2,024 research outputs found

    A eubacterial origin for the human tRNA nucleotidyltransferase?

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    tRNA CCA-termini are generated and maintained by tRNA nucleotidyltransferases. Together with poly(A) polymerases and other enzymes they belong to the nucleotidyltransferase superfamily. However, sequence alignments within this family do not allow to distinguish between CCA-adding enzymes and poly(A) polymerases. Furthermore, due to the lack of sequence information about animal CCA-adding enzymes, identification of corresponding animal genes was not possible so far. Therefore, we looked for the human homolog using the baker's yeast tRNA nucleotidyltransferase as a query sequence in a BLAST search. This revealed that the human gene transcript CGI-47, (\#AF151805) deposited in GenBank is likely to encode such an enzyme. To identify the nature of this protein, the cDNA of the transcript was cloned and the recombinant protein biochemically characterized, indicating that CGI-47 encodes a bona fide CCA-adding enzyme and not a poly(A) polymerase. This confirmed animal CCA-adding enzyme allowed us to identify putative homologs from other animals. Calculation of a neighbor-joining tree, using an alignment of several CCA-adding enzymes, revealed that the animal enzymes resemble more eubacterial ones than eukaryotic plant and fungal tRNA nucleotidyltransferases, suggesting that the animal nuclear cca genes might have been derived from the endosymbiotic progenitor of mitochondria and are therefore of eubacterial origin

    Quantum Effects and Broken Symmetries in Frustrated Antiferromagnets

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    We investigate the interplay between frustration and zero-point quantum fluctuations in the ground state of the triangular and J1−J2J_1{-}J_2 Heisenberg antiferromagnets, using finite-size spin-wave theory, exact diagonalization, and quantum Monte Carlo methods. In the triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet, by performing a systematic size-scaling analysis, we have obtained strong evidences for a gapless spectrum and a finite value of the thermodynamic order parameter, thus confirming the existence of long-range N\'eel order.The good agreement between the finite-size spin-wave results and the exact and quantum Monte Carlo data also supports the reliability of the spin-wave expansion to describe both the ground state and the low-energy spin excitations of the triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnet. In the J1−J2J_1{-}J_2 Heisenberg model, our results indicate the opening of a finite gap in the thermodynamic excitation spectrum at J2/J1≃0.4J_2/J_1 \simeq 0.4, marking the melting of the antiferromagnetic N\'eel order and the onset of a non-magnetic ground state. In order to characterize the nature of the latter quantum-disordered phase we have computed the susceptibilities for the most important crystal symmetry breaking operators. In the ordered phase the effectiveness of the spin-wave theory in reproducing the low-energy excitation spectrum suggests that the uniform spin susceptibility of the model is very close to the linear spin-wave prediction.Comment: Review article, 44 pages, 18 figures. See also PRL 87, 097201 (2001

    Origin of time reversal symmetry breaking in Y(1-y)Ca(y)Ba(2)Cu(3)O(7-x)

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    We have studied the Zero Bias Conductance Peak (ZBCP) of the tunneling conductance measured on (1,1,0) oriented Y(1-y)Ca(y)Ba(2)Cu(3)O(7-x) thin films as a function of doping and of magnetic field. A spontaneous (zero field) split of the ZBCP was observed only in overdoped samples (either by O or by Ca). The magnitude of this split was found to be linear in doping. All samples exhibited a magnetic field splitting, also strongly doping dependent. The field susceptibility chi=d(delta)/dH diverges at the point at which spontaneous ZBCP splitting occurs, its inverse value, chi^(-1), following a linear doping dependence on both the underdoped and overdoped sides. We discuss these results in terms of recent theoretical models of Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking (TRSB).Comment: 5 figure

    Phase transition between d-wave and anisotropic s-wave gaps in high temperature oxides superconductors

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    We study models for superconductivity with two interactions: V>V^> due to antiferromagnetic(AF) fluctuations and V<V^< due to phonons, in a weak coupling approach to the high temperature superconductivity. The nature of the two interactions are considerably different; V>V^> is positive and sharply peaked at (±π\pm\pi,±π \pm\pi) while V<V^< is negative and peaked at (0,00,0) due to weak phonon screening. We numerically find (a) weak BCS attraction is enough to have high critical temperature if a van Hove anomaly is at work, (b) V>V^> (AF) is important to give d-wave superconductivity, (c) the gap order parameter Δ(k)\Delta({\bf k}) is constant(s-wave) at extremely overdope region and it changes to anisotropic s-wave as doping is reduced, (d) there exists a first order phase transition between d-wave and anisotropic s-wave gaps. These results are qualitatively in agreement with preceding works; they should be modified in the strongly underdope region by the presence of antiferromagnetic fluctuations and ensuing AF pseudogap.Comment: 4 pages in RevTex (double column), 4 figure

    Coexistence of a triplet nodal order-parameter and a singlet order-parameter at the interfaces of ferromagnet-superconductor Co/CoO/In junctions

