5,594 research outputs found

    Occurrence of <i>Philometra lateolabracis</i> (Nematoda: Philometridae) in the gonads of marine perciform fishes in the Mediterranean region

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    Gravid females of the nematode Philometra lateolabracis (Yamaguti, 1935), a parasite of gonads of marine perciform fishes, were found in wild and cultured dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus (Lowe) from waters near the Balear Islands (Spain, Mediterranean Sea) and Sicily (Italy, Thyrrenean Sea), and in the greater amberjack Seriola dumerili (Risso) in Croatia (south-eastern Adriatic Sea). In wild E. marginatus in Spain, the overall prevalence was 21% and the intensity of infection 1 nematode per fish. The nematodes are briefly described and illustrated. The species Sanguinofilaria jordanoi López-Neyra, 1951, described from the ovary of Epinephelus gigas Brünich from Morocco, is synonymized with P. lateolabracis. This is the first documented record of P. lateolabracis from fishes of the Mediterranean region and its finding in S. dumerili represents a new host record. The possible importance of this pathogenic parasite for cultures of marine perciform fishes in the region is stressed

    Compensating the Noise of a Communication Channel via Asymmetric Encoding of Quantum Information

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    An asymmetric preparation of the quantum states sent through a noisy channel can enable a new way to monitor and actively compensate the channel noise. The paradigm of such an asymmetric treatment of quantum information is the Bennett 1992 protocol, in which the ratio between conclusive and inconclusive counts is in direct connection with the channel noise. Using this protocol as a guiding example, we show how to correct the phase drift of a communication channel without using reference pulses, interruptions of the quantum transmission or public data exchanges.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Intertwined Rashba, Dirac and Weyl Fermions in Hexagonal Hyperferroelectrics

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    By means of density functional theory based calculations, we study the role of spin-orbit coupling in the new family of ABC hyperferroelectrics [Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 127601 (2014)]. We unveil an extremely rich physics strongly linked to ferroelectric properties, ranging from the electric control of bulk Rashba effect to the existence of a three dimensional topological insulator phase, with concomitant topological surface states even in the ultrathin film limit. Moreover, we predict that the topological transition, as induced by alloying, is followed by a Weyl semi-metal phase of finite concentration extension, which is robust against disorder, putting forward hyperferroelectrics as promising candidates for spin-orbitronic applications.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Amplitude and phase noise in Two-membrane cavity optomechanics

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    Cavity optomechanics is a suitable field to explore quantum effects on macroscopic objects, and to develop quantum technologies applications. A perfect control on the laser noises is required to operate the system in such extreme conditions, necessary to reach the quantum regime. In this paper we consider a Fabry-Perot cavity, driven by two laser fields, with two partially reflective SiN membranes inside it. We describe the effects of amplitude and phase noise on the laser introducing two additional noise terms in the Langevin equations of the system's dynamics. Experimentally, we add an artificial source of noise on the laser. We calibrate the intensity of the noise we inject into the system, and we check the validity of the theoretical model. This procedure provides an accurate description of the effects of a noisy laser in the optomechanical setup, and it allows to quantify the amount of noise

    Moving beyond the transmon: Noise-protected superconducting quantum circuits

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    Artificial atoms realized by superconducting circuits offer unique opportunities to store and process quantum information with high fidelity. Among them, implementations of circuits that harness intrinsic noise protection have been rapidly developed in recent years. These noise-protected devices constitute a new class of qubits in which the computational states are largely decoupled from local noise channels. The main challenges in engineering such systems are simultaneously guarding against both bit- and phase-flip errors, and also ensuring high-fidelity qubit control. Although partial noise protection is possible in superconducting circuits relying on a single quantum degree of freedom, the promise of complete protection can only be fulfilled by implementing multimode or hybrid circuits. This Perspective reviews the theoretical principles at the heart of these new qubits, describes recent experiments, and highlights the potential of robust encoding of quantum information in superconducting qubits

    Robust stationary mechanical squeezing in a kicked quadratic optomechanical system

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    We propose a scheme for the generation of a robust stationary squeezed state of a mechanical resonator in a quadratically coupled optomechanical system, driven by a pulsed laser. The intracavity photon number presents periodic intense peaks suddenly stiffening the effective harmonic potential felt by the mechanical resonator. These “optical spring kicks” tend to squeeze the resonator position, and due to the interplay with fluctuation-dissipation processes one can generate a stationary state with more than 10 dB of squeezing in a realistic scenario, even starting from moderately “precooled” initial thermal states

    Development and Qualification of the Primary Structure of the Orion European Service Module

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    This paper presents an overview of the development and qualification test campaign for the primary structure of the European Service Module of ORION, the NASA spacecraft which will serve the future human exploration missions to the Moon, Mars and beyond. Under an agreement between NASA and ESA, the ORION will be powered by a European Service Module (ESM), providing also water and oxygen for astronauts' life sustainability. The development and qualification of the European Service Module (ESM) is under ESA responsibility with Airbus Defense and Space as the prime contractor. Thales Alenia Space Italia is responsible for design development, manufacturing, assembly and qualification of the Structure subsystem. The European Service Module, installed onto the launch adapter, shall support the crew module with its adapter and a launch abort system. It shall sustain: - A combination of global and local launch loads during lift off and ascent phases, - On orbit loads induced by engine firing for orbital transfers and attitude control. The ESM structure is based on a core made of Composite Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) sandwich panels complemented by aluminum alloy platforms, longerons and secondary structures. A development campaign has been implemented in order to define and validate composite parts' strength allowable values for design: coupon tests at material level, test at component level up to breadboards tests performed on main structural components (composite to metallic joints, and at panels' discontinuities). An incremental approach as defined in [1] has been followed. A qualification static test campaign at primary structure assembly level has been implemented in order to validate the design against static stiffness and ultimate strength as well as to correlate the structural Finite Element Model (FEM) used for sizing and confirm the margins of safety. The tests have been performed successfully by Thales Alenia Space Italia (TAS-I) on two flight representative structural models (STA1, STA2), in Turin facilities (Italy) between August 2015 and March 2017, with engineering support of technical representatives from Airbus, ESA, NASA and LMCO. The main development and qualification test activities and associated results are presented and discussed in the pape

    Aortic Root Replacement With Biological Valved Conduits

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    none9The execution of Bentall procedures using biological valved conduits is expanding owing to the increased incidence of aortic valve and root diseases in the aging population. To review the available data, a systematic search identified 29 studies with a total of 3,298 patients. Although evidence on short-term results suggested favorable outcomes after biological Bentall operations, data beyond 5 years are limited and highlight the urgent need for further investigations with longer follow-up.openCastrovinci, Sebastiano; Tian, David H; Murana, Giacomo; Cefarelli, Mariano; Berretta, Paolo; Alfonsi, Jacopo; Yan, Tristan D; Di Bartolomeo, Roberto; Di Eusanio, MarcoCastrovinci, Sebastiano; Tian, David H; Murana, Giacomo; Cefarelli, Mariano; Berretta, Paolo; Alfonsi, Jacopo; Yan, Tristan D; Di Bartolomeo, Roberto; Di Eusanio, Marc