183 research outputs found


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    Scientific Article Publication Training in Reputable International Journals

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    One of the main criteria of the Tridharma of Higher Education by lecturers is to conduct research and publish the results of their research. The relevance of lecturers conducting investigations, research, and publishing scientific articles is raised substantially by the demands for publication by the higher education community. Referring to the Regulation of the Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, academic promotions for lecturers are required to publish their work in accredited national or international scientific journals in their fields. This rule provides direction so that scientific publications and functional positions of Lecturers in Indonesia continue to increase. The ability to publish scientific articles is very important for researchers in Indonesia. Unfortunately, many of them continue to struggle with putting together scientific publications outlining their findings and publishing them in high-quality, peer-reviewed international journals. For this reason, the PKM program in Indonesia publishes scientific articles written by students, professors, and researchers to help them improve their writing skills. There were researchers, professors, and students present from all throughout Indonesia. The seminar's attendees walked away with a wealth of information on publishing their research in high-quality international journals, thanks to this event

    Seminar and Workshop on Object Recognition using Deep Learning at Sam Ratulangi University Manado

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    Purpose: This seminar and workshop aim to address the lack of understanding among students regarding object recognition with deep learning. By exploring the concepts and applications of deep learning in object detection and recognition, participants will gain insights into this crucial aspect of computer vision. Method: The event will feature lectures, practical demonstrations, and hands-on workshops conducted by experts in the field. Participants will engage in interactive sessions to deepen their understanding of convolutional neural networks and other deep learning techniques for object recognition. Practical Applications: The knowledge gained from this seminar and workshop will have practical implications across various industries, including autonomous vehicles, healthcare, security systems, and robotics. Participants will learn how to apply deep learning algorithms to solve real-world problems related to object detection and recognition. Conclusion: By the end of the seminar and workshop, participants are expected to have acquired a deeper understanding of object recognition with deep learning and its practical applications. This will contribute to bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world implementation in the field of computer vision

    Mia Halls Decision Making Process in Her Comatose State in Gayle Formans If I Stay: A Psychoanalytic Study

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    This undergraduate study discusses a novel written by Gayle Forman entitled If I Stay through the psychoanalytic study. The main character of the novel, Mia Hall, is in a comatose state after she gets an accident with her family. Her parents and her brother do not survive. In this unconscious state, she has to choose one of the two choices whether to stay or to leave. Her decision-making process, which the main character faces, inspires the researcher to study how Mia Halls unconsciousness is able to influence her decision making. The researcher formulates two problems for this study: (1) how the main character is described in the plot development of the story, and (2) how the decision-making process of the main character is seen in the story.The analysis produces some results and findings. The first finding is that the main characters traits are family-centered, enthusiastic, loving, and thoughtful. The second result is that the main characters decision making process is a descriptive model of decision making. The reason why she decides to stay in the world is influenced by her identity and the effects of her unconsciousness, in which she still has her grandparents as her family, her dream to become a cellist that she can pursue, and the people surrounding her whom she can share her affection for. Keywords: psychoanalytic study, comatose state, Gayle Forma

    Tatalaksana lesi oral untuk mendukung asupan nutrisi pasien toxic epidermal necrolysis

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    Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) merupakan reaksi kulit yang berat akibat hipersensitifitas berupa gangguan mukokutaneus akut ditandai epidermolisis lebih dari 30% luas permukaan tubuh disertai gangguan sistemik dan dapat mengancam jiwa. Asupan nutrisi yang adekuat sangat penting untuk pemulihan dari kerusakan jaringan, terutama asupan protein. Keterlibatan mukosa rongga mulut pada TEN berupa lesi erosi pada membran mukosa yang menimbulkan kesulitan makan. Seorang wanita berusia 31 tahun dirujuk dari bagian Ilmu Kesehatan Kulitdan Kelamin dengan keluhan lecet dan gelembung berisi cairan jernih pada hampir seluruh tubuh disertai nyeri menelan sehingga pasien sulit makan sejak 2 hari yang lalu. Pasien didiagnosis TEN ec suspect fenitoin, diazepam dan asam mefenamat. Anemia defisiensi Fe, infeksi saluran kencing, drug induced liver injury, hipoalbuminemia dan hiponatremia. ditemukan dari hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium. Pemeriksaan ekstra oral menunjukan seluruh wajah, leher dan dada terdapat makula kecoklatan disertai daerah erosi pada bagian leher, mata anemis, sklera non ikterik, bibir atas dan bawah bengkak disertai krusta sanguinolenta. Pemeriksaan intra oral ditemukan lesi erosif eritema multipel pada hampir seluruh mukosa rongga mulut. Diagnosis kerja yaitu lesi oral terkait Toksik EpidermalNekrolisis. Terapi yang diberikan berupa kompres bibir larutan dexametason bergantian dengan NaCl 0,9% serta pemberian chlorhexidine gluconate 0,2% mouthwash. Seminggu kemudian pasien mengalami perbaikan dan dapatmakan makanan biasa. Kesimpulan dari penanganan dini yang adekuat terhadap manifestasi oral pasien TEN akan mendukung kondisi sistemik dengan meningkatnya asupan nutrisi sebagai bagian dari perawatan komprehensif

