132 research outputs found

    Zipf distribution power allocation approach for NOMA Systems

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    L'accès multiple non orthogonal  ( NOMA ) a reçu une attention considérable  pour  le développement des réseaux sans fil 5G et au-delà. Power-domain  NOMA  fonctionne sur le concept d'attribution  de niveaux de puissance variables  aux  utilisateurs  dans la  même fréquence  et  le même temps bloc. Dans cet article, nous proposons une nouvelle approche d'allocation de puissance qui utilise la loi de distribution Zipf qui satisfait la condition de base d'un système NOMA. Le Zipf PA se caractérise par la simplicité et la facilité de mise en œuvre qui permet d'étendre la capacité du système à prendre en charge un grand nombre d'utilisateurs. Les résultats numériques montrent que le système atteint un débit et une efficacité énergétique élevés sans aucune contrainte d'optimisation des paramètres, ainsi qu'une capacité améliorée en augmentant le nombre d'utilisateurs par rapport au système NOMA avec les techniques d'allocation de puissance existantes

    Zipf distribution power allocation approach for NOMA Systems

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    L\u27accès multiple non orthogonal  ( NOMA ) a reçu une attention considérable  pour  le développement des réseaux sans fil 5G et au-delà. Power-domain  NOMA  fonctionne sur le concept d\u27attribution  de niveaux de puissance variables  aux  utilisateurs  dans la  même fréquence  et  le même temps bloc. Dans cet article, nous proposons une nouvelle approche d\u27allocation de puissance qui utilise la loi de distribution Zipf qui satisfait la condition de base d\u27un système NOMA. Le Zipf PA se caractérise par la simplicité et la facilité de mise en œuvre qui permet d\u27étendre la capacité du système à prendre en charge un grand nombre d\u27utilisateurs. Les résultats numériques montrent que le système atteint un débit et une efficacité énergétique élevés sans aucune contrainte d\u27optimisation des paramètres, ainsi qu\u27une capacité améliorée en augmentant le nombre d\u27utilisateurs par rapport au système NOMA avec les techniques d\u27allocation de puissance existantes

    Impact du zooplancton métazoaire sur le phytoplancton et les protozoaires ciliés dans le réservoir Sahela (Maroc)

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    L'impact du zooplancton métazoaire sur le phytoplancton et les protozoaires ciliés a été mesuré durant la période de juillet à décembre 1999 dans le réservoir Sahela sous climat méditerranéen semi-aride.Les expériences ont été réalisées à l'aide de chambres de diffusion immergées in situ pendant 7 heures en absence (chambres témoins) et en présence (chambres expérimentales) du zooplancton.Les résultats indiquent que la mortalité moyenne à 4 m des algues est de 0,13 + 0,03 h-1, et celle des protozoaires ciliés de 0,07 + 0,03 h-1. Cryptomonas ovata et Halteria grandinella ont subi la plus forte prédation, respectivement, 0,31 + 0,14 h-1 et 0,11 + 0,04 h-1 à 4 m. Toutefois, les algues de grande taille (Pediastrum sp, Ceratium hirundinella et Peridinium cinctum) n'ont été que très peu ou pas consommées.The Sahela reservoir, located in Taounate at 90 km from Fès, lying at an altitude of 325 m, was built to provide drinking water for the population of Taounate and to contribute to irrigate neighbouring farming perimeters.In order to assess the impact of metazoan zooplankton on phytoplankton and protozoan ciliates in the Sahela reservoir under semi-arid climate, we conducted experiments during the period from July to December 1999 at the deepest point in the lake (15 m).Sampling and measurements were carried out in diffusion chambers submerged in situ over a period of 7 h without (control chambers) and with (experimental chambers) zooplankton. During these experiments, counts were conducted on phytoplankton and ciliates to determine the abundance and the mortality of these organisms due to zooplankton in each diffusion chambers at t=0 and t=7 h incubation. The metazooplankton were counted and dry weight of each taxa was calculated.In summer the highest zooplankton biomass (150 µg·L-1) mainly composed of cyclopoid Tropocyclops prasinus, caused mortality of the small-sized ciliates, such as Halteria grandinella (0.10 h-1). In Autumn, the zooplankton biomass (75 µg·l-1), dominated by Daphnia longispina, induced a higher mortality for phytoplankton (0.10 h-1) than for ciliates (0.05 h-1). In Winter, the zooplankton biomass (100 µg·L-1), also represented by Daphnia longispina, had a low impact on ciliate mortality (< 0.02 h-1).The study showed that a heavy predation by the metazoan zooplankton was exerted on small-sized phytoplankton and ciliates and clearly demonstrated the relationships between protozoans and metazoan zooplankton to transfering the matter and energy in aquatic food webs

