34 research outputs found

    Analysis of the relationship between mathematics teacher candidates’ reflective thinking levels and their philosophical views on the nature of mathematics

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    The main aim of the present study with relational screening model was to analyze the relationship between reflective thinking skills and philosophical views regarding the nature of mathematics (NoM) in secondary school mathematics teacher candidates. In addition, it was aimed to determine whether the reflective thinking levels of the candidates displayed a significant difference according to absolutist, mixed, and semi-experimentalist groups. The study group consisted of 196 secondary school mathematics teacher candidates studying in the mathematics teaching program in the spring semester of the 2021-2022 academic year. As data collection tools, The Scale for Determining Philosophical Views Regarding the NoM and The Scale for Determining the Level of Reflective Thinking were used. In the analysis of the data, in addition to descriptive statistics, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficient and multiple linear regression analysis were employed. In the study, it was determined that both reflective thinking levels and the philosophical views regarding the NoM were found to be high in mathematics teacher candidates. Besides, it was determined that there was a positive and moderate relationship between the reflective thinking level subdimensions and and the philosphocial views on the NoM in the teacher candidates, and that the variables of the reflective thinking level subdimensions explained 44% of the variance in the philosophical views on the NoM. Moreover, it was concluded that there was a statistically significant difference between the semi-experimentalist group and the mixed and absolutist groups in favor of the semi-experimentalist group in terms of critical reflection, reflection and understanding skills, and between the absolutist group and the mixed and semiexperimentalist groups in favor of the absolutist group in terms of habitual actions subdimension

    Evaluation of frequency, affecting parameters of the consanguineous marriages and effect to hereditary disorders

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    AMAÇ: Türkiye yaklaşık 80 milyon nüfusa sahip olup, nü-fus gençlerden oluşmaktadır ve doğum hızı orta yüksek-tir. Yapılan çalışmalara göre 2. kuzen gibi yakın akrabalar arasındaki evlilikler ortalama %20 civarında iken bu oran bölgeler arasında %3 ile %40 arasında değişmektedir. Akraba evliliklerini yerel ve bölgesel düzeyde etkileyen faktörler sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik değişkenlerdir. Bu çalışmada, bir orta Anadolu şehri olan Kırıkkale’de akraba evliliklerinin oranı, tipleri, evlilik yaşı ve eğitim düzeyi ile ilişkisi ve tıbbi sonuçları incelenmiştir. GEREÇ VE YÖNTEM: Şehrin farklı sosyo-ekonomik bölgelerini temsil edecek şekilde 5 mahalle belirlendi. 1000 aileye anket formları verilip doldurmaları istendi. 691 hanede anne ya da baba ile yapılan görüşmelerde evlilik yaşı, eğitim düzeyleri, aile üyelerinin sağlık bilgileri sorgulandı. BULGULAR: Kırıkkale’de akraba evlilik oranı %20.4 olarak bulundu. Bunların içinde %48.9 gibi yüksek bir oranda 1.kuzenler arasındaki evlilikler tespit edildi. Akrabaevlilikleri ile evlilik yaşı, eğitim düzeyleri arasında ters korelasyon izlendi. Örneklemimizde kalıtsal hastalık olgusuyla karşılaşılmadı. SONUÇ: Kırıkkale’de akraba evlilikleri oranı yüksektir. Bu bağlamda, ülkemizde akraba evliliklerini önlemek için ulusal politikalar geliştirilmelidir.OBJECTIVE: Turkey has an estimated population of 80 million, with a young age structure and a moderately high birth rate. Previous reports have shown that marriages between couples related as second cousins or closer accounts for 20% of the total, varying by region from 3% to 40% . Social, cultural and economic variables all appear to be important factors in determining local and regional levels of consanguinity. The present study was undertaken to assess the rates and types of consanguineous marriages and their relationship to age at marriage and education level and medical outcomes in the Kırıkkale city, middle Anatolia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five different districts of the city representing different socio-economic circumstances. Questionnaries were given to 1000 families. Then interwieved with mother or father, with details on characteristics such as marital age, educational level, the degree of biological relatedness of the parents and health status of the memberships of the 691 families. RESULTS: The overall rate of consanguinity was 20.4% in Kırıkkale. The principal type of consanguineous marriage recorded was between first cousins, which accounted for 48.9% of all unions. For both sexes of parents, a significant negative association was observed between consanguinity and mean age at marriage and level of education. There was not any hereditary disorder in our small sample population. CONCLUSIONS: Consanguineous marriage frequenciy was higher in Kırıkkale. In this context, it is important to develop national policies and strategies to prevent consanguineous marriagess in Turkey

