21 research outputs found

    Ostracoda From Subsurface Sediments of Karimata Strait as Indicator of Environmental Changes

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    Karimata Strait is a part of Sunda Shelf connected South China Sea with Malacca Strait, Indian Ocean and Java Sea. This shelf was a large Sunda Land that has been detected by many evidences as records of various paleo-environments. The purpose of this study is to recognize the characteristic community of ostracoda related to the environmental history of this shelf. Three selected cores sediments represented east (A), middle (B) and west (C) parts of Karimata Strait were used for Ostracoda based on standard method on micropaleontology. Additional method was applied of SEM-EDX analysis to abnormal specimens. The result shows that there are 43 species of ostracoda belonging to 34 genera identified in the study area. The highest number of ostracoda is found in Core B, in the middle part of the strait, and the lowest value belongs to the Core A that close to the land of Kalimantan. Several genera of Ostracoda were documented in all cores: Actinocythereis, Cytherella, Cytherelloidea, Keijia, Keijella, Hemicytheridea, Hemikrithe, Neocytheretta, Neomonoceratina, Loxoconcha, Pistocythereis, Stigmatocythere and Xestoleberis. Vertically, ostracoda are mostly found in the upper part of the cores and decrease or disappear in the lower part of Cores A and C where dominated by black organic materials. It may relate to a wide swampy area before the last sea level rise as part of the history of the SundaShelf about 15,000 years ago. Some major elements (C, CaO, Al2O4, FeO, SiO2, MgOdan SO3 covered or filled abnormal specimens that can provide additional information about environmental changes in the study area, such as Carbon may relate to charcoal from land of Kalimatan and Sumatera Keywords: Ostracoda, subsurface sediment, EDX, environmental changes, Karimata Strait Selat Karimata merupakan bagian dari Paparan Sunda menghubungkan Laut China Selatan dengan Selat Malaka, Samudera Hindia, dan Laut Jawa. Paparan ini merupakan sebuah Dataran Sunda yang luas yang terdeteksi dari bukti-bukti sebagai rekaman berbagai lingkungan purba

    Sebaran Spasial Foraminifera dalam Kaitannya dengan Kedalaman Laut dan Jenis Sedimen di Teluk Bone, Sulawesi Selatan

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    Sebanyak 25 sampel sedimen dasar laut dari Teluk Bone bagian utara, Sulawesi Selatan telah digunakan untuk analisis foraminifera dalam kaitannya dengan jenis sedimen dan kedalaman. Hasil analisis diperoleh 97 spesies foraminifera bentik dan beberapa genera diantaranya mendominasi titik lokasi tertentu, seperti Amphistegina, Operculina, Heterolepa, Brizalina, Elphidium dan Quinqueloculina.Setiap genus mempunyai distribusi spasial tertentu sesuai habitatnya dengan beberapa anomali. Kisaran kedalaman daerah penelitian antara 23 dan 85 m dicirikan oleh kehadiran Amphistegina, Cibicides, Rotalia, Cavarotalia. Dalam kaitannya dengan kedalaman, sebaran foraminifera cenderung terakumulasi di sebelah timur daerah penelitian. Setiap satuan sedimen dicirikan oleh genus foraminifera tertentu. Kata kunci: foraminifera, distribusi spasial, kedalaman laut, jenis sedimen, Teluk Bone, Sulawesi Selatan A total of twenty five surface sediment samples from the northern part of Bone Bay, South Sulawesi were selected for foraminiferal study. The purpose of this study is to recognize spatial distribution foraminifera in relation with water depth and sediment types. There are 97 identified species, some ot them are dominant at certain sites, such as Amphistegina, Operculina, Heterolepa, Brizalina, Elphidium and Quinqueloculina. Each genus has certain spatial distribution as its habitat with some anomalies. The range of water depth is between 23 and 85 m that characterized by Amphistegina, Cibicides, Rotalia, Cavarotalia. In relation to water depth, the distribution of foraminifera tends to accumulate in the eastern part of the study area. Sediment unit is characterized by certain foraminifera genus. Keywords : Foraminifera, spatial distribution, water depth, sediment type, Bone Bay, South Sulawesi

