follow-up.</p

    Enhanced immunological recovery with early start of antiretroviral therapy during acute or early HIV infection–results of Italian Network of ACuTe HIV InfectiON (INACTION) retrospective study

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    ABSTRACT Background: Viral load peak and immune activation occur shortly after exposure during acute or early HIV infection (AEHI). We aimed to define the benefit of early start of antiretroviral treatment (ART) during AEHI in terms of immunological recovery, virological suppression, and treatment discontinuation. Setting: Patients diagnosed with AEHI (Fiebig stages I-V) during 2008-2014 from an analysis of 20 Italian centers. Methods: This was an observational, retrospective, and multicenter study. We investigated the ef- fect of early ART (defined as initiation within 3 months from AEHI diagnosis) on time to virolog- ical suppression, optimal immunological recovery (defined as CD4 count ≥ 500/μL, CD4 ≥ 30%, and CD4/CD8 ≥ 1), and first-line ART regimen discontinuation by Cox regression analysis. Results: There were 321 patients with AEHI included in the study (82.9% in Fiebig stage III-V). At diagnosis, the median viral load was 5.67 log10 copies/mL and the median CD4 count was 456 cells/μL. Overall, 70.6% of patients started early ART (median time from HIV diagnosis to ART initiation 12 days, IQR 6-27). Higher baseline viral load and AEHI diagnosis during 2012-2014 were independently associated with early ART. HBV co-infection, baseline CD4/CD8 ≥ 1, lower baseline HIV-RNA, and AEHI diagnosis in recent years (2012-2014) were independently associ- ated with a shorter time to virological suppression. Early ART emerged as an independent predic- tor of optimal immunological recovery after adjustment for baseline CD4 (absolute and percent- age count) and CD4/CD8 ratio. The only independent predictor of first-line ART discontinuation was an initial ART regimen including &gt; 3 drugs. Conclusions: In a large cohort of well-characterized patients with AEHI, we confirmed the ben- eficial role of early ART on CD4+ T-cell recovery and on rates of CD4/CD8 ratio normalization. Moreover, we recognized baseline CD4/CD8 ratio as an independent factor influencing time to virological response in the setting of AEHI, thus giving new insights into research of immunolog- ical markers associated with virological control