    The Period of Şeyh Ali Celâleddin Çelebi the Mevlevî Lodge Afyonkarahisar (1894-1918)

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    Mevlânâ Celâleddin Rumi’nin torunlarının halen yaşadığı bir kent olan Afyonkarahisar, Mevlevîlik Tarihi açısından önemli bir merkezdir. Özellikle XV. ve XVI. yüzyıllarda, Sultan Divânî zamanında, “Konya’dan Sonraki En Önemli Mevlevîhâne” olma özelliğini daha da pekiştirmiştir. Kendisi de Mevlânâ torunlarından olan Ali Celâleddin Çelebi, 1894-1918 yılları arasında şeyhlik yapmıştır. Afyonkarahisar Mevlevîhânesi; Ali Celâleddin Çelebi dönemine rastlayan Balkan ve Birinci Dünya Savaşlarında hem maddî hem de askerî yardımda bulunarak Osmanlı Ordusuna destek sağlamış, 1902’de tamamen yanmasının ardından zor şartlar altında tekrar inşa edilmiş ve Sultan Reşad Döneminde çıkan kanûna rağmen, Müstesna (ayrıcalıklı) vakıflardan kabul edilmiştir. 1918 yılında Celâleddin Çelebi’nin vefatının ardından, Tekke ve Zaviyelerin kapatılması ile ilgili kanunun yürürlüğe girdiği 1925 yılına kadar, aktif bir şekilde faaliyetlerini sürdürmüştürAfyonkarahisar, in which the grandchildren of Mevlânâ Celâledin Rûmî (Jalal al-Din al-Rumi) have still been living, is an important center in the history of Mevlevî teaching. Especially in the 15th and 16th centuries, at the period of Divane Mehmet Çelebi( 1546 or 1547) ,this Mevlevî Lodge underlined once more its specialty of being “the most important Mevlevî Lodge after Konya”. Ali Celâleddin Çelebi who is one of the grandsons of Mevlânâ was a Sheikh between the years 1894-1918. Afyonkarahisar Mevlevî Lodge provided financial and military support to the Ottoman Army during the Balkan War and First World War which was broke out in the period of Ali Celâleddin Çelebi. Tough it was burnt up completely in 1902, it was reconstructed under the harsh circumstances and was considered as one of the privileged foundations despite the law “Emvâl-i Gayrı- Menkûle” about mysticism, issued at the period of Sultan Dîvânî it has been concerned as one of the privileged foundations. After the death of Celâleddin Çelebi in 1918 this Mevlevî Lodge carried on its activity until 1925 in which the law of abolition of dervish lodges was put in force

