9 research outputs found


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    Architectonic regionalism is an approach that seeks to incorporate regional identity into contemporary architecture. This study focuses on the application of architectonic regionalism in Osing architecture, a traditional architecture style found in the Banyuwangi region of East Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach, the study analyzes three case studies of modern buildings - Hotel Sahid Osing, Blimbingsari Airport, and Polytechnic Banyuwangi Hall - that showcase reinterpretation, modification, and innovation of local architectural elements. The study finds that the architectonic regionalism approach in Osing architecture prioritizes the use of traditional materials such as wood from local mangrove forests, and construction techniques that are adapted from local practices. The topography of the site is also considered in the design process, with the buildings being responsive to the natural landscape. Moreover, local cultural values and symbolism are incorporated into the architecture, reflecting the unique identity of the Osing community. The findings of this research highlight the importance of preserving and promoting regional architectural traditions in the context of modern architecture. The reinterpretation, modification, and innovation of local architectural elements in contemporary buildings can contribute to the sustainability and cultural preservation of the region. Furthermore, the architectonic regionalism approach in Osing architecture serves as a case study for understanding how regional identity can be manifested in modern architectural design, and its implications for sustainable development and cultural heritage preservation


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    Architectonic regionalism is an approach that seeks to incorporate regional identity into contemporary architecture. This study focuses on the application of architectonic regionalism in Osing architecture, a traditional architecture style found in the Banyuwangi region of East Java, Indonesia. Using a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach, the study analyzes three case studies of modern buildings - Hotel Sahid Osing, Blimbingsari Airport, and Polytechnic Banyuwangi Hall - that showcase reinterpretation, modification, and innovation of local architectural elements. The study finds that the architectonic regionalism approach in Osing architecture prioritizes the use of traditional materials such as wood from local mangrove forests, and construction techniques that are adapted from local practices. The topography of the site is also considered in the design process, with the buildings being responsive to the natural landscape. Moreover, local cultural values and symbolism are incorporated into the architecture, reflecting the unique identity of the Osing community. The findings of this research highlight the importance of preserving and promoting regional architectural traditions in the context of modern architecture. The reinterpretation, modification, and innovation of local architectural elements in contemporary buildings can contribute to the sustainability and cultural preservation of the region. Furthermore, the architectonic regionalism approach in Osing architecture serves as a case study for understanding how regional identity can be manifested in modern architectural design, and its implications for sustainable development and cultural heritage preservation

    Effect of Population Density and Urban Intensity on Building Typology in South Krembangan Area

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    Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia and is part of East Java. Surabaya has a strategic location and was utilized by the Dutch Colonial Government as one of the main ports. The Kalimas River served as the trading artery of Surabaya. Surabaya was broadly divided into three dominant areas: the European district, the Chinatown district, and the Arab district, all of which are delineated by the Kalimas River. Krembangan Selatan Village is of particular interest for research due to the presence of many colonial-style buildings and the shift from a historical trading area to a residential area.  To understand the influence of population density and urban intensity on building typology, a qualitative descriptive analysis was conducted by observing building typology and the year of construction which helped in determining how population density and intensity affect building typology in the Krembangan Selatan area. Urban Intensity was assessed by calculating the building volume divided by 300. The highest intensity group consists of residential areas with buildings in a typical style of the 1960s. Density calculations were made by comparing the area to Semarang, as both areas were influenced by the Dutch colonial Government.  This occurred because Semarang's Old Town area still maintains its urban tissue as a historical area dominated by public buildings, in contrast to Krembangan Selatan, which is dominated by service providers, educational facilities, and residential buildings

    Effect of Population Density and Urban Intensity on Building Typology in South Krembangan Area

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    Surabaya is the second largest city in Indonesia and is part of East Java. Surabaya has a strategic location and was utilized by the Dutch Colonial Government as one of the main ports. The Kalimas River served as the trading artery of Surabaya. Surabaya was broadly divided into three dominant areas: the European district, the Chinatown district, and the Arab district, all of which are delineated by the Kalimas River. Krembangan Selatan Village is of particular interest for research due to the presence of many colonial-style buildings and the shift from a historical trading area to a residential area. To understand the influence of population density and urban intensity on building typology, a qualitative descriptive analysis was conducted by observing building typology and the year of construction which helped in determining how population density and intensity affect building typology in the Krembangan Selatan area. Urban Intensity was assessed by calculating the building volume divided by 300. The highest intensity group consists of residential areas with buildings in a typical style of the 1960s. Density calculations were made by comparing the area to Semarang, as both areas were influenced by the Dutch colonial Government. This occurred because Semarangs Old Town area still maintains its urban tissue as a historical area dominated by public buildings, in contrast to Krembangan Selatan, which is dominated by service providers, educational facilities, and residential buildings


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    Rumah Sakit Khusus Jantung yang akan dirancang akan memiliki fasilitas dan kapasitas tempat tidur setara dengan Rumah Sakit Tipe C di kota Yogyakarta. Fungsi yang menonjol pada rumah sakit khusus jantung adalah memberikan pelayanan utama pada penanganan penyakit jantung. Penyelesaian yang akan diangkat dalam rancangan Rumah Sakit Khusus Jantung adalah mendukung usaha penyembuhan pasien yang cepat melalui tatanan ruang kamar pasien dengan pendekatan Healing Environment. Penanganan pengobatan merupakan kunci awal dari penyembuhan yang cepat. Pada Rumah Sakit Khusus Jantung berdasarkan ruang ruang yang berpengaruh terhadap proses penyembuhan pasien yang cepat maka diperlukan tatanan ruang yang mendukung usaha penyembuhan pasien yang cepat berdasarkan kriteria ruang. Untuk mewujudkan konsep penyembuhan yang cepat maka penataan organisasi ruang akan di tata secara centralize. Alam, Indra dan Psikologis merupakan pendekatan yang di gunakan dalam mendesain healing environment. Dalam konsep healing environment, elemen yang dapat di olah yakni warana, texture, lighting, sounds, dan aroma. Konsep healing environment akan di terapkan di Ruang yang berpengaruh terhadap penyembuhan yang cepat. Kondisi akhir pasien Rumah Sakit Khusus Jantung di harapkan dapat sembuh cepat dengan waktu sehat yang panjang. Panjang dan pendek durasi sehat tergantung dari tahap tahap yang dilalui dalam proses penyembuhan

