37 research outputs found

    Bilateral deficit in the countermovement jump and its associations with Judo-specific performance

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    This study aimed to describe the bilateral deficit (BLD) during the countermovement jump (CMJ) in judo athletes and determine the relationship between the BLD and judo-specific performance. Fourteen male judo athletes participated. The athletes performed tree specific judo tests: Maximal Sprint Speed Judo Test, Maximal Aerobic Speed Judo Test, Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT), and double-and single-leg CMJ. The follow CMJ variables were used: jump height JH, mean – MPO and peak – PPO power output, peak force – PF, peak velocity – PV and impulse – IMP. The Pearson’s or Spearman’s test were used (p<0.05). The results show that the BLD is found in all CMJ parameters (27% in JH; 20% in MPO; 22% in PPO, 61% in PF, 41% in PV and 31% in IMP). Negative correlations between first set of SJFTTT (total throws) and BLD in PF (r=-0.60; p=0.022) and between the second set of SJFTTT and BLD in MPO (r=-0.74;p=0.002), PV (r=-0.59;p=0.025) and IMP (r=-0.55; p=0.040) were found. Also, negative correlations between SJFTTT and the BLD in all CMJ parameters (r=-0.53 to -0.85;p<0.05) were found. The BLD in most CMJ variables is negatively correlated (large to very large) to the SJFTTT. So, high BLD values are related to poor SJFTTT performance

    Effects of successive judo matches on interlimb asymmetry and bilateral deficit

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    Objective: To verify the effects of successive judo matches on interlimb asymmetry and bilateral deficit in judo athletes. Design: Repeated measures Setting: University Judo center Participants: Fourteen male judo athletes Outcome measures: Four simulated matches consisting of 4-min. Before the first match and after each match athletes were submitted to single leg tests – Countermovement Jump (SLCMJ) and Standing Long Jump (SLSLJ), and handgrip strength (HGS) in the dominant and non-dominant limbs. Interlimb asymmetry was calculated in both jumps and handgrip strength tests. Results: Most jump-derived variables did not change the magnitude of asymmetry throughout the matches (p>0.05), with the exception of jump height asymmetry in SLCMJ, that increased after the second match (p=0.001). The HGS decreased in both hands from the first match (p<0.001), without asymmetry. The highest bilateral strength deficit was observed in post-match 1 and post-match 2 (close to 10%). Conclusion: Four-successive judo matches did not change the magnitude of interlimb asymmetry, with exception of SLCMJ height, which increased after the second match. The handgrip strength decreased throughout the matches, but similarly in both hands. Finally, the direction of asymmetry showed consistency throughout the matches only for SLCMJ height

    Prolonged Survival of Allografts Induced by Mycobacterial Hsp70 Is Dependent on CD4+CD25+ Regulatory T Cells

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    Background: Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are stress induced proteins with immunomodulatory properties. The Hsp70 of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TBHsp70) has been shown to have an anti-inflammatory role on rodent autoimmune arthritis models, and the protective effects were demonstrated to be dependent on interleukin-10 (IL-10). We have previously observed that TBHsp70 inhibited maturation of dendritic cells (DCs) and induced IL-10 production by these cells, as well as in synovial fluid cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: We investigated if TBHsp70 could inhibit allograft rejection in two murine allograft systems, a transplanted allogeneic melanoma and a regular skin allograft. In both systems, treatment with TBHsp70 significantly inhibited rejection of the graft, and correlated with regulatory T cells (Tregs) recruitment. This effect was not tumor mediated because injection of TBHsp70 in tumor-free mice induced an increase of Tregs in the draining lymph nodes as well as inhibition of proliferation of lymph node T cells and an increase in IL-10 production. Finally, TBHsp70 inhibited skin allograft acute rejection, and depletion of Tregs using a monoclonal antibody completely abolished this effect. Conclusions/Significance: We present the first evidence for an immunosuppressive role for this protein in a graft rejection system, using an innovative approach - immersion of the graft tissue in TBHsp70 solution instead of protein injection. Also, this is the first study that demonstrates dependence on Treg cells for the immunosuppressive role of TBHsp70. This finding is relevant for the elucidation of the immunomodulatory mechanism of TBHsp70. We propose that this protein can be used not only for chronic inflammatory diseases, but is also useful for organ transplantation management.Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq)Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP

    Factors associated to infection by Toxoplasma gondii in pregnant women attended in Basic Health Units in the city of Rolândia, Paraná, Brazil

