17 research outputs found

    Success and the TV industry: how practitioners apprehend the notion(s) of success in their discourses within the Anglophone Transatlantic Television Industry

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    This thesis explores the discourses of success within the Anglophone transatlantic television industry through the semi-structured interviews of sixteen industry practitioners. The TV industry has long been studied in media studies, its working conditions discussed in production studies, its texts scrutinised in TV studies; but what drives the TV industry? What is ‘success’ to television industry practitioners? How do they apprehend it and discuss it? Looking at this key element through those at the heart of it is this research’s purpose, and a necessary step for cultural, production and television studies to better comprehend the industry and what drives it and its members. After discussing the methods selected for this research and bringing forth a new, sevenfold taskbased industry categorisation, my research will tackle its subject of enquiry through three main topics: ‱the perception of decision-makers by industry practitioners ‱the industrial executive discourses of success among the different industry constituents (networks/cable/premium/public channels/studios); ‱the personal definitions of success of all practitioners (and their link to industrial/professional success). This research will engage with many academic fields: from discourse analysis and industrial sociology to organisational research and management psychology, through production studies, cultural studies and film/television/media studies, giving it a clearly multidisciplinary scope. With this thesis, I also wish to further help bridge the gap between academic and industrial expertise. By doing so, and making sense of industrial and personal ideas of success, my research aims at developing a new framework for it, thereby proposing to academics a first approach to the notion of success in this industry

    Jean-Claude Caron et Nathalie Ponsard (dirs), La France en guerre. Cinq « années terribles »

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    L’ouvrage au sous-titre Ă©voquant le sublime recueil de Victor Hugo dans lequel il se fait Ă  la fois historien et poĂšte (L’AnnĂ©e terrible, Paris, M. LĂ©vy, 1872) dirigĂ© par Jean-Claude Caron et Nathalie Ponsard – respectivement professeur Ă©mĂ©rite et maĂźtresse de confĂ©rences en histoire contemporaine Ă  l’UniversitĂ© Clermont-Auvergne – porte un concept fort intĂ©ressant : revisiter la notion d’annĂ©e terrible en y incluant cinq « binĂŽmes » diffĂ©rents : 1870-1871, bien sĂ»r, mais aussi 1792-1793, 181..

    L’amour du travail bien fait : mesures personnelles du succĂšs dans l’industrie tĂ©lĂ©visuelle

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    L’industrie de la tĂ©lĂ©vision, comme toute autre industrie, est constituĂ©e de personnes et ne peut donc ĂȘtre uniquement Ă©tudiĂ©e Ă  travers une perspective industrielle. Les discours du succĂšs des personnels de l’industrie tĂ©lĂ©visuelle n’ayant jamais encore Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©s, j’avais souhaitĂ© le faire avec ma thĂšse (d’oĂč cet article prend sa source) afin de faire avancer la connaissance acadĂ©mique sur les motivations et critĂšres individuels de rĂ©ussite des personnes y travaillant en leur demandant, aprĂšs m’ĂȘtre enquis de divers aspects industriels, quelle Ă©tait leur dĂ©finition du succĂšs. Comme le dĂ©montrera en dĂ©tail cet article, les membres de cette industrie, avec leurs espoirs et leurs rĂȘves, leurs valeurs et leurs opinions, disposent de leurs propres mesures de rĂ©ussite, presque toujours liĂ©s Ă  leur travail dans leur discours, et pouvant ou non coĂŻncider avec les mesures corporatives. Cet article analysera donc une partie des objectifs personnels de succĂšs et des mesures individuelles des professionnels eux-mĂȘmes, au sein de l’industrie tĂ©lĂ©visuelle anglophone transatlantique. La mesure dans laquelle les pratiques industrielles affectent, ou ont un impact sur les mesures de rĂ©ussite personnelle et les discours des professionnels sera quant Ă  elle aussi Ă©valuĂ©e. Cet article dĂ©montrera qu’il existe un Ă©lĂ©ment principal en matiĂšre de rĂ©ussite personnelle dans les discours des membres interrogĂ©s de l’industrie de la tĂ©lĂ©vision : la fiertĂ©, elle-mĂȘme divisĂ©e entre des facteurs, ou rĂ©compenses, je nommerai ici « externes » et d’autres que j’appellerai « internes », cet article se concentrant sur les facteurs internes, spĂ©cifiquement. Dans ce but, la premiĂšre partie de cet article se focalisera sur la fiertĂ© dĂ©coulant du travail fourni, alors que la seconde partie de l’article se concentrera sur la fiertĂ© dĂ©coulant du rĂ©sultat.The television industry, like any other industry, is made up of people and can not be studied solely from an industrial perspective. The discours of success of TV industry practitioners having never been studied, I wanted to do so with my thesis (where this article stems from) in order to contribute to academic knowledge on the motivations and personnal success criteria of people working there by asking them, after enquiring about various industrial aspects, what was their definition of success. As this article will detail, the members of this industry, with their hopes and dreams, their values and their opinions, have their own measures of success, almost always related to their work in their speech, and may or may not coincide with corporate measures. This article will therefore analyze some of the personal goals of success and the individual measures of the practitioners themselves, within the anglophone transatlantic television industry. The extent to which industrial practices affect, or have an impact on, individual success measures and the discourses of the professionals will also be assessed. This article will demonstrate that there is a key element to personal success in the discourses of interviewed members of the television industry : pride, itself divided between two types of factors, or rewards, : those which I have named “external” and those which I will call “internal”, this article focusing on internal factors, specifically. To this aim, the first part of this article will focus on pride arising from the work provided, while the second part will focus on pride arising from the result

