301 research outputs found

    Auschwitz, anticiviltà: il genocidio ebraico e la fi ne della modernità nelle testimonianze della Shoah. Alcuni casi esemplari

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    L’ipotesi sostenuta in questo saggio è che Auschwitz possa essere lettonei termini di una civiltà capovolta che sovverte usi, costumi e miti fondatividella civiltà occidentale, entro un duplice rovesciamento della realtà (Gegenrealität)e del bagaglio culturale (Gegenkultur) della civiltà occidentale. Il saggio sifocalizza sulla Gegenkultur genocidiaria, mostrandone un campione: a partireda due testi chiave, vengono messi in evidenza i contorni e le implicazioni dellacultura sovvertita dell’anticiviltà genocidiaria di cui l’Europa contemporanea èla diretta erede

    Anisotropic electron g-factor in quantum dots with spin-orbit interaction

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    g-factor tuning of electrons in quantum dots is studied as function of in-plane and perpendicular magnetic fields for different confinements. Rashba and Dresselhaus effects are considered, and comparison is made between wide- and narrow-gap materials. The interplay between magnetic fields and intrinsic spin-orbit coupling is analyzed, with two distinct phases found in the spectrum for GaAs in perpendicular field. The anisotropy of the g-factor is reported, and good agreement with available experimental findings is obtained.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figs. (higher resol. figs. under request

    Recensione a: Giorgio Agamben, Equilibri fra Stato e Famiglia nell’Antica Grecia

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    Transport properties of nano-devices: One-dimensional model study

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    A 1D model study of charge transport in nano-devices is made by comparing multi-configuration time dependent Hartree-Fock and frozen core calculations. The influence of exchange and Coulomb correlation on the tunneling current is determined. We identify the shape of the tunneling barrier and the resonance structure of the nano-device as the two dominant parameters determining the electron transport. Whereas the barrier shape determines the size of the tunneling current, the resonances determine the structure of the current.Comment: 4 page

    Kinetic energy equipartition: a tool to characterize quantum thermalization

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    The Orthodox kinetic energy has, in fact, two hidden-variable components: one linked to the current (or Bohmian) velocity, and another linked to the osmotic velocity (or quantum potential), and which are respectively identified with phase and amplitude of the wavefunction. Inspired by Bohmian and Stochastic quantum mechanics, we address what happens to each of these two velocity components when the Orthodox kinetic energy thermalizes in closed systems, and how the pertinent weak values yield experimental information about them. We show that, after thermalization, the expectation values of both the (squared) current and osmotic velocities approach the same stationary value, that is, each of the Bohmian kinetic and quantum potential energies approaches half of the Orthodox kinetic energy. Such a `kinetic energy equipartition' is a novel signature of quantum thermalization that can empirically be tested in the laboratory, following a well-defined operational protocol as given by the expectation values of (squared) real and imaginary parts of the local-in-position weak value of the momentum, which are respectively related to the current and osmotic velocities. Thus, the kinetic energy equipartion presented here is independent on any ontological status given to these hidden variables, and it could be used as a novel element to characterize quantum thermalization in the laboratory, beyond the traditional use of expectation values linked to Hermitian operators. Numerical results for the nonequilibrium dynamics of a few-particle harmonic trap under random disorder are presented as illustration. And the advantages in using the center-of-mass frame of reference for dealing with systems with many indistinguishable particles are also discussed.Comment: submitted on 02/May/2

    Plant-derived cis-β-ocimene as a precursor for biocompatible, transparent, thermally-stable dielectric and encapsulating layers for organic electronics

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    This article presents low-temperature, one-step dry synthesis of optically transparent thermally-stable, biocompatible cis-β-ocimene-based thin films for applications as interlayer dielectric and encapsulating layer for flexible electronic devices, e.g. OLEDs. Morphological analysis of thin films shows uniform, very smooth (R q < 1 nm) and defect-free moderately hydrophilic surfaces. The films are optically transparent, with a refractive index of ∼1.58 at 600 nm, an optical band gap of ∼2.85 eV, and dielectric constant of 3.5-3.6 at 1 kHz. Upon heating, thin films are chemically and optically stable up to at least 200 °C, where thermal stability increases for films manufactured at higher RF power as well as for films deposited away from the plasma glow. Heating of the sample increases the dielectric constant, from 3.7 (25 °C) to 4.7 (120 °C) at 1 kHz for polymer fabricated at 25 W. Polymers are biocompatible with non-adherent THP-1 cells and adherent mouse macrophage cells, including LPS-stimulated macrophages, and maintain their material properties after 48 h of immersion into simulated body fluid. The versatile nature of the films fabricated in this study may be exploited in next-generation consumer electronics and energy technologies