    Elementary mathematics teacher candidates’ views about the nature of mathematics

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı ilköğretim matematik öğretmeni adaylarının matematiğin doğasına ilişkin düşüncelerinin incelenmesidir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda araştırma nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden olgubilim modeli ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırmanın katılımcılarını 21 dördüncü sınıf ilköğretim matematik öğretmeni adayı oluşturmaktadır. Bunların 5’i erkek, 16’sı ise kızdır. Araştırmanın verileri 6 açık uçlu sorudan oluşan yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formu ile toplanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler içerik analizi yöntemi ile iki araştırmacı tarafından analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular incelendiğinde katılımcıların matematiği genellikle günlük hayatı kolaylaştıran, soyut kavramlardan oluşan bir bilim dalı olarak tanımladıkları görülmüştür. Katılımcıların çoğu matematiğin bir bilim olduğunu savunurken, sadece ikisi kendi düşüncelerini beyan etmeyerek matematiği araç olarak kabul edenlere göre matematiğin bilim olmadığını, amaç olarak kabul edenlere göre ise bilim olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir. Katılımcılar matematiksel bilginin temelinin daha çok ihtiyaca, araştırmaya, mantığa ve keşfe dayandığını belirtmişlerdir. Bunun yanında katılımcıların matematiğin yığılmalı, ihtiyaçlar ve mantıksal çıkarımlardan geliştiği görüşünde oldukları görülmüştür. Ayrıca katılımcıların çoğunluğunun matematiğin günlük hayat ve diğer disiplinlerle ilişkili olduğunu düşündükleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonunda elde edilen veriler genel olarak incelendiğinde, katılımcıların matematiğin tanımına ve doğasına yönelik derinlemesine cevaplar veremedikleri tespit edilmiştir. Bu nedenle öğretmen yetiştirme programlarında matematiğin doğası ve matematiksel düşünmenin önemine dair tartışmalara her sınıf düzeyinde yer verilmesi gerektiği düşünülmektedir.The aim of this study is to examine elementary school mathematics teacher candidates’ views about the nature of mathematics. For this purpose, the research was carried out with the phenomenology model, one of the qualitative research methods. The participants of the study consist of 21 fourth grade mathematics teacher candidates. 5 of them are male and 16 are female. The data of the study was collected with a semi-structured interview form consisting of 6 open-ended questions. The data were analyzed using content analysis method by two researchers. When the findings were examined, it was seen that the participants defined mathematics as a branch of abstract concepts that generally facilitates daily life. While most of the participants argued that mathematics is a science, only 2 of them stated that it is not science according to those who accept mathematics as a tool by not declaring their own thoughts, but science according to those who accept it as a goal. The participants stated that the basis of mathematical knowledge was based more on needs, research, logic and discovery. In addition, it was seen that the participants were in the view that mathematics was accumulated and developed from needs and logical inferences. In addition, it was determined that the majority of the participants thought that mathematics was related to daily life and other disciplines. When the data obtained at the end of the study were examined in general, it was found that the participants could not give in-depth answers to the definition and nature of mathematics. For this reason, it is considered that the discussions about the nature of mathematics and the importance of mathematical thinking should be included at each classroom level in teacher training programs

    Sexual Life Traits of Chronic Pain Disorder Patients and Relationship Between Temperament and Character Dimensions of Personality

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    Objective: It is known that a complex problem is a sexual life in patients with chronic pain. Also, physicians may ignore thispoint. In this study, we aimed to compare the clinical features, sexual life properties and personality traits of patients withChronic Pain Disorder (CPD) and healthy controls. We hypothesized that Harm Avoidance (HA) scores would be higher andpredictive of compared to healthy controls also sexual dysfunction would found in the patient group.Methods: This study was conducted in outpatients with CPD who presented to the Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital’sOutpatient Psychiatry Clinic. The sample was comprised of 60 outpatients (53 women, 7 men) who complained of chronicpain for at least 3 months and were not under any medication. The control group comprised of 60 healthy controls (49women, 11 men). Semi-structured sociodemographic data form, Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Temperament and CharacterInventory (TCI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and Arizona Sexual Experiences Scale(ASEX) were administered to the participants. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows, Version 23.0.Results: In CPD patients ASEX scores were significantly higher than healthy controls. It demonstrates sexual dysfunctionpresenting in CPD group. In terms of gender; female ASEX scores were significantly higher than male ones. VAS scores did notcorrelate to ASEX scores in all of the participants. Exploratory excitability subscale of Novelty Seeking, Total Cooperativenessand Total Reward Dependence scores were changed negatively correlation with ASEX scores; Harm Avoidance, Persistence,Self-Directedness, Self-Transcendence, and their subscales did not correlate to ASEX scores. ASEX scores, positively correlatedto Attachment and Sentimentality subscales of Reward Dependence. BDI scores changed positively with BAI, ASEX, VASscores; BAI scores also correlated positively with VAS and ASEX scores. Helpfulness vs Unhelpfulness and Compassion vsRevengefulness subscales of cooperativeness in patients with CPD positively correlated to ASEX scores.Conclusions: Temperament and character traits and sexual life properties of the CPD patients were significantly different fromthe healthy control subjects. Exploratory excitability subscale of NS and C is the negative predictor of sexual dysfunction. Also,Helpfulness vs Unhelpfulness and Compassion vs Revengefulness subscale of C is the positive predictor of sexual dysfunction