    Content Communities

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    Notice d'encyclopédie sur les "communautés de contenu" (content communities) pour SAGE International Encyclopedia of Mass Media and Society

    SuccĂšs et l'Industrie TV, oĂč comment les professionnels apprĂ©hendent la/les notion(s) de succĂšs dans leurs discours, au sein de l'industrie audiovisuelle anglophone transatlantique

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    This thesis explores the discourses of success within the Anglophone transatlantic television industry through the semi-structured interviews of sixteen industry practitioners.The TV industry has long been studied in media studies, its working conditions discussed in production studies, its texts scrutinised in TV studies; but what drives the TV industry? What is ‘success’ to television industry practitioners? How do they apprehend it and discuss it? Looking at this key element through those at the heart of it is this research’s purpose, and a necessary step for cultural, production and television studies to better comprehend the industry and what drives it and its members.After discussing the methods selected for this research and bringing forth a new, sevenfold task-based industry categorisation, my research will tackle its subject of enquiry through three main topics: ‱the perception of decision-makers by industry practitioners‱the industrial executive discourses of success among the different industry constituents (networks/cable/premium/public channels/studios);‱the personal definitions of success of all practitioners (and their link to industrial/professional success).This research will engage with many academic fields: from discourse analysis and industrial sociology to organisational research and management psychology, through production studies, cultural studies and film/television/media studies, giving it a clearly multidisciplinary scope. With this thesis, I also wish to further help bridge the gap between academic and industrial expertise. By doing so, and making sense of industrial and personal ideas of success, my research aims at developing a new framework for it, thereby proposing to academics a first approach to the notion of success in this industry.Cette thĂšse s’intĂ©resse aux discours sur le succĂšs au sein de l'industrie tĂ©lĂ©visuelle anglophone transatlantique Ă  travers des entretiens semi-structurĂ©s avec des personnes travaillant dans diffĂ©rents domaines de l'industrie TV. Cette industrie a longtemps Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©e, scrutĂ©e en sociologie des mĂ©dias, Ă©tudes de production, et analyses textuelles; mais comment comprendre l'industrie de la tĂ©lĂ©vision sans savoir ce qui la motive, ce qu’est le « succĂšs » pour ceux qui y travaillent ou comment ces derniers l'apprĂ©hendent?Cette thĂšse, effectuĂ©e au Royaume-Uni, fĂ»t la premiĂšre Ă  s’intĂ©resser Ă  la notion de succĂšs au sein d’une industrie culturelle et interagit avec de nombreux domaines acadĂ©miques : de l'analyse du discours Ă  la recherche organisationnelle, de la sociologie industrielle et Ă  la psychologie du management, en passant par les Ă©tudes de production, les Ă©tudes culturelles et les Ă©tudes cinĂ©matographiques et tĂ©lĂ©visuelles.Ce travail doctoral, qui propose notamment deux nouvelles classifications des types de professions dans l’industrie TV, s’intĂ©resse tant aux relations entre diffĂ©rents groupes de professionnels qu’à la façon qu’ont les personnes interrogĂ©es de discuter du succĂšs, au niveau de l’industrie comme Ă  leur niveau personnel. Cette thĂšse fĂ»t rĂ©digĂ©e dans le but de contribuer Ă  combler le fossĂ© entre expertise acadĂ©mique et industrielle. C’est en faisant cela, et en analysant les idĂ©es industrielles et personnelles du succĂšs, qu’elle vise Ă  proposer aux universitaires une premiĂšre approche du concept de rĂ©ussite dans l’industrie tĂ©lĂ©visuelle

    Branding TV: Transmedia to the Rescue

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    International audienc

    Aedín Mac Devitt. « Museums in a digital world »

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    Ce 70e volume de Museum International, dirigĂ© par AedĂ­n Mac Devitt, s’appuie sur la rĂ©flexion des 37 000 musĂ©es Ă  travers le monde ayant participĂ© Ă  la JournĂ©e internationale des musĂ©es organisĂ©e par l’ICOM en 2018. Les auteurs de cette parution offrent de nouvelles perspectives sur le thĂšme des musĂ©es dans le contexte numĂ©rique Ă  travers plusieurs angles, tels que la numĂ©risation des collections, la co-crĂ©ation et l’engagement des communautĂ©s. Ce numĂ©ro s’articule autour de trois volets : « ..

    Television and Social Media

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    Notice encyclopédique portant sur les liens entre la télévision et les réseaux sociaux