16 research outputs found

    Geodynamic evolution of the Deseado Massif (Patagonia) : contribution of a new low-temperature multi-thermochronological approach

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    L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse est la reconstruction de l’histoire gĂ©ologique et plus particuliĂšrement gĂ©odynamique du Massif du Deseado, situĂ© dans l’avant-pays de la Patagonie centrale (Argentine). Cet objectif, en dehors de son aspect rĂ©gional visant Ă  contraindre l’histoire d’une zone peu investiguĂ©e, est aussi Ă  rattacher Ă  une problĂ©matique scientifique plus globale. En effet, le Massif du Deseado est une zone cratonique dont la dynamique est Ă  relier des processus grande Ă©chelle (fragmentation du Gondwana, dynamique de la subduction Andine
), et ainsi comprendre son histoire c’est en apprendre plus sur les moteurs de la dynamique des zones cratoniques et stable sur de longues pĂ©riodes, supĂ©rieur Ă  la centaine de millions d’annĂ©es.Pour se faire, cette Ă©tude se base sur l’utilisation de thermochronomĂštres basses tempĂ©ratures, permettant de contraindre l’évolution des roches dans le temps et l’espace. L’aspect particulier de cette Ă©tude repose sur la combinaison de multiples thermochronomĂštres (traces de fission et (U-Th)/He sur apatite et (U-Th)/He sur oxydes de fer et de manganĂšse), la calibration d’un modĂšle de diffusion de l’hĂ©lium et l’utilisation de mĂ©thodes d’inversions des donnĂ©es. Cette Ă©tude a permis de reconstruire quantitativement l’enfouissement et l’exhumation du Massif du Deseado au cours des 200 derniers millions d’annĂ©es, et de la sorte fournir pour la premiĂšre fois un calendrier de son Ă©volution gĂ©odynamique. Les rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse dĂ©montrent Ă©galement la dynamique unique du Massif du Deseado au cours de la fragmentation du Gondwana et de l’ouverture de l’ocĂ©an Atlantique Sud, au regard du reste de la Patagonie.Enfin, en dehors de ses apports rĂ©gionaux, cette thĂšse participe Ă  Ă©tablir une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie en thermochronologie adaptĂ©e Ă  l’étude des zones gĂ©odynamiques stables sur de longues pĂ©riodesThe main objective of this PhD thesis is the reconstruction of the geological history and geodynamics of the Deseado Massif, located in the central Patagonia foreland (Argentina). This goal, apart from its regional aspect aiming to constrain a poorly known area’s history, is also linked to a more global scientific question. Indeed, the Deseado Massif is a cratonic area, which its dynamic is linked to large scale processes (Gondwana fragmentation, Andean subduction...), and thus the understanding of its history allows to learn more about the mechanisms that trigger the dynamics of cratonic and stable zones over a long time, with more than a hundred million years.This study is based on a low temperature thermochronometers approach, which allow constraining the rocks evolution through time and space. The particular aspect of this study relies on the combination of multiple thermochronometers (fission tracks and (U-Th)/He on apatite and (U-Th)/He on iron and manganese oxides), the calibration of a helium diffusion model and the use of data inversion methods. This study allows the quantitative reconstruction of the burial and exhumation history of the Deseado Massif over the last 200 million years, and thus for the first time provide relevant calendar of its geodynamics. The results of this PhD thesis also demonstrate the unique dynamics of the Deseado Massif during the Gondwana break-up and the South Atlantic Ocean opening, compared to the other part of Patagonia.Finally, apart from its regional contributions, this thesis contributes to establish a new thermochronology methodologies adapted to study stable geodynamic areas over long periods of time

    Évolution gĂ©odynamique du Massif du Deseado (Patagonie) : apport d'une nouvelle approche multi-thermochronologique basse tempĂ©rature