    The Characteristic of Deep Sea Foraminiferal Community in Tomini Bay, Sulawesi

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    A total of 14 sediment samples from Tomini Bay, Sulawesi were used for this study as a component of sediment. The samples were carried out by using a gravity corer at water depth range between 600 and 1400 m. This study was a part of mapping activity on marine geology and geophysics during the first cruise of R/V Geomarin III in 2010. The purpose of this study was to examine the subsurface geology related to the potency of energy and mineral resources. Top core sediment samples were washed through 0.063mm opening sieve and then dried in an oven. About maximum 300 foraminiferal specimens were picked from every dried washed residue sample to separate them from other particles under a binocular microscope with brush and water. The result showed that most samples were dominated by planktonic foraminifera (>90%), such as Globorotalia menardii, Orbulina universa, Globigerinoides ruber and others as typical of deep sea sediments. On the other hand, benthic foraminifera was found less than 10% that was represented by Cibicidoides wuellerstorfi, Ceratobulimina pacifica, Pyrgo sp., Bolivinita quadralatera, Uvigerina peregrina, etc. The characteristic of deep sea foraminiferal community of this area may be used for interpreting environmental deposition in the adjacent areas that is useful for petroleum exploration

    Foraminifera Bentik Terkait dengan Kondisi Lingkungan Perairan Sekitar Pulau Damar, Kepulauan Seribu

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    Secara umum, kondisi lingkungan perairan di bagian Selatan Kepulauan Seribu cenderung lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan bagian Utara karena pengaruh polusi dari daratan. Salah satu pulau yang terletak di bagian selatan tersebut adalah Pulau Damar Besar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sebaran foraminifera bentik di perairan Pulau Damar Besar, Kepulauan Seribu terkait dengan kondisi lingkungan setempat. Dari 12 stasiun pengambilan sampel, teridentifikasi 64 spesies dari 10968 individu foraminifera bentik. Beberapa spesies foraminifera yang dijumpai hidup bersimbiosis dengan terumbu karang, seperti Amphistegina lessonii, Amphistegina radiata, Sorites marginalis, Heterostegina sp., dan Calcarina calcar. Berdasarkan indeks keragaman, keseragaman dan dominansi, struktur komunitas di foraminifera bentik di Pulau Damar Besar cenderung seragam. Namun berdasarkan hierarchical cluster analysis diperoleh empat kelompok sebaran dengan penciri masing-masing yang berbeda. Nilai indeks diversitas sekitar 3,48-3,84 yang menunjukkan lingkungan perairan di sekitar pulau ini dalam kondisi bagus. Kata kunci sebaran, Foraminifera bentik, Pulau Damar Besar dan Kepulauan Seribu In general, the marine environment in the southern part of the Seribu Islands is less good condition than the northern part due to the influence of pollution from the mainland. One of the islands in this southern part is Damar Besar Island. The purpose of this study is to recognize foraminiferal distribution from this island related to its environmental condition. From 12 sampling stations, it can be identified 64 species from 10968 individuals of benthic foraminifera. Several species are associated with coral reef such as Amphistegina lessonii, Amphistegina radiata, Sorites marginalis, Heterostegina sp., dan Calcarina calcar. Based on the diversity, evenness and dominance indexes, it seems that the community structure of benthic foraminifera in the study area tends to be equal. However, based on hierarchical cluster analysis, it is resulted four groups of distribution that characterized by their own shallow waters species. The diversity index is 3,48-3,84 that shows good environmental condition in the study area

    Foraminifera di Perairan Sekitar Bakauheni, Lampung (Selat Sunda Bagian Utara)

