553 research outputs found

    The index complex of a maximal subalgebra of a Lie algebra.

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    Let M be a maximal subalgebra of the Lie algebra L. A subalgebra C of L is said to be a completion for M if C is not contained in M but every proper subalgebra of C that is an ideal of L is contained in M. The set I(M) of all completions of M is called the index complex of M in L. We use this concept to investigate the influence of the maximal subalgebras on the structure of a Lie algebra, in particular finding new characterisations of solvable and supersolvable Lie algebras

    Do Individuals Comply on Income Not Reported by Their Employer

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    Individuals (e.g., the self-employed and those earning casual wages such as tips) with income not reported to the tax authority by a third party may be less likely to be detected evading taxes relative to the case in which their income is subject to third-party reporting. However, their compliance responses - to changes in the proportion of income that is reported to the tax authority, to changes in audit and tax rates, and so on - are largely unknown, in part because of the difficulty in obtaining information on individual choices in these situations. We use experimental methods to examine individual income tax compliance in settings where individuals differ in the portion of their income that is "matched" (or reported to the tax authority via third-party information) versus "nonmatched" (or not fully reported to the tax authority). Our results indicate that individuals who have relatively more non-matched income exhibit significantly lower tax compliance rates than individuals who earn relatively less non-matched income. Our results also indicate that higher income levels, higher tax rates, and lower audit rates lead to increased tax evasion, but with responses that vary depending upon the proportion of matched versus non-matched income. Working Paper 07-3

    Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Lattice Simulations

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    The effects of video games on sexism attitudes in males

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    Research on video game usage has primarily focused on its violent content and how it predicts aggression in participants. Typically, most of these studies show that video games (VGs) cause individuals to become more aggressive and so VGs are theorized as a powerful medium for influencing behavior and cognition. Stereotypic presentations within media also influences behavior and cognition. Given that many VGs make use of stereotypes, particularly negative stereotypes related to gender, there is a need to investigate how VGs might reinforce and normalize the mistreatment of women in society. It was hypothesized that prior experience of playing violent video games (e.g., in person or online game play/messaging) might cause players of these games to accept the mistreatment of women. Specifically, participants were asked to rate how offensive they found screen shots of a series of sexist chat messages sent to female gamers to be. The analyses revealed that those who play violent video games, and scored high on benevolent sexism rated the sexist stimuli messages more amusing than others. In this study it was shown that high hostile sexists believed these messages to be amusing. It was also found that benevolent sexists also found the messages less amusing, a result consistent with prior research. Implications and future directions are also discussed

    On Art, Libraries and Community During Pandemic Isolation

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    Essays on the Behavioral Effects of Tax Policy

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    Provided herein is policy relevant empirical evidence on the effects of tax policy on three different areas of behavior: business tax planning, entrepreneurship, and personal income tax compliance. A study of business tax planning is meritorious in light of the recent erosion of state corporate income tax bases and the corresponding search for solutions. The effect of tax policy on entrepreneurship is especially important given the attention that policymakers devote to development policies and the potential social benefits that entrepreneurship can generate. A consideration of income tax compliance behavior among self-employed individuals is warranted due to the costly distortions that could arise from asymmetric tax compliance patterns across groups. Essay 1 The focus of the first essay is on the extent to which business tax planning in response to variations in state tax policy has affected state corporate income tax bases and revenues. Tax planning is defined as a broad set of actions undertaken by firms to reduce their tax liability. Financial or accounting tax planning is contrasted with what is referred to herein as locational distortions, in which firms move physical operations to avoid higher tax liabilities. Results from a fixed effects instrumental variables regression model using a 1985-2001 panel of state-level data provide highly suggestive evidence that tax planning activity significantly diminishes taxable corporate profits in high tax states. Specifically, results indicate that state corporate income tax bases decline by around seven percent following a one-percentage-point increase in top marginal corporate income tax rate, controlling for locational distortions. Results also suggest that throwback rules are usually ineffective in restoring corporate income tax bases while combined reporting requirements are often effective. Further analysis indicates that tax planning has not diminished the locational distortions of tax policy. Essay 2 In Essay 2, a 1989-2001 panel of state-level data is used to examine the influence of state tax policies on entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurship is defined specifically as self-employment. Fixed effects regression results indicate that marginal tax rates for corporate income, personal income and sales taxes do not have statistically significant impacts on state entrepreneurship rates or state shares of the national entrepreneurial stock. However, other key aspects of state tax policies such as combined reporting requirements, LLC provisions, and personal income tax progressivity are found to be important determinants of the observed level of entrepreneurial activity in many cases. Essay 3 In the final essay, experimental methods are used to better understand personal income tax compliance when a portion of an individualā€™s income is relatively difficult to detect upon audit by the tax authority. This is motivated by the likelihood that individuals whose income is not reported by a third party, the self-employed for example, may be less likely to be found evading taxes relative to scenarios where there is third party reporting. Experimental methods provide several advantages for examining this issue. Most importantly, an appropriately designed experiment will allow for a better isolation and control of the fundamental influences arising from variations in income matching policy across modes of employment, relative to naturally occurring data. Results indicate that tax compliance rates decline as individuals earn larger shares of income that is not perfectly detectable. Results also indicate that tax compliance rates decline with higher income, lower audit rates, and higher tax rates

    ā€œWhatever it takes to beat Parkinsonā€™sā€: A Controversial Approach for Symptom Relief

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    It is known that there is no cure for Parkinson\u27s disease. So, physicians who treat Parkinson\u27s patients must decide what is the best treatment option for the patients symptoms to improve their quality of life. Currently, there are pharmaceutical options for treatment, but they include adverse side effects. What if there were a way to treat patients for the side effects as well as improve the patient\u27s symptoms? The recent commotion around the legalization of marijuana, both recreational and medicinal, has caused interest among patients and physicians. One must decide if the benefits of using marijuana as a form of symptom treatment outweigh the risks involved

    Stereotypes in Video Games and How They Perpetuate Prejudice

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    Systemic research has only recently begun to examine the psychological effects of video games on users. To date, only two studies have examined how the exaggerated stereotypes of minorities in these games affect those who play them. During both studies, game play was found to bring about increases of prejudice, even in users who in screening initially rated low in prejudicial thinking. Taking the theories of how learning and stereotypes work, this paper integrates theoretical approaches into existing research on video games in order to bring about more awareness of the effect of racist images of minorities in the video game industry
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