    Modélisation de la relation pluie-débit à l'aide des réseaux de neurones artificiels

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    Identifier tous les processus physiques élémentaires du cycle hydrologique qui peuvent avoir lieu dans un bassin versant et attribuer à chacun d'eux une description analytique permettant la prévision conduisent à des structures complexes employant un nombre élevé de paramètres difficilement accessibles. En outre, ces processus, même simplifiés, sont généralement non linéaires. Le recours à des modèles à faible nombre de variables, capables de traiter la non-linéarité, s'avère nécessaire.C'est dans cette optique que nous proposons une méthode de modélisation de la relation pluie et débit basée sur l'utilisation de réseaux neuronaux. Les performances de ces derniers dans la modélisation non linéaire ont été déjà prouvées dans plusieurs domaines scientifiques (biologie, géologie, chimie, physique). Dans ce travail, nous utilisons l'algorithme de la rétropropagation des erreurs avec un réseau à 3 couches de neurones. La fonction de transfert appliquée est de type sigmoïde. Pour prédire le débit à un moment donné, on présente à l'entrée du réseau des valeurs de pluies et de débits observés à des instants précédents. La structure du réseau est optimisée pour obtenir une bonne capacité prévisionnelle sur des données n'ayant pas participé au calage.L'application du réseau à des données pluviométriques et débimétriques du bassin de l'oued Beth permet d'obtenir de bonnes prévisions d'un ou plusieurs pas de temps, aussi bien journalières qu'hebdomadaires. Pour les données n'ayant pas participé au calage, les coefficients de corrélation entre les valeurs observées et les valeurs estimées par les différents modèles sont élevés. Ils varient de 0.72 à 0.91 pour les coefficients de corrélation de Pearson et de 0.73 à 0.95 pour les coefficients de Spearman.Identification of the elementary processes of the hydrological cycle in a drainage basin, and the comprehensive description of each of them, lead to hydrological models with a complex structure including a high number of relatively inaccessible parameters. Moreover these processes, even when simplified, are generally non-linear. Using models with a smaller number of parameters, in order to cope with non-linearity, is therefore necessary.In this perspective, we propose an artificial neural network for rainfall-runoff modeling. Performances of this method in non-linear modeling have been already demonstrated in several scientific fields (biology, geology, chemistry, physics). In the present work, we use the error back-propagation algorithm with a three-layer neural network. The transfer functions belong to the sigmoidal type at each layer. To predict the runoff at a given moment, the input variables are the rainfall and the runoff values observed for the previous time period. The structure of the network (number of hidden nodes, learning coefficient and momentum values) is optimized to guarantee a good prediction of the runoff, using a set of test data (validation set) not used in the training phase.Data compiled in our model are a ten year set of rainfall-runoff values collected by the Rabat hydraulic administration (September 1983 to April 1993) in