    Verificação oportunista de assinaturas digitais para programas e bibliotecas em sistemas operacionais paginados

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    This work discusses a series of security mechanisms based in cryptography, combining them with concepts of operating systems, in order to create an innovative architecture that uses some functionalities characteristics of operating system to protect it against vulnerabilities related with the adulteration of computer programs and libraries. This architecture consists in a mechanism for generation of digital signatures integrated into the computer programs and libraries, in order to guarantee the software and operating system authenticity and integrity while in execution by the target machine. The system is transparent to programmers, and it is also possible that software with digital signatures can be executed on systems without support to verification of signature, what simplifies the software distribution process. The verification of signatures is integrated with the paging mechanism of the microprocessor, making on-demand verification only in the part of the programs and libraries that is going to be effectively used, diminishing the impact on the performance and providing transparency for final users and system administrators. The validation of the model was carried through as an extension to the application binary interface Unix ELF, implemented in the GNU/Linux platform. The impact of the digital signature for developers and distributors of operating systems under the point of view of complexity, effect for final users and overload in performance of the system was verified. xixEste trabalho apresenta a combinação de uma série de mecanismos de segurança baseados em criptografia com conceitos de sistemas operacionais. Esta combinação cria uma arquitetura inovadora,que aproveita características do funcionamento do sistema operacional para protegê-lo de vulnerabilidades relacionadas com a adulteração de programas e bibliotecas. Esta arquitetura consiste em um mecanismo de geração de assinaturas digitais integradas a programas e bibliotecas, para garantir a autenticidade e a integridade dos mesmos e de cada parte do sistema operacional em execução. O sistema funciona de forma transparente para programadores, e possibilita que o software com assinaturas digitais seja compatível com sistemas que não tenham suporte a verificação de assinatura, simplificando o processo de distribuição. A verificação de assinaturas é integrada com o mecanismo de paginação do microprocessador, de forma a efetuar uma verificação sob demanda somente da parte dos programas e bibliotecas que é efetivamente utilizada. Esta integração diminui o impacto sobre o desempenho e proporciona transparência para os usuários finais e administradores de sistemas. A validação do modelo proposto foi realizada como uma extensão à interface binária de aplicação Unix ELF, implementada na plataforma GNU/Linux. O impacto da assinatura digital para desenvolvedores e distribuidores de sistemas operacionais sob a ótica de complexidade de uso, efeitos do sistema para usuários finais e a sobrecarga no desempenho do sistema foram verificados


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    Até ser sancionada a Lei n. 14.119/2021 sobre pagamentos por serviços ambientais, esta passou por várias arguições, mas também por ser recente, que instigou uma avaliação crítica de seu texto que correlaciona com o desenvolvimento rural junto com a sustentabilidade, através do pagamento de um estímulo financeiro aos donos de terras. A pesquisa utilizou a metodologia qualitativa devido as análises de documentos, leis e produções científicas, assim como os pareceres de Deputados Federais e Senadores sobre o seu projeto de lei n. 312-A/2015. Juntamente com o método dialético, o qual supõe que nada está acabado e devido os diálogos das análises, além de arguir sobre problemas no corpo da Lei sancionada. Que passou por políticos envolvidos na bancada ruralista, resultando em relatórios mais econômicos com foco nos grandes proprietários, contrapondo-se com outras leis e que acarretou falhas normativas devido não regular toda a matéria de forma criteriosa. Além do Governo impor multa aos infratores ambientais, estes em virtude das falhas ainda podem acessar esta política e, ainda falta um regulamento sobre a forma de pactuação contratual que não foi elaborado. Conclui-se que certos artigos da Lei abrem brechas à determinadas benesses ou “prêmios” aos infratores ambientais, proporcionando o mal uso da Lei a fim de bloquear a desapropriação rural (por causa de contradições normativas), vindo-a prejudicar a realização da Reforma Agrária e, além disto dificultar o acesso pelos agricultores familiares que não possuem o Título de Domínio, como o caso dos recém-assentados