14 research outputs found

    The Strengthening of Regional Competitiveness Through the Partnership Model of Fresh Water Fish Farming in Muaro Jambi Regency

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    The pattern of the partnership is one solution to help the problems faced by farmers catfish, catfish farmers in the district of  Kumpeh Uluh Muaro Jambi of regency has a broad enough market share, not only in the province of Jambi alone but has been extended to the provinces of Riau and South Sumatra. While catfish farmers have a market contraints.  Subcontracting partnership pattern and the pattern of general trade partnerships, could not break the problem of catfish farmers, especially in meeting the needs of the market. The purpose of the study was to determine the existing condition of catfish farmers in the district of Ulu Kumpeh Muaro Jambi of Regency, and how to model a partnership as a reinforcement of the competitiveness of catfish farmers in the district of Ulu Kumpeh Muaro Jambi of Regency. The method used was a case study with descriptive research type. A sample of 50 respondents. How sampling was done purposive sampling. Technical analysis of data using descriptive analysis. The results show that the pattern of subcontracting partnership and general partnership pattern of trade has not been implemented in accordance UU No 20 in 2008 when a partnership is not profitable catfish farmers and government intervention is not maximized as a coordinator, facilitator and supervisor (UU No 20 Tahun 2008 tentang Usaaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah, 2008). Pattern  of Partnership  Plasma core is a partnership model that can improve the performance of farmers catfish, involving BUMDes (the core) to implement downstream  fishery policy (marketing), and provider of capital, together with state-owned enterprises, and universities to transfer knowledge is and transfer of technology, so that  catfish of farmer (as plasma) competitiveness. The study results recommend to make a model of partnership pattern plasma core, Partner is BUMDes and catfish farmers (as plasma). The government increased its function as a facilitator, coordinator, and supervisor in partnership pattern plasma cor


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    The development of Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT) in Jambi Province in recent years is quite dynamic. Some are well developed, while some others are not. The purpose of this study was to determine the performance, appeal and customers’ decision on BMT in Jambi Province. The method used was descriptive analysis. The population of this research was 5616 customers from 33 BMT. Sampling technique used was quota sampling as many as 171 samples from 9 BMT. The result obtained from the average value of all the answers on capital variable is 3.65, which means that the variable of sharia capital is in good category. Appeal variable average value is at 4.01, which means good. Customers’ decision variable is also in good category, with an average value of 3.95. This shows that the presence of BMT is generally accepted by the public and potential to develop well, especially in the segment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). *** Perkembangan Baitul Mal wa Tamwil (BMT) di Provinsi Jambi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir cukup dinamis, ada yang yang berkembang dengan baik namun ada juga yang sulit berkembang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menge¬tahui bagaimana kinerja, daya tarik dan keputusan nasabah pada BMT di Provinsi Jambi. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Jumlah populasi sebanyak 5616 nasabah dari 33 BMT, teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan kuota sampling sebanyak 171 sampel dari 9 BMT. Hasil yang diperoleh dari nilai rata-rata semua jawaban pada variabel permodalan adalah sebesar 3.65, yang berarti variabel permodalan syari’ah termasuk pada kategori baik, begitu juga pada variabel daya tarik, nilai rata-ratanya berada pada 4.01 yang berarti baik, dan variabel keputusan nasabah juga berada pada kategori baik dengan nilai rata-rata 3.95. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa keberadaan BMT secara umum diterima dengan baik oleh masyarakat dan berpotensi untuk berkembang baik terutama di segmen Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM)


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah memetakan pencapaian Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) dari sektor pengeluaran per kapita dan strategi dalam percepatan pencapaian IPM di Provinsi Jambi. Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif desain cross sectional melalui wawancara mendalam dengan responden yang dipilih secara purposive sampling di Kabupaten/ Kota dalam Provinsi Jambi dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Responden dipilih dari beberapa kabupaten/kota di Provinsi Jambi selama 8 bulan yaitu bulan Maret sampai Oktober tahun 2019. Data sekunder diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS). Penentuan kuadran pembangunan dari sektor pengeluaran per kapita di Provinsi Jambi dan strategi percepatan peningkatan IPM dianalisa menggunakan analisa Strenght Weakness Opportunity Threat (SWOT). Hasil penelitian diperoleh IPM Provinsi Jambi pada tahun 2018 yaitu 70,65 %, mengalami peningkatan 0,66 dibandingkan IPM pada tahun 2017 yaitu 69,69%, akan tetapi masih di bawah IPM nasional yaitu sebesar 70,81. IPM sektor pengeluaran per kapita Provinsi Jambi tahun 2018 yaitu 10357, mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun 2017 yaitu 9880. Hasil analisa SWOT diperoleh bahwa kemampuan ekonomi masyarakat Provinsi Jambi saat ini berada di kuadran II, artinya untuk meningkatkan pengeluaran perkapita masyarakat maka Pemerintah Provinsi Jambi harus bersinergi dengan Kabupaten/Kota melakukan diversifikasi strategi dengan memperluas lapangan pekerjaan dan memperkuat bantuan modal bagi masyarakat

    The Effect Of Self- Efficacy, Work Motivation On Job Satisfaction And Employee Performance: An Empirical Study On Palm Oil Company

