47 research outputs found

    Single ultrasound evaluation for follicle and endometrium during ovulation induction compare with progesterone midluteal phase

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    Ideally, there are many times ultrasound examination during ovulation induction. These examination are time and money consuming. Planning a single ultrasound examination at 12th days is necessary from the point view of developing country to reduce a cost. Mature follicle has signifi cant correlation with progesterone level during single ultrasound evaluation at 12th days. But none of these parameters ultrasound (mature follicle, endometrial thickness and triple line pattern) could predict ovulation


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    Latar Belakang : Preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP komplit memiliki risiko untuk mendapatkan komplikasi kehamilan dan persalinan yang lebih banyak dari preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP parsial. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa perbedaan luaran maternal dan perintal antara preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP dan sindrom HELLP parsial. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional retrospektif dengan pendekatan studi cross sectional, dari data rekam medis RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Data diambil dari periode Januari 2013 sampai April 2016. Sampel penelitian terdiri 76 sampel, 42 subyek preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP, 34 subyek preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP parsial. Data dianalisis dengan uji Chi Square, Fisher’s Exact test dan analisis uji regresi logistik Hasil : Preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP komplit tidak jauh berbeda dengan preklampsia dengan sindrom HELLP parsial. Dari luaran maternal di dapatkan hasil mortalitas maternal p=1,00, DIC p=0,44, gagal ginjal akut p=0,60, gangguan penglihatan p=0,18, edema paru p=0,37, eklampsia p=0,97, SIRS p=1,00, perawatan ICU p=0,76, sepsis p=0,58 danperdarahan postpartum p=1,00. Pada luaran perintal didapatkan hasil mortalitas perinatal p=0,45, IUGR p=0,09, IUFD p=0,86, asfiksia p=0,38, gawat janin p=0,60, kelahiran premature p=0,45 dan kelainanpemeriksaan Doppler arteri umbilikalis p=0,46 Simpulan : Luaran maternal dan perintal pada preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP komplit tidak jauh berbeda dari preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP parsial Kata kunci : Luaran maternal, perintal, preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP komplit, preeklampsia berat dengan sindrom HELLP parsia

    Manajemen kegawatdaruratan pada Kehamilan dan Persalinan pada Pusat Layanan Primner

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    Kegawatdaruratan obstetri baik pada kehamilan dan persalinan tidak dapat dihindari, pasti pernah ditemui oleh seorang dokter umum di pusat layanan primer. Identifikasi faktor penyulit dalam kehamilan dan persalinan menyumbangkan 3 besar kematian Ibu di Indonesia


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    Background : There were three main causes of death that increase morbidity and mortality of mother and fetus; infections ( 11 % ) , bleeding ( 27 % ) and preeclampsia ( 14 % ) . A form of defense against hemodynamic changes in preeclampsia, triggered a hypoplastic mechanism and increased the vascular morphology modification of umbilical blood vessels, includes the changes of umbilical arteries luminal diameter. Aim : To observe the difference of umbilical artery luminal diameter in severe preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy Method : This was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design. Research subjects were pregnancy women aterm (37-42 weeks) in severe preeclampsia as a case group (n=16) and normotensive pregnancy for control (n=16), who treated at Department of Obstetri and Gynecology in Dr Kariadi Semarang Hospital during this research period. The data was taken by purposive sampling then measured with microscope dot slide. The hypothesis was analyzed with Mann-Whitney test. Results : The umbilical artery luminal diameter in severe preeclampsia was increased compared to subjects who were in normotensive pregnancy. The umbilical artery lumen diameter median in severe preeclampsia is 1103 μm with 462 μm was the lowest score and 3913 μm was the highest score, and the median of umbilical artery lumen diameter in normotensive pregnancy was 779 μm with 601 μm was the lowest score and 2068 μm was the highest. The analysis showed p<0,05 (significance) for the difference of umbilical artery luminal diameter in severe preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy Conclusions : The study found the differences between the umbilical artery luminal diameter in severe preeclampsia and normotensive pregnancy, which the lumen diameter was increased in severe preeclampsia. Keywords : Diameter, luminal, artery, umbilical, preeklampsia, normotensiv


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    Background: The partograph (or partogram) is a tool for routine monitoring of labor, The partograph helps the care provider to identify slow progress in labor early, and to initiate appropriate interventions to prevent prolonged and obstructed labor. Knowledge of partograph should be understood among maternal care provider, even doctors, Medical studenst, as next general practicioner in primary health care system, must be well prepared in attending normal and safe labour. Assesment partograph knowledge urgently required, to know the level of understanding and preparation of medical student, in attending labour using partograph. Especially in medical students who will graduate to become a doctor, to do intervention before they graduate and become a general practitioner. Objective: This study aimed to determine the knowledge level of students who will graduate to become a doctor about partograph.. Methods: This study was an observational cross-sectional approach that have been conducted in June-July 2011, at the Faculty of Medicine of Diponegoro University student who will graduate to become a doctor in 2011, before following a comprehensive clerkship (intenrship). Sampling was carried out by the method of purposive random sampling of 126 respondents obtained data, the data there were 97 respondents who qualify the criteria and processed. The data obtained are verified with data derived from the Academic Medical Faculty Diponegoro Semarang. Analysis of data in the form of descriptive analysis, with the presentation of data in the form of tables, graphs and the percentage level of knowledge. Result: Based on the analysis, it was found that the knowledge of students who will graduate to become a doctor to have an average knowledge score was 15.74 (± 2.23) from a total of 20 questions, with the knowledge partograph percentage is 78.7%. Only 17 (17.5%) students who can write and apply that knowledge right into the charging case partograph simulation. Conclusion: Knowledge in students who will graduate to become a doctor about partograph been good. But there are still some points of knowledge that has not been understood by students. Partograph knowledge in the application are still lacking


