226 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Wisatawan YOGYAKARTA Pada Produk Oleh-oleh Jogja Scrummy

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    This study aims to determine whether the celebrity endorser became one of the factors that influence consumer purchase decisions, especially consumers in Indonesia in general and in Yogyakarta in particular. The data in this study were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents in each outlet Jogja scrummy. The data used are primary data sampling technique used is non-probability sampling. The hypothesis was tested using the program Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results showed that the celebrity endorsement positive influence on purchase decisions.&nbsp

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pesan Iklan Smartphone Samsung terhadap Niat Beli dengan Citra Merek sebagai Variabel Pemediasi

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    This research aims to examine the effect of quality of the advertising message to the buying intention and mediated by brand image. Subjects are people who use Samsung mobile in Yogyakarta. In this study developed a theoretical mode of the proposed four hypotheses to be tested using Structural Equation Model (SEM) by AMOS software 18. This research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to survey 150 respondents. Respondents were obtained through purposive sampling tehnique, the respondents were selected based on certain goals established researcher. The results of this study show that quality of the advertising message has positive effect to brand image, brand image has positive effect to buying intention, quality of the advertising message has positive effect to buying intention and brand image can partially mediated the positive effect of quality of advertising message toward buying intention

    Apnea Monitor Based on Bluetooth with Android Interface

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    Apnea monitor is a device that is used to give a warning if there is stop breathing. Stop breathing while sleeping is one form of obstructive sleep apnea. This cessation of breath cannot be underestimated, this is related to the main risk factors for health implications and increased cardiovascular disease and sudden death. The purpose of this study is to design an apnea monitor with the Android interface. This device allows the users to get how many times sleep apnea happens while sleeping and got data to analysis before continuing with a more expensive and advanced sleep test. This device used a flex sensor to detect the respiration rate, the sensor placed on the abdomen or belly so it can measure expand and deflate while breathing. The microcontroller uses an Arduino chip called AT-Mega328. Bluetooth HC-05 used to send respiration data to Android, MIT app inventor used for the android programmer, and on the android, there are plotting of respiration value and when the device detected apnea so the android also gives a warning to the user. Based on the results of testing and measurement then compare with another device, the results of the average% error were 3.61%. This apnea monitor design is portable but there are needs some improvement by using another sensor for detected respiration and using a module other than Bluetooth

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Lingkungan Kerja Fisik terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan PT. Cargo Asas International, Denpasar

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    Satisfaction of job is an positive feeling about work of samone representing result of from a its characteristic evaluation. Statisfaction of job is pleasant situation emotionally which is yielded from asseeement of work of someone, effective reaction to work of someone, and attitude to work of someone. Satisfaction of sameone job base on expectation of individual and accomplishmen of requirement which in fact from dimiciling it. Satisfaction of jobhappened when requirement and exemtion relate to work remain to fullfilled. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the compensation, leadership, and physical work environment affects employee satisfaction simultaneously and also partial. Amount of responder in this research counted 37 employees people. Quantitative analysis method the used is test of R simultan, significance test coefficient of regresi by parsial and regresi analisis. Result of research indicate that compensation, leadership, and environment work pysical by simultan have relation of satisfaction of job. By parsial compensation variable, leadership, and environment work also have an effect on positive to satisfaction of employess job

    Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Inkuiri Terbimbing Pada Materi Pokok Suhu Dan Kalor

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    The research development aimed to produce physics learning module based on guided inquiry in the main subject of temperature and heat to student in X class. The research method used Research and Development approach. The development procedure of this module include: potential problems, data collection to meet the need, product design, the validation design, the revised design, the friendly match products include, trial internal: feasibility test products, trial external: trial utility products, revision and final stage, the production. After doing the trial learning module that developed was interesting, easy, and beneficial for the students. The learning module is also effective used as a learning media.Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul pembelajaran fisika berbasis inkuiri terbimbing pada materi pokok suhu dan kalor untuk siswa kelas X. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development). Prosedur pengembangan modul ini meliputi: potensi masalah, pengumpulan data untuk memenuhi kebutuhan, desain produk, validasi desain, revisi desain, uji coba produk meliputi, uji internal: uji kelayakan produk, uji eksternal: uji kemanfaatan produk, revisi dan tahap terakhir, produksi. Setelah melakukan uji coba lapangan modul pembelajaran yang dikembangkan menarik, mudah, dan bermanfaat bagi siswa. Modul pembelajaran tersebut juga efektif digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran

    What could influence workers’ decisions to disclose a mental illness at work?