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    The aim of the present work was to determine the prevalence of IgG and IgM anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies and the factors associated to the infection in pregnant women attended in Basic Health Units in Rolândia, Paraná, Brazil. The sample was divided in two groups: group I (320 pregnant women who were analyzed from July 2007 to February 2008) and group II (287 pregnant women who were analyzed from March to October 2008). In group I, it was found 53.1% of pregnant women with IgG reactive and IgM non-reactive, 1.9% with IgG and IgM reactive, 0.3% with IgG non-reactive and IgM reactive and 44.7% with IgG and IgM non-reactive. In group II, it was found 55.1% with IgG reactive and IgM non-reactive and 44.9% with IgG and IgM non-reactive. The variables associated to the presence of IgG antibodies were: residence in rural areas, pregnant women between 35-40 years old, low educational level, low family income, more than one pregnancy, drinking water which does not originate from the public water supply system and the habit of handling soil or sand. Guidance on primary prevention measures and the quarterly serological monitoring of the pregnant women in the risk group are important measures to prevent congenital toxoplasmosis

    Lesões e desvios posturais na prática de futebol em jogadores jovens

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a incidência de lesões, os principais desvios posturais e a possível associação entre lesões e desvios posturais em jogadores de futebol. Foram avaliados 21 voluntários do sexo masculino tendo entre 17 e 19 anos, jogadores de futebol de uma equipe profissional, que foram divididos em dois grupos: G1 formado por 15 jogadores que sofreram lesões relacionadas à prática de futebol; e G2 composto por 6 atletas que não tiveram lesões. Foram coletados dados sobre características antropométricas, posição de jogo, tempo de prática de futebol, freqüência de prática e histórico de lesões relacionadas à prática de futebol. O alinhamento postural foi verificado utilizando um protocolo específico para detectar alterações. Os resultados mostram alterações no alinhamento corporal em ambos os grupos. Os maiores desvios posturais encontrados foram assimetria das escápulas, no alinhamento horizontal da cabeça e no da pelve, em ambos os grupos. Considerando as lesões no G1, a mais comum foi no tornozelo (35%) e a segunda mais freqüente, no joelho (23%). Embora não tenha sido encontrada associação entre desvios posturais e ocorrência de lesões, a incidência de ambos é importante, sugerindo a necessidade de intervenções de prevenção na formação de jogadores de futebol.The purpose of this study was to assess the incidence of injuries, deviations in postural alignment, and possible associations between injuries and postural deviations in soccer players. Twenty-one male professional soccer players, aged 17 to 19 years old, were assessed as to anthropometric features, playing position, length and frequency of soccer practice, and history of injuries linked to soccer practicing. Athletes were divided into two groups: G1 made up by 15 players who had suffered soccer-related injuries; and G2 composed by 6 players with no such injuries. Postural alignment was assessed using a specific protocol. Both groups showed changes in body alignment; the greatest postural deviations found in both groups were scapulae asymmetry, head horizontal deviation and pelvis deviation. As to G1 injuries, the most common were in ankles (35%) and knees (23%). Though no association could be found between postural deviations and injuries, high incidence of both was found, thus suggesting the need to prevention programs in soccer players training

    Interfering factors in the impact magnitudes during jump throw landing in handball

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    This study aimed to analyze the impact magnitude in the lower limbs during the landing phase in handball jump throw as well as to relate the impacts with the body weight (BW), jump height (JH) and the knee flexion angle (KA) and hip flexion angle (HA) during landing. Nine handball athletes, aged 22.2 ± 1.4 years took part in this study. A triaxial accelerometer was used to analyze the knee and ankle impacts. Kinematics parameters were investigated using a three-dimensional system. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance and linear multiple regression set at 5% were used. The highest impact magnitudes occurred in the anteroposterior axis of the knee (28.24 g) as well as in the ankle (59.81 g) with 71% of the knee impact explained by HA and BW while 45% of the ankle impact were explained by HA and KA. Results allow for the conclusion that hip flexion had the highest influence on the lower limb impact whereas there was no observed influence of jump height. Therefore, correct landing technique can minimize the overload applied to the athlete’s joints