the Beth Wadi catchment. In this study, we develop two types of models according to two different time steps (daily and weekly). The data are subdivided into two sets: a first set to train the model (training set) and a second set to test the model (validation set). For the daily timestep model, we used data of the last two years: April 1991 to April 1993. The initial 365 data (April 1991- April 1992) constitute the training set and the 365 remaining data constitute the validation set. For the weekly data (Monday to Sunday averages), we have 502 pairs of values. We worked by preserving the last 120 values as the validation set and trained the neural network with the remaining data, i.e. 382 pairs of values of weekly rainfall-runoff.Three types of estimation have been carried out:1. at instant prediction: prediction of runoff at time t taking into account rainfall values at time t, as well as runoff and rainfall values at preceding times (until t-1); 2. one step ahead prediction: prediction of runoff at time t from rainfall and runoff values at the preceding times (until t-1); 3. multistep prediction: prediction of runoff values for a period from t-jh until t, given that values of the runoff for the period 1 to t-jh-1 and values of the rainfall at times 1 to t are available (h is the timestep). The step time is daily for the at instant prediction and weekly for one step ahead and multistep predictions. The choice of input variables is determined by autocorrelation function (ACF) and partial autocorrelation function (PACF) analyses on runoff values, and cross-correlation function (CCF) analysis between rainfall and runoff values. For the at instant prediction, the input vector is composed by runoff values of the four days preceding day t, and rainfall values for the three last preceding days as well as its value on day t. For the one step ahead prediction, the input vector is composed of runoff values of the five weeks preceding week t, and rainfall values for the three preceding weeks (without considering the rainfall at time t). Finally, for the multistep prediction, the input vector is the same as for the one step ahead prediction but rainfall values include time t. The runoff values for the week t-jh+1, as well as for the following weeks, are computed by feed backing to the input vector the runoff value predicted for the preceding week.The rainfall-runoff models allow a good estimation for one or several timesteps, daily as well as weekly. In the validation set, correlation coefficients between observed and estimated values are high. In the at instant prediction, we obtain the Pearson correlation coefficient R=0.772 and the Spearman correlation coefficient CR=0.958. The weak value of R as compared to CR is explained by a few extremely high values of error of prediction. In the one step ahead prediction (R=0.887 and CR=0.782) and multistep prediction (R=0.908 and CR=0.727), the R coefficients are higher that CR. This confirms that predicted values are in good agreement with the peaks of observed values (absence of large exceptional errors). In all cases, the results obtained are better than those obtained with linear methods. The neural network models can thus be recommended for time series studies in environmental sciences

    Contribution à l'étude de la relation entre les différentes formes du phosphore dans les sédiments d'une retenue de barrage eutrophe en climat méditerranéen (El Kansera, Maroc)

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    Le présent travail porte sur l'évaluation des différentes formes de phosphore, dans les sédiments d'un réservoir eutrophe en climat méditerranéen (El Kansera, Maroc) et la détermination des relations entre ces formes. L'application d'un schéma de fractionnement chimique du phosphore a permis de déterminer les proportions de quatre formes différentes : le phosphore lié au fer Fe(OOH)-P, le phosphore lié au calcium CaCO3-P, le phosphore organique soluble dans l'acide POSA et le phosphore organique résiduel POR. La forme biodisponible a été déterminée par ailleurs, par des bioessais en utilisant une Chlorophycée (Scenedesmus crassus) isolée à partir des eaux de la retenue du barrage étudié.Une étude par analyse factorielle des correspondances a mis en évidence l'influence de la nature des sédiments étudiés et de leurs propriétés physico-chimiques sur la répartition des formes du phosphore dans les sédiments. En période de basses eaux, les sédiments sont caractérisés par la prédominance des formes inorganiques ; alors qu'en période de hautes eaux, la forme POSA est la plus abondante. La confrontation des résultats obtenus par la méthode des bioessais avec ceux relatifs aux extractions chimiques séquentielles de phosphore a montré par ailleurs, que la forme biodisponible du phosphore est fortement corrélée aux formes inorganiques {Fe(OOH)-P et CaCO3-P} et indépendante vis à vis des formes organiques {POSA et POR}.We have studied in this work the different forms of phosphorus in the sediments of a eutrophic reservoir in a Mediterranean climate (El Kansera – Morocco). The studied sediments have been collected at eight sampling stations located at different points in the middle of the lake during two sampling sessions in contrasting weather conditions: the first sampling occurred in November 1992, a period of autumn mixing and low water levels, whereas the second took place in January 1994 during a high water level period, just after the first winter floods of the Beht river whose waters are retained in the studied reservoir.The evaluation of the different forms of phosphorus was carried out using both a chemical extraction method and a bioassay method. The application of the chosen chemical extraction scheme allowed the determination of the proportions of four different phosphorus forms: iron-bound {Fe(OOH)-P}, calcium-bound {CaCO3-P}, acid-soluble organic {POSA} and residual organic {POR}. The bioavailable form {Pbio}, representing less than 32 % of the total sediment phosphorus content, has been evaluated using a Scenedesmus crassus algal strain isolated from El Kansera reservoir waters.According to the results of our analyses, the concentrations of iron-bound phosphorus are higher overall than those of calcium-bound phosphorus. The sediments collected during the low water period contain spatially stable values of POSA (0.03 – 0.09 mg.g-1). These values are lower than those determined in the sediments collected during the high water period (0.24 – 0.42 mg.g-1). This form represents less than 11% of the total phosphorus in the low water period whereas it represents more than 25% and up to 56% of the total phosphorus in the filling period. This result can be explained by the freshness of the organic matter supplied by the continuous water flow in the high water period and the degradation of this organic matter during the low water period. Moreover, the anaerobic conditions of the hypolimnetic layers and the low external supply during the low water period favour organic phosphorus mineralisation.A Factorial Correspondence analysis study has shown the influence of the nature and the physico-chemical properties of the studied sediments on the distribution of the different phosphorus forms. In the low level period, the predominance of the inorganic forms is obvious while POSA is the most abundant form in the period of rising water levels. This differentiation can be explained by the different transport dynamics of suspended organic or inorganic particles according to the water level and also to the external or internal supply of the organic matter.We have also determined the statistical relations among the estimated different forms of phosphorus in El Kansera reservoir sediments. This statistical analysis was carried out to establish the correlation between the bioavailable phosphorus determined by the bioassay method and the phosphorus forms determined by chemical speciation. The goal of the study was to determine, according to statistically significant correlations, the chemical forms of the bioavailable phosphorus contained in the studied sediments.The comparison between the results we have obtained by the bioassay method and those obtained by sequential chemical extraction has shown that the bioavailable form of phosphorus is strongly correlated with the inorganic forms {Fe(OOH)-P} and {CaCO3-P}. The high correlation found between the iron-bound form of phosphorus and the bioavailable one is in good agreement with previous work described in the literature that has shown that an important part of the iron-bound and aluminium- bound phosphorus is bioavailable, whatever the extraction method may be.It has also been demonstrated that the forms {Pbio}, {Fe(OOH)-P}, {CaCO3-P} and {Pinorg}are notably independent from the {POSA} and {Porg} forms, the correlation coefficients being relatively low. The residual organic form of phosphorus {POR} does not seem to be linked to any variable. Therefore, we can say that this form is not bioavailable for the Scenedesmus crassus species

    Activité de la phosphatase alcaline bactérienne à l'interface eau-sédiment au sein du réservoir Sahela (Maroc)