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between self-efficacy, motivation, job satisfaction and employee performance at a palm oil company. Research Approach In this study, the research approach used is a quantitative approach, this research is explanatory in nature, namely a study that highlights between variables and tests hypotheses that have been formulated in the form of causality that examines the effect of one or more independent variables on one or more dependent variables. The independent variable in this study is Self Efficacy, Motivation and Job Satisfaction, while the dependent variable is Employee Performance. Method of data processing with Structural Equation modeling (SEM) with software tools SmartPLS 3.0. The technique used in sampling for this research is simple random sampling by distributing online questionnaires to 340 employees of palm oil companies in Indonesia. The results of this study are Self Efficacy has an effect on employee performance, Self Efficacy has an effect on employee job satisfaction, Motivation has an effect on performance, Motivation has an effect on job satisfaction, Job satisfaction has an effect on performance

    The Implementation of SWOT Analysis of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan (KUPEM) in Jambi Province

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    The problems of SMEs today are generally only able to survive but rarely oriented towards growth and capacity development of the company. One of the problems that hinder the growth of SMEs is financing problems. The government has tried to provide financing assistance in the form of soft loans, one of which is KUPEM, but SMEs do not have the commitment to running the business with loans that have been granted by the government. This study aims to determine the implementation strategy of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan (KUPEM) in the Province of Jambi. The research method used was a case study with descriptive research type. The sample consists of 125 respondents. Sampling is conducted in a nonprobability sampling and purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The results showed that the implementation of KUPEM by the Provincial Government of Jambi through internal analysis indicates the value of the power factor is still below the weakness factor. External analysis of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan still has a big opportunity than a threat factor. Therefore, People Economic Empowerment Business Loan continues because it can help the growth of the community effort by making strategic changes. Result of the study recommend to strengthen internal factors which are the analytical skills of relevant agencies that are trusted to provide recommendations for KUPEM loans, (1) Relevant agencies create mentoring programs to enhance the ability of SMEs actors, (2) Through the relevant agencies forming a group of associations between groups of SMEs, (3) Increasing motivation to make MSMEs business through counseling activity, and improve the competence of field educators, (4) Conduct analysis of the suitability of business in accordance with local conditions (in this case the state of nature, the public taste and the target market)

    The Effect of Organization Culture Moderation and Big Five Personality on the Influence of Working Culture Towards the Performance of Jambi Provincial Government Civil Servants

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    Services provided by civil servants of Jambi Provincial Government is still not as expected by the community. Performance of civil servants is still not yet directed to service oriented. For that reason, work culture must be created that leads to performance achievement supported by the organizational culture and the personality of civil servants themselves in providing services. This study aims to determine: (1) Illustration of Organizational Culture, Big Five Personality as a moderation variable and work culture and performance as a moderated variable. (2) Effect of moderation of organizational culture on the interaction of work culture and civil servant?s performance in Jambi Provincial Government, (3) Big Five Personality Moderation effect on the interaction of work culture and civil servant?s performance in Jambi Province Government. The types of research are descriptive and verificative. Multistage random sampling technique is sampling in two stages; first, identifying SKPD, Bureau, and Agency, and second, determining the number of respondents from each SKPD, Bureau, and Agency. Data analysis is descriptive and inferential analysis is using path analysis. The results describe the organizational culture descriptively, Big Five personality as moderate variables are in a good category, work culture and performance as moderated variables are in a good category. Even so, organizational culture as a moderating variable is weakening the influence of work culture on performance if compared to direct influence between organizational culture on work and work culture on performance. On the other hand, the moderating variables are able to strengthen the influence of work culture on the performance of civil servants in the Jambi Provincial Government, compared to the Big Five Personality?s direct contribution to performance and work culture on performance. Therefore, every Department, Agency, Bureau, and UPTD reassess whether the culture applied is in accordance with the character, personality, and demands of the external environment, so that organizational culture is able to strengthen the influence of work culture on performanc

    The implementation of SWOT analysis of people economic empowerment business loan (KUPEM) in Jambi Province

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    The problems of SMEs today are generally only able to survive but rarely oriented towards growth and capacity development of the company. One of the problems that hinder the growth of SMEs is financing problems. The government has tried to provide financing assistance in the form of soft loans, one of which is KUPEM, but SMEs do not have the commitment to running the business with loans that have been granted by the government. This study aims to determine the implementation strategy of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan (KUPEM) in the Province of Jambi. The research method used was a case study with descriptive research type. The sample consists of 125 respondents. Sampling is conducted in a nonprobability sampling and purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using SWOT analysis. The results showed that the implementation of KUPEM by the Provincial Government of Jambi through internal analysis indicates the value of the power factor is still below the weakness factor. External analysis of People Economic Empowerment Business Loan still has a big opportunity than a threat factor. Therefore, People Economic Empowerment Business Loan continues because it can help the growth of the community effort by making strategic changes. Result of the study recommend to strengthen internal factors which are the analytical skills of relevant agencies that are trusted to provide recommendations for KUPEM loans, (1) Relevant agencies create mentoring programs to enhance the ability of SMEs actors, (2) Through the relevant agencies forming a group of associations between groups of SMEs, (3) Increasing motivation to make MSMEs business through counseling activity, and improve the competence of field educators, (4) Conduct analysis of the suitability of business in accordance with local conditions (in this case the state of nature, the public taste and the target market)