11 research outputs found

    Lateral thalamic eminence – a novel origin for mGluR1/lot cells

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    A unique population of cells, called "lot cells," circumscribes the path of the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) in the rodent brain and acts to restrict its position at the lateral margin of the telencephalon. Lot cells were believed to originate in the dorsal pallium (DP). We show that Lhx2 null mice that lack a DP show a significant increase in the number of mGluR1/lot cells in the piriform cortex, indicating a non-DP origin of these cells. Since lot cells present common developmental features with Cajal-Retzius (CR) cells, we analyzed Wnt3a- and Dbx1-reporter mouse lines and found that mGluR1/lot cells are not generated in the cortical hem, ventral pallium, or septum, the best characterized sources of CR cells. Finally, we identified a novel origin for the lot cells by combining in utero electroporation assays and histochemical characterization. We show that mGluR1/lot cells are specifically generated in the lateral thalamic eminence and that they express mitral cell markers, although a minority of them express DeltaNp73 instead. We conclude that most mGluR1/lot cells are prospective mitral cells migrating to the accessory olfactory bulb (OB), whereas mGluR1+, DeltaNp73+ cells are CR cells that migrate through the LOT to the piriform cortex and the OB

    Genetic dissection of the glutamatergic neuron system in cerebral cortex.

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    Diverse types of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons mediate the myriad processing streams and output channels of the cerebral cortex1,2, yet all derive from neural progenitors of the embryonic dorsal telencephalon3,4. Here we establish genetic strategies and tools for dissecting and fate-mapping subpopulations of pyramidal neurons on the basis of their developmental and molecular programs. We leverage key transcription factors and effector genes to systematically target temporal patterning programs in progenitors and differentiation programs in postmitotic neurons. We generated over a dozen temporally inducible mouse Cre and Flp knock-in driver lines to enable the combinatorial targeting of major progenitor types and projection classes. Combinatorial strategies confer viral access to subsets of pyramidal neurons defined by developmental origin, marker expression, anatomical location and projection targets. These strategies establish an experimental framework for understanding the hierarchical organization and developmental trajectory of subpopulations of pyramidal neurons that assemble cortical processing networks and output channels

    A multimodal cell census and atlas of the mammalian primary motor cortex

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    ABSTRACT We report the generation of a multimodal cell census and atlas of the mammalian primary motor cortex (MOp or M1) as the initial product of the BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN). This was achieved by coordinated large-scale analyses of single-cell transcriptomes, chromatin accessibility, DNA methylomes, spatially resolved single-cell transcriptomes, morphological and electrophysiological properties, and cellular resolution input-output mapping, integrated through cross-modal computational analysis. Together, our results advance the collective knowledge and understanding of brain cell type organization: First, our study reveals a unified molecular genetic landscape of cortical cell types that congruently integrates their transcriptome, open chromatin and DNA methylation maps. Second, cross-species analysis achieves a unified taxonomy of transcriptomic types and their hierarchical organization that are conserved from mouse to marmoset and human. Third, cross-modal analysis provides compelling evidence for the epigenomic, transcriptomic, and gene regulatory basis of neuronal phenotypes such as their physiological and anatomical properties, demonstrating the biological validity and genomic underpinning of neuron types and subtypes. Fourth, in situ single-cell transcriptomics provides a spatially-resolved cell type atlas of the motor cortex. Fifth, integrated transcriptomic, epigenomic and anatomical analyses reveal the correspondence between neural circuits and transcriptomic cell types. We further present an extensive genetic toolset for targeting and fate mapping glutamatergic projection neuron types toward linking their developmental trajectory to their circuit function. Together, our results establish a unified and mechanistic framework of neuronal cell type organization that integrates multi-layered molecular genetic and spatial information with multi-faceted phenotypic properties

    Dual role for LIM-homeodomain gene Lhx2 in the formation of the lateral olfactory tract

