5,570 research outputs found

    High-throughput in-situ characterization and modelling of precipitation kinetics in compositionally graded alloys

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    The development of new engineering alloy chemistries is a time consuming and iterative process. A necessary step is characterization of the nano/microstructure to provide a link between the processing and properties of each alloy chemistry considered. One approach to accelerate the identification of optimal chemistries is to use samples containing a gradient in composition, ie. combinatorial samples, and to investigate many different chemistries at the same time. However, for engineering alloys, the final properties depend not only on chemistry but also on the path of microstructure development which necessitates characterization of microstructure evolution for each chemistry. In this contribution we demonstrate an approach that allows for the in-situ, nanoscale characterization of the precipitate structures in alloys, as a function of aging time, in combinatorial samples containing a composition gradient. The approach uses small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) at a synchrotron beamline. The Cu-Co system is used for the proof-of-concept and the combinatorial samples prepared contain a gradient in Co from 0% to 2%. These samples are aged at temperatures between 450{\textdegree}C and 550{\textdegree}C and the precipitate structures (precipitate size, volume fraction and number density) all along the composition gradient are simultaneously monitored as a function of time. This large dataset is used to test the applicability and robustness of a conventional class model for precipitation that considers concurrent nucleation, growth and coarsening and the ability of the model to describe such a large dataset.Comment: Published in Acta Materiali

    Implications of CP violating 2HDM in B physics

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    The charged fermion mass matrices are invariant under U(1)3U(1)^3 symmetry linked to the fermion number transformation. Under the condition that the definition of this symmetry in arbitrary weak basis does not depend upon Higgs parameters such as ratio of vacuum expectation values, a class of two Higgs doublet models (2HDM) can be identified in which tree level flavor changing neutral currents normally present in 2HDM are absent. However unlike the type I or type II Higgs doublet models, the charged Higgs couplings in these models contain additional flavor dependent CP violating phases. These phases can account for the recent hints of the beyond standard model CP violation in the BdB_d and BsB_s mixing. In particular, there is a range of parameters in which new phases do not contribute to the KK meson CP violation but give identical new physics phases in the BdB_d and BsB_s meson mixing.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, Talk given by Bhavik P. Kodrani at 16th International Symposium on Particles, Strings and Cosmology, July 19th - 23rd, 2010, Valencia, Spai

    Attitude Determination from Single-Antenna Carrier-Phase Measurements

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    A model of carrier phase measurement (as carried out by a satellite navigation receiver) is formulated based on electromagnetic theory. The model shows that the phase of the open-circuit voltage induced in the receiver antenna with respect to a local oscillator (in the receiver) depends on the relative orientation of the receiving and transmitting antennas. The model shows that using a {\it single} receiving antenna, and making carrier phase measurements to seven satellites, the 3-axis attitude of a user platform (in addition to its position and time) can be computed relative to an initial point. This measurement model can also be used to create high-fidelity satellite signal simulators that take into account the effect of platform rotation as well as translation.Comment: 12 pages, and one figure. Published in J. Appl. Phys. vol. 91, No. 7, April 1, 200

    Refractory hypoglycaemia in a dog infected with Trypanosoma congolense

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    A 20 kg German shepherd dog was presented to a French veterinary teaching hospital for seizures and hyperthermia. The dog had returned 1 month previously from a six-month stay in Senegal and sub-Saharan Africa. Biochemistry and haematology showed severe hypoglycaemia (0.12 g/L), anaemia and thrombocytopenia. Despite administration of large amounts of glucose (30 mL of 30% glucose IV and 10 mL of 70% sucrose by gavage tube hourly), 26 consecutive blood glucose measurements were below 0.25 g/L (except one). Routine cytological examination of blood smears revealed numerous free extracytoplasmic protozoa consistent with Trypanosoma congolense. PCR confirmed a Trypanosoma congolense forest-type infection. Treatment consisted of six injections of pentamidine at 48-hour intervals. Trypanosomes had disappeared from the blood smears four days following the first injection. Clinical improvement was correlated with the normalization of laboratory values. The infection relapsed twice and the dog was treated again; clinical signs and parasites disappeared and the dog was considered cured; however, 6 years after this incident, serological examination by ELISA T. congolense was positive. The status of this dog (infected or non-infected) remains unclear. Hypoglycaemia was the most notable clinical feature in this case. It was spectacular in its severity and in its refractory nature; glucose administration seemed only to feed the trypanosomes, indicating that treatment of hypoglycaemia may in fact have been detrimental

