117 research outputs found

    Coincidence Theory: Seeking a Perceptual Preference for Just Intonation, Equal Temperament, and Pythagorean Intonation in Excerpts for Wind Instruments

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    Coincidence theory states that when the components of harmony are in enhanced alignment the sound will be more consonant to the human auditory system. An objective method of examining the components of harmony is by investigating alignment of the mathematics of a particular sound or harmony. The study examined preference responses to excerpts tuned in just intonation, Pythagorean intonation, and equal temperament. Musical excerpts were presented in pairs and study subjects simply picked one version from the pair that they perceived as the most consonant. Results of the study revealed an overall preference for equal temperament in contradiction to coincidence theory. Several additional areas for research are suggested to further investigate the results of this study

    Brand to Brand Variation in Disintegrant Functionality of Polacrilin Potassium NF

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    The current monograph for Polacrilin Potassium NF does not specify tests that could help in distinguishing between different brands of this disintegrant. The objective of this work was to study the physical characteristics of four brands of Polacrilin Potassium NF and relate the observed differences to the differences in their functionality. Significant differences were observed in particle size, true density, porosity, surface area, viscosity and morphology of the samples of the four brands of Polacrilin Potassium NF. Functionality tests such as settling volume, intrinsic swelling, rate and extent of water uptake were performed. The differences in settling volumes were not significant. However, significant differences were observed in intrinsic swelling and initial rate of water uptake rate. The disintegration times of the tablets were found to be a function of the rate of water uptake in the initial few seconds of disintegration. Since the disintegration times were observed to be significantly different in spite of negligible differences in settling volumes, wicking and water uptake appear to be the major mechanism of disintegration performance for Polacrilin Potassium NF. The measurement of water uptake rate may be a useful functionality test for ion exchange resin disintegrants. The settling volume test, however, was unable to distinguish between the samples of different sources of Polacrilin Potassium NF


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    Objective: The present study gives emphasis on the development of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) of poorly water-soluble drug using Apelblat model. Methods: For the development of self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery system (SNEDDS) solubility in surfactant, co-surfactant and in oil phase are considered as an important key to avoid phase separation and precipitation after dilution. The solubility of quetiapine fumarate was determined by the isothermal mechanical shaking method for its individual components in the temperature range from 305.15 to 330.15K was measured. The experimental mole fraction solubility of quetiapine was good correlated with calculated data by using modified Apelblat model. Prepared SNEDDS were evaluated in centrifugation, freeze-thaw cycle study, self-nanoemulsification efficiency test. Physicochemical properties of prepared SNEDDS including particle size, zeta potential, viscosity and refractive index were carried out.Results: The equilibrium saturated and mole fraction solubility of Quetiapine fumarate was found to be high in tween80 than SNEDDS, Labrafac lipophile WL 1349 and capryol 90. Quetiapine fumarate equilibrium saturated solubility, as well as mole fraction solubility, was found to be increased with increase in temperature in SNEDDS as well as in its individual components Prepared SNEDDS was found to be highly stable at centrifugation, heating and cooling cycles and freeze-thaw cycles and shows no sign of precipitation after dilution in water. All physicochemical parameters were observed within specification including droplet size observed as 26.37 nm, polydispersity index 0.0970, zeta potential-14.69 and the refractive index was observed as 1.458 which was nearer to the refractive index of water indicating the isotropic behavior of prepared SNEDDS.Conclusion: The solubility study could be an effective approach for the development of thermodynamically stable SNEDDS formulation of poorly soluble drugs using Apelblat model

    4D Image Analysis and Diagnosis of Kidney Disease Using DCE-MRI Images

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    Abstract Because of noninvasive nature, medical imaging is easy to perform though it is extravagant. For furnishing superior anatomy and decisiveness, different characteristics have been extrapolated from intake image. Earlier the processing steps like registration, segmentation are separately applied for extraction of sequential proprieties of DCE-MRI images of kidney. For simultaneous registration and segmentation of the kidney, a 4D model is described. In the conscript of kidney abnormal functioning and disease detection, the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is a significant factor. Dynamic contrast enhancement magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) is the imaging proficiency, used for calibrating different parameters homologous to suffuse, capillary leakage, and convey rate in tissues of various organs and diseases detection. The described technique's approach permits us to automatically accomplishing a statistical analysis of various parameters from alive cells. Conclusion of findings is accomplished by average gray level intensity inside the kidney region

    Research collaboration in the social sciences: What factors are associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration?