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    Background: The awareness of reproductive health are increasing, namely HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion. This indicates that knowledge of reproductive health is important. This research aimed to identify reproductive health knowledge in adolescent difference, including aspects of anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, gender and sexuality, pregnancy and risk of teenage pregnancy, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases among students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Diponegoro University. Methods: This research design was observational analytic with cross-sectional method, conducted from March until June 2011. The research subjects were students who meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria, collected by purposive random sampling method. Data was obtained from the questionnaire and analyzed with univariate and bivariate analysis. Univariate analysis was used to determine frequency distributions analysis and bivariate analysis used chi square test (x2) to identify significance. Results: Faculty of Medicine students of whom reproductive health knowledge level was categorized as good (55,1%), average (39,8%), and less (5,1%). Faculty of Social and Political Sciences students of whom reproductive health knowledge level was categorized as good (5%), average (67,3%), and less (27,6%). There are significant differences in reproductive health knowledge levels between students of those two faculty (p=0.000). Conclusion: The reproductive health knowledge level of Faculty of Medicine students is higher than Faculty of Social and Political Sciences students and significantly different. Keywords: adolescent, reproductive health knowledg

    Persalinan Pervaginam dan Menyusui sebagai Faktor Risiko Kejadian HIV pada Bayi

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    Vaginal delivery and breastfeeding as risk factors of HIV in infantsBackground: HIV incidence is increasing among housewives, leading to increasing HIV in infants. The aim of this study was to identify risk factors of HIV in infants.Method: A case control study was carried out among women who visited VCT (voluntary counselling and testing) clinic RSUP Dr. Kariadi during 2003-2011 that fulfill the inclusion criteria of term delivery and babies infection confirmed by VCT or PCRDNA/RNA. Risk factors were assessed by interview about ARV consumption during pregnancy, mode of delivery, prophylactic ARV for neonates and breastfeeding. CD4 concentration before delivery was defined from medical report. All subject divided into two group based on HIV infected children status, HIV and non HIV. Analysis used bivariate analysis using Chi square and odd ratio.Result: From 28 women: 16 women in HIV group and 12 women in non HIV group. Breast feeding (OR 13.00; 95% CI 2.12-79.59, p=0.006) and vaginal delivery (OR 6.07; 95% CI 1.11-3.24, p=0.050) were the most important risk factors for HIV infection in infants. ARV consumption during pregnancy (OR 0.13; 95% CI 0.01-1.40), ARV prophylactic in neonates (OR 0.20; 95% CI 0.02- 2.23), CD4 >400 sel/mm3 before delivery (OR 0.33; 95% CI 0.03-4.019) were not risk factors. Conclusion: Vaginal delivery and breastfeeding were risk factor for the incidence of HIV-infected infants

    Pengaruh Pemberian Pamflet Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Hamil Mengenai Inisiasi Menyusu Dini

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    Latar Belakang : Angka kematian bayi merupakan salah satu indikator derajat kesehatan masyarakat. Berdasarkan data SDKI pada tahun 2007 ditemukan angka kematian bayi di Indonesia sebesar 35 per 1.000 kelahiran hidup. IkatanDokter Anak Indonesia (IDAI) mencatat tidak kurang dari 10 bayi dan 20 anak Balita meninggal dunia setiap jam di Indonesia.Angka Kematian bayi yang tinggi ini dikarenakan beberapa faktor seperti sepsis dan hipotermi.Tujuan : Mengetahui apakah indikasi pemberian digoksin kepada pasien gagal jantung yang berobat jalan di RSUP dr. kariadi Semarang sudah sesuai dengan pedoman pengobatan gagal jantung yang digunakan secara Internasional.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental. Data penelitian berupa data primer yang didapatkan melalui kuesioner oleh ibu hamil dengan usia kehamilan lebih atau sama dengan 28 minggu yang memeriksakan kehamilannya di Puskesmas Ngesrep dan Halmahera pada bulan Maret-Juni 2012. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode consecutive sampling. Data dideskripsikan dalam bentuk tabel dan gambar. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan SPSS dengan uji t berbeda pasangan dengan alternative Mann Whitney.Hasil : Terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan yang bermakna pada ibu hamil yang diberi pamflet dan yang tidak diberi pamflet (p = 0,023).Kesimpulan : Pamflet mengenai Inisiasi Menyusu Dini berpengaruh meningkatkan pengetahuan subjek