66 research outputs found

    Sexual physical abuse in personality disorder: Menderes personality disorder research results

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    Objective: This study was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship between different types of childhood trauma and DSM-IV personality disorders. Method: The research's data were collected from 120 patients who were treated in a psychiatric clinic and a polyclinic between 2010-2013 at a university in the west. Patients were evaluated for both DSM-III-R personality disorders by SCID-II and DSM-IV-TR axis I pathologies. Results: A total of 120 (80 female, 40 male) psychiatric patients aged between 16 and 63 years participated in the study. 65% of the participants were treated from out patient, and 35% of them were hospitalized. Approximately 32% of psychiatric patients reported sexual abuse and 70% physical abuse. It is found that there is a significant relationship between borderline personality disorder and the frequency of sexual abuse and that the probability of borderline personality disorder is approximately six times higher when compared to other patients. The results of an analysis of the relationship between specific personality disorder diagnoses and physical abuse narratives reveal that the rate of physical abuse among patients receiving borderline personality disorder can be reported at a higher rate (Odds ratio: 6.6 times). Borderline personality disorder is approximately 5.5 times more likely to be diagnosed in patients with diagnosed positive abuse than other patients with personality disorder or personality disorder. Approximately 3/4 of the patients participating in the study did not meet the diagnostic criteria for personality disorder. Approximately 1/3 of people with sexual abuse at any age and the most common diagnosis of sexual physical abuse are personality disorder type borderline personality disorder. Discussion: As a result of these findings, it is possible to emphasize the role of preventive mental health services, especially informative education in schools, especially in the prevention of childhood abuse and neglect

    Faculty and student ratings pertaining to medical education at Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmada, fakültemizin ilk üç sınıfında 2000-2001 eğitim-öğretim yılında uygulanan tıp eğitimi hakkında öğretim elemanları ve öğrenci görüşlerinin belirlenmesi, karşılaştırılması ve eğitimin iyileştirilmesi için yapılması gerekenlerin saptanması amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Toplam 20 sorudan oluşan anket formu öğretim elemanlarına ve öğrencilere dağıtılıp kendilerinden sorularda belirtilen ölçütler için 1 (yetersiz) ile 5 (çok iyi) arasında puan vererek (Likert's Scale) değerlendirme yapmaları istenmiştir. Dağıtılan anket formları 87 (%70) öğretim üyesi ile 33 (%100) birinci sınıf öğrencisi, 33 (%82) ikinci sınıf öğrencisi ve 13 (%68) üçüncü sınıf öğrencisinden geri alınmıştır. Bulgular: Üç sınıf için sorgulanan toplam 106 parametreden 57'sinde (%53) öğrenciler ve öğretim elemanları ortak olarak olumlu görüş bildirmişlerdir. Yeterli olarak değerlendirilen bu parametreler, uygulamalar ve ders araçları ile ilgili konularda yoğunlaşmaktadır. Tüm sınıflar için özellikle bilgisayar laboratuvarı ve kütüphane olmak üzere eğitim ortamlarının yeterliliğinin az olduğu hem öğretim üyeleri hem öğrenciler tarafından belirtilmiştir. Sonuç: Fakültemizde uygulanan eğitim ve müfredattan gerek öğretim üyeleri gerekse öğrenciler genel anlamda hoşnut görünmektedirler. Bununla birlikte, mezuniyet öncesi tıp eğitiminin iyileştirilmesi açısından öncelikle laboratuvar ve kütüphane gibi eğitim ortamlarının zenginleştirilmesi gerektiği ortaya çıkmıştır.Aims: The present comparative study addresses the students' ratings as well as faculty' evaluation of curricular activities concerning first three years of medical school at Adnan Menderes University in 2000-2001 academic year. Materials and methods: The faculty members' as well as students' evaluations were obtainedby means of a self-report questionnaire consisting of 106 items each rated on a 5-point Likert's Scale. The raters were 87 faculty members (70 %), 33 first-year students (100 %), 33 second-year students (82 %), and 13 third-year students (68 %). Results: Atotal of 106 educational parameters related to the first three curricular years were questioned, 53 percent of which received positive ratings by both students and faculty members. While the positive ratings condensed around the curricular time reserved for practice hours and also the audio-visual apparatuses used to enrich classroom lectures, the negative ratings were condensed around educational facilities such as student library and computer lab. Conclusions: In general, the faculty members and the students appear to be satisfied with the medical education provided at our institution. To enhance the quality of undergraduate medical education, however, educational environments particularly computer lab and library need to be improved