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    [EN] Attention is increasingly directed toward better understanding the factors driving collaborations among researchers, particularly between researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds. This study investigates factors associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration in the social sciences. We utilize data from a survey of Australian-based social scientists. Interdisciplinary collaboration constitutes a considerable proportion of social scientists’ collaboration activity. Factors linked to the duration and diversity of research careers are positively associated with participation in collaborations. Job experience in Australian and foreign universities also boosts total collaboration, while holding an international citizenship increases interdisciplinary collaboration. Interdisciplinary collaborations are also associated with researcher orientation toward applied research activity. Investment in social science research is important for maintaining existing interdisciplinary and applied collaborations, although better information on these collaborations is desirable. Measures to expand such collaborations should take career stage into account. Broad-based population policies may also be an important underlying factor supporting international collaboration.Woolley, RD.; Sánchez-Barrioluengo, M.; Turpin, T.; Marceau, J. (2015). Research collaboration in the social sciences: What factors are associated with disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration?. Science and Public Policy. 42(4):567-582. doi:10.1093/scipol/scu074S56758242

    Brand to brand variation in the disintegrant functionality of Polacrilin Potassium, NF

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    The current monograph for Polacrilin Potassium, NF does not specify tests that could assist in distinguishing between different brands of this disintegrant. The objective of this work was to examine the physical characteristics of four brands of Polacrilin Potassium, NF and relate the observed differences to differences in their functionality. Significant differences were observed in the particle size, true density, porosity, surface area and morphology of the samples. Functionality tests, such as settling volume, intrinsic swelling, rate and extent of water uptake were carried out. Significant differences were observed in intrinsic swelling and the initial rate of water uptake. The disintegration times of the tablets were found to be a function of the initial rate of water uptake. Since the disintegration times were shown to be significantly different despite negligible differences in settling volumes, wicking and water uptake, as opposed to the magnitude of swelling, appear to be the major mechanisms that distinguish disintegration performance between different brands of Polacrilin Potassium, NF when incorporated into insoluble tablet matrices. Thus, the measurement of the rate of water uptake may be a useful functionality test for Polacrilin Potassium in particular, and for ion exchange resin type disintegrants in general

    Lokale Faktoren formen die Arbeitsbeziehungen des öffentlichen Sektors im Krisenkontext: Ein Vergleich spanischer Kommunalverwaltungen

