178 research outputs found

    Reevaluation of the role of VEGF-B suggests a restricted role in the revascularization of the ischemic myocardium .

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    peer reviewedOBJECTIVE: The endogenous role of the VEGF family member vascular endothelial growth factor-B (VEGF-B) in pathological angiogenesis remains unclear. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied the role of VEGF-B in various models of pathological angiogenesis using mice lacking VEGF-B (VEGF-B(-/-)) or overexpressing VEGF-B(167). After occlusion of the left coronary artery, VEGF-B deficiency impaired vessel growth in the ischemic myocardium whereas, in wild-type mice, VEGF-B(167) overexpression enhanced revascularization of the infarct and ischemic border zone. By contrast, VEGF-B deficiency did not affect vessel growth in the wounded skin, hypoxic lung, ischemic retina, or ischemic limb. Moreover, VEGF-B(167) overexpression failed to enhance vascular growth in the skin or ischemic limb. CONCLUSIONS: VEGF-B appears to have a relatively restricted angiogenic activity in the ischemic heart. These insights might offer novel therapeutic opportunitie

    Loss of placental growth factor ameliorates maternal hypertension and preeclampsia in mice

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    Preeclampsia remains a clinical challenge due to its poorly understood pathogenesis. A prevailing notion is that increased placental production of soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase-1 (sFlt-1) causes the maternal syndrome by inhibiting proangiogenic placental growth factor (PlGF) and VEGF. However, the significance of PlGF suppression in preeclampsia is uncertain. To test whether preeclampsia results from the imbalance of angiogenic factors reflected by an abnormal sFlt-1/PlGF ratio, we studied PlGF KO (Pgf-/-) mice and noted that the mice did not develop signs or sequelae of preeclampsia despite a marked elevation in circulating sFLT-1. Notably, PlGF KO mice had morphologically distinct placentas, showing an accumulation of junctional zone glycogen. We next considered the role of placental PlGF in an established model of preeclampsia (pregnant catechol-O-methyltransferase-deficient [COMT-deficient] mice) by generating mice with deletions in both the Pgf and Comt genes. Deletion of placental PlGF in the context of COMT loss resulted in a reduction in maternal blood pressure and increased placental glycogen, indicating that loss of PlGF might be protective against the development of preeclampsia. These results identify a role for PlGF in placental development and support a complex model for the pathogenesis of preeclampsia beyond an angiogenic factor imbalance

    Gender-Specific Modulation of the Response to Arterial Injury by Soluble Guanylate Cyclase α1

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    Objective: Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), a heterodimer composed of α and β subunits, synthesizes cGMP in response to nitric oxide (NO). NO modulates vascular tone and structure but the relative contributions of cGMP-dependent versus cGMP-independent mechanisms remain uncertain. We studied the response to vascular injury in male (M) and female (F) mice with targeted deletion of exon 6 of the sGCα1 subunit (sGCα1-/-), resulting in a non-functional heterodimer. Methods: We measured aortic cGMP levels and mRNA transcripts encoding sGC α1, α2, and β1 subunits in wild type (WT) and sGCa1-/- mice. To study the response to vascular injury, BrdU-incorporation and neointima formation (maximum intima to media (I/M) ratio) were determined 5 and 28 days after carotid artery ligation, respectively. Results: Aortic cGMP levels were 4-fold higher in F than in M mice in both genotypes, and, within each gender, 4-fold higher in WT than in sGCa1-/-. In contrast, sGCα1, sGCα2, and sGCβ1 mRNA expression did not differ between groups. 3H-thymidine incorporation in cultured sGCa1-/- smooth muscle cells (SMC) was 27%±12% lower than in WT SMC and BrdU-incorporation in carotid arteries 5 days after ligation was significantly less in sGCa1-/- M than in WT M. Neointima area and I/M 28 days after ligation were 65% and 62% lower in sGCa1-/- M than in WT M mice (p<0,05 for both) but were not different in F mice. Conclusion: Functional deletion of sGCa1 resulted in reduced cGMP levels in male sGCa1-/- mice and a gender-specific effect on the adaptive response to vascular injury