    First-time psychiatric outpatients' attitudes toward stigmatization related to the concept of mental disease

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    AMAÇ: Bu arastırmada, bir üniversite hastanesi psikiyatri poliklinigine ilk kez basvuran hastaların akıl hastalıgına iliskin damgalama ile ilgili tutumlarını degerlendirmek amaçlanmıstır. GEREÇ veYÖNTEM: Arastırmaya 1 Ocak 28 Subat 2006 tarihleri arasındaAdnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri Poliklinigine ilk kez basvuran 249 poliklinik hastası katılmıstır. Katılımcılara damgalama konusunda daha önce yapılmıs çalısmalar incelenerek olusturulmus ruhsal hastalıkların algılanma biçimlerini sorgulayan 13 sorudan olusan bir anket formu ile sosyo demografik özellikleri sorgulayan 6 sorudan olusan ikinci bir anket formu uygulanmıstır. BULGULAR: Katılımcıların 209'u (%83,9) sizofreniyi bir akıl hastalıgı olarak görmekteydi. 202 kisi (%81,1) akıl hastalıklarının tedaviyle iyilesebilecegine inanmakta, 190'ı (%77,2) en kötü gidisli hastalık olarak sizofreniyi görmekteydi. Akıl hastalıklarının nedenleri olarak stres (%81,1), asırı üzüntü (%68,3) ve ailesel problemler (%66,7) oldugunu belirtmislerdir. 167 kisi (%67,6) iyi komsuluk iliskileri olan birinin akıl hastası oldugunun ögrendiginde iliskilerinde degisiklik olmayacagını ancak 37 kisi (%15) sizofreni olması durumunda iliskisini kesebilecegini belirtmistir. Akıl hastası olan biriyle evlenmeyi düsünebilecegini belirtenlerin sayısı sadece 18 (%7,2)'dir. Katılımcıların sadece %29,6'sı psikiyatrik sorunların varlıgı durumunda tereddüt etmeksizin psikiyatriste basvuracagını belirtmistir. Psikiyatriye basvururken baska insanlar tarafından duyulabilecegi endisesi yasama oranı %35.7'dir. Psikiyatriye basvuruda “duyulursa kaygısı” ile cinsiyet, yas, egitim ve gelir seviyesi arasında anlamlı fark saptanmamıstır. Tedaviyle iyilesebilecegi konusunda iyimser olanlarda basvuruda duyulursa kaygısı yasayanlar daha azdır. SONUÇ: Psikiyatri poliklinigine basvuran bireyler arasında hem damgalayıcı tutumların hem de damgalanma kaygısının yaygın oldugu görülmüstür. Sizofreni hastalıgına akıl hastalıgı damgalamasının; depresyon, anksiyete ve diger psikiyatrik hastalıklara oranla daha fazla oldugu bulunmuştur.OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to evaluate attitudes toward stigmatization related to mental disorders in patients during their initial evaluation at a university psychiatric outpatient clinic inAydın. MATERIALS and METHODS: 249 outpatients evaluated between 1 of January 2006 and 28 of February 2006 at Psychiatric outpatient Clinic at Adnan Menderes University Faculty of Medicine were included in the study. Two self-report instruments developed by the researchers based on previous studies addressing stigmatization related to mental disorders were administered to participants: a 6-item sociodemoghraphic questionnaire and a 13-item inventory probing attitude towards mental disorders. RESULTS: Of the participants, 83.9 % considered schizophrenia as a mental disorder, 81.1 % believed that mental disorders could recover with treatment, 77.2 % thought that schizophrenia is the disorder with worst prognosis. Most frequently endorsed psychological factors associated with mental disorders were stressful events (81.1 %), events leading to feelings of sadness (68.3 %) and domestic problems (66.7 %). When probed about their reactions in case they were informed of a good neighbor having a mental disorder, 67.6%of the participants reported that this information would do no harm to their relationships with the diseased neighbor, however, 15% of the participants admitted to withdraw from their relationships in case the affected neighbor was schizophrenic. Merely 7.2 % of the participants reported that they might consider marriage with someone having mental disorder, and 29.6%that they would apply for psychiatric help without hesitation in case they were suffering from mental disturbances. When quarried about the reason for their hesitation, 35.7%of the patients admitted to have serious concerns about the possibility of spread of words upon their mental problems. No significant relationship was found between this concern and sex, age or socioeconomic status. Lack of such a concern was associated with optimism pertaining to the effectiveness of treatment. CONCLUSION: Not only stigmatizing attitudes towards mental illness, but also concerns over the likelihood of being stigmatized were common among participants. Stigmatization of schizophrenia was more serious when compared to that of depression, anxiety disorders or other mental disorders

