2,061 research outputs found

    Farm Return and Land Price Effects from Environmental Standards and Stocking Density Restrictions

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    This study assesses the economic and environmental effects to hog finishing farms from residual taxes/standards and restrictions on manure application and stocking density. Economic effects are measured in terms of net farm income and land prices, while levels of ammonia and excess nitrogen and phosphorus proxy the environmental effects. Any environmental policy requiring the need for additional land comes at a small cost to farmers who have access to adequate neighboring land. If this is not the case, then manure application and stocking density restrictions are expensive since the producer is basically forced to either purchase land or reduce hog production levels.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    Evaluating the Evolutionary Origins of Unexpected Character Distributions within the Bacterial Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiae Superphylum

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    Recently, several characters that are absent from most bacteria, but which are found in many eukaryotes or archaea, have been identified within the bacterial Planctomycetes-Verrucomicrobia-Chlamydiae (PVC) superphylum. Hypotheses of the evolutionary history of such characters are commonly based on the inference of phylogenies of gene or protein families associated with the traits, estimated from multiple sequence alignments (MSAs). So far, studies of this kind have focused on the distribution of (i) two genes involved in the synthesis of sterol, (ii) tubulin genes, and (iii) c1 transfer genes. In many cases, these analyses have concluded that horizontal gene transfer (HGT) is likely to have played a role in shaping the taxonomic distribution of these gene families. In this article, we describe several issues with the inference of HGT from such analyses, in particular concerning the considerable uncertainty associated with our estimation of both gene family phylogenies (especially those containing ancient lineage divergences) and the Tree of Life (ToL), and the need for wider use and further development of explicit probabilistic models to compare hypotheses of vertical and horizontal genetic transmission. We suggest that data which is often taken as evidence for the occurrence of ancient HGT events may not be as convincing as is commonly described, and consideration of alternative theories is recommended. While focusing on analyses including PVCs, this discussion is also relevant for inferences of HGT involving other groups of organisms

    Detection of genetically modified plant products by protein strip testing: an evaluation of real-life samples

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    The determination of the presence of genetically modified plant material by the detection of expressed genetically engineered proteins using lateral flow protein strip tests has been evaluated in different matrices. The presence of five major genetically engineered proteins (CP4-EPSPS, CryIAb, Cry9C, PAT/pat and PAT/bar protein) was detected at low levels in seeds, seed/leaf powder and leaf tissue from genetically modified soy, maize or oilseed rape. A comparison between &quot;protein strip test&quot; (PST) and &quot;polymerase chain reaction&quot; (PCR) analysis of genetically modified food/feed samples demonstrates complementarities of both techniques. -Âź Springer-Verlag 2007</p

    Potential Polygamous Breeding Behavior in Northern Bobwhite

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    Breeding behavior ofradio-tagged northern bobwhite (Colinus uirginianus) was observed at Fort Bragg Military Reservation (n = 19), North Carolina, in 1985-88, and Tall Timbers Research Station (n = 27), Florida, during 1984-86. We observed apparent polygamous breeding behavior in 95% (18 of 19) of the radio-tagged northern bobwhite at Fort Bragg, and 93% (25 of 27) of the birds at Tall Timbers. We documented 5 cases of double-clutching by radio-tagged females. Twenty-seven percent of Fort Bragg clutches (n = 30), and 20% of Tall Timbers clutches (n = 56) were incubated by radio-tagged males. Northern bobwhite exhibited characteristics of both rapid multiclutch and am bisexual polygamous mating systems. Northern bobwhite are capable of uniparental care, have long breeding seasons, live in an environment with fluctuating resources, suffer high predation pressure during the nesting season, and raise precocial young; all traits that are similar to other bird species which have evolved polygamous mating systems

    Bipolar querying of valid-time intervals subject to uncertainty

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    Databases model parts of reality by containing data representing properties of real-world objects or concepts. Often, some of these properties are time-related. Thus, databases often contain data representing time-related information. However, as they may be produced by humans, such data or information may contain imperfections like uncertainties. An important purpose of databases is to allow their data to be queried, to allow access to the information these data represent. Users may do this using queries, in which they describe their preferences concerning the data they are (not) interested in. Because users may have both positive and negative such preferences, they may want to query databases in a bipolar way. Such preferences may also have a temporal nature, but, traditionally, temporal query conditions are handled specifically. In this paper, a novel technique is presented to query a valid-time relation containing uncertain valid-time data in a bipolar way, which allows the query to have a single bipolar temporal query condition

    Appendix A: Releases of Pen-Raised Quail

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