    Seismic source study of the 1989, October 29, Chenoua (Algeria) earthquake from aftershocks, broad-band and strong ground motion records

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    The broad-band teleseismics records of the earthquake of October 29,1989 in Algeria (MW = 6.0) allow a detailed study of the rupture process of this earthquake. The focal mechanism obtained by P and SH modeling corresponds to reverse faulting with a small amount of left-lateral movement along a fault striking 246° and dipping 56°. The rupture is found to be complex with two sub-events separated in time but occurring on the same plane. The lowfrequency records of an accelerometer located some 25 km to the west of the main shock are also better fi tted when the rupture is composed of a double pulse. In the two cases, there is strong evidence for the rupture to propagate from south-west towards north-east.The relocalisation of the main shock by using a master-event technique and the data from Italian and Spanish stations led to the same conclusions. Soon after the main event, a temporary seimic network was installed in the epicentral area. The aftershock clouds defi ne a SW-NE fault dipping to the NW compatible with the results of the modelisations of the teleseismic body-waves and the accelerogram. The focal mechanisms correspond mainly to reverse faulting. The maximum principal direction of the stress tensor obtained from the inversion is about N-S and the minimum is vertical, typical of a compressive regime. The Chenoua earthquake took place on a fault which was not recognized as active. Repeated comparable seismic events on this fault and on the fault that borders the massif to the south explain this intriguing topographic feature

    Revisiting battistini: Pleistocene coastal evolution of southwestern madagascar

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    The study of paleo shorelines, particularly of those formed during the late Quaternary, provides robust insights into past climate variability. Advances in surveying techniques and chronological methodologies have dramatically improved the inter-comparability of regional and basin-wide paleo shoreline surveys. However, these advances have been applied unevenly across the globe. This is especially true in southwestern Madagascar, where, in the 1960s and 1970s, emerged Pleistocene beach and reef facies were first described in detail and dated to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5a using U–Th alpha activity counting by french geologist René Battistini. Now, 50 years on, no further analysis of the coastal sequence has been made. In this study, we present an updated late Pleistocene coastal evolution model for the southwestern Madagascar coast. Utilizing a combination of Structure-from-Motion/Multi-View Stereo techniques and differential Global Navigation Satellite System surveys, we have created five high-resolution 3D outcrop reconstructions that have, in turn, been chronologically constrained using 10 U-series ages from both in situ and reworked coral samples. Our data suggest that the emerged reef was deposited during MIS 5e (∼125 ka), then was covered by intertidal and beach sediment (including redeposited coral clasts of MIS 5e age), and finally capped off by thick eolianites. This sequence would suggest that the local sea level must have remained stable throughout MIS 5e in order to allow for the progradation of both the beach and reef environments

    Dynamics of Fluid Vesicles in Oscillatory Shear Flow

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    The dynamics of fluid vesicles in oscillatory shear flow was studied using differential equations of two variables: the Taylor deformation parameter and inclination angle θ\theta. In a steady shear flow with a low viscosity ηin\eta_{\rm {in}} of internal fluid, the vesicles exhibit steady tank-treading motion with a constant inclination angle θ0\theta_0. In the oscillatory flow with a low shear frequency, θ\theta oscillates between ±θ0\pm \theta_0 or around θ0\theta_0 for zero or finite mean shear rate γ˙m\dot\gamma_{\rm m}, respectively. As shear frequency fγf_{\gamma} increases, the vesicle oscillation becomes delayed with respect to the shear oscillation, and the oscillation amplitude decreases. At high fγf_{\gamma} with γ˙m=0\dot\gamma_{\rm m}=0, another limit-cycle oscillation between θ0π\theta_0-\pi and θ0-\theta_0 is found to appear. In the steady flow, θ\theta periodically rotates (tumbling) at high ηin\eta_{\rm {in}}, and θ\theta and the vesicle shape oscillate (swinging) at middle ηin\eta_{\rm {in}} and high shear rate. In the oscillatory flow, the coexistence of two or more limit-cycle oscillations can occur for low fγf_{\gamma} in these phases. For the vesicle with a fixed shape, the angle θ\theta rotates back to the original position after an oscillation period. However, it is found that a preferred angle can be induced by small thermal fluctuations.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure