23 research outputs found

    Fekunditas Dan Produksi Larva Padaikan Cupang (Betta Splendens Regan) Yang Berbeda Umur Dan Pakan Alaminya [the Fecundity and Juveniles Products of Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens Regan) with Different Age and Natural Food]

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    Ikan cupang (Betta splendens Regan) merupakan ikan hias bernilai ekonomis tinggi, karena keindahan warna dan naluri berkelahinya. Dalam perkembangbiakanya pakan memegang peranan penting yang terkait dengan fekunditas dan produksi larva. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui umur yang tepat bagi induk cupang untuk dipijahkan serta pengaruh berbagai jenis pakan alarm (Daphnia, Tubifek dan jentik nyamuk) terhadap tingkat fekunditas dan produksi larva. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Instalansi Penelitian Perikanan Air Tawar, Depok dari bulan Agustus sampai Oktober 2000. Metode yang dipergunakan adalah pemberian makan secara ad libitum dengan 90 ekor induk jantan dan 90 ekor betina dengan umur 3-4 bulan. Hasil yang diperoleh dianalisa dengan program SPSS versi 10 menunjukkan bahwa umur dan pakan alami yang memberikan hasil (fekunditas dan produksi larva) paling baik ialah umur 4 bulan dengan pakan Daphnia

    Aspek Reproduksi Ikan Paray (Rasbora Aprotaenia) Dibeberapa Sungai Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun [Reproductive Aspects of Paray Fish (Rasbora Aprotaenia) in Some Rivers of the Gunung Halimun National Park]

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    Paray, Rasbora aprotaenia is an endemic fish whose distribution is limited in Java. Degradation of its habitat is fear to result in the extinction of this fish. The objective of this study was to reveal reproduction aspect of paray in some rivers originating in the Gunung Halimun National Park. The specimens that were used in this study were part of the specimens which were collected from S.Cikaniki, S.Cikancra, S.Citaradje, S.Cimadur dan S.Cisimeut. Aspects of the reproduction covering the description of the Level of Gonadal Maturity (TKG), the Index of Gonadal Maturity (IKG) and the Fecundity. The result of the study indicated that the pattern of growth of this fish was allometric positive, and the value of condition factor was relatively high ranging from 1.63 to 2.11. Index of Gonadal Maturity (IKG) was relatively high: 12.20 -22.46% for male, and 10.47 -13.48 % for female. Fecundity range 647-3512 eggs. The result of the regression analysis showed that there were significant correlation (P <0.05) between the ovary weight and the egg number, and between the Index of Gonadal Maturity (IKG) and fecundity of the fishes sampled from the observed rivers

    Fauna Ikan Di Sungai Cimadur, Ciujung Dan Ciberangdi Sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun, Kabupaten Lebak, Banten*[fish Fauna of Cimadur, Ciujung and Ciberang River, Gunung Halimun National Park, Lebak, Banten]

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    Fish fauna survey were conducted in Cimadur, Ciujung and Ciberang Rivers. From these studies six fishes species were found as additional record for fishes living in Gunung Halimun National Park and its adjacent area. This finding brings the fish species living at this park to be sixty.In this record, it includes Cypriniid fishes that attain large size: Barbodes balleroides and Osteochilus hasseltii, found in the segment of the middle of R. Ciujung (18.3 m asl)

    Enhancement of Motionability Based on Segregation of States for Holonomic Soccer Robot

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    One of the critical issues when navigating wheeled robot is the ability to move effectively. Omnidirectional robots might overcome these nonholonomic constraints. However, the motion planning and travel speed of the movement has been in continuous research. This study proposed segregation of states to improve the holonomic motion system with omnidirectional wheels, which is specially designed for soccer robots. The system used five separate defined states in order to move toward all directions by means of speed variations of each wheel, yielding both linear and curved trajectories. The controller received some parameter values from the main controller to generate robot motion according to the game algorithm. The results show that the robot is able to move in an omnidirectional way with the maximum linear speed of 3.2 m/s. The average error of movement direction is 4.3°, and the average error of facing direction is 4.8°. The shortest average time for a robot to make a rotational motion is 2.84 seconds without any displacement from the pivot point. Also, the robot can dribble the ball forward and backward successfully. In addition, the robot can change its facing direction while carrying the ball with a ball shift of less than 15 cm for 5 seconds. The results shows that state segregations improve the robots capability to conduct many variations of motions, while the ball-handling system is helpful to prevent the ball gets disengaged from the robot grip so the robot can dribble accordingly