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    The main objective of this PhD thesis is the reconstruction of the geological history and geodynamics of the Deseado Massif, located in the central Patagonia foreland (Argentina). This goal, apart from its regional aspect aiming to constrain a poorly known area’s history, is also linked to a more global scientific question. Indeed, the Deseado Massif is a cratonic area, which its dynamic is linked to large scale processes (Gondwana fragmentation, Andean subduction...), and thus the understanding of its history allows to learn more about the mechanisms that trigger the dynamics of cratonic and stable zones over a long time, with more than a hundred million years.This study is based on a low temperature thermochronometers approach, which allow constraining the rocks evolution through time and space. The particular aspect of this study relies on the combination of multiple thermochronometers (fission tracks and (U-Th)/He on apatite and (U-Th)/He on iron and manganese oxides), the calibration of a helium diffusion model and the use of data inversion methods. This study allows the quantitative reconstruction of the burial and exhumation history of the Deseado Massif over the last 200 million years, and thus for the first time provide relevant calendar of its geodynamics. The results of this PhD thesis also demonstrate the unique dynamics of the Deseado Massif during the Gondwana break-up and the South Atlantic Ocean opening, compared to the other part of Patagonia.Finally, apart from its regional contributions, this thesis contributes to establish a new thermochronology methodologies adapted to study stable geodynamic areas over long periods of time.L’objectif de ce travail de thĂšse est la reconstruction de l’histoire gĂ©ologique et plus particuliĂšrement gĂ©odynamique du Massif du Deseado, situĂ© dans l’avant-pays de la Patagonie centrale (Argentine). Cet objectif, en dehors de son aspect rĂ©gional visant Ă  contraindre l’histoire d’une zone peu investiguĂ©e, est aussi Ă  rattacher Ă  une problĂ©matique scientifique plus globale. En effet, le Massif du Deseado est une zone cratonique dont la dynamique est Ă  relier des processus grande Ă©chelle (fragmentation du Gondwana, dynamique de la subduction Andine
), et ainsi comprendre son histoire c’est en apprendre plus sur les moteurs de la dynamique des zones cratoniques et stable sur de longues pĂ©riodes, supĂ©rieur Ă  la centaine de millions d’annĂ©es.Pour se faire, cette Ă©tude se base sur l’utilisation de thermochronomĂštres basses tempĂ©ratures, permettant de contraindre l’évolution des roches dans le temps et l’espace. L’aspect particulier de cette Ă©tude repose sur la combinaison de multiples thermochronomĂštres (traces de fission et (U-Th)/He sur apatite et (U-Th)/He sur oxydes de fer et de manganĂšse), la calibration d’un modĂšle de diffusion de l’hĂ©lium et l’utilisation de mĂ©thodes d’inversions des donnĂ©es. Cette Ă©tude a permis de reconstruire quantitativement l’enfouissement et l’exhumation du Massif du Deseado au cours des 200 derniers millions d’annĂ©es, et de la sorte fournir pour la premiĂšre fois un calendrier de son Ă©volution gĂ©odynamique. Les rĂ©sultats de cette thĂšse dĂ©montrent Ă©galement la dynamique unique du Massif du Deseado au cours de la fragmentation du Gondwana et de l’ouverture de l’ocĂ©an Atlantique Sud, au regard du reste de la Patagonie.Enfin, en dehors de ses apports rĂ©gionaux, cette thĂšse participe Ă  Ă©tablir une nouvelle mĂ©thodologie en thermochronologie adaptĂ©e Ă  l’étude des zones gĂ©odynamiques stables sur de longues pĂ©riode

    L'apatite de McClure Mountain, un matériel de contrÎle pour la double datation FT et U-Pb par LA-ICP-MS, entre autres.

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    National audienceLa datation trace de fission (TF) par LA-ICP-MS, de plus en plus populaire, permet l'acquisition simultanĂ©e de datation U-Pb. Or, cette seconde mĂ©thode utilise systĂ©matiquement un matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle, et la communautĂ© profiterait donc d'un standard permettant le contrĂŽle simultanĂ©e des datations U-Pb et TF. Nous proposons donc ici l'apatite McClure Mountain (MM) comme candidat du fait de son utilisation dĂ©jĂ  trĂšs rĂ©pandue au sein de la communautĂ© U-Pb. Seront prĂ©sentĂ©s les rĂ©sultats de datation TF par LA-ICP-MS de MM effectuĂ© sur un total de 238 grains analysĂ©s au cours de 13 sessions analytiques diffĂ©rentes, en utilisant un spot rond de 30 mm, un spot carrĂ© de 40 mm et une approche cartographique. Les cristaux prĂ©sentent une densitĂ© de traces allant de 0.75 Ă  3.5 ×106 tracks/cm2, ce qui est Ă  la fois suffisamment Ă©levĂ©e pour donner des Ăąges bien contraint et suffisamment basse pour ĂȘtre facilement comptĂ©e. L'Ăąge central est de 254.1 ± 5.1 Ma (2s) avec une dispersion de 4.4% et une p(c2) de 0.26. Chaque session a donnĂ© un Ăąge central en accord avec l'Ăąge global, et un Ăąge U-Pb en accord avec la valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Nous pensons donc que MM peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle pour la double datation, le temps d'analyse n'augmentant que pour le peu de temps requis par le comptage des TF. De plus, ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s les concentrations en Ă©lĂ©ments traces qui, malgrĂ© une variabilitĂ© inter grain, montrent que MM pourrait ĂȘtre aussi utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle pour la rĂ©duction des donnĂ©es Ă©lĂ©mentaires. Enfin, des analyses U-Th/He (AHe) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©, ainsi que des inversion des donnĂ©es thermochronologiques (incluant des donnĂ©es ZHe et AHe de la littĂ©rature), et leurs rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que MM pourrait Ă©galement ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle lors de l'acquisition de donnĂ©es AHe.

