91 research outputs found

    Difficultés de réinsertion sociale des traumatisés crâniens graves : une altération des auto-présentations normatives

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    Les troubles cognitifs résultant d'un traumatisme crânien grave (T.C.G.) retentissent sur l'adapta­tion sociale et professionnelle des victimes. L'objectif de ce travail est de mettre en évidence et d'analyser les troubles fonctionnels responsables des problèmes d'insertion rencontrés par les traumatisés crâniens graves (patients T.C.G.). Nous émettons l'hypothèse que les difficultés rencontrées par ces patients proviennent d'une perception altérée des normes situationnelles et par conséquent d'une mise en œuvre défaillante des comportements adéquats à adopter. Pour tester cette hypothèse, nous avons étudié les capacités des patients T.C.G. à manipuler les stratégies d'auto-présentation en fonction de la désirabilité sociale d'un certain type de réponse (norme d'internalité) et de la nature des consignes administrées. Nous avons utilisé le questionnaire de « locus of control» de Dubois (1985) avec le paradigme d'auto-présentation (donner une bonne image de soi ou une mauvaise image de soi). Nous avons également utilisé le paradigme de « la petite annonce », les sujets devaient répondre à un questionnaire en orientant leurs réponses de manière à obtenir successivement deux postes bien différenciés (animateur et archiviste). Les tests d'intelligence sociale élaborés par O'Sullivan et Guilford (1978) ont complété notre protocole afin de mesurer les capacités des patients T.C.G. à reconnaître la structure des situations sociales. Les résultats mettent en évidence les difficultés rencontrées par les patients T.C.G. pour mettre en place les stratégies d'auto-présentation qui leur permettraient de s'adapter à une norme. Par exemple, ils présentent une perception altérée de la désirabilité du registre explicatif interne et des difficultés pour adapter leurs réponses en fonction des caractéristiques des postes à pourvoir. En raison des déficits des fonctions exécutives (touchant les activités d'analyse de la demande, de planification, de contrôle...), de l'anosognosie et des déficits métacognitifs, les traumatisés crâniens graves sont en échec pour analyser correctement les situations sociales et pour fournir un comportement adapté.Cognitive disorders resulting from a serious traumatic brain injury have some impact on the social and professional integration of the patients. The aim of this study is ta highlight and analyse the functional disorders responsible for the troubles encountered by the patients. We assessed that the encountered difficulties might came from an impaireel perception of situational standards and consequently from a mistaken irnplementation of the suitable behaviours to adopt. In order ta examine that theoty, we studied brain damaged people 's abilities ta handle self­presentation strategies in accordance with some types of expected social responses and granted instructions. We used the « Locus of control » questionnaire created by Dubois (1985) which includes the self-presentation model ; that is ta be favourably considered or not ta be favourably considered. We used as well the small ad paradigm ; the subjects had ta answer a questionnaire in such a way as ta successfully obtain two well-differentiated jobs either as an activity leader or as an archivist/ a librarian. The social tests of intelligence created by 0' Sullivan and Guilford were included in our experiment in order to evaluate the patients' capacities ta recognise the pattern of social situations. Our results point out that brain dama ged people have difficulties ta use the self-presentation strate gies, which would help them ta adapt ta a pattern (a norm). For example, they show an impaired perception of the expected pattern of internai explanation and show dijficulties to adapt their responses in accordance with the characteristics of the jobs offered. Due to the déficits in the functions of execution (reasoning, planning, controlling) in associative learning and in metacognition, brain dama ged patients fait ta analyse correctly social situations and ta react appropriately. A better-adapted understanding and mastering of their dijficulties of managing social situations should improve the patients' integration in their social and working environment

    Effets de la réputation du groupe scolaire d’appartenance et des facteurs de vulnérabilité personnelle sur l’optimisme comparatif