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    The development of the olfactory system in vertebrates is a multistep process, in which several regulatory molecules are required at different stages. The development of the olfactory sensory epithelium and its projection to the olfactory bulb are both known to require the LIM-homeodomain transcription factor Lhx2. We examined whether Lhx2 plays a role in the development of the OB itself, as well as its projection to the olfactory cortex. Although there is no morphological OB protuberance in the Lhx2 mutant, mitral cells are normally specified and cluster in a displaced olfactory bulb-like structure (OBLS). The OBLS is not able to pioneer the lateral olfactory tract (LOT) projection in vivo or when provided control (host) telencephalic territory in an in vitro assay. Strikingly, the mutant OBLS is capable of projecting along the LOT if provided with an existing normal LOT in the host explant. This is the first report of a role for a transcription factor expressed in the OB that selectively affects the axon guidance but not the specification of mitral cells. Furthermore, the Lhx2 mutant lateral telencephalon does not support growth of an LOT projection from control OB explants. The defect correlates with the disruption of a cellular mechanism that is thought to be critical for LOT pathfinding: a specialized cell population, the "lot cells," is mislocalized in the Lhx2 mutant. In addition, the expression of Sema6A is aberrantly upregulated. Together, these findings reveal a dual role for Lhx2, in the OB as well as in the lateral telencephalon, for establishing the LOT projection

    Chd5 regulates the transcription factor Six3 to promote neuronal differentiation

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    Chromodomain helicase DNA-binding protein 5 (Chd5) is an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler that promotes neuronal differentiation. However, the mechanism behind the action of Chd5 during neurogenesis is not clearly understood. Here we use transcriptional profiling of cells obtained from Chd5 deficient mice at early and late stages of neuronal differentiation to show that Chd5 regulates neurogenesis by directing stepwise transcriptional changes. During early stages of neurogenesis, Chd5 promotes expression of the proneural transcription factor Six3 to repress Wnt5a, a non-canonical Wnt ligand essential for the maturation of neurons. This previously unappreciated ability of Chd5 to transcriptionally repress neuronal maturation factors is critical for both lineage specification and maturation. Thus, Chd5 facilitates early transcriptional changes in neural stem cells, thereby initiating transcriptional programs essential for neuronal fate specification

    Direct and indirect neurogenesis generate a mosaic of distinct glutamatergic projection neuron types and cortical subnetworks

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    Variations in size and complexity of the cerebral cortex result from differences in neuron number and composition, which are rooted in evolutionary changes in direct and indirect neurogenesis (dNG and iNG) mediated by radial glial progenitors and intermediate progenitors, respectively. How dNG and iNG differentially contribute to cortical neuronal number, diversity, and connectivity are unknown. Establishing a genetic fate-mapping method to differentially visualize dNG and iNG in mice, we found that while both dNG and iNG contribute to all cortical structures, iNG contributes the largest relative proportions to the hippocampus and neocortex compared to insular and piriform cortex, claustrum, and the pallial amygdala. Within the neocortex, whereas dNG generates all major glutamatergic projection neuron (PN) classes, iNG differentially amplifies and diversifies PNs within each class; the two neurogenic pathways generate distinct PN types and assemble fine mosaics of lineage-based cortical subnetworks. Our results establish a ground-level lineage framework for understanding cortical development and evolution by linking foundational progenitor types and neurogenic pathways to PN types

    Genetic dissection of glutamatergic neuron subpopulations and developmental trajectories in the cerebral cortex

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    ABSTRACT Diverse types of glutamatergic pyramidal neurons (PyNs) mediate the myriad processing streams and output channels of the cerebral cortex, yet all derive from neural progenitors of the embryonic dorsal telencephalon. Here, we establish genetic strategies and tools for dissecting and fate mapping PyN subpopulations based on their developmental and molecular programs. We leverage key transcription factors and effector genes to systematically target the temporal patterning programs in progenitors and differentiation programs in postmitotic neurons. We generated over a dozen temporally inducible mouse Cre and Flp knock-in driver lines to enable combinatorial targeting of major progenitor types and projection classes. Intersectional converter lines confer viral access to specific subsets defined by developmental origin, marker expression, anatomical location and projection targets. These strategies establish an experimental framework for understanding the hierarchical organization and developmental trajectory of PyN subpopulations that assemble cortical processing networks and output channels