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    [DE] Die Finanzkrise zog seit 2008 schwerwiegende ¿Krisenmaßnahmen¿ nach sich, die auf allen Verwaltungsebenen Spaniens darauf konzentriert waren, das Haushaltsdefizit zu verringern. In diesem Kontext versuchte die Zentralregierung die Ausgaben regionaler und lokaler Verwaltungen zu beschränken. Eines der zentralen Instrumente über welche die spanische Regierung verfügte, war die Reduktion der öffentlichen Beschäftigung. Der Beitrag untersucht, wie die zwei Lokalverwaltungen von Bilbao (Baskenland) und Parla (Madrid) 2010 bis 2015 auf die zentral auferlegten Maßnahmen reagierten, indem ein Varieties of Capitalism-Konzept zur Untersuchung sub-nationaler Institutionen angewandt wird. Es wird der Schluss gezogen, dass Prozesse wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Anpassung in Spanien auch durch verschiedene regionale und lokale politische und wirtschaftliche Arrangements beeinflusst werden. Es werden Schlüsselfaktoren der unterschiedlichen Folgen für die industriellen Beziehungen beschrieben und diskutiert. Die Befunde zeigen, dass verschiedene Typen und Grade der Koordination innerhalb einer dezentralisierten Ökonomie existieren können.[EN] The impact of the 2008 financial crisis led to the imposition of severe `crisis measures¿ focused on alleviating budget deficits at all levels of Spanish government. In this context, the central government sought to restrict regional and local government spending. One of the key mechanisms at the Spanish government¿s disposal was restricting public sector employment. This paper examines the responses to these centrally imposed measures in two local municipal governments, Bilbao (Basque Country) and Parla (Madrid) between 2010 and 2015. The paper applies a `varieties of capitalism¿ conceptual approach to investigate what it refers to as subnational institutional systems and suggests that processes of economic and social adjustment in Spain are also influenced by distinctive regional and local political economic arrangements. Key factors contributing to the different industrial relations outcomes observed in the two case study locations are described and discussed. The results show that different types and degrees of coordination can co-exist within a decentralised national political economy.Ramos-Vielba, IS.; Woolley, RD. (2018). Local factors shaping public sector industrial relations in a context of crisis: A comparison of municipal administrations in Spain. Industrielle Beziehungen. 25(3):343-362. https://doi.org/10.3224/indbez.v25i3.04S343362253Ayuntamiento de Parla (2014). Anuario Estadístico 2013. Retrieved from http://www.ayuntamientoparla.es/ficheros/anuario-estadistico-2013Bach, S. & Bordogna, L. (2016). Public Service Management and Employment Relations in Europe: Emerging from the Crisis. London: Routledge.Bassols Coma, M. (2014). La racionalización de la Administración local en el marco de la sostenibilidad financiera: panorama general. Cuadernos de Derecho Local, 34, 21‒48.Cerdá Aldeguer, B. (2014). Autonomía Local, equilibrio presupuestario y sostenibilidad financiera. Tendencias y perspectivas contemporáneas en las relaciones de tutela financiera y control presupuestario local en España (2008-2014). Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, 1 (2), 181‒218. doi: 10.5209/rev_cgap.2014.v1.n2.47541Cinco Días (2014). Deuda viva de los ayuntamientos.Elola, A., Valdaliso, J. M., López, S. M. & Aranguren, M. J. (2012). Cluster life cycles, path dependency and regional economic development: Insights from a meta-study on Basque clusters. European Planning Studies, 20 (2), 257‒279. doi: 10.1080/09654313.2012.650902Fernández Leiceaga, X., Lago Peñas, S. & Vaquero, A. (2016). Spanish fiscal federalism at the crossroad: A survey. Vigo: Universidade de Vigo.Flyvbjerg, B. (2001). Making social science matter: Why social inquiry fails and how it can succeed again. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511810503García, E. R. & Fatou, B. L. (2015). Reforma local, servicios sociales y perspectiva de género. Investigaciones Feministas, 5, 129‒156. doi: 10.5209/rev_infe.2014.v5.47989Rodriguez-Ferrand, G. (2011). Spain: Proposed Constitutional Amendment to Include Debt Ceiling Provision. Global Legal Monitor. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/2n3GxRtGoicoechea Bilbao, I. & López Herrera, C. (2014). Overview of local entities debt: Evolution and expectations. Spanish Economic and Financial Outlook, 3 (4), 63‒70.Hall, P. A. (2014). Varieties of capitalism and the Euro crisis. West European Politics, 37 (6), 1223‒1243. doi: 10.1080/01402382.2014.929352Hall, P. A. & Soskice, D. (2001). Varieties of Capitalism. The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/0199247757.001.0001Hancké, B., Rhodes, M. & Thatcher, M. (2007). Beyond varieties of capitalism: Conflict, contradictions, and complementarities in the European economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199206483.001.0001Hassel, A. (2014). Adjustments in the Eurozone: Varieties of capitalism and the crisis in Southern Europe. LEQS Paper, 76. doi: 10.2139/ssrn.2436454ILO (2014). 371st Report of the Committee on Freedom of Association. Case No. 2947. Geneva: International Labour Organization. Retrieved from http://bit.ly/2DflbqnInstituto Nacional de Estadística. (2016). Cifras oficiales de población resultantes de la revisión del Padrón municipal a 1 de enero. Retrieved from http://www.ine.es/dynt3/inebase/es/index.html?padre=517&dh=1Köhler, H.-D. & Calleja Jiménez, J. P. (2013). Trade Unions in Spain. Organisation, Environment, Challenges. Berlin: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.León, S. (2009). ¿Por qué el sistema de financiación autonómica es inestable? Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 128, 57‒87.Mellado Ruiz, L. (2015). La situación del personal al servicio de la Administración Local. Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica, (Extra). doi: 10.24965/reala.v0iExtra.10223Miguélez, F., Alós, R., Carrasquer, P., Lope, A., Molina, Ó., Pastor, A., Recio, A., Rodríguez-Soler, J., Verd, J. M. & Godino, A. (2015). Diagnóstico socio-económico sobre las políticas de empleo en España, 2012‒2014. Barcelona: QUIT.Molina, O. (2016). Rationalization without Modernization. Public Service Employment Relations under Austerity. In S. Bach & L. Bordogna (Eds.), Public Service Management and Employment Relations in Europe. Emerging from the crisis (pp. 57‒83). London: Routledge.Molina, O. & Miguélez, F. (2013). From negotiation to imposition: Social dialogue in austerity times in Spain. Geneva: International Labour Organization.Molina, O. & Rhodes, M. (2007). The political economy of adjustment in mixed market economies: A study of Spain and Italy. In B. Hancké, M. Rhodes & M. Thatcher (Eds.), Beyond Varieties of Capitalism: Conflict, contradictions and complementarities in the European economy (pp. 223‒252). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi: 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199206483.003.0008Montesinos, A., Pérez, J. J. & Ramos, R. (2014). El empleo de las Administraciones Públicas en España: caracterización y evolución durante la crisis. Madrid: Banco de España.Muñoz de Bustillo, R. & Antón, J. I. (2013). Those were the days, my friend: The public sector and the economic crisis in Spain. In D. Vaughan-Whitehead (Ed.), Public sector shock: The impact of policy retrenchment in Europe (pp. 511‒542). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing; Geneva: International Labour Office.Royo, S. (2007). Varieties of capitalism in Spain: Business and the politics of coordination. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 13 (1), 47‒65. doi: 10.1177/0959680107073967Royo, S. (2008). Varieties of capitalism in Spain. Remaking the Spanish economy for the new century. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Royo, S. (2009). The Politics of Adjustment and Coordination at the Regional Level: The Basque Country. CES Working Papers Series, 171. doi: 10.1215/10474552-2009-004Royo, S. (2013). A ship in trouble. The Spanish banking system in the midst of the global financial system crisis: The limits of regulation. In I. Hardie & D. Howarth (Eds.), Market-Based Banking, Varieties of Financial Capitalism and the Financial Crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Ruano, J. M. & Álvarez, J. M. R. (2016). Local structure and municipal associations in Spain: Facts, trends and problems. In U. Sadioglu & K. Dede (Eds.), Comparative Studies and Regionally-Focused Cases Examining Local Governments (pp. 71‒90). Hershey: Information Science Reference.Schmidt, V. A. (2012). What happened to the state-influenced market economies (SMEs)? France, Italy, and Spain confront the crisis as the good, the bad, and the ugly. In W. Grant & G. K. Wilson (Eds.), The Consequences of the Global Financial Crisis (pp. 156‒186). Oxford: Oxford University Press.Téllez, M. D., Hernández de Cos, P., Hurtado, S. & Pérez, J. J. (2015). Los mecanismos extraordinarios de pago a proveedores de las Administraciones Públicas en España. Madrid: Banco de España.Wollmann, H. & Iglesias, Á. (2011). Transformación y cambio del gobierno local en Europa: un estudio comparativo. Barataria. Revista Castellano-Manchega de Ciencias Sociales (12), 81‒100.Yin, R. (2003). Case study research: Design and methods. London: Sage