    Temperament and Character Dimensions of Personality in Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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    WOS: 000396634000002Temperament and character dimensions of personality in patients with generalized anxiety disorder Objective: It is known that a complex relationship is present between anxiety and personality. In this study, we aimed to compare the clinical features and personality traits of patients with GAD and healthy controls. We hypothesized that Harm Avoidance scores would be higher and predictive of GAD compared to the healthy controls. Methods: This study was conducted in outpatients with GAD who presented to the Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital's Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic. The sample was comprised of 40 outpatient (30 women, 10 men) who met Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders -DSM-5 criteria for GAD, who were not under any medication treatments. The control group comprised of 40 healthy controls (23 women, 17 men). Semi-structured sociodemographic data form, Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), General Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-I and II) were administered to the participants. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows, Version 23.0. Results: Impulsiveness subscale of Novelty Seeking; Harm Avoidance and its subscales of Anticipatory worry, Fear of uncertainty, Shyness with strangers, and Fatigability and asthenia scores were significantly higher in GAD patients compared to the control group. Harm Avoidance and its subscales of Anticipatory worry, Fear of uncertainty, Shyness with strangers, and Fatigability and asthenia scores were significantly highly positively correlated with the BDI, BAI, STAI-I /STAI-II, and GAD-7 scores. When GAD-7 scores was entered as the dependent variable and age and gender were controlled in regression analysis, Harm Avoidance and its subscale of Shyness, Persistence, and Self-Transcendence were significantly predictive of GAD-7 scores. Conclusions: Temperament and character traits of the GAD patients were significantly different from the healthy control subjects. HA scores were higher and predictive of GAD compared to healthy controls

    Temperament and Character Dimensions of Personality in Patients with Chronic Pain Disorders

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    Temperament and character dimensions of personality in patients with chronic pain disorders Objective: It is known that a complex relationship is present between chronic pain and personality. In this study, we aimed to compare the clinical features and personality traits of patients with Chronic Pain Disorder (CPD) and healthy controls. We hypothesized that Harm Avoidance (HA) scores would be higher and predictive of compared to healthy controls. Methods: This study was conducted in outpatients with CPD who presented to the Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital's Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic. The sample was comprised of 60 outpatients (53 women, 7 men) who complained of chronic pain for at least 3 months and were not under any medication treatments. The control group comprised of 60 healthy controls (49 women, 11 men). Semi-structured sociodemographic data form, Visual Analog Scale (VAS), Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were administered to the participants. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS for Windows, Version 23.0. Results: Impulsiveness subscale of Novelty Seeking; Harm Avoidance and its subscales of Anticipatory worry, Fear of uncertainty, Shyness with strangers, and Fatigability and asthenia scores were significantly higher in CPD patients compared to the control group. Harm Avoidance and its subscales of Anticipatory worry, Fear of uncertainty, Shyness with strangers, and Fatigability and asthenia scores were significantly positively correlated with the BDI, BAI, and VAS scores. When VAS scores were entered as the dependent variable and age and gender were controlled in regression analysis, Harm Avoidance was significantly predictive of VAS scores. Conclusion: Temperament and character traits of the CPD patients were significantly different from the healthy control subjects. HA scores were higher and predictive of CPD compared to healthy controls

    Can We Determine The Time Elapsed Until The Birth In Preterm Premature Rupture Of Membranes (Pprom) And Preterm Labor (Pte) ? [Preterm Prematur Erken Membran Rupturu (Pprom) Ve Preterm Eylem (Pte)De Doguma Kadar Gecen Sureyi Belirleyebilir Miyiz?]

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    We aimed to determined; affect of clinical, laboratory, and ultrasonographic factors the time elapsed until the birth in midtrimester PPROM and PTE. Total 448 PPROM and PTE patients were conceived which applicant the Perinatology Department of zekai Tahir Burak Women's Health Education And Research Hospital between 2012-2014 years. PPROM group consisted of 237 patients, PTE group consisted of 211 patients. PPROM and PTE groups were divided into subgroups as cervical culture positive and negative PPROM and PTE groups. Risk factors of until the time of birth was determined by multivariate regression analysis in cervical culture positive PPROM and PTE groups. Cervical length measured by TVUSG=0,907, 95% Cl = 0,823-0,999 (p=0,047) and amniotic fluid index (or= 0,962, 95% Cl= 0,946-0,980 (p [Med-Science 2016; 5(2.000): 468-83