4 research outputs found


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    Background: Insomnia is defined as difficulty falling or staying asleep or a sleep state that cannot restore the body's condition. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) is a vertebrate model that has been extensively studied to study sleep and neurological disorders. One of the most widely used methods to examine the effect of the light-dark cycle on the circadian system is by exposing animals and humans to pulse wave light. Objective: To see the effect of light exposure on zebrafish larvae by looking at inactive state duration and sleep latency in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae insomnia model. Methods: This study used four groups of zebrafish larvae i.e : (1) normal group (2) minutes of light exposure and 2 minutes off (2/2)), (3) Four minutes of light exposure and 1 minute off (4/1), and (4)  24 hours on (24/0). Observation of larval movement was carried out on 5, 6, and 7 dpf (day post fertilization). Observation time was 30 minutes before and after turned off of light exposure. Results: There were significant differences on days 5, 6, and 7 between the normal group and the three light treatment groups on inactive state duration and sleep latency in dark and light conditions with p-values (p<0.05) and (p< 0.031), but there was no significant difference among groups of light exposure 2 minutes on 2 minutes off, 4 minutes on 1 minute off, and 24 hours on. The 24-hour on treatment showed the most inactive state duration among the light treatments, while the sleep latency was found in the 24-hour treatment. Conclusion: Light treatment of 2 minutes on 2 minutes off, 4 minutes on 1 minute off, and 24 hours on can cause insomnia, but the most substantial insomnia effect is obtained from the 24-hour treatment

    Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Materi Bakteri Berbasis Android untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X MIA 4 SMAN 1 Tumpang

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    RINGKASANIskandar, D. S. 2019. Pengembangan Multimedia Interaktif Pembelajaran Materi Bakteri Berbasis Android untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berfikir Kritis dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas X MIA 4 SMAN 1 Tumpang. Skripsi. Jurusan Biologi. Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam. Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (1) Drs.Triastono Imam Prasetyo, M. Pd., (2) Dr. Vivi Novianti, S.Si, M.Si    .Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, multimedia interaktif, android, bakteri, berfikir kritis, hasil belajarTeknologi merupakan salah satu hal yang wajib dikuasai dan dimanfaatkan oleh segala elemen masyarakat, tidak terkecuali dunia pendidikan. SMAN1 Tumpangmerupakan salah satu instansi yang memiliki fasilitas teknologi yang baik sehingga dapat digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran materi bakteri. Guru SMAN 1 Tumpang belum memanfaatkan fasilitas teknologi ini untuk sumber belajar. Salah satu sumber belajar  dapat digunakan untuk proses pembelajaran adalahdengan menggunakan multimedia interaktif.Beberapa hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa multimedia interaktif berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan multimedia interaktif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berfikir kritis dan hasil belajar siswa.Jenis penelitian adalah pengembangan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan Lee and Owens. Penelitian dilakukan di SMA Negeri 1Tumpang dengan sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas X MIA 4. Data penelitian berupa hasil validasi ahli media, ahli materi, praktisi lapangan, respon siswa, pretest dan postestsiswa, jawaban soal berfikir kritis.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase rata-rata dari penilaian validator ahli media, ahli materi dan praktisi lapangan berturut-turut adalah 89,28%, 100%, dan 91,25% yang semuanya berada pada kategori sangat valid. Nilai uji kepraktisan adalah 91,25% yang berarti sangat praktis, nilai uji keefektifan adalah 0,70 yang berarti bahwa sangat efektif dan hasil keterampilan berfikir kritis 4,05 yang berarti tingkat berfikir kritis siswa pada kategori mulai berkembang sampai berkembang dengan baik.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan multimedia interaktif dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berfikir kritis dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa. Saran yang dapat diberikan oleh peneliti ialahpenggunaan multimedia interaktif sangat bermanfaatdalam proses pembelajaran materi bakteri sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berfikir kritis dan hasil belajar lainnya yang terdapat dalam kurikulum 2013.SUMMARYIskandar, D. S. 2019. Development of Android-Based Interactive Multimedia Learning Materials for Improving Critical Thinking Ability and Learning Outcomes of Class X MIA 4 Students of SMAN 1 Tumpang. Thesis. Department of Biology. Faculty of Math and Science. Malang State University. Advisors: (1) Drs. Triastono Imam Prasetyo, M. Pd., (2) Dr. Vivi Novianti, S.Si, M.Si.Keywords: Development, interactive multimedia, android, bacteria, critical thinking, learning outcomesTechnology is one of the things that must be mastered and utilized by all elements of society, including those in the world of education. SMAN 1 Tumpang is one of the institutions that has technological facilities that can be used for learning bacteria. SMAN 1 Tumpang teachers have not used technology facilities for learning resources. One learning resource that can be used for the learning process is using interactive multimedia. Some research results are expressed as interactive multimedia that is approved for improving student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to develop interactive multimedia to improve critical thinking skills and student learning outcomes.This research uses Lee and Owens development models. The study was conducted in SMAN 1 Tumpang with the students of class X MIA 4 as the sample. The research data consists media expert validation, material experts, field research, student responses, pretest and posttest students, answers to critical thinking questions.The results shows that the average percentage of media expert validators, material experts and agreed-on field approvals were 89.28%, 100%, and 91.25%, all of which corresponded to very valid categories. The practicality test value is 91.25% which means it is very practical, the effectiveness test value is 0.70 which means it is very effective and the critical thinking result is 4.05 which means the level of critical thinking of students in the category begins to develop well.Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that multimedia development can improve critical thinking skills and cognitive learning outcomes of students. The advice that the researcher give is that the use of interactive multimedia is very useful for the learning of bacteria which is expected to improve critical thinking skills and learning outcomes available in the 2013 curriculum