    Wellbeing Study in Architectural Design Studio for Generation Z Student

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    Architecture education is inseparable from the studio, where the students spend most of their study time doing the design process. As the building has a longer lifespan than a students study period, the studio may serve cross-generational users. It is important to reassess how students feel while using the same space designed mainly for the generations before them. This research aims to collect the assessment of the studio features, namely physical condition, spatial configuration, flexibility, accessibility, room facility, room performance, and satisfaction, as well as self-assessed well-being by Generation Z respondents. Online questionnaires were given to 80 students during their second year of study in the undergraduate architecture department, as they experienced different studio conditions in their 3rd and 4th semesters. The result is that the students feel more fit with the studio in the 4th semester in every aspect, except the studios zone clarity. They assessed the same level of well-being also. Comfortability, ease of interaction, and furniture condition are considered essential for the students, as well as group partners and relations with tutors, to make them comfortable in the Studio


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    Urban Tissue atau struktur ruang kota adalah karakter ruang kota yang dibentuk oleh beberapa elemen seperti jalan, konteks alam, blok, dan bangunan. Wilayah studi yang dipilih untuk menganalisis Urban Tissue terletak di Krembangan Selatan, Surabaya. Wilayah ini dipilih karena perkembangan ekonomi dan perkembangan kehidupan yang cukup signifikan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendata dan menganalisis perubahan Urban Tissue di kawasan bersejarah Krembangan Selatan, hingga dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi rencana revitalisasi kawasan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mencari jurnal dan peta-peta lama Surabaya untuk menghasilkan diagram figure ground dan menemukan elemen-elemen yang bertahan. Kemudian, dilakukan perbandingan dari tahun ke tahun untuk mengetahui elemen-elemen yang berubah atau punah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, didapatkan bahwa karakter kawasan tersebut merupakan kawasan bersejarah yang didominasi oleh permukiman dan bangunan penyedia jasa. Terdapat beberapa elemen yang memiliki bentuk yang sama namun berubah fungsi seperti Sungai Kalimas yang dulunya digunakan sebagai jalur transportasi kini digunakan untuk pariwisata dan terdapat beberapa elemen yang punah seperti benteng dan persawahan. Melalui penelitian yang dilakukan, dapat diketahui bahwa kawasan Krembangan Selatan telah mengalami perubahan jaringan kota akibat perubahan aktivitas dan kebutuhan masyarakat. Terdapat beberapa elemen yang punah karena tidak dapat mengakomodir kebutuhan manusia di era sekarang


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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah memberikan dampak signifikan dalam dunia pendidikan arsitektur, terutama dalam penggunaan software arsitektural sebagai media pendukung dalam proses desain. Penguasaan software arsitektural menjadi kompetensi penting dalam profesi arsitektur, karena dapat mempengaruhi hasil dan proses desain secara keseluruhan. Penguasaan terhadap softwareakan mempengaruhi optimalnya proses dan output yang dihasilkan, melebihi fitur -fitur yang dimiliki suatu softwarearsitektural. Di lain pihak, pembelajaran dalam studio arsitektur akan memiliki tema atau objek perancangan, yang dapat diklasifikasikan ke dalam beberapa jenis tipologi bangunan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tipologi bangunan yang menjadi objek perancangan dengan preferensi softwarearsitektur yang digunakan para mahasiswa, dalam tiap fase proses desain. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada mahasiswa Program Studi Arsitektur pada semester 5, 6, 7, dan 8, yang mengikuti studio dengan metode penggambaran digital. Data preferensi software dari setiap semester dianalisis secara deskriptif untuk menggambarkan pola penggunaan software pada setiap semester. Selanjutnya, dilakukan analisis korelasi untuk mencari hubungan antara preferensi software dan tipologi bangunan yang menjadi objek perancangan. Temuan ini akan berguna sebagai masukan untuk kurikulum pendidikan Arsitektur, tentang softwareyang paling relevan dan membawa manfaat untuk pembelajaran di tiap fase desain Arsitektural, dari sudut pandang mahasiswa

    Perception Study on Kinetic Recycled Compact Disc Facade in Tourism Hall, Jarak - Wonosalam

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    Indonesia is a country, rich with culture and natural resources that brings high tourism potential. Jarak village in Wonosalam is one of the villages in East Java that has these tourism potential, besides the religious harmony between the dwellers that initiates the construction of a tourism hall with the concept of sustainability. The hall reflects the harmony between man and nature. The tourism hall uses the kinetic panels from recycled compact discs as the facade, which is rotatable when blown by the wind. This research is meant to study peoples perception of the installed kinetic facade panel. Here, we divide the respondents into two groups, professionals (academician and architects), and non professionals (Jarak dwellers, visitors and general). The aspects observed are psychology, aesthetics, flexibility, impact to the environment and economics. The result is that there is a difference in perception regarding the flexibility, and also, the colour aspect of the installed kinetic facade is the most memorable aspect of the installed kinetic facade