    Urokinase Plasminogen Receptor and the Fibrinolytic Complex Play a Role in Nerve Repair after Nerve Crush in Mice, and in Human Neuropathies

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    Remodeling of extracellular matrix (ECM) is a critical step in peripheral nerve regeneration. In fact, in human neuropathies, endoneurial ECM enriched in fibrin and vitronectin associates with poor regeneration and worse clinical prognosis. Accordingly in animal models, modification of the fibrinolytic complex activity has profound effects on nerve regeneration: high fibrinolytic activity and low levels of fibrin correlate with better nerve regeneration. The urokinase plasminogen receptor (uPAR) is a major component of the fibrinolytic complex, and binding to urokinase plasminogen activator (uPA) promotes fibrinolysis and cell movement. uPAR is expressed in peripheral nerves, however, little is known on its potential function on nerve development and regeneration. Thus, we investigated uPAR null mice and observed that uPAR is dispensable for nerve development, whereas, loss of uPAR affects nerve regeneration. uPAR null mice showed reduced nerve repair after sciatic nerve crush. This was a consequence of reduced fibrinolytic activity and increased deposition of endoneurial fibrin and vitronectin. Exogenous fibrinolysis in uPAR null mice rescued nerve repair after sciatic nerve crush. Finally, we measured the fibrinolytic activity in sural nerve biopsies from patients with peripheral neuropathies. We showed that neuropathies with defective regeneration had reduced fibrinolytic activity. On the contrary, neuropathies with signs of active regeneration displayed higher fibrinolytic activity. Overall, our results suggest that enforced fibrinolysis may facilitate regeneration and outcome of peripheral neuropathies

    Hypoxia Induces VEGF-C Expression in Metastatic Tumor Cells via a HIF-1 α-Independent Translation-Mediated Mechanism.

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    Various tumors metastasize via lymph vessels and lymph nodes to distant organs. Even though tumors are hypoxic, the mechanisms of how hypoxia regulates lymphangiogenesis remain poorly characterized. Here, we show that hypoxia reduced vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C) transcription and cap-dependent translation via the upregulation of hypophosphorylated 4E-binding protein 1 (4E-BP1). However, initiation of VEGF-C translation was induced by hypoxia through an internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-dependent mechanism. IRES-dependent VEGF-C translation was independent of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α (HIF-1α) signaling. Notably, the VEGF-C IRES activity was higher in metastasizing tumor cells in lymph nodes than in primary tumors, most likely because lymph vessels in these lymph nodes were severely hypoxic. Overall, this transcription-independent but translation-dependent upregulation of VEGF-C in hypoxia stimulates lymphangiogenesis in tumors and lymph nodes and may contribute to lymphatic metastasis

    The Urokinase Receptor (uPAR) Facilitates Clearance of Borrelia burgdorferi

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    The causative agent of Lyme borreliosis, the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi, has been shown to induce expression of the urokinase receptor (uPAR); however, the role of uPAR in the immune response against Borrelia has never been investigated. uPAR not only acts as a proteinase receptor, but can also, dependently or independently of ligation to uPA, directly affect leukocyte function. We here demonstrate that uPAR is upregulated on murine and human leukocytes upon exposure to B. burgdorferi both in vitro as well as in vivo. Notably, B. burgdorferi-inoculated C57BL/6 uPAR knock-out mice harbored significantly higher Borrelia numbers compared to WT controls. This was associated with impaired phagocytotic capacity of B. burgdorferi by uPAR knock-out leukocytes in vitro. B. burgdorferi numbers in vivo, and phagocytotic capacity in vitro, were unaltered in uPA, tPA (low fibrinolytic activity) and PAI-1 (high fibrinolytic activity) knock-out mice compared to WT controls. Strikingly, in uPAR knock-out mice partially backcrossed to a B. burgdorferi susceptible C3H/HeN background, higher B. burgdorferi numbers were associated with more severe carditis and increased local TLR2 and IL-1β mRNA expression. In conclusion, in B. burgdorferi infection, uPAR is required for phagocytosis and adequate eradication of the spirochete from the heart by a mechanism that is independent of binding of uPAR to uPA or its role in the fibrinolytic system