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Pegagan (Centella Asiatica) Terhadap Ekspresi Reseptor Dopamin Pada Ikan Zebra (Danio Rerio) Model Insomnia

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    nsomnia adalah suatu kondisi seseorang mengalami gangguan memulai tidur atau terjaga dalam jangka waktu yang lama. Kesulitan tidur ini biasanya terjadi minimal 3x dalam satu minggu dan menjadi masalah minimal 1 bulan (Roth, 2007). Beberapa terapi telah digunakan untuk mengobati insomnia, namun sampai saat ini masih belum memuaskan dan memiliki efek samping seperti pusing, mual, dan kelelahan. Centella asiatica atau pegagan merupakan tumbuhan tropis yang memiliki efek pada berbagai macam penyakit neurologis. Pegagan memiliki berbagai efek farmakologis antara lain efek antiinflamasi, peremajaan, perbaikan stress dan perbaikan intelegensia. Saat ini banyak model hewan telah dikembangkan untuk mempelajari gangguan tidur salah satunya adalah ikan Zebra. Ikan Zebra (Danio rerio) meperlihatkan model tidur pada vertebrata. Hasil dari paparan pegagan terhadap ikan zebra model insomnia dapat memperbaiki kondisi insomnia dengan meningkatkan DRD 2 dan menurunkan DRD 1 melalui pengukuran qRT PCR, dimana DRD 1 berperan dalam proses arousal dan DRD 2 memicu proses tidur. Kandungan Asiatic acid pada pegagan dapat membuat efek anti inflamasi yang bekerja pada penghambatan MAPK dan juga sekaligus juga peremajaan pada neuron GABA pemicu tidur. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak pegagan (Centella asiatica) cdapat memperbaiki kondisi insomnia dengan menurunkan regulasi DRD 1 dan meningkatkan DRD 2 pada larva ikan zebra model insomni

    Association between convalescent plasma and the risk of mortality among patients with COVID-19: a meta-analysis [version 3; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Convalescent plasma (CCP) has been used for treating some infectious diseases; however, the efficacy of CCP in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) remains controversial. The aim of this research was to assess the efficacy of CCP as an adjunctive treatment in COVID-19 patients. Methods: Embase, PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane and MedRix were searched for potentially relevant articles. All included papers were assessed for the quality using modified Jadad scale and Newcastle-Ottawa scale for randomized controlled trial (RCT) and non – RCT, respectively. We used a Q test and Egger test to assess the heterogeneity and publication bias among studies, respectively. Mortality rates between patients treated with standard treatment and standard treatment with CCP were compared using a Z test. Results: A total of 12 papers consisting of three cross-sectional studies, one prospective study, five retrospective studies, and three RCT studies were included in our analysis. Of them, a total of 1,937 patients treated with CCP and 3,405 patients without CCP were included. The risk of mortality was 1.92-fold higher in patients without CCP compared to patients treated with CCP (OR: 1.92; 95%CI: 1.33, 2.77; p=0.0005). In severe COVID-19 sub-group analysis, we found that patients without CCP had a 1.32 times higher risk of mortality than those treated with CCP (OR: 1.32; 95%CI: 1.09, 1.60; p=0.0040). Conclusions: CCP, as adjunctive therapy, could reduce the mortality rate among COVID-19 patients