186 research outputs found

    Individual-based simulation of the spatial and temporal dynamics of macroinvertebrate functional groups provides insights into benthic community assembly mechanisms

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    The complexity and scales of the processes that shape communities of marine benthic macroinvertebrates has limited our understanding of their assembly mechanisms and the potential to make projections of their spatial and temporal dynamics. Individual-based models can shed light on community assembly mechanisms, by allowing observed spatiotemporal patterns to emerge from first principles about the modeled organisms. Previous work in the Rance estuary (Brittany, France) revealed the principal functional components of its benthic macroinvertebrate communities and derived a set of functional relationships between them. These elements were combined here for the development of a dynamic and spatially explicit model that operates at two spatial scales. At the fine scale, modeling each individual’s life cycle allowed the representation of recruitment, inter- and intra-group competition, biogenic habitat modification and predation mortality. Larval dispersal and environmental filtering due to the tidal characteristics of the Rance estuary were represented at the coarse scale. The two scales were dynamically linked and the model was parameterized on the basis of theoretical expectations and expert knowledge. The model was able to reproduce some patterns of α- and β-diversity that were observed in the Rance estuary in 1995. Model analysis demonstrated the role of local and regional processes, particularly early post-settlement mortality and spatially restricted dispersal, in shaping marine benthos. It also indicated biogenic habitat modification as a promising area for future research. The combination of this mechanism with different substrate types, along with the representation of physical disturbances and more trophic categories, could increase the model’s realism. The precise parameterization and validation of the model is expected to extend its scope from the exploration of community assembly mechanisms to the formulation of predictions about the responses of community structure and functioning to environmental change

    A review of potential impacts of submarine power cables on the marine environment:Knowledge gaps, recommendations and future directions

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    Submarine power cables (SPC) have been in use since the mid-19th century, but environmental concerns about them are much more recent. With the development of marine renewable energy technologies, it is vital to understand their potential impacts. The commissioning of SPC may temporarily or permanently impact the marine environment through habitat damage or loss, noise, chemical pollution, heat and electromagnetic field emissions, risk of entanglement, introduction of artificial substrates, and the creation of reserve effects. While growing numbers of scientific publications focus on impacts of the marine energy harnessing devices, data on impacts of associated power connections such as SPC are scarce and knowledge gaps persist. The present study (1) examines the different categories of potential ecological effects of SPC during installation, operation and decommissioning phases and hierarchizes these types of interactions according to their ecological relevance and existing scientific knowledge, (2) identifies the main knowledge gaps and needs for research, and (3) sets recommendations for better monitoring and mitigation of the most significant impacts. Overall, ecological impacts associated with SPC can be considered weak or moderate, although many uncertainties remain, particularly concerning electromagnetic effects

    First and repeated records of the tropical-temperate crab Asthenognathus atlanticus Monod, 1932 (Decapoda: Brachyura) in the eastern part of the Bay of Seine (eastern English Channel, France)

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    International audienceAsthenognathus atlanticus Monod, 1932, has been reported for the first time from the eastern part of the bay ofSeine (eastern english Channel). A total of 30 specimens were collected between the years 2008 and 2011, along thenormandy coast from ouistreham to Antifer, mainly on mud and muddy sand habitats, between 10 and 25 m depth. thedistribution range of A. atlanticus has been previously known to cover eastern Atlantic coasts from Angola to the westernenglish Channel, where it reached its northern limits. it is also present in the western part of the Mediterranean Sea. thechanges in the sediment composition of the eastern bay of Seine have probably led to the development of a potentiallyfavorable habitat for this species. However, the data collected have not yet been sufficient to ascertain the origin, and themethod of introduction of the eastern english Channel specimens. in the discussion, we ponder if they might haveoriginated from the western english Channel populations, and was transported as larvae in the eastern english Channel;they could have originated from a more distant population, and have been brought to the eastern english Channel throughhuman activities. each hypothesis is possible in theory

    Biogenic reefs affect multiple components of intertidal soft-bottom benthic assemblages: the Lanice conchilega case study

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    a b s t r a c t Biogenic reefs composed of the tube-building polychaete Lanice conchilega are important from a conservation point of view because they noticeably increase the biodiversity in otherwise species poor environments. However, up to now, little or no attention has been paid to the intertidal epi-and hyperbenthic communities associated with the reefs. Therefore, this is the first study which focuses on the effect of L. conchilega reefs on the entire bentho-pelagic community at two different locations. Environmental variables were measured and macro-, epi-and hyperbenthic communities were sampled within a L. conchilega reef and a control area at two locations in France: the bay of the Mont Saint-Michel (BMSM) and Boulogne-sur-Mer (Boulogne). The effect of the reef presence on the benthic community was studied with a 3-factor (Reef, Location and Period) Permanova. In addition, the relationship between the benthic community and the environmental variables was investigated using Distance-based linear models (DistLM). Most collected organisms were sampled in the reef area (macrobenthos: 91%, epibenthos: 81% and hyperbenthos: 78.5%) indicating that, independent of the location, the L. conchilega reefs positively affect all three associated benthic communities. However, the extent of the effect seems to be most pronounced for the macrobenthos and less distinct in case of the hyperbenthos. The macro-, and epibenthos are mainly structured by biotic variables (L. conchilega density and macrobenthic food availability respectively), while the hyperbenthos is rather structured by environmental variables. In general, L. conchilega reefs do not only affect abundances and diversity but they substantially steer the structure of the intertidal benthic sandy beach ecosystem

    Identification of GLPG/ABBV-2737, a Novel Class of Corrector, Which Exerts Functional Synergy With Other CFTR Modulators

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    The deletion of phenylalanine at position 508 (F508del) in cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) causes a severe defect in folding and trafficking of the chloride channel resulting in its absence at the plasma membrane of epithelial cells leading to cystic fibrosis. Progress in the understanding of the disease increased over the past decades and led to the awareness that combinations of mechanistically different CFTR modulators are required to obtain meaningful clinical benefit. Today, there remains an unmet need for identification and development of more effective CFTR modulator combinations to improve existing therapies for patients carrying the F508del mutation. Here, we describe the identification of a novel F508del corrector using functional assays. We provide experimental evidence that the clinical candidate GLPG/ABBV-2737 represents a novel class of corrector exerting activity both on its own and in combination with VX809 or GLPG/ABBV-2222