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    Penelitian foraminifera bentik dari 15 percontoh sedimen dasar laut di bagian utara Selat Sunda, Perairan Bakauheni, Lampung telah dilakukan secara kuantitatif. Keterdapatan foraminifera bentik di daerah penelitian sangat melimpah dan bervariasi yaitu terdiri dari 142 spesies (65 genera) yang diidentifikasi dari 7.799 spesimen. Berdasarkan penelitian ini diperoleh bahwa kelimpahan dan komposisi spesies foraminifera di bagian timur (sekitar Bakauheni) cenderung lebih tinggi (rata-rata 6,24%) dibandingkan dengan bagian barat (rata-rata 4,7%) daerah penelitian. Hal ini kemungkinan dapat dikaitkan dengan arah pergerakan arus dasar laut yang bekerja di daerah penelitian. Keanekaragaman foraminifera bentik tertinggi terdapat pada titik lokasi BHL-36 yang terletak di bagian barat daerah penelitian dan terdiri dari 104 spesies. Kelimpahan tertinggi (10,07%) terdapat pada titik lokasi BHL-25 yang terletak tidak jauh dari Pelabuhan Bakauheni dan didominasi oleh spesies tertentu yang dapat bertahan hidup. Subordo Rotaliina merupakan kelompok utama di daerah penelitian yang dicirikan oleh genera Asterorotalia, Operculina, dan Elphidium. Benthic foraminifera from fifteen surface sediment samples in the northern part of Sunda Strait, Bakauheni Waters, Lampung have been analysed quantitatively. The occurrences of benthic foraminifera in the study area are very abundance and varied, it comprises of 142 species (65 genera), which is identified from 7,799 specimens. Based on this research, it is resulted that the abundance and diversity of foraminifera in the east (around Bakauheni) are higher (average of 6.24%) than in the west (average of 4,7%) of the study area. It may relate to bottom current pattern that work in the study area. The highest diversity of benthic foraminifera occurs at site BHL-36, which lies in west part of the study area and it comprises of 104 species. The highest number of individu (10.07%) occurs at the site of BHL-25, which is close to Bakauheni Harbour and it is dominated by certain survived species. Subordo Rotaliina is the main group found in the study area that is characterized by genera of Asterorotalia, Operculina, and Elphidium

    Foraminifera Bentonik Kaitannya dengan Kualitas Perairan di Wilayah Barat Daya Pulau Morotai, Maluku Utara

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    Pulau Morotai, Maluku Utara merupakan salah satu pulau yang terletak di kawasan segitiga terumbu karang sebagai pusat kenakeragaman biota laut global. Kesehatan ekosistem terumbu karang dapat dipantau dengan menggunakan komposisi foraminifera bentonik. Maksud dan tujuan studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur komunitas foraminifera bentoni terkait dengan kualitas perairan sebelah barat daya Pulau Morotai. Studi ini menggunakan enam sampel sedimen dasar laut dengan tiga kali Perulangan yang diambil pada kedalaman antara 16 dan 36 m. Hasilnya menunjukkan ada 28 spesies foraminifera bentonik, dicirikan oleh kehadiran Amphistegina dan Operculina dalam jumlah sangat melimpah. Amphistegina radiata merupakan spesies dengan densitas tertinggi di stasiun dekat pantai. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman foraminifera antara 1,49 dan 2,31 yang tergolong dalam kondisidengan tingkat keanekaragaman sedang. Indeks keseragaman umumnya lebih besar dari 0,6 yang menunjukkan lingkungan stabil. Nilai indeks FORAM (FI) berkisar dari 6,32 hingga 9,16 yang memperlihatkan kondisi lingkungan yang kondusif bagi pertumbuhan terumbu karang. Kata kunci: struktur komunitas, foraminifera bentonik, terumbu karang, MorotaiMorotai Island, North Molucca is one of islands that is located in the Coral triangle region as the global centre of marine biodiversity. The health of this coral ecosystem could be monitored by using benthonic foraminferal composition. The purpose of this study are re recognized community structure of benthic foraminifera related to water quality off southwest Morotai, Island. This study used six marine sediments samples with three times of replication that collected from 16 -36 m water depth. The result shows that there are 28 spesies of benthonic foraminifera characterized by occurences of Amphistegina and Operculina abundantly. Amphistegina radiata is a highest density species that is found in the near shore station. The diversity index is between 1,49 and 2,31 as moderate diversity; evenness index generally is more than 0,6 that indicates stable environment. FORAM index (FI) is more than 4 (6,32 to 9,16) that shows of condusif environmental condition for reef growth

