361 research outputs found

    Winter Movements and Use of Warm-water Refugia by Radio-tagged West Indian Manatees Along the Atlantic Coast of the United States

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    The West Indian manatee's metabolic physiology constrains it to subtropical and tropical regions. In waters of the United States, a manatee's ability to find reliable warm-water refugia during winter cold periods is critical to its survival. This report documents how radio-tagged manatees used a network of 14 industrial and 3 "natural" warm-water sites along the east coast of Florida and Georgia duringwinter. Most industrial sites were powerplant discharges but also included pulp mill effluents. TheU. S. Geological Survey's SireniaProject tracked 71 manatees over 12 winter seasons (1986-1998) using field-based VHF radio-telemetry and Argos satellite based telemetry. Thirty-seven individuals weretracked over periodsofat least 100days between November and March of a given winter, manyfor multiple years. Presence at a warmwaterrefugewasdefined as a location occurring within 200m (for a VHF field observation) or within 1 km (for a satellite-determined location) ofthe site. (133 page document

    Seasonal Movements, Migratory Behavior, and Site Fidelity of West Indian Manatees along the Atlantic Coast of the United States as Determined by Radio-telemetry

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    The study area encompassed the eastern coasts of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina, including inland waterways such as the St. Johns River (Fig. 1). Manatees inhabited the relatively narrow band of water that lies between the barrier beaches and the mainland, occasionally venturing into the ocean close to shore. Between Miami and Fernandina Beach, Florida, 19 inlets provided manatees with corridors between the intracoastal waters and the Atlantic Ocean; the distance between adjacent inlets averaged 32 km(SD = 24 km) and varied from 3 to 88 km. Habitats used by manatees along this 900-km stretch ofcoastline varied widely and included estuaries, lagoons, rivers and creeks, shallow bays and sounds, and ocean inlets. Salinities in most areas were brackish, but ranged from completely fresh to completely marine. The predominant communities of aquatic vegetation also varied geographically and with salinity: seagrass meadows and mangrove swamps in brackish and marine waters along the southern half of peninsular Florida; salt marshes in northeastern Florida and Georgia; benthic macroalgae in estuarine and marine habitats; and a variety of submerged, floating, and emergent vegetation in freshwater rivers, canals, and streams throughout the region. Radio-telemetry has been used successfully to track manatees in other regions ofFlorida (Bengtson 1981, Powell and Rathbun 1984, Lefebvre and Frohlich 1986, Rathbun et al. 1990) and Georgia (Zoodsma 1991), but these early studies relied primarily on conventional VHF (very high frequency) transmitters and were limited in their spatial and temporal scope (see O'Shea and Kochman 1990 for overview). Typically, manatees were tagged at a thermal refuge in the winter and then tracked until the tag detached, usually sometime between the spring and fall of the same year. Our study differs from previous research on manatee movements in several important respects. First, we relied heavily on data from satellite-monitored transmitters using the Argos system, which yielded a substantially greater number of locations and more systematic collection of data compared to previous VHF tracking studies (Deutsch et al. 1998). Second, our tagging and tracking efforts encompassed the entire range of manatees along the Atlantic coast, from the Florida Keys to South Carolina, so inferences were not limited to a small geographic area. Third, we often used freshwater to lure manatees to capture sites, which allowed tagging in all months of the year; this provided more information about summer movement patterns than had previous studies which emphasized capture and tracking at winter aggregations. Finally, the study spanned a decade, and success in retagging animals and in replacing transmitters allowed long-term tracking ofmany individuals. This provided the opportunity to investigate variation in seasonal movements, migratory behavior, and site fidelity across years for individual manatees. (254 page document.