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    Les variations temporelles des concentrations en phosphore, celles des abondances bactériennes et de l'activité de la phosphatase alcaline (APA) ont été estimées in situ en chambre benthique placée en deux points du réservoir Sahela (Maroc) durant les mois de septembre et octobre 98. En période de faible oxygénation, nous avons enregistré des élévations relativement faibles des concentrations en orthophosphates (de 0,020 à 0,035 mg. l-1 au point 1 et 0,015 à 0,025 mg. l-1 au point 2) par rapport au phosphore total (0,080 à 0,100 mg. l-1 au point 1 et de 0,035 à 0,040 mg. l-1 au point 2). À cette période, les abondances bactériennes et l'APA montrent des valeurs maximales (8. 106 bact. ml-1 et 0,323 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 1 et 6.106 bact. ml-1 et 0,438 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 2 respectivement). L'apparition des conditions anoxiques et la diminution du pH favorisaient la dissolution du phosphore particulaire et la libération du phosphore réactif soluble. Cette libération s'accompagne d'une élévation des abondances de bactéries anaérobies (de 5.106 à 9,2. 106 bact. ml-1 au point 1 et de 3,8.106 à 7,2. 106 bact. ml-1 au point 2) et une diminution progressive d'APA (de 0,200 à 0,025 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 1 et de 0,125 à 0,077 mmol.PNP l-1.h-1 au point 2). Ce relargage du phosphore à partir du sédiment est accentué par les rejets domestiques et industriels de la ville de Taounate, ce qui accélère le processus d'eutrophisation de ce réservoir.Temporal variations of phosphorus concentrations, bacterial abundance and alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) were estimated in situ in a benthic chamber. The chamber used has a surface of 0.4m2 and a volume of 90 l ; it resembles those used in oceanography, with a tube connecting the interior of the chamber to the lake surface. The water in the chamber was permanently mixed by an electric agitation system. The chamber was placed at two points in the Sahela reservoir (Morocco). Point 1 was located near Guelta El Haila, a site that receives both domestic and industrial effluent, and point 2 was located in the centre of the reservoir. During the two incubations, eight samples were taken over 24 d in September and October 1998 from point 1, and seven samples were taken from point 2 over 29 d in October. After each sampling, an equal volume of water was injected into the chamber to avoid bubble formation.Under low dissolved oxygen concentrations in the benthic chamber, we noticed a relatively small elevation in orthophosphate concentrations (from 0.020 to 0.035 mg×L-1 at point 1 and from 0.015 to 0.025 mg×L-1 at point 2) in relation to total phosphorus (from 0.080 to 0.100 mg×L-1 and from 0.035 to 0.040 mg×L-1 at points 1 and 2 respectively). The low residual oxygenation of hypolimnic layer allowed the oxidation of iron, manganese and led to their binding to phosphorus released from the interstitial water. Dissociation of calcium-phosphorus complexes as a result of a pH decrease may have contributed to phosphorus release. The orthophosphate concentrations were relatively low, a situation that favours the synthesis of alkaline phosphatase by aerobic bacteria and facultative aerobic bacteria. In this period, the bacterial abundance and APA were comparable and showed the maximal values (8. 106 bact. ml-1 and 0.323 mmol. PNP l-1.h-1 (phosphate nitrophenol) in point 1 and 6. 106 bact. ml-1and 0.438 mmol. PNP l-1.h-1 in point 2 respectively). The lack of a significant correlation between total APA and bacterial abundance at the two sampling points is probably due to the decrease of aerobic bacteria followed by a repopulation with anaerobic bacteria. However, the relative contribution of two bacterial populations that have different sizes, as at points 1 and 2, showed that the majority of total APA was produced by bacteria that are attached to organic matter. Therefore we suggest that attached bacteria contribute more than free bacteria to APA production.The beginning of anoxic conditions and the decrease in pH favored the dissolution of particulate phosphorus and the liberation of reactive phosphorus. We noted an elevation in orthophosphate concentrations (from 0.035 to 0.050 mg×L-1 at point 1 and stabilised at 0.025 mg×L-1 at point 2) and total phosphorus (from 0.100 to 0.150 mg×L-1 at point 1 and from 0.040 to 0.050 mg×L-1 at point 2). This liberation followed an increase in anaerobic bacterial abundance (from 5×106 to 9.2×106 bact×mL-1 at point 1 and from 3.8×106 to 7.2×106 bact×mL-1 at point 2) and the progressive decrease in APA (from 0.200 to 0.025 mmol PNP L-1 ×h-1 at point 1 and from 0.125 to 0.077 mmol PNP L-1 ×h-1 at point 2). The anaerobic bacteria did not activate their alkaline phosphatase and the synthesis of their enzyme was progressively inhibited by a de-repression phenomenon caused by high phosphorus concentrations.We conclude that low oxygen and a decrease in pH favoured the release of phosphorus by dissolution of chemical complexes: calcium-phosphorus, iron-phosphorus, manganese-phosphorus and aluminium-phosphorus. This release is also the result of bacterial phosphatase activity to which fixed bacteria contributed the most. The release of phosphorus from water-sediment interface is further amplified by phosphate import from domestic and industrial waste waters originating from Taounate, which accelerates the eutrophication process in this reservoir

