10 research outputs found
This research aims to explore the perspectives on consanguineous marriage in the context of Islamic jurisprudence (usul fiqh) and Islamic family law. Research adopts a comparative and descriptive approach, gathering primary data through in-depth interviews with experts in Islamic jurisprudence and Islamic family law. The findings reveal that consanguineous marriage is firmly grounded in Islamic law, with its theological basis found in the Quran and Hadith, which unequivocally prohibit it. However, variations exist in the interpretation and emphasis between usul fiqh and Islamic family law perspectives. Social and cultural factors influence the occurrence of consanguineous marriages, with differing community understandings in Kota Padang being a key factor in disparate viewpoints. Despite these distinctions, there are commonalities, such as the prohibition of consanguineous marriage, the reliance on the Quran and Hadith as legal foundations, and the acknowledgment of negative consequences by both perspectives. Lastly, the legal principles underpinning these views in both fields center on concepts such as maslahah (public interest), maqasid syariah (objectives of Islamic law), and ta'addud al-asbab (consideration of circumstances), all aimed at safeguarding the welfare of humanity. While emphasis may differ, these principles serve as guiding frameworks for understanding the phenomenon of consanguineous marriage in Kota Padan
The Principles of the Concept of Maslahah in Islamic Family Law of a Wife Looking for Living Husband Taking Care of Household Work
This study aims to explore the implementation principles of the Maslahah concept in the context of Islamic Family Law, with a specific focus on the case study of a working wife and a husband responsible for household duties. Another purpose for knowing about the family harmonism. Apart from that, to understand that family harmony is when the family is managed by the husband or man. Researched using qualitative methods with a case study approach. The principles of maslahah use for this research about hifz al-mal, hifz al-nafs, hifz al-nasl, hifz al-‘aql, and hifz al-din. The data used is a total of 6 primary data and secondary data from various relevant research. The research instrument is validated through reference validation. Data analysis is carried out by presenting data, reducing data, interpreting data, and drawing conclusions. This research succeeded in finding the existence of maslahah principles that can look at the problem of wives working and husbands taking care of the house from several points of view. Meanwhile, each party's views can be answered through hifz al-mal, hifz al-nafs, hifz al-nasl, hifz al-'aql, and hifz al-din. The family wgom the wives go to work they are trustly always keep the harmonism family, because their reason about the economy
Community Understanding of Obligations as a Recipient of PKH Assistance in the Perspective of Islamic Law
Understanding the obligations of PKH recipients helps the community understand that the assistance received must be used wisely and follow the program's objectives. Communities that understand the importance of good management will be more likely to use the assistance to improve family welfare, such as meeting basic needs, getting proper education, or developing economic skills. This study delved into the community's comprehension of the obligations of PKH recipients within the framework of Islamic law. Employing qualitative research methods, data collection encompassed in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. Analysis indicated that most PKH beneficiaries grasp their responsibilities and strive to adhere to governmental directives. However, the involvement of religious leaders, though minimal, predominantly entails disseminating general religious messages. Specific initiatives to educate beneficiaries on their obligations within Islamic law are noticeably absent. Nevertheless, the PKH program aligns with the principles of maqashid al-shari'ah, safeguarding core aspects of faith, health, education, and property. Facilitating access to essential services fosters the well-being and advancement of marginalized individuals
The decision of the Tarjih Muhammadiyah Assembly in various aspects to date has not been socialized to the wider community properly, so how the decision of the Muhammadiyah tarjih assembly is not actualized in people's lives, without exception related to the implementation of bodies. This activity is designed in the form of socialization, to facilitate the achievement of the purpose of this activity involves lecturers and students of the Faculty of Islamic Religion and the target community is the congregation nurul Falah Mosque. The results of this activity was declared valuable because it was seen that the understanding of nurul falah mosque worshippers is increasing in practicing the decision of the tarjih assembly in the field of proper implementation of the body, this conclusion is based on the ability of the pilgrims in practicing the implementation of the body ranging from facing the sacratul death, arranging the position of the corpse before the implementation of fardhu kifayah, bathing the body, praying, smoothing up to mengkafani. The results of the activities were proven by the cognitive ability of the target object that they obtained through socialization in the form of the dissemination of sheets containing materials and lectures, as well as their practical abilities obtained through demonstrations
This research aims to apply the concept of maslahah murrasa in Islamic family law, using a case study of a wife who is looking for a husband who can carry out household duties. The concept of maslahah murlah is one of the principles of Islamic law which prioritizes the public benefit and accommodates the needs of a developing society. The research method used is qualitative research with a case study approach. Data was collected through in-depth interviews with a number of respondents who have experience in finding a life partner who can carry out household duties. Data analysis was conducted using an inductive approach, involving data collection, coding, and understanding the findings that emerged. The research results show that the concept of maslahah murlah can be applied in the context of finding a life partner who can carry out household duties. In this case, maslahah murlah can be interpreted as an effort to achieve balance in the roles and responsibilities between husband and wife in the household. It is hoped that the results of this research can contribute to the understanding and implementation of the concept of maslahah murlah in Islamic family law, especially in the context of finding a life partner who can carry out household duties. This research can also be a source of information and guidance for individuals who are looking for a life partner who suits their household need
