14 research outputs found

    Effects of Subsonic Aircraft on Aerosols and Cloudiness in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere

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    This work was accomplished primarily by Allison G. Wozniak, a graduate research assistant who has completed the Master of Science in Meteorology program at the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Ms. Wozniak was guided and assisted in her work by L. R. Johnson and the principal investigator. Invaluable guidance was supplied by Dr. James Holdeman, NASA Lewis, the manager of the Global Atmospheric Sampling Program (GASP). Dr. Gregory Nastrom, St. Cloud (Minnesota) State University, who has used the GASP data set to provide unique views of the distribution of ozone, clouds, and atmospheric waves and turbulence, in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere region, was also extremely helpful. Finally, Dr. Terry Deshler, University of Wyoming, supplied observations from the university's upper atmospheric monitoring program for comparison to GASP data

    Using an A-10 Aircraft for Airborne measurements of TGFs

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    Plans are underway to convert an A-10 combat attack aircraft into a research aircraft for thunderstorm research. This aircraft would be configured and instrumented for flights into large, convective thunderstorms. It would have the capabilities of higher altitude performance and protection for thunderstorm conditions that exceed those of aircraft now in use for this research. One area of investigation for this aircraft would be terrestrial gamma ]ray flashes (TGFs), building on the pioneering observations made by the Airborne Detector for Energetic Lightning Emissions (ADELE) project several years ago. A new and important component of the planned investigations are the continuous, detailed correlations of TGFs with the electric fields near the aircraft, as well as detailed measurements of nearby lightning discharges. Together, the x-and gamma-radiation environments, the electric field measurements, and the lightning observations (all measured on microsecond timescales) should provide new insights into this TGF production mechanism. The A -10 aircraft is currently being modified for thunderstorm research. It is anticipated that the initial test flights for this role will begin next year

    Investigation of \u3csup\u3e186\u3c/sup\u3eRe via radiative thermal-neutron capture on \u3csup\u3e185\u3c/sup\u3eRe

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    Partial -ray production cross sections and the total radiative thermal-neutron capture cross section for the 185Re(n,)186Re reaction were measured using the Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis facility at the Budapest Research Reactor with an enriched 185Re target. The 186Re cross sections were standardized using well-known 35Cl(n,)36Cl cross sections from irradiation of a stoichiometric natReCl3 target. The resulting cross sections for transitions feeding the 186Re ground state from low-lying levels below a cutoff energy of Ec=746keV were combined with a modeled probability of ground-state feeding from levels above Ec to arrive at a total cross section of σ0=111(6)b for radiative thermal-neutron capture on 185Re. A comparison of modeled discrete-level populations with measured transition intensities led to proposed revisions for seven tentative spin-parity assignments in the adopted level scheme for 186Re. Additionally, 102 primary rays were measured, including 50 previously unknown. A neutron-separation energy of Sn=6179.59(5)keV was determined from a global least-squares fit of the measured -ray energies to the known 186Re decay scheme. The total capture cross section and separation energy results are comparable to earlier measurements of these values

    Ice multiplication by breakup in ice-ice collisions. Part II : Numerical simulations

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    In Part I of this two-part paper, a formulation was developed to treat fragmentation in ice-ice collisions. In the present Part II, the formulation is implemented in two microphysically advanced cloud models simulating a convective line observed over the U.S. high plains. One model is 2D with a spectral bin microphysics scheme. The other has a hybrid bin-two-moment bulk microphysics scheme in 3D. The case consists of cumulonimbus cells with cold cloud bases (near 0° C) in a dry troposphere. Only with breakup included in the simulation are aircraft observations of particles with maximum dimensions >0.2mmin the storm adequately predicted by both models. In fact, breakup in ice-ice collisions is by far the most prolific process of ice initiation in the simulated clouds (95%-98% of all nonhomogeneous ice), apart from homogeneous freezing of droplets. Inclusion of breakup in the cloud-resolving model (CRM) simulations increased, by between about one and two orders of magnitude, the average concentration of ice between about 0° and -30°C. Most of the breakup is due to collisions of snow with graupel/hail. It is broadly consistent with the theoretical result in Part I about an explosive tendency for ice multiplication. Breakup in collisions of snow (crystals > ~1mm and aggregates) with denser graupel/hail was the main pathway for collisional breakup and initiated about 60%-90% of all ice particles not from homogeneous freezing, in the simulations by both models. Breakup is predicted to reduce accumulated surface precipitation in the simulated storm by about 20%-40%