    Movements and Spatial Use Patterns of Radio-tagged West Indian Manatees (Trichechus manatus) along the Atlantic Coast of Florida and Georgia: A Progress Report

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    The West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) is a large, herbivorous aquatic mammal that lives in shallow estuaries, rivers and coastal areas of the New World tropics and subtropics (Lefebvre et at. 1989). The Florida subspecies (T. m. latirostris) occurs at the northern end of the species' range. Their low metabolic rate makes them susceptible to cold stress in winter, hence limiting their northward distribution and affecting their behavior and movements (Irvine 1983). During the warm-season, manatees can be found throughout the coastal areas and freshwater river systems of Florida and Georgia, but in winter most manatees aggregate around warm-water sources, either natural springs or industrial effluents, in central and southern Florida (Hartman 1979). This document discusses various techniques and data sets resulting from aerial surveying and telemetry tracking studies. (94 page document

    Purification of Noisy Entanglement and Faithful Teleportation via Noisy Channels

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    Two separated observers, by applying local operations to a supply of not-too-impure entangled states ({\em e.g.} singlets shared through a noisy channel), can prepare a smaller number of entangled pairs of arbitrarily high purity ({\em e.g.} near-perfect singlets). These can then be used to faithfully teleport unknown quantum states from one observer to the other, thereby achieving faithful transfrom one observer to the other, thereby achieving faithful transmission of quantum information through a noisy channel. We give upper and lower bounds on the yield D(M)D(M) of pure singlets (âˆŁÎšâˆ’âŸ©\ket{\Psi^-}) distillable from mixed states MM, showing D(M)>0D(M)>0 if \bra{\Psi^-}M\ket{\Psi^-}>\half.Comment: 4 pages (revtex) plus 1 figure (postscript). See also http://vesta.physics.ucla.edu/~smolin/ . Replaced to correct interchanged σx\sigma_x and σz\sigma_z near top of column 2, page

    Elementary gates for quantum computation

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    We show that a set of gates that consists of all one-bit quantum gates (U(2)) and the two-bit exclusive-or gate (that maps Boolean values (x,y)(x,y) to (x,x⊕y)(x,x \oplus y)) is universal in the sense that all unitary operations on arbitrarily many bits nn (U(2n2^n)) can be expressed as compositions of these gates. We investigate the number of the above gates required to implement other gates, such as generalized Deutsch-Toffoli gates, that apply a specific U(2) transformation to one input bit if and only if the logical AND of all remaining input bits is satisfied. These gates play a central role in many proposed constructions of quantum computational networks. We derive upper and lower bounds on the exact number of elementary gates required to build up a variety of two-and three-bit quantum gates, the asymptotic number required for nn-bit Deutsch-Toffoli gates, and make some observations about the number required for arbitrary nn-bit unitary operations.Comment: 31 pages, plain latex, no separate figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. A. Related information on http://vesta.physics.ucla.edu:7777

    Mixed State Entanglement and Quantum Error Correction

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    Entanglement purification protocols (EPP) and quantum error-correcting codes (QECC) provide two ways of protecting quantum states from interaction with the environment. In an EPP, perfectly entangled pure states are extracted, with some yield D, from a mixed state M shared by two parties; with a QECC, an arbi- trary quantum state âˆŁÎŸâŸ©|\xi\rangle can be transmitted at some rate Q through a noisy channel χ\chi without degradation. We prove that an EPP involving one- way classical communication and acting on mixed state M^(χ)\hat{M}(\chi) (obtained by sharing halves of EPR pairs through a channel χ\chi) yields a QECC on χ\chi with rate Q=DQ=D, and vice versa. We compare the amount of entanglement E(M) required to prepare a mixed state M by local actions with the amounts D1(M)D_1(M) and D2(M)D_2(M) that can be locally distilled from it by EPPs using one- and two-way classical communication respectively, and give an exact expression for E(M)E(M) when MM is Bell-diagonal. While EPPs require classical communica- tion, QECCs do not, and we prove Q is not increased by adding one-way classical communication. However, both D and Q can be increased by adding two-way com- munication. We show that certain noisy quantum channels, for example a 50% depolarizing channel, can be used for reliable transmission of quantum states if two-way communication is available, but cannot be used if only one-way com- munication is available. We exhibit a family of codes based on universal hash- ing able toachieve an asymptotic QQ (or DD) of 1-S for simple noise models, where S is the error entropy. We also obtain a specific, simple 5-bit single- error-correcting quantum block code. We prove that {\em iff} a QECC results in high fidelity for the case of no error the QECC can be recast into a form where the encoder is the matrix inverse of the decoder.Comment: Resubmission with various corrections and expansions. See also http://vesta.physics.ucla.edu/~smolin/ for related papers and information. 82 pages latex including 19 postscript figures included using psfig macro

    Clotting Changes, Including Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, during Rapid Renal-Homograft Rejection

