324 research outputs found

    Contrastive Hebbian Learning with Random Feedback Weights

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    Neural networks are commonly trained to make predictions through learning algorithms. Contrastive Hebbian learning, which is a powerful rule inspired by gradient backpropagation, is based on Hebb's rule and the contrastive divergence algorithm. It operates in two phases, the forward (or free) phase, where the data are fed to the network, and a backward (or clamped) phase, where the target signals are clamped to the output layer of the network and the feedback signals are transformed through the transpose synaptic weight matrices. This implies symmetries at the synaptic level, for which there is no evidence in the brain. In this work, we propose a new variant of the algorithm, called random contrastive Hebbian learning, which does not rely on any synaptic weights symmetries. Instead, it uses random matrices to transform the feedback signals during the clamped phase, and the neural dynamics are described by first order non-linear differential equations. The algorithm is experimentally verified by solving a Boolean logic task, classification tasks (handwritten digits and letters), and an autoencoding task. This article also shows how the parameters affect learning, especially the random matrices. We use the pseudospectra analysis to investigate further how random matrices impact the learning process. Finally, we discuss the biological plausibility of the proposed algorithm, and how it can give rise to better computational models for learning

    Inherent Weight Normalization in Stochastic Neural Networks

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    Multiplicative stochasticity such as Dropout improves the robustness and generalizability of deep neural networks. Here, we further demonstrate that always-on multiplicative stochasticity combined with simple threshold neurons are sufficient operations for deep neural networks. We call such models Neural Sampling Machines (NSM). We find that the probability of activation of the NSM exhibits a self-normalizing property that mirrors Weight Normalization, a previously studied mechanism that fulfills many of the features of Batch Normalization in an online fashion. The normalization of activities during training speeds up convergence by preventing internal covariate shift caused by changes in the input distribution. The always-on stochasticity of the NSM confers the following advantages: the network is identical in the inference and learning phases, making the NSM suitable for online learning, it can exploit stochasticity inherent to a physical substrate such as analog non-volatile memories for in-memory computing, and it is suitable for Monte Carlo sampling, while requiring almost exclusively addition and comparison operations. We demonstrate NSMs on standard classification benchmarks (MNIST and CIFAR) and event-based classification benchmarks (N-MNIST and DVS Gestures). Our results show that NSMs perform comparably or better than conventional artificial neural networks with the same architecture

    SPySort: Neuronal Spike Sorting with Python

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    Extracellular recordings with multi-electrode arrays is one of the basic tools of contemporary neuroscience. These recordings are mostly used to monitor the activities, understood as sequences of emitted action potentials, of many individual neurons. But the raw data produced by extracellular recordings are most commonly a mixture of activities from several neurons. In order to get the activities of the individual contributing neurons, a pre-processing step called spike sorting is required. We present here a pure Python implementation of a well tested spike sorting procedure. The latter was designed in a modular way in order to favour a smooth transition from an interactive sorting, for instance with IPython, to an automatic one. Surprisingly enough - or sadly enough, depending on one's view point -, recoding our now 15 years old procedure into Python was the occasion of major methodological improvements.Comment: Part of the Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Python in Science (EuroSciPy 2014), Pierre de Buyl and Nelle Varoquaux editors, (2014

    Structure of receptive fields in a computational model of area 3b of primary sensory cortex

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    International audienceIn a previous work, we introduced a computational model of area 3b which is built upon the neural field theory and receives input from a simplified model of the index distal finger pad populated by a random set of touch receptors (Merkell cells). This model has been shown to be able to self-organize following the random stimulation of the finger pad model and to cope, to some extent, with cortical or skin lesions. The main hypothesis of the model is that learning of skin representations occurs at the thalamo-cortical level while cortico-cortical connections serve a stereotyped competition mechanism that shapes the receptive fields. To further assess this hypothesis and the validity of the model, we reproduced in this article the exact experimental protocol of DiCarlo et al. that has been used to examine the structure of receptive fields in area 3b of the primary somatosensory cortex. Using the same analysis toolset, the model yields consistent results, having most of the receptive fields to contain a single region of excitation and one to several regions of inhibition. We further proceeded our study using a dynamic competition that deeply influences the formation of the receptive fields. We hypothesized this dynamic competition to correspond to some form of somatosensory attention that may help to precisely shape the receptive fields. To test this hypothesis, we designed a protocol where an arbitrary region of interest is delineated on the index distal finger pad and we either (1) instructed explicitly the model to attend to this region (simulating an attentional signal) (2) preferentially trained the model on this region or (3) combined the two aforementioned protocols simultaneously. Results tend to confirm that dynamic competition leads to shrunken receptive fields and its joint interaction with intensive training promotes a massive receptive fields migration and shrinkage

    Forward Table-Based Presynaptic Event-Triggered Spike-Timing-Dependent Plasticity

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    Spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) incurs both causal and acausal synaptic weight updates, for negative and positive time differences between pre-synaptic and post-synaptic spike events. For realizing such updates in neuromorphic hardware, current implementations either require forward and reverse lookup access to the synaptic connectivity table, or rely on memory-intensive architectures such as crossbar arrays. We present a novel method for realizing both causal and acausal weight updates using only forward lookup access of the synaptic connectivity table, permitting memory-efficient implementation. A simplified implementation in FPGA, using a single timer variable for each neuron, closely approximates exact STDP cumulative weight updates for neuron refractory periods greater than 10 ms, and reduces to exact STDP for refractory periods greater than the STDP time window. Compared to conventional crossbar implementation, the forward table-based implementation leads to substantial memory savings for sparsely connected networks supporting scalable neuromorphic systems with fully reconfigurable synaptic connectivity and plasticity.Comment: Submitted to BioCAS 201

    Randomized Self Organizing Map

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    32 pages, 19 figuresInternational audienceWe propose a variation of the self organizing map algorithm by considering the random placement of neurons on a two-dimensional manifold, following a blue noise distribution from which various topologies can be derived. These topologies possess random (but controllable) discontinuities that allow for a more flexible self-organization, especially with highdimensional data. The proposed algorithm is tested on one-, two-and three-dimensions tasks as well as on the MNIST handwritten digits dataset and validated using spectral analysis and topological data analysis tools. We also demonstrate the ability of the randomized self-organizing map to gracefully reorganize itself in case of neural lesion and/or neurogenesis

    Differences between Goldmann Applanation Tonometry and Dynamic Contour Tonometry following Trabeculectomy

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    Background. To evaluate differences between Goldmann Applanation Tonometry (GAT) and Dynamic Controur Tonometry (DCT) following trabeculectomy. Methods. Thirty eight glaucomatous eyes with a history of trabeculectomy (Trabeculectomy group, TG), 20 eyes without a history of trabeculectomy but with a history of latanoprost use (Latanoprost group, LG), and 19 nonglaucomatous eyes (Control group, CG) were included. GAT-IOP, DCT-IOP, the difference between them (dIOP), the central corneal thickness (CCT), the axial length (AL), and the depth of the anterior chamber (ACD) were measured. Results. dIOP was significantly higher in TG (5.19 mmHg) than in LG (4.01 mmHg) and CG (1.98 mmHg). Correlations between AL and dIOP were statistically significant in both TG and LG but not in CG whereas correlations between dIOP and other clinical parameters examined were statistically not significant in all groups. Conclusions. The significantly higher dIOP in TG implies that the bio-mechanical properties of the ocular walls are altered following trabeculectomy

    Neural Sampling Machine with Stochastic Synapse allows Brain-like Learning and Inference

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    Many real-world mission-critical applications require continual online learning from noisy data and real-time decision making with a defined confidence level. Probabilistic models and stochastic neural networks can explicitly handle uncertainty in data and allow adaptive learning-on-the-fly, but their implementation in a low-power substrate remains a challenge. Here, we introduce a novel hardware fabric that implements a new class of stochastic NN called Neural-Sampling-Machine that exploits stochasticity in synaptic connections for approximate Bayesian inference. Harnessing the inherent non-linearities and stochasticity occurring at the atomic level in emerging materials and devices allows us to capture the synaptic stochasticity occurring at the molecular level in biological synapses. We experimentally demonstrate in-silico hybrid stochastic synapse by pairing a ferroelectric field-effect transistor -based analog weight cell with a two-terminal stochastic selector element. Such a stochastic synapse can be integrated within the well-established crossbar array architecture for compute-in-memory. We experimentally show that the inherent stochastic switching of the selector element between the insulator and metallic state introduces a multiplicative stochastic noise within the synapses of NSM that samples the conductance states of the FeFET, both during learning and inference. We perform network-level simulations to highlight the salient automatic weight normalization feature introduced by the stochastic synapses of the NSM that paves the way for continual online learning without any offline Batch Normalization. We also showcase the Bayesian inferencing capability introduced by the stochastic synapse during inference mode, thus accounting for uncertainty in data. We report 98.25%accuracy on standard image classification task as well as estimation of data uncertainty in rotated samples