    L'apatite de McClure Mountain, un matériel de contrÎle pour la double datation FT et U-Pb par LA-ICP-MS, entre autres.

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    National audienceLa datation trace de fission (TF) par LA-ICP-MS, de plus en plus populaire, permet l'acquisition simultanĂ©e de datation U-Pb. Or, cette seconde mĂ©thode utilise systĂ©matiquement un matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle, et la communautĂ© profiterait donc d'un standard permettant le contrĂŽle simultanĂ©e des datations U-Pb et TF. Nous proposons donc ici l'apatite McClure Mountain (MM) comme candidat du fait de son utilisation dĂ©jĂ  trĂšs rĂ©pandue au sein de la communautĂ© U-Pb. Seront prĂ©sentĂ©s les rĂ©sultats de datation TF par LA-ICP-MS de MM effectuĂ© sur un total de 238 grains analysĂ©s au cours de 13 sessions analytiques diffĂ©rentes, en utilisant un spot rond de 30 mm, un spot carrĂ© de 40 mm et une approche cartographique. Les cristaux prĂ©sentent une densitĂ© de traces allant de 0.75 Ă  3.5 ×106 tracks/cm2, ce qui est Ă  la fois suffisamment Ă©levĂ©e pour donner des Ăąges bien contraint et suffisamment basse pour ĂȘtre facilement comptĂ©e. L'Ăąge central est de 254.1 ± 5.1 Ma (2s) avec une dispersion de 4.4% et une p(c2) de 0.26. Chaque session a donnĂ© un Ăąge central en accord avec l'Ăąge global, et un Ăąge U-Pb en accord avec la valeur de rĂ©fĂ©rence. Nous pensons donc que MM peut ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme matĂ©riel de contrĂŽle pour la double datation, le temps d'analyse n'augmentant que pour le peu de temps requis par le comptage des TF. De plus, ont Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© mesurĂ©s les concentrations en Ă©lĂ©ments traces qui, malgrĂ© une variabilitĂ© inter grain, montrent que MM pourrait ĂȘtre aussi utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle pour la rĂ©duction des donnĂ©es Ă©lĂ©mentaires. Enfin, des analyses U-Th/He (AHe) ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©, ainsi que des inversion des donnĂ©es thermochronologiques (incluant des donnĂ©es ZHe et AHe de la littĂ©rature), et leurs rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que MM pourrait Ă©galement ĂȘtre utilisĂ© comme contrĂŽle lors de l'acquisition de donnĂ©es AHe.

    The McClure Mountain Syenite Apatite as a Potential Age Control Reference Material for LA‐ICP‐MS AFT and U‐Pb Double Dating

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    International audienceApatite fission track (AFT) dating is now routinely performed using LA‐ICP‐MS, and U‐Pb age data are often acquired at the same time, allowing double dating of individual grains. Furthermore, additional geochemical data, such as REE mass fractions are readily acquired during the analysis. It is therefore of practical interest to identify a single material as a quality control on ages and composition. Here we present AFT and U‐Pb data for the McClure Mountain Syenite (MMS) apatite, already widely used as an age reference material by the U‐Pb community. We performed double dating on 238 grains, in thirteen measurement sessions over two years. The AFT data show remarkable reproducibility with an overall central age of 254.1 ± 5.1 Ma. The U‐Pb results agree with the reference age for individual sessions (and for all data together). The results show that that the McClure Mountain apatite is a valid quality control material for double dating, allowing the use of the same material for both methods. We also propose to extend the quality control using MMS to trace element measurements performed in conjunction AFT and U‐Pb dating