The Indo-Pacific Child Trafficking Dynamics: Islamic and Cultural Viewpoints
This research reviews the child protection paradigm in the Indo-Pacific region, especially in Indonesia, by highlighting the imbalance between the status of developed countries and the need to develop thinking and implementation of Islamic law. The research results show that understanding of Islamic law regarding child protection is in line with human rights principles and the Child Protection Law. Factors influencing child trafficking involve the social and economic conditions of countries, while movements, interactions, and changes in child trafficking systems reflect the complexity of this problem. Child protection agencies highlight the mode of child trafficking through online channels and loose borders, with the main obstacles being differences in levels of understanding and lack of coordination between countries. Parents emphasized education, the role of the community in prevention, personal experiences related to concerns about children's safety, and participation in children's education. Parents' hopes include strengthening legal and policy frameworks involving cultural values and Islamic law, as well as community support for more effective prevention efforts. In conclusion, this research provides critical insight into the role of Islamic law and cooperation between government and society in protecting children from trafficking in the Indo-Pacific region
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh Pegawai UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelolaan Pajak Dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan sebanyak 63 pegawai. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh antara Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan. Metode statistik yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan uji asumsi klasik terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini menunjukkan secara parsial variabel Kompensasi (X1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 1,690 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,006, secara parsial Lingkungan Kerja (X2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 4,214 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,000, secara parsial serta Disiplin Kerja (X3) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 6,156 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,000, Sedangkan secara simultan baik lingkungan Kompensasi (X1), Lingkungan Kerja (X2) dan Disiplin Kerja (X3) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelolaan Pajak Dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan, dengan nilai F hitung sebesar 30,037 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,000
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh Pegawai UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelolaan Pajak Dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan sebanyak 63 pegawai. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh antara Kompensasi, Lingkungan Kerja Fisik dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelola Pajak dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan. Metode statistik yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda dengan pendekatan kuantitatif menggunakan uji asumsi klasik terlebih dahulu. Penelitian ini menunjukkan secara parsial variabel Kompensasi (X1) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 1,690 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,006, secara parsial Lingkungan Kerja (X2) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 4,214 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,000, secara parsial serta Disiplin Kerja (X3) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai (Y), dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 6,156 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,000, Sedangkan secara simultan baik lingkungan Kompensasi (X1), Lingkungan Kerja (X2) dan Disiplin Kerja (X3) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di UPT V BPPRD (Badan Pengelolaan Pajak Dan Retribusi Daerah) Kota Medan, dengan nilai F hitung sebesar 30,037 dan nilai taraf signifikansi sebesar 0,000
The Protection of Islamic Women in Indonesia: Evaluation of Polygamy Sanctions and Its Implications
The background of polygamy in Indonesia involves complexity in protecting women, especially economic, social, and psychological disparities. The practice of polygamy reflects the uncertainty of marriage and divorce regulations, giving rise to negative impacts on women and children, including conflict and domestic violence. The protection of women requires legal reform, an educational approach, and active community involvement to overcome injustice in the practice of polygamy. This research aims to understand the phenomenon of women's protection in the context of polygamy in Indonesia with a focus on the city of Padang. Primary data was collected through interviews and observations using qualitative descriptive methods, while secondary data from various literature reviews was analyzed using data description and conclusion-drawing techniques. Women who are polygamous face verbal, nonverbal, and physical pressure. Even though there are religious and legal regulations, the effectiveness of sanctions in Indonesia is still low. Solutions include education, unconditional denial of consent, and legal protection, while spiritual experts face challenges resulting from societal misunderstanding and intimidation from prospective husbands
The Communication Patterns of Husband and Wife Couples in Resolving Household Conflicts: Islamic Family Law Perspectives
Husband and wife have different characteristics and are difficult to reconcile; these differences in characteristics can lead to conflict in the household. One of the factors that causes conflict in the household is that communication is not going well. This research focuses on the communication patterns of husband and wife in resolving family conflicts from the perspective of Islamic family law. To answer this problem, research was carried out using the literature study method. The first step was identifying relevant library sources, including books, scientific journals, articles, theses and other publications. These sources are evaluated based on the content's reliability, legitimacy, and novelty. Next, the researcher synthesizes findings from various sources to draw comprehensive conclusions. The research results identify five key factors shaping communication patterns in Muslim marital relationships: integration of religious teachings, religious commitment, gender role expectations, cultural influences, and application of religious principles in conflict resolution, especially Shariah law. Integrating these elements is essential for fostering healthy commu-nication and strengthening marital bonds