    Residency training at medical schools of Ege and Adnan Menderes Universities: the residents’ perspective

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    Amaç: Bu çalısmanın amacı, uzmanlık ögrencileri bakıs açısı ile yeni kurulan bir tıp fakültesi olan Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi (ADÜ) Tıp Fakültesi'ndeki uzmanlık egitimini Türkiye'nin köklü üniversitelerinden biri olan Ege ÜniversitesiTıp Fakültesi'ndeki uzmanlıkegitimi ile karsılastırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: ADÜ Tıp Fakültesi'nde uzmanlık egitimi alan 115 ve Ege Tıp Fakültesi'ndeki 142 uzmanlık ögrencisinin uzmanlık egitiminin mesleki gelisim, alanında bilgi-tutum-davranıs kazanma yetisini, çalısma ortamı ve kosullarını, kurumların egitim alt yapısı ve donanımlarını sorgulayan 34 parametre bakımından karsılastırıldı. Bulgular: Karsılastırılan parametrelin tamamına yakın bir bölümünde Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi uzmanlık ögrencileri gördükleri egitimi ve olanakları Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi uzmanlık egitimi ögrencilerine göre daha olumsuz olarak degerlendirmislerdir. Sonuç: Yeni ve küçük bir egitim kurumu olarak ADÜ-TF aynı bölgedeki yerlesik üniversiteleri kendilerine örnek almalı ve onlara belirli parametreler açısından belirli sürede yetismeyi önlerine hedef olarak koymalıdırlar.Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare the recidency training in The Faculty of Medicine of Adnan Menderes University, which is a recently established one, with that in the Faculty of Medicine of Ege University, one of the well-established universities of Turkey. Materials and Technique: The evaluations related to various aspects of the recidency training by 115 residents at Adnan Menderes Univerisity (ADU) and by 142 residents at Ege University were compared. Results: In nearly all parts of the 34 parameters considered, residents at Adnan Menderes University(ADU) evaluated their education and facilities as more negative when compared to residents at Ege University. Conclusion: ADU Faculty of Medicine, a new and small institution of education, should take well-established universities in the same region as a sample and should aim to catch up with them in a certain period

