10 research outputs found

    Problemi di collegamento con gli Sloveni d\u27oltre confine e la popolazione delle nazionalità dal punto di vista del fattore nazionale e di quello di classe

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    L\u27autore ci presenta alcune considerazioni sul rapporto tra le questioni nazionali e le questioni di classe nell\u27ambito del problema nazionale sloveno, lo spazio culturale comune ed il ruolo della nazionalità quale indice della democraticità della società. La presenza delle minoranze nei tre stati confinanti è talvolta dolorosa, ma contemporaneamente è anche un privilegio, poiché in questo modo si ha la possibilità di essere maggiormente presenti nelle correnti culturali dell\u27Europa

    Problemi di collegamento con gli Sloveni d\u27oltre confine e la popolazione delle nazionalità dal punto di vista del fattore nazionale e di quello di classe

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    L\u27autore ci presenta alcune considerazioni sul rapporto tra le questioni nazionali e le questioni di classe nell\u27ambito del problema nazionale sloveno, lo spazio culturale comune ed il ruolo della nazionalità quale indice della democraticità della società. La presenza delle minoranze nei tre stati confinanti è talvolta dolorosa, ma contemporaneamente è anche un privilegio, poiché in questo modo si ha la possibilità di essere maggiormente presenti nelle correnti culturali dell\u27Europa


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    This article discusses the necessity to take into account the strategic importance of the Balkan region for the EU. The relations between the states in the region are entangled, with political, ethnic, religious animosities and security risks. The most important if not the only tool for the social and economic progress of these states and for improving the stability and security of the region and Europe as a whole is the step by step integration of all states of the region into the EU. Unfortunately, the road of Western Balkans (WB6) countries towards European integration and values has proven to be more burdensome and lengthy than many had hoped a few years ago. On the 6th of February 2018, the European Commission (finally) presented a new strategy towards the WB6 in which it resumed among other things also the responsibility to develop six initiatives aimed at supporting the reforms in the WB6 countries (Albania, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Serbia). The Annex to this instrument contains a timetable for the announced actions, including the supervision of their realization. Almost all actions are supposed to be realized until 2019 at the end of the mandate of the present Commission. It is now of paramount importance that the new EU structure, which will be elected/appointed in 2019, develop new ideas and fresh operational policies towards WB6 in order to keep peace, stability and ensure the progress of the WB6 countries and the region as a whole. The author puts forward in the article some considerations that could be of use in further structuring and especially in implementing the new EU strategy towards WB6

    The Alpe-Adria as a Multinational Region.

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    Aspects of Linguistic Equality in Slovenia.

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    Evropsko manjšinsko pravo in integracija

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    Novo evropsko manjšinsko pravo, ki je nastalo v tem desetletju, sestavljajo: 1) dva mednarodnopravna instrumenta, sprejeta v okviru Sveta Evrope, in sicer Evropska listina o regionalnih in manjšinskih jezikih (1992) in Okvirna konvencija o pravicah narodnih manjšin (1994), 2) okrog 25 bilateralnih pogodb in 3) manjšinske norme v novih ali dopolnjenih ustavah srednje in vzhodnoevropskih držav ter številni drugi pravni predpisi teh držav. Na dosedanji in bodoči razvoj prava so vplivale norme, ki so jih razvili v KEVS oz. OVSE, v okviru regionalnih skupnosti kot sta Svet baltiškihdržav ali Srednjeevropska pobuda ter v evropskih mednarodnih nevladnih organizacijah kot sta npr. FUEN in INTEREG. V skladu z načelom subsidiarnosti, etnični in kulturni vidiki integracije ne spadajo v področje delovanja inštitucij EU. Medtem ko ni bilo politične volje za oblikovanje standardov o manjšinah znotraj ES oziroma EU, se je Skupnost z veliko vnemo lotila teh vprašanj v odnosih do drugih držav. Bodoči evropski sistem varnostiin stabilnosti bi bil zasidran v trdne temelje le tedaj, če bi temeljil na interesih vseh držav in drugih subjektov v Evropi. Nujno bi moral vsebovati tudi standarde in mehanizme za urejanje medetničnih odnosov, kot tudi upoštevati vlogo etničnih manjšin v novi evropski ureditvi. Vojna NATO proti Jugoslaviji je odprla izjemno resno mednarodno krizo z dolgoročnimi posledicami, ki posegajo v samo bistvo mednarodne skupnosti. Reševanje krize bo zahtevalo izjemno politično modrost in spretnost subjektov, ki so jo povzročili ali so vanjo vpleteni. Eno pa je že od začetka jasno: Pax Americana bo temeljila na interesih ZDA kot planetarne sile, ne pa narodov in držav na tem prostoru.The new European minority legislation passed in this century includes: 1)two internationally legal instruments adopted in frame of the European Council, i.e. European bill on regional and minority languages (1992), and convention on the rights of national minorities (1994), 2) approximately 25 bilateral agreements and 3) minority norms in new or supplemented constitutions of Central and Eastern European states and additionally various other legal regulations of these states. The existing andfuture development of the minority law is being influenced by norms formulated by KEVS, i.e. OVSE in frame of the regional communities such as Council of Baltic States or the Central European Initiative as well as among the European international non-governmental organisations, e.g. FUEN and INTEREG. In accordance with the subsidiary principle, ethnic and cultural views on integration do not belong in the field of activities of the European Union. While on the one hand there was no political will for the formation of standards concerning minorities inside the European Union, on the other hand the EU approached these issues in relations to other states with a lot of zeal. The future European security and stability system would be anchored in sound foundations only if it would be based on the interests of all states as well as of other subjects in Europe. It should certainly include also standards and mechanisms for regulating interethnic relations, as well as take into account the role of ethnic minorities in the new European system. NATO intervention in Yugoslavia triggered a very serious international crisis with long-reaching consequences which touch the very essence of the international community. Resolving the crisis will demand an exceptional political prudence and skill of the subjects responsible or involved. One thing is clear from the start: Pax Americana will be based on the interests of America as a planetary power and not on the interests of nations and states of the region

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