    A new calibration of radiation damage control on He diffusivity in apatite: implications for (U-Th)/He thermochronology

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    International audienceIn low temperature thermochronology, reliable interpretation of (U-Th)/He data is controlled by our understanding of helium diffusion in a crystal. The diffusion kinetics can be simulated through the classic Arrhenius-type equation, with parameters frequency factor Do and activation energy Ea (Farley, 2000). For apatite, it has been demonstrated that accumulated radiation damage perturbed the Arrhenius-type equation and exerts a strong control on He diffusion. Two models have been developed to parameterise the evolution of diffusion kinetics in apatite in terms of accumulated radiation damage: one based on the physical phenomenon (Gautheron et al., 2009) and the other calibrated on empirical observations (Flowers et al., 2009). As the amount of radiation damage depends on both time (U and Th decay producing damage) and temperature (annealing of radiation damage), both of these models are routinely used to interpret apatite (U-Th)/He data in terms of thermal histories. However, results obtained from inverse thermal history modelling with these two models can differ and be inconsistent with other low thermochronological data (e.g., apatite fission tracks). In this contribution we present a new radiation damage-based diffusion model that combines the approaches of both the Gautheron et al. and Flowers et al. models.Our new model is based on the theoretical diffusion model proposed by Gerin et al. (2017) but incorporates a new calibration from the available He diffusion experiment results. The Gerin et al. model is built on a theoretical understanding of the fundamental physical processes and predicts diffusion parameters for different levels of crystal lattice damage, using quantum calculus. We recalibrated this model through an empirical law based on real crystal mesh damage calculated from available experimental data. To test the reliability of the revised model and to compare it to the existing models, it was implemented in the modelling software, QTQt (Gallagher, 2012). Here we present results of both forward and inverse modelling to highlight the benefits of the new model. The results are assessed in terms of the impact for “deep time” (>500 Ma) thermochronology, in which accumulated radiation damage can have a significant control on the inferred thermal history models.Farley, K.A., 2000. Helium diffusion from apatite: General behavior as illustrated by Durango fluorapatite. J. Geophys. Res. 105, 2903–2914. https://doi.org/10.1029/1999JB900348Flowers, R.M., Ketcham, R.A., Shuster, D.L., Farley, K.A., 2009. Apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronometry using a radiation damage accumulation and annealing model. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, 2347–2365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2009.01.015Gallagher, K., 2012. Transdimensional inverse thermal history modeling for quantitative thermochronology. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117, n/a-n/a. https://doi.org/10.1029/2011JB008825Gautheron, C., Tassan-Got, L., Barbarand, J., Pagel, M., 2009. Effect of alpha-damage annealing on apatite (U–Th)/He thermochronology. Chemical Geology 266, 157–170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2009.06.001Gerin, C., Gautheron, C., Oliviero, E., Bachelet, C., Mbongo Djimbi, D., Seydoux-Guillaume, A.-M., Tassan-Got, L., Sarda, P., Roques, J., Garrido, F., 2017. Influence of vacancy damage on He diffusion in apatite, investigated at atomic to mineralogical scales. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 197, 87–103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gca.2016.10.01

    Tracing thermal history of the central Patagonian Andes withdetrital multi-dating of foreland basin deposits

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    National audienceDetrital thermochronology in wide foreland basins documents erosion ofdiverse sediment source areas along an adjacent orogen through time. This studypresents new detrital apatite thermochronology data (U-Pb and fission tracks) from thewhole central Patagonian foreland (44°S – 48 °S) that identify at first a persistentvolcanic input from Oligocene to late Miocene. The apatite U-Pb dating was effective todiscriminate AFT ages related to either the exhumation of the source or the volcanicinput, which can easily overtake the exhumation signal along the Patagonian Andes.Lag time, calculated from the youngest AFT component (~30 Ma) and stratigraphicallyconstrained with new zircon U-Pb ages, indicates that the entire central PatagonianCordillera was probably in steady-state erosion at ca. 30 Ma until the resumption ofshortening during the late Neogene. Furthermore, these new detritalthermochronological data emphasize a signal of low rate post-orogenic erosionalprocesses (0.1 – 0.4 km/Ma) corresponding to a significant unroofing of 2 – 4 kmbetween the Oligocene and the late Miocene; a period characterized by a relativetectonic quiescence, subsequent to the late Early Cretaceous – middle Eocene intervalin which significant deformation took place.This study identifies sediment contribution from different source areas to thecentral Patagonian foreland and constrains the timing and rates of the post-orogeniccooling along the central Patagonian Andes, thus defining great sediment sourcing fromthe Andes in spite of tectonic quiescence