    Análisis de la biomecánica de la marcha en mujeres con hipertrofia mamaria

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    La hipertrofia mamaria se define como un aumento anormal de las mamas y provoca en las mujeres que la padecen diversas adaptaciones en la marcha y en el equilibrio. El objetivo de este trabajo es llevar a cabo un análisis de las características cinéticas y cinemáticas de la marcha en las mujeres con hipertrofia mamaria. Participan en nuestro estudio 13 mujeres con hipertrofia mamaria. Empleamos una plataforma de fuerza para medir el componente vertical de la marcha y analizamos diversas variables: primer pico de fuerza (PPF), segundo pico de fuerza (SPF), tasa de aceptación de peso (TAP) y fuerza de apoyo media (SMF). Para el análisis cinemático empleamos dos cámaras filmadoras (30 Hz), analizando las siguientes variables espacio-temporales: TAS (tiempo de apoyo simple derecho e izquierdo), TDA (tiempo de doble apoyo), TTP (tiempo total del paso), TA y TB (tiempo de apoyo y equilibro), CPO (longitud del paso a derecha e izquierda), CPA (longitud de la zancada), LPO (anchura de la zancada) y v (velocidad de desplazamiento). Encontramos que las variables cinéticas PPF, SPF y TAP y las variables espacio-temporales TDA, TA, TB, CPO, CPA, LPO y v, presentaron valores diferentes de los considerados como normales para mujeres de la misma franja de edad. Creemos por tanto que las mujeres analizadas se desplazan más lentamente, con pasos más cortos y más anchos, lo que genera un tiempo mayor de contacto del peso con el pie plano en el apoyo inicial. Como conclusión podemos establecer que la marcha en las mujeres con hipertrofia mamaria presenta características que la hacen diferente de los patrones biomecánicos presentes en las mujeres que no la padecen para la misma franja de edad, características que la hacen semejante a la de las mujeres obesas

    Relationship of aerobic and neuromuscular indexes with specific actions in judo

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    Objective. - The aim of this study was to verify the relationship of aerobic and neuromuscular indexes with specific situations in judo. Method. - Eighteen male judokas took part in the study. The following assessments were performed: vertical jump (CMJ) on a force platform; Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT) to obtain the number of throws and percentage of the maximal heart rate (%HRmax) one minute after the test; match simulation to obtain the peak blood lactate (LACmax) and the percentage of the blood lactate removal (BLR); incremental test to obtain the velocity at the anaerobic threshold (vAT) and peak velocity (PV) reached in the test. Results. - A significant correlation was observed between the number of throws in the SJFT, the vAT (r = 0.60; P &lt; 0.01), PV (r = 0.70; P &lt; 0.01) and CMJ (r = 0.74; P &lt; 0.01). A significant inverse correlation was found between the LACmax and vAT (r = -0.59; P = 0.01). Conclusions. - It can be concluded that the performance in the SJFT was determined by the aerobic capacity and power and the muscle power. Athletes with greater aerobic ability (vAT) presented lower blood lactate accumulation after the match. (c) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Strength and Conditioning (S&C) Practices of Judo Athletes and S&C Coaches: A Survey-Based Investigation

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    Weldon, A, Cloak, R, Kirk, C, Ruddock, A, Langan-Evans, C, Detanico, D, Loturco, I, and Kons, R. Strength and conditioning (S&C) practices of judo athletes and S&C coaches: A survey-based investigation. J Strength Cond Res 38(4): e160–e173, 2024—The benefits of strength and conditioning (S&C) for improving judo performance and reducing injuries have been widely studied. However, the S&C practices used and perspectives held by those delivering S&C have yet to be elucidated. Therefore, this study investigated the S&C practices and perspectives of judokas and S&C coaches working within judo. Forty-two judokas and 9 S&C coaches completed an online survey comprising 6 sections: (a) written informed consent; (b) background information; (c) education, qualifications, and prescription; (d) views on S&C; (e) exercise selection; and (f) issues and improvements. Frequency analysis was used to report responses to fixed-response questions and thematic analysis for open-ended questions. Results indicated that S&C coaches were primarily responsible for delivering S&C programs (60%), and S&C information was predominantly sourced from S&C coaches (43%). Strength and conditioning was deemed very important for randori (78–88%), overall judo performance (67–79%), and judo fitness (62–78%). Similarly, S&C was considered very important for the development of speed and power (76–89%), strength (71–89%), and injury reduction (69–78%). Novel findings were also observed, such as integrating judo-specific training within S&C practice, which may be partly explained by more S&C coaches holding judo belts (67%) than S&C qualifications (11%). This study supports practitioners delivering S&C in judo by offering a base of information to critique or align with their existing S&C practices and perspectives. Furthermore, our results may help identify potential gaps between methods used, proposed guidelines, and actual practice, facilitating the development of research and education resources tailored to the current climat