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    L’objectif de cette étude est d’explorer comment la réputation de l’établissement scolaire que des adolescents et adolescentes fréquentent, affecte leur optimisme comparatif (O.C.) relativement à des situations potentiellement anxiogènes et menaçantes (orientation à la fin du collège, épreuve du brevet). L’O.C. renvoie aux croyances des sujets de vivre plus probablement qu’autrui des événements positifs ou moins probablement qu’autrui des événements négatifs. Les sujets, de deux collèges contrastés du point de vue de leur renommée, étaient invités à évaluer leurs chances, par rapport à autrui, de réussir au brevet des collèges et d’aboutir à une bonne orientation scolaire et professionnelle future. Les cibles de comparaison faisaient partie du groupe scolaire réputé et du groupe scolaire peu réputé. L’Anxiété sociale et les consciences de soi privée et publique des sujets étaient également mesurées. Des analyses de régressions multiples permettent d’avancer que l’O.C. dépend largement de la position que les sujets occupent dans le champ de la comparaison sociale et de l’appartenance scolaire de la cible de comparaison. L’Anxiété sociale s’est avérée un bon prédicteur de l’O.C. et a modéré les estimations des sujets concernant leur orientation scolaire. Le rôle de l’O.C. en tant que phénomène participant à la lutte contre l’anxiété fait l’objet d’une discussion.This study investigates how the reputation of the schools that adolescents attend effects their comparative optimism (C.O.) when faced with anxiety inducing events (tracking process after junior high and final school leaving exam). C.O. refers to the belief that negative events are more likely to happen to others than to one-self, and that positive events are more likely to happen to one-self than to others. The target population included students from junior high schools of either renown or ill repute. The subjects were required to self-evaluate in comparison to others their likelihood of success with regard to: tracking after junior high, the final school leaving exam and a career. Subjects filled out a social anxiety, and private and public self-consciousness scale. Multiple regression analyses allows one to conclude that C.O. depends greatly on the position that subjects occupy in the field of social comparison, as well as, belongingness to their scholastic establishment. Social anxiety best predicted C.O. scores, and provided moderate estimates about school tracking. The role of C.O. as a phenomenon to battle anxiety is a subject for discussion

    Relationship between land cover type and Body Mass Index in Geneva

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    Past studies conducted in urban areas analyzed the impact of the presence of green spaces on public health, and highlighted in particular the psychological benefits of interacting with nature. To investigate a supposed relationship between overweight and dense built environment, we focused on the State of Geneva, Switzerland, and calculated the correlation between Body Mass Index (BMI) in a representative sample of 6663 adults and the percentage of natural areas at the locations where these individuals were living. To this end, we used populationbased health data from the “Bus Sante” study (Geneva University Hospitals) and multi-scale land cover maps obtained by means of satellite images and LiDAR data classification. We found little correlation between BMI (as a proxy for health) and land cover data and were not able to verify the working hypothesis at local and regional scales. However, an important phenomenon highlighted here is the difference in the results obtained between the city center and the whole State

    Motivation as a Mediator of the Relation Between Cognitive Reserve and Cognitive Performance

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    Objectives: Interindividual differences in cognitive aging may be explained by differences in cognitive reserve (CR) that are built up across the life span. A plausible but underresearched mechanism for these differences is that CR helps compensating cognitive decline by enhancing motivation to cope with challenging cognitive situations. Theories of motivation on cognition suggest that perceived capacity and intrinsic motivation may be key mediators in this respect. Method: In 506 older adults, we assessed CR proxies (education, occupation, leisure activities), motivation (perceived capacity, intrinsic motivation), and a global measure of cognitive functioning. Results: Perceived capacity, but not intrinsic motivation, significantly mediated the relation between CR and cognitive performance. Discussion: Complementary with neurobiological and cognitive processes, our results suggest a more comprehensive view of the role of motivational aspects built up across the life span in determining differences in cognitive performance in old age.This publication benefited from the support of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research LIVES–Overcoming Vulnerability: Life Course Perspectives, which is financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant number: 51NF40-160590).Peer reviewe

    Revisiting the Effects of Gender Diversity in Small Groups on Divergent Thinking: A Large-Scale Study Using Synchronous Electronic Brainstorming

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    Numerous studies have examined the effects of gender diversity in groups on creative performance, and no clear effect has been identified. Findings depend on situational cues making gender diversity more or less salient in groups. A large-scale study on two cohorts (N = 2,261) was conducted among business students to examine the impact of the gender diversity in small groups on divergent thinking in an idea-generation task performed by synchronous electronic brainstorming. Participants were automatically randomized in three- or four-member groups to generate ideas during 10 min on a gendered or neutral task. Then, five categories of groups where the proportion of men/women in groups varied from three/four men to three/four women were compared to examine creative performance on three divergent thinking measures (fluency, flexibility, and originality). A Multivariate Generalized Linear Mixed Model (mGLMM) showed greater fluency in all-women groups than in other groups (except mixed-gender groups composed of two men and two women), and more specifically “solo” groups composed of a single woman/man among a majority of men/women. For flexibility and originality, the superiority of all-women groups was found only in comparison to “solo” groups composed of a single woman. As gender differences are more salient in “solo” groups than in other groups faultlines may appear in groups, leading to a deleterious impact on creative performance

    Olivier Desrichard's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    Connaissances, comportements et attitudes des jeunes envers la contraception

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