    Alat Optimasi Suhu Dan Kelembaban Untuk Inkubasi Fermentasi Dan Pengeringan Pasca Fermentasi

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    Fermentation optimizer aids have been common around us in both laboratories and home industries. However, these aids only served as incubator and sometimes cannot optimize the fermentation process due to the increasing humidity in a closed box. Nevertheless, adding holes to the box will not lead to a better result since unwanted bacterias come into the box. Therefore, a fermentation optimizer aids has been realized with two separate functions, namely fermentation incubator and post-fermentation dryer. This kit works in the temperature ranging from 35 degree C – 120 degree C, and equipped with two exhaust fans to minimize the humidity in both fermentation and dryermodes. The SHT11 was utilized to measure the temperature and relative humidity. A ceramic heater was used to warm up the air inside the box as desired by users. As the user interface, keypad and character LCD were used. ArduinoMega2560 serves as the main controller of the whole system. Compared to the conventional fermentation process, this kit works 9 hours faster and the fermentation objects are perfectly fermented


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    Fish fauna survey were conducted in Cimadur, Ciujung and Ciberang Rivers. From these studies six fishes species were found as additional record for fishes living in Gunung Halimun National Park and its adjacent area. This finding brings the fish species living at this park to be sixty.In this record, it includes Cypriniid fishes that attain large size: Barbodes balleroides and Osteochilus hasseltii, found in the segment of the middle of R. Ciujung (18.3 m asl)

    Pemodelan Inversi Anomali Magnetik 3d Daerah Mata Air Panas Diwak dan Derekan

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    Research of magnetic methods that aim to interpretation the subsurface structure around the hot springs area Diwak and Derekan and to identification caused of hot springs Diwak and Derekan has been successfully carried out. In this research, measurements were taken at 97 points using a proton precession magnetometer (PPM) type of GSM model 19T geometrics and two Geotron Magnetometer G5 models to get the value of the total magnetic field. Measurement data is processed by the daily variation correction and correction IGRF (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) to get the value of the total magnetic field anomaly. Corrected data used to create contours of the total magnetic field anomaly. Contour total magnetic field anomaly is used for the reduction to plan surface process and upward continuation process. The results of the upward continuation get the contours of local anomaly and regional anomaly, the results of the local anomaly contour then reduced to the pole. Results of the research is a pair of positive and negative closure indicate a fault structure below the surface. There are two pairs of positive and negative closure which an incision is made to determine the subsurface structure by creating a 2D model using the software Mag2dc. 2D modeling results indicate the existence of a second incision fault structure in the form of down trending fault southwest-northeast. Meanwhile, to make 3D models using software Mag3D and 3D modeling results indicate the presence of fault structures below the surface. Fault zone results of 2D and 3D modeling is a media outlet fluid to the surface in the form of hot springs Diwak and Derekan

    Tingkat Prevalensi Escherichia Coli Dalam Daging Ayam Beku yang Dilalulintaskan Melalui Pelabuhan Penyeberangan Merak

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    The aimed of this study was to determine prevalence of Escherichia coli in frozen chicken meat transported through Merak port. The samples were taken from DKI Jakarta (16 samples), Bekasi (11 samples), Bogor (8 samples), and Serang (18 samples). The average number of E. coli in frozen chicken meat from DKI Jakarta was 0.43x101±0.28x101 MPN/g, Bekasi was 10.4x101 ±33.04x101 MPN/g, Bogor was 0.28x101 ±0.23x101 MPN/g, and Serang was 6.72x101±25.79x101 MPN/g. Based on the result of ANOVA, the four areas had no significance in diferrence (p&gt;0.05). The conclusion of this study showed that the average number of E. coli from Bekasi and Serang were over the maximum limit of microbial contamination as permitted by SNI 01-7388-2009 (1x101 MPN/g), whereas DKI Jakarta and Bogor were under the maximum limit. The prevalence of E. coli in frozen chicken meat from DKI Jakarta was 31.25°/o, Bekasi 31.25°/o, Bogor 27.27°/o, and Serang was 27.78°/o