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    One of two patients in whom early homograft rejection developed after renal transplantation had many antidonor antibodies before operation. By the measurement of gradients across intracorporeal and extracorporeal homografts in this patient, the new kidneys were shown to sequester host immunoglobulins, platelets, white cells and clotting factors. Moreover, the renal venous blood then contained fibrinolytic activity. This presensitized recipient, as well as a second patient who did not have detectable preformed humoral antibodies, gave evidence from clinical observation and from the various clotting tests of disseminated intravascular coagulation with fibrinolysis and a severe bleeding diathesis. Immunofluorescent and histologic studies revealed a laying down of fibrin in the homograft vessels that continued in some cases to cortical necrosis of the transplanted kidneys or, alternatively, receded at the time fibrinolysis occurred. The variety of rejection seen in these patients has been characterized as an immunologically induced coagulopathy. © 1970, Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved

    Unveiling the nature of INTEGRAL objects through optical spectroscopy. VIII. Identification of 44 newly detected hard X-ray sources

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    (abridged) Hard X-ray surveys performed by the INTEGRAL satellite have discovered a conspicuous fraction (up to 30%) of unidentified objects among the detected sources. Here we continue our identification program by selecting probable optical candidates using positional cross-correlation with soft X-ray, radio, and/or optical archives, and performing optical spectroscopy on them. As a result, we identified or more accurately characterized 44 counterparts of INTEGRAL sources: 32 active galactic nuclei, with redshift 0.019 < z < 0.6058, 6 cataclysmic variables (CVs), 5 high-mass X-ray binaries (2 of which in the Small Magellanic Cloud), and 1 low-mass X-ray binary. This was achieved by using 7 telescopes of various sizes and archival data from two online spectroscopic surveys. The main physical parameters of these hard X-ray sources were also determined using the available multiwavelength information. AGNs are the most abundant population among hard X-ray objects, and our results confirm this tendency when optical spectroscopy is used as an identification tool. The deeper sensitivity of recent INTEGRAL surveys enables one to begin detecting hard X-ray emission above 20 keV from sources such as LINER-type AGNs and non-magnetic CVs.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, 6 tables, accepted for publication on A&A, main journa

    Human Proteome Project Mass Spectrometry Data Interpretation Guidelines 3.0

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    The Human Proteome Organization’s (HUPO) Human Proteome Project (HPP) developed Mass Spectrometry (MS) Data Interpretation Guidelines that have been applied since 2016. These guidelines have helped ensure that the emerging draft of the complete human proteome is highly accurate and with low numbers of false-positive protein identifications. Here, we describe an update to these guidelines based on consensus-reaching discussions with the wider HPP community over the past year. The revised 3.0 guidelines address several major and minor identified gaps. We have added guidelines for emerging data independent acquisition (DIA) MS workflows and for use of the new Universal Spectrum Identifier (USI) system being developed by the HUPO Proteomics Standards Initiative (PSI). In addition, we discuss updates to the standard HPP pipeline for collecting MS evidence for all proteins in the HPP, including refinements to minimum evidence. We present a new plan for incorporating MassIVE-KB into the HPP pipeline for the next (HPP 2020) cycle in order to obtain more comprehensive coverage of public MS data sets. The main checklist has been reorganized under headings and subitems, and related guidelines have been grouped. In sum, Version 2.1 of the HPP MS Data Interpretation Guidelines has served well, and this timely update to version 3.0 will aid the HPP as it approaches its goal of collecting and curating MS evidence of translation and expression for all predicted ∌20 000 human proteins encoded by the human genome.This work was funded in part by the National Institutes of Health grants R01GM087221 (EWD/RLM), R24GM127667 (EWD), U54EB020406 (EWD), R01HL133135 (RLM), U19AG02312 (RLM), U54ES017885 (GSO), U24CA210967-01 (GSO), R01LM013115 (NB) and P41GM103484 (NB); National Science Foundation grants ABI-1759980 (NB), DBI-1933311 (EWD), and IOS-1922871 (EWD); Canadian Institutes of Health Research 148408 (CMO); Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare HI13C2098 (YKP); French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, ProFI project, ANR-10-INBS-08 (YV); also in part by the National Eye Institute (NEI), National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), and National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number U24HG007822 (SO) (the content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health)