    The Composition and Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera at Coral Reef Ecosystem in Thousands Island

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    Composition and distribution of foraminifers are affected by human activities and have close association with coral reef ecosystem. The aims of this research were to investigate the benthic foraminifers' composition and distribution in sediment of coral reef ecosystem. Eleven stations of Karang Bongkok, Pramuka, and Onrust Island were observed in this study. The sediments were taken from surface substrate up to 2 cm under the substrate. Samples were washed on sieve with mesh size 0,063 mm, and then dried in oven with 50°C of temperature for two hours. After separating from the sediment, the foraminifers were laid on foraminiferal slide and indentified using binocular microscope. The highest composition of symbiont-bearing foraminiferal assemblages which associated with reef ecosystem was in East Pramuka (78.17%) and the lowest was in South Onrust (21,83%). The opportunistic type had the highest composition in South Onrust (38.67%) and the lowest was in South Karang Bongkok. In west Pramuka had the highest composition of heterotrophic type (57.17%) and the lowest was in North Onrust (11.33%). Onrust Island was dominated by opportunistic type, indicating high nutrient. The highest amount of foraminifers' taxa was found in Karang Bongkok with good coral reef coverage, while the lowest in Onrust facing with Jakarta Bay

    Land-sea Interactions in Coastal Waters Off Ne Kalimantan: Evidence From Microfaunal Communities

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    Microfauna (ostracoda and foraminifera) as component of sediments has been used to detect the dynamics of sea floor condition in NE Kalimantan, particularly off Nunukan and Sebatik Islands. In general, the microfaunal components tend to increase (both number of species and specimens) from near shore to the open sea. The microfauna occur rarely at locations surrounding the islands due to high content of plant remains from the land. The marine origin of microfaunas occurs very abundantly in the inner part of the study area between Tinabasan and Nunukan Islands. This finding is interested due to their occurrence as unusual forms: brownish shells, broken and articulated ostracod carapaces. Additional interested findings are: the incidence of abraded test of Elphidium, the occurrence of dominant species of both ostracoda and foraminifera at some stations; various morphological forms of foraminiferal genus, Asterorotalia that reaches about 1% and distributed in the open sea. The various unusual forms may relate to the dynamics of local environmental changes such as postdepositional accumulation in the sediment, biological activities, and drift currents from open sea to landward. Keywords: Ostracoda, Foraminifera, North East Kalimantan, land-sea interaction Mikrofauna (ostracoda dan foraminifera), sebagai komponen sedimen dapat digunakan untuk mendeteksi dinamika kondisi dasar laut di Kalimantan Timur, tepatnya di sekitar Pulau Nunukan dan Sebatik. Secara umum, komponen mikrofauna cenderung bertambah (baik dalam jumlah spesies maupun spesimen) dari perairan sekitar pantai ke arah laut lepas. Mikrofauna yang ditemukan sangat jarang di lokasi sekitar pulau-pulau disebabkan oleh keterdapatan sisa-sisa tanaman dari daratan. Mikrofauna asal lautan ditemukan sangat melimpah di bagian dalam daerah penelitian antara Pulau Tinabasan dan Nunukan. Temuan ini sangat menarik karena adanya bentukan abnormal: cangkang berwarna kecoklatan, rusak dan cangkang ostracoda berbentuk tangkupan. Temuan tambahan yang juga menarik adalah: keterdapatan cangkang Elphidum yang rusak, keterdapatan beberapa spesies ostracoda dan foraminifera secara dominan di titik lokasi tertentu, dan kenampakan morfologi yang bervariasi dari genus foraminifera, Asterorotalia, yang mencapai 1% dan tersebar di laut lepas. Berbagai bentukan abnormal tersebut kemungkinan berkaitan dengan dinamika kondisi lingkungan setempat seperti akumulasi setelah pengendapan dalam sedimen, aktivitas biologis dan alur arus dari laut terbuka kearah daratan. Kata kunci: ostracoda, foraminifera, Kalimantan Timur, interaksi daratan-lauta