    Tracing thermal history of the central Patagonian Andes withdetrital multi-dating of foreland basin deposits

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    National audienceDetrital thermochronology in wide foreland basins documents erosion ofdiverse sediment source areas along an adjacent orogen through time. This studypresents new detrital apatite thermochronology data (U-Pb and fission tracks) from thewhole central Patagonian foreland (44°S – 48 °S) that identify at first a persistentvolcanic input from Oligocene to late Miocene. The apatite U-Pb dating was effective todiscriminate AFT ages related to either the exhumation of the source or the volcanicinput, which can easily overtake the exhumation signal along the Patagonian Andes.Lag time, calculated from the youngest AFT component (~30 Ma) and stratigraphicallyconstrained with new zircon U-Pb ages, indicates that the entire central PatagonianCordillera was probably in steady-state erosion at ca. 30 Ma until the resumption ofshortening during the late Neogene. Furthermore, these new detritalthermochronological data emphasize a signal of low rate post-orogenic erosionalprocesses (0.1 – 0.4 km/Ma) corresponding to a significant unroofing of 2 – 4 kmbetween the Oligocene and the late Miocene; a period characterized by a relativetectonic quiescence, subsequent to the late Early Cretaceous – middle Eocene intervalin which significant deformation took place.This study identifies sediment contribution from different source areas to thecentral Patagonian foreland and constrains the timing and rates of the post-orogeniccooling along the central Patagonian Andes, thus defining great sediment sourcing fromthe Andes in spite of tectonic quiescence

    Denudation of the Cordillera and intraplate belt in Central Patagonia inferred by detrital multi-dating of foreland basin deposits

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    International audienceThe evolution of central Patagonia is associated with episodic shortening and extension that have greatly affected the topography of the Cordillera and intraplate belt. The San Jorge Basin is a site of sediment accumulation in the foreland that is surrounded by igneous and broken foreland relief. The latter originated from episodic deformation and reactivation of inherited structures associated with a period of slab shallowing that allowed the far-field transmission of Andean stresses to the foreland. Thus, due to of its location, the San Jorge Basin provides an exceptional opportunity to study the denudation of both Cordilleran and intraplate topography during the Cenozoic, particularly during the late Eocene–early Miocene interval of mild deformation. In this study, we use a single-grain geochronological approach combining apatite fission tracks and Usingle bondPb dating on apatite, along with maximum deposition ages obtained from Usingle bondPb zircon dating for Neogene foreland basin deposits, to distinguish between two distinctive sediment source regions in central Patagonia during the Cenozoic, despite the persistent volcanic signal. A compilation of previously published cooling ages combined with our new data define: (i) a dominant local source from the northern broken foreland from the late Eocene until the early Miocene; and (ii) a widespread source in the Cordillera during the Miocene based on a very uniform thermochronological signal observed throughout the entire foreland. Therefore, this study provides new insights into the variation of in sediment sourcing in the central Patagonian foreland. This variation is primarily controlled by the decrease of post-orogenic erosional processes during a period of relative tectonic quiescence following the highly active Early Cretaceous–middle Eocene time interval

    French Guiana margin evolution: From Gondwana break‐up to Atlantic opening

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    International audienceKnowledge of the Guiana Shield evolution during the Gondwana break-up is key to a better understanding of craton dynamics and margin response to transtensional opening. To improve this knowledge, we investigated the dynamics and thermal evolution of French Guiana, using several low-temperature thermochronology methods applied to basement rocks, including apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He and apatite fission tracks. Inverse modelling of results allows us to reconstruct the Phanerozoic thermal history of French Guiana margin and to give a preview of the Guiana Shield evolution. Three main events are inferred: firstly, a long-term period of relative stability since ~1.2 Ga, with no strong evidence for any erosional or burial event (>5–7 km); secondly, a heating phase between ~210 and ~140 Ma consistent with the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province-related event. Finally, an exhumation phase between ~140 and ~90 Ma, triggered by the Equatorial Atlantic opening, brought samples close to the surface (<40°C)