    Factors ınfluencing adults psychological help-seeking attitudes

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    AMAÇ Arastırma, yetiskinlerin profesyonel psikolojik yardım arama tutumları ve bunu etkileyen faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla gerçeklestirildi. Tanımlayıcı tipte ve kesitsel olarak planlanan arastırmanın örneklemini Aydın Il merkezindeki 14 kamu kurumunda çalısan 490 kisi olusturdu. Katılımcılara Profesyonel Psikolojik Yardım Arama Tutum Ölçegi (PPYATÖ), Algılanan Aile ve Arkadas Sosyal Destek Ölçegi ve Genel Saglık Anketi uygulandı. Istatistiksel analizde t - testi, tek yönlü varyans analizi (ANOVA), Pearson r korelasyon analizi ve güvenirlik analizi kullanılmıstır. : Örneklemi olusturan bireyler en sık aileden birilerine %57.1, ikinci sıklıkla arkadaslarına%31.3, üçüncü sırada profesyonel destek arayısıyla psikiyatriste %15.5 basvurmaktadırlar. Egitim düzeyinin, PPYATÖ Zorlanma alt-ölçegi puanları (F=4.9; p<0.001) ile Danısmaya Olan Inanç alt-ölçegi puanları (F=6.6; p<0.001) üzerinde anlamlı etkisi oldugu bulundu. Bireylerin yakınlarından birinin psikolojik yardım alması ile PPYATÖ Zorlanma, Danısmaya Olan Inanç ve Sosyal Kabul alt-ölçek puanları arasında anlamlı iliski bulundu. Katılımcıların çogunlugu ruhsal yönden kendilerini iyi hissetmekte, profesyonel yardım almamakta, sıkıntılarını es ve arkadasları ile konusarak ve yürüyerek gidermektedirler. Egitim düzeyi yüksek ve/veya ekonomik durumu iyi olanlar, aile üyelerinden herhangi birisi profesyonel yardım alanlar, sıkıntılarını yakınlarıyla paylasabilenler, profesyonel yardıma ihtiyaç hisseden ve kabul edenlerde psikiyatriste basvurma egilimi görece daha yüksektir. Stresle basa çıkabilenler, es-arkadas sosyal destegi olanlar ve genel saglık algısı iyi olanlar daha çok yardımarama tutumu göstermektedirler.The aim of the study was to investigate adults' attitudes towards seeking psychological help and its relationship with various socio-demographic as well as personal factors. The participants in this cross-sectional study were 490 people working in the public sector in the city of Aydin, Turkey. Participants filled in the Professional Help Seeking attitude Scale (PHSAS), Perceived Social Support from Family (PSS-Fa) and Friends (PSS-Fr) scales and the 12-item version General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). The data were analysed by means of t-test, one direction variant analysis(ANOVA), Pearson's Correlation analysis and reliability analysis. The participants reported to prefer seeking help from family members 57.1 %; from friends 31.3 % and from a psychiatrist 15.5%, respectively. Educational status was found to have a significant effect on PHSAS difficulty in seeking psychological help subscale scores (F=4.9; p<0.001) and belief in psychological counseling subscale scores (F=6.6; p<0.001). Most of the participants felt psychologically healthy, were not receiving psychological help and said that when they felt psychological distress they overcame this by socializing with family members and friends. An inclination to apply for a psychiatrist is associated with being a university graduate, having higher income, having a relative receiving psychological help, and accepting a need for psychological help. The findings indicated that people with effective coping skills with stress, having social support and higher general health perception were more positive to seeking psychological help

    Primary care experiences of outpatients admitted to department of psychiatry in adnan menderes university medical school