    Les grands « piliers » d’un écosystème des Startups marocaines dynamique et innovant : État des lieux et recommandations

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    Résumé Les Startups contribuent considérablement à l’amélioration des indicateurs économiques et sociaux. Cependant, pour promouvoir la culture Startup et susciter l’émergence de nouvelles Startups et leur développement, le Maroc a besoin de revoir son écosystème et essayer d’instaurer des politiques appropriées. Cet article a pour objectif, premièrement, de présenter l’état des lieux de l’écosystème marocain des startups. Deuxièmement, de mettre en lumière les grands « piliers » d’un écosystème des startups. Troisièmement, de formuler des recommandations quant à chaque pilier de l’écosystème, sur la base des expériences d’autres pays et des points de vue des experts, afin de permettre son amélioration et, par conséquent, de bénéficier des avantages qu’offre la Startup.Mots-clés : écosystème, Startup, entreprenariat, innovation, MarocAbstract : Startups contribute to the improvement of public indicators of a country relative to the economic and social sector. However, to promote the startup culture and try to improve the emerging and development of a startup, Morocco has to review the policies related to his ecosystem and try to make good and appropriated ones. This article has three main goals. First, we tend to present the actual situation of the Moroccan startup ecosystem. Second, we are going to discuss about the main “pillars” of the startup ecosystem. Third and final step, we are going to make some recommendations about each pillar of the ecosystem, based on other countries experience, and expert announcement, and thus, to benefit from the advantages that procure.Keywords : Ecosystem, Startup, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Morocc

    Development of CBCT-based prostate setup correction strategies and impact of rectal distension.

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    BACKGROUND: Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) systems are widely used tools to verify and correct the target position before each fraction, allowing to maximize treatment accuracy and precision. In this study, we evaluate automatic three-dimensional intensity-based rigid registration (RR) methods for prostate setup correction using CBCT scans and study the impact of rectal distension on registration quality. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 115 CBCT scans of 10 prostate patients. CT-to-CBCT registration was performed using (a) global RR, (b) bony RR, or (c) bony RR refined by a local prostate RR using the CT clinical target volume (CTV) expanded with 1-to-20-mm varying margins. After propagation of the manual CT contours, automatic CBCT contours were generated. For evaluation, a radiation oncologist manually delineated the CTV on the CBCT scans. The propagated and manual CBCT contours were compared using the Dice similarity and a measure based on the bidirectional local distance (BLD). We also conducted a blind visual assessment of the quality of the propagated segmentations. Moreover, we automatically quantified rectal distension between the CT and CBCT scans without using the manual CBCT contours and we investigated its correlation with the registration failures. To improve the registration quality, the air in the rectum was replaced with soft tissue using a filter. The results with and without filtering were compared. RESULTS: The statistical analysis of the Dice coefficients and the BLD values resulted in highly significant differences (p&lt;10(-6)) for the 5-mm and 8-mm local RRs vs the global, bony and 1-mm local RRs. The 8-mm local RR provided the best compromise between accuracy and robustness (Dice median of 0.814 and 97% of success with filtering the air in the rectum). We observed that all failures were due to high rectal distension. Moreover, the visual assessment confirmed the superiority of the 8-mm local RR over the bony RR. CONCLUSION: The most successful CT-to-CBCT RR method proved to be the 8-mm local RR. We have shown the correlation between its registration failures and rectal distension. Furthermore, we have provided a simple (easily applicable in routine) and automatic method to quantify rectal distension and to predict registration failure using only the manual CT contours