    Integrating Real-Time Weather Forecasts Data Using OpenWeatherMap and Twitter

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    Weather forecasts are made by collecting as much data as possible about the current state of the atmosphere (particularly the temperature, humidity, and wind) and using an understanding of atmospheric processes (through meteorology) to determine how the atmosphere evolves in the future. There are several reasons why weather forecasts are important. It forewarns the people about future weather conditions so that people can plan their activities accordingly. It warns people about the impending severe weather conditions and other weather hazards such as thunderstorms, hurricanes, and heavy rainfalls. Thus far, accurate weather predictions have been able to save the lives of many. At its core, Twitter is a real-time public broadcast channel. These characteristics make Twitter a natural platform for public safety communication and early-warning systems.  Furthermore, Twitter became an essential source for up-to-date meteorological data and agency announcements. OpenWeatherMap processes all data in a way that it attempts to provide accurate online weather forecast data and weather maps, such as those for clouds and preciptations Besides, we will use Phyton programming language to get real-time weather data from OpenWeatherMap and post the information to our social media Twitter. Finally, OAuth and Tweepy are a very powerful library that enables the Python code to communicate with Twitter. Tweets about the weather could prove useful to anybody wanting to use it. &nbsp


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    Kinerja pemerintah menjadi hal yang dibutuhkan dalam tolak ukur pemerintahan. Pengukuran kinerja dalam sektor publik menjadi faktor penting dalam menilai kesuksesan dalam pelaksanaan pekerjaan pemerintahan. Pengukuran kinerja melibatkan pihak independensi. Kebutuhan akan penilaian yang baik mendorong adanya moral hazard dalam birokrasi dengan pihak independensi penilai kinerja. Penelitian ini merupakan analisa telaah literatur dalam kinerja pemerintah dan sisi gelap transaksi opini pemerintah yang dibahas dalam sudut pandang kasus dan peraturan

    Do Indonesian Managers TIME Their Corporate Bonds?

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    Corporate bonds are becoming popular in Indonesian capital market due to the ongoing decline in interest rates and the increase in credit rating. Debt Market Timing Theory argues that managers try to time their bonds issuance according to the market interest rate, relatively. This paper aims to analyze the debt issuance timing profile of Indonesian public listed companies. The samples are 24 bonds issuances, which have maturity period between 3 to 7, and companies already issued more than 1 bond issued within year 2009 and 2011. The manager\u27s behavior to time government bond rates is observed in the 5 working days window, whether the corporate bonds being issued at the lowest market interest rate (i.e., government bond rates) on the window. Bootstrap method is utilized to construct counterfactual data. The research finds that 7 out of 24 bonds issuance were issued at the lowest government bond yield within the window. Indonesian public listed companies had no ability to time their bond issuances during period 2009 until 2011. This paper reveals that the frequency of bond issuances made by each Indonesian company does not necessarily determine their capability to time government bond rates. However, bootstrap is a useful and more robust tool to help assessing the debt market timing ability when the samples taken are small in numbers

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemberian Kredit Rekening Koran pada Bank Jatim

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    Permintaan kredit melalui bank sudah berkembang sangat pesat. Bank sendiri berperan penting dalam perkembangan perekonomian. Bentuk pelayanan bank sendiri ialah berupa tabungan dan penyalur kredit. Sebagai penyalur kredit bank berperan penting untuk membantu permasalahan keuangan bagi masyarakat. Kelayakan suatu kredit juga dipengaruhi oleh beberapa kriteria tertentu. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan merupakan salah satu solusi yang  berfungsi  untuk  mempermudah  pihak  bank  dalam  memberi  kredit  kepada  nasabahnya  dengan  cara membandingkan data nasabah sehingga dapat meminimalisir kesalahan pihak bank dalam pemberian kredit. Salah satu  metode  Sistem  Pendukung  Keputusan  adalah  metode  SAW  dengan  konsep  mendasar  untuk  mencari penjumlahan tebobot dari rating kinerja pada setiap alternatif pada semua atribut atau kriteria nasabah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap atribut, kemudian dilakukan proses perangkingan yang menentukan alternatif yang optimal, yaitu nasabah yang layak mendapatkan kredit

    Peranan Nilai Perusahaan dalam Memoderator Pengaruh Fundamental terhadap Kinerja Keuangan pada Perusahaan Sektor Aneka Industri

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    IHSG fluctuated from 2015 to 2019 due to the trade war between the U.S. and China resulting in the performance of various industrial sector indices declining. In addition, the factors that cause the decline also come from the company's fundamentals (CR, DAR and TATO) The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the role of the company's value in moderating the fundamental influence of the company on financial performance in multi-industry sector companies recorded in the IDX period 2015 - 2019. The type of research used in this research is quantitative research. The population of 50 issuers uses purposive sampling techniques so that the sample used as many as 19 issuers. Data analysis techniques used are descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, hypothesis test and residual test. The results obtained are known simultaneously the fundamentals of the company (CR, DAR and TATO) have a significant effect. Partially CR and TATO have a positive and significant effect on ROA while DAR has a negative and significant impact on ROA which means that by indicating that the company is able to manage the company's working capital by utilizing the company's assets for operational activities it can improve the company's performance but on the contrary with a high level of debt it will decrease financial performance. While the company's value (PBV) has no role in the influence between the company's fundamentals on financial performanc
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