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    Background: Stigma can be a barrier for workers experiencing a mental illness to access accommodations at work. However, work accommodations may be necessary to maintain a worker's ability to work. Therefore, it may be important to develop effective interventions to address workplace stigma. Objective: To determine (1) what proportion of workers would probably disclose their mental health issue to their manager, (2) what are the motivating factors for the decision of whether or not to disclose, and (3) what would potentially change the disclosure decision? Methods: A link to a Web-based questionnaire was sent to a nationally representative sample of 1671 Dutch adults over 18 years of age. The response rate was 74%. We focused on the 892 respondents who indicated they were either employed for pay or looking for employment, not in management positions, and never experienced a mental health issue. This group comprised 73% of the total sample. They were asked if they would disclose their mental health issue to their manager. For what reasons would they disclose/not disclose the issue? And, what could change their decision? Results: We found that almost 75% of workers would disclose to their managers. The perceived relationship with their managers and feelings of responsibility to their workplaces were important contributors to the decision. A large minority of workers would not tell, preferring to deal with their issues alone. In addition, a significant proportion of workers would choose not to disclose fearing negative consequences. Conclusion: Our results indicate that the majority of these Dutch workers would disclose a mental health issue to their managers. The relationship with the manager plays a central role. The advice from a trusted individual and the experiences of colleagues are also significant factors in the disclosure decision


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    Introduction : The prevalence of decubitus ulcers in Asia is amounted to 2.7%-16.8%, and in Indonesia, there was a 40% prevalence of decubitus ulcers in 2017. In 2017, the prevalence of decubitus in Bandung was found to be 10.8%. Consequently, the number of active cases and deaths of decubitus ulcers reached 48%. Therefore, efforts to reduce the number of decubitus ulcers are urgently needed, thereby preventing the risk of decubitus severity. Objective: To evaluate the correlation of serum albumin levels and stages of decubitus in inpatients at Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital of SurabayaMethod: This research was successfully carried out by means of observational analytics, with a cross-sectional research design. Moreover, this research data were derived from medical record data of inpatients at Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital of Surabaya in the period of January 2018 – December 2020, with a total of 144,002 patients. 197 decubitus patients in Pandan I and Pandan Wangi rooms were involved in the sample selection process. Based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 57 patients were finally determined as research samples. Samples were selected by utilizing Simple Random Sampling. The number of samples in the case group and control group was amounted to 39 patients, respectively. The data of this research were then analyzed using the Spearman Correlation test.Result: The research results indicated that the least number of decubitus patients at stage I was amounted to 8 people (10.3%), and the highest number of decubitus patients at stage III was amounted to 12 people (15.4%). Furthermore, the results of the Spearman correlation test showed that there was a significant correlation of serum albumin levels and stages of decubitus (p = 0.002).Conclusion: There was a significant correlation of serum albumin levels and stages of decubitus in inpatients at Dr. Soetomo Regional General Hospital of Surabaya in the period of January 2018 – December 2020.Keywords: Albumin, Malnutrition, Stages of Decubitu

    Pemantauan Respiratory Secara Wireless Berbasis Komputer

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    Pernapasan merupakan bagian terpenting manusia untuk hidup. Perubahan nilai oksigen dan laju pernapasan secara mendadak dapat berdampak negatif dan dapat membahayakan jiwa. Respiration Rate<12 yang mengarah ke bradypnea sementara obstruksi jalan nafas seperti asma, emfisema dan COPD akan meningkatkan Respiration Rate, Respiration Rate > 30 menyebabkan takipnea. Oleh karena itu, pengukuran Respiration Rate menjadi sangat penting secara klinis. Tujuan penelitian adalah dibuatnya alat Wireless Respiratory Monitoring untuk memudahkan pemantaun kondisi pernapasan manusia. Metode penelitian menggunakan perubahan tekanan sensor piezoelectric dari pergerakan mengembang dan mengempisnya perut pada saat bernafas. Perubahan tekanan tersebut mengakibatkan perubahan nilai tegangan yang dihasilkan oleh sensor piezoelectric. Hasil pembacaan nilai tegangan tersebut akan di olah pada arduino untuk dihitung nilai laju pernapasan dan akan dikirimkan secara wireless dengan Bluetooth HC-05 pada PC. Pengiriman tersebut dilakukan setiap satu menit dan ditampilkan pada Excel. Tampilan pada PC berupa kolom nilai laju pernapasan dan kolom waktu serta plotting grafik nilai respirasi terhadapt waktu secara otomatis. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran dan pengujian modul dapat menampilkan nilai respirasi dan plotting grafik otomatis setiap satu menit pada PC melalui pengiriman Bluetooth tanpa adanya kehilangan data. Ketika pengukuran dilakukan dalam rangkaian Filter LPF frekuensi yang dihasilkan adalah frekuensi pernapasan yaitu 1Hz yang menunjukkan bahwa rangkaian filter telah berfungsi dengan baik. Pengukuran nilai respirasi dilakukan langsung pada tubuh manusia dan didapatkan hasil rata-rata nilai respirasi 14-17 kali permenit pada pembacaan modul alat dan respirasi normal manusia yaitu dari range 12-20 kali permenit. Pengujian dilakukan pada Bluetooth, Bluetooth dapat melakukan pengiriman pada jarak 1-5 meter tanpa adanya kehilangan data. Breathing is the most important part of human life. Changes in oxygen values ​​and the rate of breathing suddenly can have a negative impact and can be life-threatening. Respiration Rate <12 which leads to bradycardia while airway obstruction such as asthma, emphysema and COPD will increase the Respiration Rate, Respiration Rate> 30 causing tachypnea. Therefore, measurement of Respiration Rate is very important clinically. The purpose of this study was to create a Wireless Respiratory Monitoring tool to facilitate monitoring of human respiratory conditions. The research method uses changes in the piezoelectric sensor pressure of the expanding and deflating movements of the stomach during breathing. The change in pressure results in a change in the value of the voltage produced by the piezoelectric sensor. The results of reading the voltage value will be processed on Arduino to calculate the respiratory rate and will be sent wirelessly with Bluetooth HC-05 on a PC. The sending is done every minute and displayed in Excel. The display on the PC is a column of respiratory rate and time column and plotting graph of respiration value with time automatically. Based on the measurement and testing results the module can display respiration values ​​and automatic graph plotting every one minute on a PC via Bluetooth sending without any loss of data. When the measurements are made in the LPF Filter circuit the resulting frequency is a respiratory frequency of 1Hz which indicates that the filter circuit is functioning properly. Measurement of respiration value is carried out directly on the human body and the results obtained an average respiration value of 14-17 times per minute on the reading of the instrument module and normal human respiration that is from a range of 12-20 times per minute. Testing is done on Bluetooth, Bluetooth can send at a distance of 1-5 meters without data loss. &nbsp