    De novo design of a biologically active amyloid

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    Most human proteins possess amyloidogenic segments, but only about 30 are associated with amyloid-associated pathologies, and it remains unclear what determines amyloid toxicity. We designed vascin, a synthetic amyloid peptide, based on an amyloidogenic fragment of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2), a protein that is not associated to amyloidosis. Vascin recapitulates key biophysical and biochemical characteristics of natural amyloids, penetrates cells, and seeds the aggregation of VEGFR2 through direct interaction. We found that amyloid toxicity is observed only in cells that both express VEGFR2 and are dependent on VEGFR2 activity for survival. Thus, amyloid toxicity here appears to be both protein-specific and conditional—determined by VEGFR2 loss of function in a biological context in which target protein function is essential.This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, ERC grant agreement 647458 (MANGO) to J.S. The Switch Laboratory was supported by grants from VIB, Industrial Research Funds of KU Leuven (IOF), the Funds for Scientific Research Flanders (FWO), the Flanders Institute for Science and Technology (IWT), and the Federal Office for Scientific Affairs of Belgium (Belspo), IUAP P7/16. G.V.V., F.D.S., and F.C. were supported by postdoctoral fellowships of FWO. G.V.V. was also supported by KU Leuven competitive funding (PF/10/014). L.Y. is funded by a Wellcome Trust Institutional Strategic Support Fund (ISSF) (grant 015615/Z/14/Z). The Synapt high-definition mass spectroscopy mass spectrometer was purchased with funds from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council through its Research Equipment Initiative scheme (BB/E012558/1). The Linköping University laboratories were supported by The Göran Gustafsson Foundation, The Swedish Research Council, and The Swedish Alzheimer Foundation. P.C. was supported by FWO, Methusalem funding by the Flemish government, and an AXA Research grant. M.K. is supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (grant H2020-MSCA-IF-2014-ST). C.V. was supported by the KU Leuven Stem Cell Programme. F.R. and J.S. are inventors on patent applications WO2007/071789 and WO2012/123419 submitted by VIB vzw, Belgium, that covers the use of targeted protein aggregation for therapeutic or biotechnological applications

    Role of glutamine synthetase in angiogenesis beyond glutamine synthesis

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    Glutamine synthetase, encoded by the gene GLUL, is an enzyme that converts glutamate and ammonia to glutamine. It is expressed by endothelial cells, but surprisingly shows negligible glutamine-synthesizing activity in these cells at physiological glutamine levels. Here we show in mice that genetic deletion of Glul in endothelial cells impairs vessel sprouting during vascular development, whereas pharmacological blockade of glutamine synthetase suppresses angiogenesis in ocular and inflammatory skin disease while only minimally affecting healthy adult quiescent endothelial cells. This relies on the inhibition of endothelial cell migration but not proliferation. Mechanistically we show that in human umbilical vein endothelial cells GLUL knockdown reduces membrane localization and activation of the GTPase RHOJ while activating other Rho GTPases and Rho kinase, thereby inducing actin stress fibres and impeding endothelial cell motility. Inhibition of Rho kinase rescues the defect in endothelial cell migration that is induced by GLUL knockdown. Notably, glutamine synthetase palmitoylates itself and interacts with RHOJ to sustain RHOJ palmitoylation, membrane localization and activation. These findings reveal that, in addition to the known formation of glutamine, the enzyme glutamine synthetase shows unknown activity in endothelial cell migration during pathological angiogenesis through RHOJ palmitoylation

    Targeted delivery of thrombolytic enzymes

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