    Clinical results of carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy

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    Objective: To review our results of carotid artery stenting (CAS) and carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Methods: We evaluated the medical records of patients undergoing carotid artery revascularization procedure, between 2001 and 2013 in Baskent University Hospital, Ankara, Turkey. Carotid artery stenting or CEA procedures were performed in patients with asymptomatic carotid stenosis (=70%) or symptomatic stenosis (=50%). Demographic data, procedural details, and clinical outcomes were recorded. Primary outcome measures were in 30-day stroke/transient ischemic attacks (TIA)/amaurosis fugax or death. Secondary outcome measures were nerve injury, bleeding complications, length of stay in hospital, stroke, restenosis (ICA patency), and all-cause death during long-term follow-up. Results: One hundred ninety-four CEA and 115 CAS procedures were performed for symptomatic and/or asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis. There is no significant differences 30-day mortality and neurologic morbidity between CAS (13%) and CEA procedures (7.7%). Length of stay in hospital were significantly longer in CEA group (p=0.001). In the post-procedural follow up, only in symptomatic patients, restenosis rate was higher in the CEA group (p=.045). The other endpoints did not differ significantly. Conclusions: Endovascular stent treatment of carotid artery atherosclerotic disease is an alternative for vascular surgery, especially for patients that are high risk for standard CEA. The increasing experience, development of cerebral protection systems and new treatment protocols increases CAS feasibility

    ¿Innovaciones ocultas en enfermedades raras? Analizando las diversas formas de retorno social de la investigación clínica

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    Se autoriza la reproducción del contenido, siempre que se cite la procedencia.[ES] El origen de algunas mejoras (o innovaciones ocultas) en la práctica asistencial parece aconsejar paradigmas evaluativos más abiertos a aprehender las diversas, sutiles e indirectas vías potenciales de retorno asistencial de la investigación clínica. En el caso de las enfermedades raras, ya se ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de los valores europeos compartidos para garantizar la atención sanitaria a estos pacientes mediante las redes europeas de centros de referencia. La gestión que estas redes hagan de las sinergias entre actividades clínicas y de investigación contribuirá a dar forma al futuro de las enfermedades raras en Europa.Barberá Tomás, JD.; Palau, F.; Villanueva-Felez, Á.; Richard Derle, W. (2014). ¿Innovaciones ocultas en enfermedades raras? Analizando las diversas formas de retorno social de la investigación clínica. Revista de la Sociedad Española de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular. (180):17-19. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/60081S171918