1,061 research outputs found

    Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Image Retrieval using Text and Sketch

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordIn this work we introduce a cross modal image retrieval system that allows both text and sketch as input modalities for the query. A cross-modal deep network architecture is formulated to jointly model the sketch and text input modalities as well as the the image output modality, learning a common embedding between text and images and between sketches and images. In addition, an attention model is used to selectively focus the attention on the different objects of the image, allowing for retrieval with multiple objects in the query. Experiments show that the proposed method performs the best in both single and multiple object image retrieval in standard datasets.European Union Horizon 2020CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Cataluny

    Performance of lactating crossbred cows fed on forage based total mixed ration

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    A study was conducted to evaluate the forage based total mixed ration (TMR) in crossbred lactating cows on milk production and nutrient digestibility. TMR was prepared by mixing wheat straw, chapped green forages (sorghum and rice bean in experiment I and oat and berseem in experiment II) and concentrate feed having 17 percent dietary CP. Two feeding experiments for the period of 60 days duration each during rainy (experiment I) and winter seasons (experiment II) were conducted in first lactating crossbred cows. In both the experiment six first lactating cows were taken and divided into 2 groups. Group 1 (T1)was fed TMR and in Group 2 (T2) ingredients were fed separately. The total daily dry matter intake (DMI) in cows fed TMR increased significantly (p˂0.01) by 15.92 percent in experiment I, when multi cut sorghum and rice bean used as green fodder. However, the differences were negligible in experiment II,when oat and berseem used as green fodder. The dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) digestibility as well as digestible energy (DE) value of ration were increased significantly (p˂0.01) in cows fed on TMR based on berseem and oat as green fodder in experiment II. However, differences were non-significant in experiment I, when multi cut sorghum and rice bean used as green fodder in TMR. The overall increase in milk production was recorded by 16.96 and 19.49 percent in cows fed TMR during experiment I and II, respectively. Similarly, an increase in milk production in cows fed different feeds separately was also recorded 10.74 and 6.41 percent,respectively during experiment I and II. Thus, it i s concluded that feeding of TMR is beneficial for proportionate intake of all feed ingredients, overall feed intake and better digestibility of nutrients resulting into higher milk production. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    A study of empyema thoracis and role of intrapleural streptokinase in its management

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    BACKGROUND: Clinical spectrum, microbiology and outcome of empyema thoracis are changing. Intrapleural instillation of fibrinolytic agents is being increasingly used for management of empyema thoracis. The present study was carried out to describe the clinical profile and outcome of patients with empyema thoracis including those with chronic empyema and to study the efficacy and safety of intrapleural streptokinase in its management. METHODS: Clinical profile, etiological agents, hospital course and outcome of 31 patients (mean age 40 ± 16 years, M: F 25: 6) with empyema thoracis treated from 1998 to 2003 was analyzed. All patients were diagnosed on the basis of aspiration of frank pus from pleural cavity. Clinical profile, response to therapy and outcome were compared between the patients who received intrapleural streptokinase (n = 12) and those who did not (n = 19). RESULTS: Etiology was tubercular in 42% of the patients (n = 13) whereas the rest were bacterial. Amongst the patients in which organisms could be isolated (n = 13, 42%) Staphylococcus aureus was the commonest (n = 5). Intrapleural streptokinase was instilled in 12 patients. This procedure resulted in increase of drainage of pleural fluid in all patients. Mean daily pleural fluid drainage after streptokinase instillation was significantly higher for patients who received intrapleural streptokinase than those who did not (213 ml vs 57 ml, p = 0.006). Only one patient who was instilled streptokinase eventually required decortication, which had to be done in five patients (16.1%). Mean hospital stay was 30.2 ± 17.6 days whereas two patients died. CONCLUSIONS: Tubercular empyema is common in Indian patients. Intrapleural streptokinase appears to be a useful strategy to preserve lung function and reduce need for surgery in patients with late stage of empyema thoracis

    The Jacob2 Lectin of the Entamoeba histolytica Cyst Wall Binds Chitin and Is Polymorphic

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    For many years, we and others have used cysts of Entamoeba invadens (Ei), a reptilian parasite, to model the infectious and diagnostic cysts of the human pathogen Entamoeba histolytica (Eh). The Ei cyst wall is composed of chitin fibrils, as well as Jacob and Jessie lectins that have unique chitin-binding domains. Our recent results suggest a “wattle and daub” model of the Ei cyst wall, where the wattle or sticks (chitin fibrils bound by multivalent Jacob lectins) is constructed prior to the addition of the mortar or daub (self-aggregating Jessie3 lectins). Here we “humanize” the Ei model of the cyst wall with four findings. First, a recombinant Eh Jacob2 lectin, which has three predicted chitin-binding domains surrounding a large spacer domain, binds chitin beads. Second, polymorphisms in the spacer domain of EhJacob2 discriminate clinical isolates of Entamoeba. Third, chitinase, Jacob2 lectin, and Jessie3 lectin are present in cyst walls of clinical isolates of Entamoeba. Finally, numerous sera from patients infected with Entamoeba recognize recombinant Eh Jacob1 and Jessie3 lectins

    Effect of fuzzy partitioning in Crohn's disease classification: a neuro-fuzzy-based approach

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    Crohn's disease (CD) diagnosis is a tremendouslyserious health problem due to its ultimately effecton the gastrointestinal tract that leads to the need of complexmedical assistance. In this study, the backpropagationneural network fuzzy classifier and a neuro-fuzzy modelare combined for diagnosing the CD. Factor analysis isused for data dimension reduction. The effect on the systemperformance has been investigated when using fuzzypartitioning and dimension reduction. Additionally, furthercomparison is done between the different levels of thefuzzy partition to reach the optimal performance accuracylevel. The performance evaluation of the proposed systemis estimated using the classification accuracy and othermetrics. The experimental results revealed that the classificationwith level-8 partitioning provides a classificationaccuracy of 97.67 %, with a sensitivity and specificity of96.07 and 100 %, respectively

