1,126 research outputs found

    Bedrijfsspecifieke excretie voor bedrijven die uitsluitend jongvee voor de melkveehouderij opfokken = Farm specific N- and P-excretion for farms specialized in rearing young stock

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    Excretion forfaits (N and P) for young stock are based on animals on dairy farms. However N and P excretion of young stock kept on specialised young stock rearing farms differs from the forfaits. The farm specific excretion calculation method described in this report offers the possibility to deviate from the forfaits in a way accepted by the Dutch government

    Slowing Down and Scattering of Ions in Solids

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    The interaction of particle beams with solids yields three parts, i.e. reflected particles, penetrating particles and trapped particles. At very low energies particle reflection is dominant, at very high energies penetration is the most important effect. Trapped particles are the result of energy loss processes, which on the other hand cause radiation damage in the solid. In the energy range discussed here, i.e. above energies where quantum effects, diffraction etc. are important and below energies where nuclear reactions, relativistic effects etc. may occur, the particle trajectories are classical. The energy loss process can be treated separately as nuclear and electronic stopping power. The collisions of the projectiles with target atoms are hence binary collisions involving a properly chosen screened Coulomb-potential. In single crystals the structural properties enable channeling, which is a very useful tool in sol id state analysis. The electronic stopping includes contributions from single collision processes and collective excitations. Both effects can be described by a dielectric response function. The range of applications covers analytical methods, means to modify solid state properties and also the production of thin films

    The Combinatorialization of Linear Recurrences

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    We provide two combinatorial proofs that linear recurrences with constant coefficients have a closed form based on the roots of its characteristic equation. The proofs employ sign-reversing involutions on weighted tilings

    Nematic-Isotropic Spinodal Decomposition Kinetics of Rod-like Viruses

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    We investigate spinodal decomposition kinetics of an initially nematic dispersion of rod-like viruses (fd virus). Quench experiments are performed from a flow-stabilized homogeneous nematic state at high shear rate into the two-phase isotropic-nematic coexistence region at zero shear rate. We present experimental evidence that spinodal decomposition is driven by orientational diffusion, in accordance with a very recent theory.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.


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    In providing advice on herd health, veterinarians need to be aware of farmers' goals and priorities. To determine the level of awareness, 29 veterinarians from 15 practices completed questionnaires during visits to dairy farms within the scope of veterinary herd health management (VHHM) programmes. The farmers (n = 30) were asked to complete a questionnaire and their discussions with the veterinarian were recorded using a voice recorder. Herd performance goals were set by the farmer and veterinarian in 24% of cases. Veterinarians who did not set goals indicated that they and the farmer 'intuitively knew' what each wanted to achieve, and that the setting of performance goals was considered 'too formal'. Veterinarians often could not identify a farmer's main goal, and typically found milk production and nutrition significantly more important (P <0.01, and P <0.02, respectively), and fertility significantly less important (P <0.01) than the farmers. During on-farm conversations, veterinarians did not actively seek to identify farmers' goals or problems, suggest a co-operative strategy or summarise any advice given. The findings of this survey suggest that veterinarians need to focus more on goal setting, since awareness of goals and priorities is important for both communication and compliance with advice given. The needs of farmers with respect to herd health should also be more actively sought by veterinarians as the findings indicate that most farmers do not readily volunteer such information. (C) 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    A photoelectron spectroscopy study of the electronic structure evolution in CuInSe2-related compounds at changing copper content

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    Evolution of the valence-band structure at gradually increasing copper content has been analysed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) in In2Se3, CuIn5Se8, CuIn3Se5, and CuInSe2 single crystals. A comparison of these spectra with calculated total and angular-momentum resolved density-of-states (DOS) revealed the main trends of this evolution. The formation of the theoretically predicted gap between the bonding and non-bonding states has been observed in both experimental XPS spectra and theoretical DOS

    Allocation in Practice

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    How do we allocate scarcere sources? How do we fairly allocate costs? These are two pressing challenges facing society today. I discuss two recent projects at NICTA concerning resource and cost allocation. In the first, we have been working with FoodBank Local, a social startup working in collaboration with food bank charities around the world to optimise the logistics of collecting and distributing donated food. Before we can distribute this food, we must decide how to allocate it to different charities and food kitchens. This gives rise to a fair division problem with several new dimensions, rarely considered in the literature. In the second, we have been looking at cost allocation within the distribution network of a large multinational company. This also has several new dimensions rarely considered in the literature.Comment: To appear in Proc. of 37th edition of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI 2014), Springer LNC
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