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    We present differential conductance measurements of Cobalt / Cobalt-Oxide / Indium planar junctions, 500nm x 500nm in size. The junctions span a wide range of barriers, from very low to a tunnel barrier. The characteristic conductance of all the junctions show a V-shape structure at low bias instead of the U-shape characteristic of a s-wave order parameter. The bias of the conductance peaks is, for all junctions, larger than the gap of indium. Both properties exclude pure s-wave pairing. The data is well fitted by a model that assumes the coexistence of s-wave singlet and equal spin p-wave triplet fluids. We find that the values of the s-wave and p-wave gaps follow the BCS temperature dependance and that the amplitude of the s-wave fluid increases with the barrier strength.Comment: 5 pages, Accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Kinetic energy change with doping upon superfluid condensation in high temperature superconductors

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    In conventional BCS superconductors, the electronic kinetic energy increases upon superfluid condensation (the change DEkin is positive). Here we show that in the high critical temperature superconductor Bi-2212, DEkin crosses over from a fully compatible conventional BCS behavior (DEkin>0) to an unconventional behavior (DEkin<0) as the free carrier density decreases. If a single mechanism is responsible for superconductivity across the whole phase diagram of high critical temperature superconductors, this mechanism should allow for a smooth transition between such two regimes around optimal doping.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Andreev reflection in Au/La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} point-contact junctions: separation between pseudogap and phase-coherence gap

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    We made point-contact measurements with Au tips on La_{2-x}Sr_{x}CuO_{4} samples with 0.08 < x < 0.20 to investigate the relationship between superconducting gap and pseudogap. We obtained junctions whose conductance curves presented typical Andreev reflection features at all temperatures from 4.2 K up to T_c^A close to the bulk T_c. Their fit with the BTK-Tanaka-Kashiwaya model gives good results if a (s+d)-wave gap symmetry is used. The doping dependence of the low temperature dominant isotropic gap component Delta_{s} follows very well the T_{c} vs. x curve. These results support the separation between the superconducting (Andreev) gap and the pseudogap measured by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) and tunneling.Comment: 4 pages, 5 eps figures, 1 table. SNS 2001 Conferenc

    Andreev reflection spectroscopy of the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5_5 along three different crystallographic orientations

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    Andreev reflection spectroscopy has been performed on the heavy-fermion superconductor (HFS) CeCoIn5_5 single crystals along three different crystallographic orientations, (001), (110), and (100), using Au tips as counter-electrodes. Dynamic conductance spectra are reproducible over wide temperature ranges and consistent with each other, ensuring the spectroscopic nature. Features common to all directions are: i) asymmetric behaviors of the background conductance, which we attribute to the emerging coherent heavy-fermion liquid; ii) energy scales (~1 meV) for conductance enhancement due to Andreev reflection; iii) magnitudes of enhanced zero-bias conductance (10 - 13 %). These values are an order of magnitude smaller than the predicted value by the Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (BTK) theory, but comparable to those for other HFSs. Using the d-wave BTK model, we obtain an energy gap of ~ 460 ueV. However, it is found that extended BTK models considering the mismatch in Fermi surface parameters do not account for our data completely, which we attribute to the shift of spectral weight to low energy as well as to the suppressed Andreev reflection. A qualitative comparison of the conductance spectra with calculated curves shows a consistency with dx2−y2_{x^2-y^2}-symmetry, providing the first spectroscopic evidence for the order parameter symmetry and resolving the controversy over the location of the line nodes.Comment: invited talk submitted to the 8th M2S conference to be held in Dresden Germany, July 9-14, 2006, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Determination of the critical current density in the d-wave superconductor YBCO under applied magnetic fields by nodal tunneling

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    We have studied nodal tunneling into YBa2Cu3O7-x (YBCO) films under magnetic fields. The films' orientation was such that the CuO2 planes were perpendicular to the surface with the a and b axis at 450 form the normal. The magnetic field was applied parallel to the surface and perpendicular to the CuO2 planes. The Zero Bias Conductance Peak (ZBCP) characteristic of nodal tunneling splits under the effect of surface currents produced by the applied fields. Measuring this splitting under different field conditions, zero field cooled and field cooled, reveals that these currents have different origins. By comparing the field cooled ZBCP splitting to that taken in decreasing fields we deduce a value of the Bean critical current superfluid velocity, and calculate a Bean critical current density of up to 3*10^7 A/cm2 at low temperatures. This tunneling method for the determination of critical currents under magnetic fields has serious advantages over the conventional one, as it avoids having to make high current contacts to the sample.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Quantitative Simulation of the Superconducting Proximity Effect

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    A numerical method is developed to calculate the transition temperature of double or multi-layers consisting of films of super- and normal conductors. The approach is based on a dynamic interpretation of Gorkov's linear gap equation and is very flexible. The mean free path of the different metals, transmission through the interface, ratio of specular reflection to diffusive scattering at the surfaces, and fraction of diffusive scattering at the interface can be included. Furthermore it is possible to vary the mean free path and the BCS interaction NV in the vicinity of the interface. The numerical results show that the normalized initial slope of an SN double layer is independent of almost all film parameters except the ratio of the density of states. There are only very few experimental investigations of this initial slope and they consist of Pb/Nn double layers (Nn stands for a normal metal). Surprisingly the coefficient of the initial slope in these experiments is of the order or less than 2 while the (weak coupling) theory predicts a value of about 4.5. This discrepancy has not been recognized in the past. The autor suggests that it is due to strong coupling behavior of Pb in the double layers. The strong coupling gap equation is evaluated in the thin film limit and yields the value of 1.6 for the coefficient. This agrees much better with the few experimental results that are available. PACS: 74.45.+r, 74.62.-c, 74.20.F
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