    Back reaction effects on the dynamics of heavy probes in heavy quark cloud

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    We holographically study the effect of back reaction on the hydrodynamical properties of N=4\mathcal{N} = 4 strongly coupled super Yang-Mills (SYM) thermal plasma. The back reaction we consider arises from the presence of static heavy quarks uniformly distributed over N=4\mathcal{N} = 4 SYM plasma. In order to study the hydrodynamical properties, we use heavy quark as well as heavy quark-antiquark bound state as probes and compute the jet quenching parameter, screening length and binding energy. We also consider the rotational dynamics of heavy probe quark in the back-reacted plasma and analyse associated energy loss. We observe that the presence of back reaction enhances the energy-loss in the thermal plasma. Finally, we show that there is no effect of angular drag on the rotational motion of quark-antiquark bound state probing the back reacted thermal plasma.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figure

    Loss of Cannabinoid Receptor CB1 Induces Preterm Birth

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    Preterm birth accounting approximate 10% of pregnancies in women is a tremendous social, clinical and economic burden. However, its underlying causes remain largely unknown. Emerging evidence suggests that endocannabinoid signaling via cannabinoid receptor CB1 play critical roles in multiple early pregnancy events in both animals and humans. Since our previous studies demonstrated that loss of CB1 defers the normal implantation window in mice, we surmised that CB1 deficiency would influence parturition events.Exploiting mouse models with targeted deletion of Cnr1, Cnr2 and Ptgs1 encoding CB1, CB2 and cyclooxygenase-1, respectively, we examined consequences of CB1 or CB2 silencing on the onset of parturition. We observed that genetic or pharmacological inactivation of CB1, but not CB2, induced preterm labor in mice. Radioimmunoassay analysis of circulating levels of ovarian steroid hormones revealed that premature birth resulting from CB1 inactivation is correlated with altered progesterone/estrogen ratios prior to parturition. More strikingly, the phenotypic defects of prolonged pregnancy length and parturition failure in mice missing Ptgs1 were corrected by introducing CB1 deficiency into Ptgs1 null mice. In addition, loss of CB1 resulted in aberrant secretions of corticotrophin-releasing hormone and corticosterone during late gestation. The pathophysiological significance of this altered corticotrophin-releasing hormone-driven endocrine activity in the absence of CB1 was evident from our subsequent findings that a selective corticotrophin-releasing hormone antagonist was able to restore the normal parturition timing in Cnr1 deficient mice. In contrast, wild-type females receiving excessive levels of corticosterone induced preterm birth.CB1 deficiency altering normal progesterone and estrogen levels induces preterm birth in mice. This defect is independent of prostaglandins produced by cyclooxygenase-1. Moreover, CB1 inactivation resulted in aberrant corticotrophin-releasing hormone and corticosterone activities prior to parturition, suggesting that CB1 regulates labor by interacting with the corticotrophin-releasing hormone-driven endocrine axis

    Salinity reduces site quality and mangrove forest functions. From monitoring to understanding

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    Mangroves continue to be threatened across their range by a mix of anthropogenic and climate change-related stress. Climate change-induced salinity is likely to alter the structure and functions of highly productive mangrove systems. However, we still lack a comprehensive understanding of how rising salinity affects forest structure and functions because of the limited availability of mangrove field data. Therefore, based on extensive spatiotemporal mangrove data covering a large-scale salinity gradient, collected from the world's largest single tract mangrove ecosystem – the Bangladesh Sundarbans, we, aimed to examine (QI) how rising salinity influences forest structure (e.g., stand density, diversity, leaf area index (LAI), etc.), functions (e.g., carbon stocks, forest growth), nutrients availability, and functional traits (e.g., specific leaf area, wood density). We also wanted to know (QII) how forest functions interact (direct vs. indirect) with biotic (i.e., stand structure, species richness, etc.) and abiotic factors (salinity, nutrients, light availability, etc.). We also asked (QIII) whether the functional variable decreases disproportionately with salinity and applied the power-law (i.e., Y = a Xᵇ) to the salinity and functional variable relationships. In this study, we found that rises in salinity significantly impede forest growth and produce less productive ecosystems dominated by dwarf species while reducing stand structural properties (i.e., tree height, basal area, dominant tree height, LAI), soil carbon (organic and root carbon), and macronutrient availability in the soil (e.g., NH4+, P, and K). Besides, species-specific leaf area (related to resource acquisition) also decreased with salinity, whereas wood density (related to resource conservation) increased. We observed a declining abundance of the salt-intolerant climax species (Heritiera fomes) and dominance of the salt-tolerant species (Excoecaria agallocha, Ceriops decandra) in the high saline areas. In the case of biotic and abiotic factors, salinity and salinity-driven gap fraction (high transmission of light) had a strong negative impact on functional variables, while nutrients and LAI had a positive impact. In addition, the power-law explained the consistent decline of functional variables with salinity. Our study disentangles the negative effects of salinity on site quality in the Sundarbans mangrove ecosystem, and we recognize that nutrient availability and LAI are likely to buffer the less salt-tolerant species to maintain the ability to sequester carbon with sea-level rise. These novel findings advance our understanding of how a single stressor—salinity—can shape mangrove structure, functions, and productivity and offer decision makers a much-needed scientific basis for developing pragmatic ecosystem management and conservation plans in highly stressed coastal ecosystems across the globe