    Monitoring SpO2 Secara Wireless Berbasis Computer

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    Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronis (PPOK) sangat kurang dikenal di masyarakat, WHO menyebutkan PPOK merupakan penyebab kematian ke-4 di dunia. Penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan kesakitan kronik dan kematian individu di seluruh dunia setiap 10 detik. Gejala PPOK yaitu meningkatnya frekuensi pernapasan (RR) dan penurunan kadar saturasi oksigen (SpO2) dalam darah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendisain sebuah alat yang dapat memantau kondisi saturasi oksigen dalam darah manusia secara real time. Kontribusi dalam penelitian ini adalah sistem yang menunjukkan data hasil pengukuran yang terus ter-update dalam bentuk nilai dan grafik SpO2 yang menunjukkan kestabilan nilai SpO2 terhadap waktu. Agar alat monitoring ini lebih mudah digunakan maka dibuatlah alat dengan pemantauan secara real time dengan dilengkapi penyimpanan data selama proses pemantauan saturasi oksigen pada pasien. Perancangan alat ini menggunakan finger sensor untuk mendeteksi kadar saturasi oksigen dalam darah yang memiliki keluaran berupa analog kemudian dikondisikan di rangkaian PSA (Pengkondisian Sinyal Analog). Output PSA kemudian diolah di ATmega328P dan dikirimkan via Bluetooth HC-05 ke PC (tampilan Excel). Hasil pengukuran yang diperoleh adalah persentase SpO2 normal pada setiap responden dengan dilakukan masing-masing 5 kali pengukuran secara wireless. Penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan pada pasien dengan PPOK sehingga kondisi pasien dapat terus terpantau melalui nilai dan grafik yang disimpan dan ditampilkan pada PC. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is very little known in the community, WHO says COPD is the 4th leading cause of death in the world. This disease can cause chronic pain and death of individuals around the world every 10 seconds. Symptoms of COPD include increased respiratory frequency (RR) and decreased oxygen saturation (SpO2) levels in the blood. The purpose of this study is to design a device that can monitor oxygen saturation conditions in human blood in real time. The contribution in this study is a system that shows measurement data that is constantly updated in the form of SpO2 values ​​and graphs showing the stability of the SpO2 values ​​over time. In order to make this monitoring tool easier to use, a real-time monitoring tool has been made, equipped with data storage during the process of monitoring oxygen saturation in patients. The design of this tool uses a finger sensor to detect the level of oxygen saturation in the blood which has an analog output then is conditioned in the PSA (Analog Signal Conditioning) circuit. The PSA output is then processed in ATmega328P and sent via Bluetooth HC-05 to a PC (Excel display). The measurement results obtained are the percentage of normal SpO2 on each respondent by each of the 5 measurements done wirelessly. This research can be implemented in patients with COPD so that the patient's condition can continue to be monitored through values ​​and graphs that are stored and displayed on a PC