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    Bu çalısmada Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi (ADÜ) Tıp Fakültesi Psikiyatri poliklinigine basvuran hastaların ruhsal sorunları nedeniyle ilk basvuru merkezlerinin saptanması ve ilk basvuruyu birinci basamaga yapanların bu merkezlerdeki verilen hizmetle ilgili degerlendirmelerinin saptanması amaçlandı. Ocak-Subat 2006 döneminde ADÜ Tıp Fakültesine Psikiyatri poliklinigine basvuran hastalara sosyodemografik bilgileri, ruhsal ve diger rahatsızlıklar nedeniyle birinci basamaga ilk basvuru sıklıkları, tercih etme veya etmeme nedenleri ve yasadıkları deneyimleri ile ilgili 26 sorudan olusan anket formu uygulandı. : Saglık sorunları nedeniyle ilk basvuruyu saglık ocaklarına yapanlar; psikiyatrik sorunlar için 44 (% 17.7), psikiyatri dısı saglık sorunları nedeniyle 169 (% 66.3) kisiydi. Ilk basvuruyu saglık ocagına yapanların 29'u (% 65.9) kadın, 30'u (% 68.2) evli, 25'i (% 56.9) lise veya üniversite mezunu, 39'u (%93.2) düsük/orta gelir seviyesine sahipti. Ruhsal rahatsızlıkları için birinci basamaga basvuran 33 kisiye (%75'sine) 1-10 dakika arasında bilgi verilmis; 3'ü (%9.7) sevk edilmis, 18'ine (%58.1) ilaç yazılmıs, 9'una (%29.0) önce ilaç yazılmıs sonra sevk edilmisti. Ancak sadece 3 kisi (%9.7) kendilerine verilen bilgiden tatmin oldugunu belirtmisti. Katılımcılardan sadece 57'si (%22.9) ruhsal sorunlar nedeniyle pratisyen hekime güvendigini belirtmistir. Birinci basamaktaki pratisyen hekime güvenmeme nedenleri olarak: sadece uzman hekim anlayabilir (n=79, %54.5), egitimleri yetersiz (n=52, %35.9), psikiyatrik hastalık digerlerinden farklıdır (n=12, %8.3), hastalıgım gizli kalmalı (n=4, %2.8) olarak belirtilmistir. Psikiyatrik sorunlar nedeniyle birinci basamak saglık merkezini tercih etme oranı oldukça düsüktür. Birinci basamakta psikiyatrik görüsme için ayrılan süre ile birlikte, birinci basamaktaki psikiyatrik hizmetlerden tatmin olma ve pratisyen hekime olan güvenin sınırlı oldugu görülmektedir.In the present study, we aimed to investigate to which primary care facilities did the psychiatric outpatients applied very first time due to their psychiatric problems before coming to the Psychiatry Department of University ofAdnan Menderes and what were their satisfaction ratios with service given by the primary care. The data were collected from the psychiatric outpatients consecutively assessed in the University clinic in Aydın during the first two months of 2006. The voluntered patients were administered a questionnaire consisting of 26 questions probing patients' previous experiences at, and attitudes toward primary care facilities. The participants of the study were 160 female and 89 male with a mean age of 38.9. (17.7%) reported to have applied to primary care facilities for psychiatric problems, and 169 participants (66.3%) reported to have applied for medical problems. Of these patients, 29 (65.9%) were female, 30 (68.2%) were married, 25 (56.9%) were high school or university graduates, and 39 (93.2%) were from middle or low income families. Of these patients initially applied to primary care facilities for psychiatric complaints, 33 (75%) reported to have been informed by the physician on the diagnoses and treatment for 1-10 minutes, and only 3 patients reported to have been satisfied with the information provided. Fiftyseven (22.9%) participants felt that she/he could rely on the competence of the practitioner in dealing with mental problems. Reported reasons for not relying on the practitioners were; the opinion that only psychiatrist are competent in diagnosing and treating mental disorders (54.5%), the sentiment that practitioners have not been trained enough to deal with mental disorders (35.9%), the idea that psychiatric disorders are entirely different than medical disorders (8.3%), and the wish to keep his /her disturbance secret (2.8%). The ratio of individuals with psychiatric complaints who choose to apply to primary care facilities is quite low. The main reasons for this is the insufficient interview time reserved for each psychiatric patient, causing a discontent and distrust in patients

    Identity Confusion and Psychopathology in Late Adolescence

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    Identity Confusion and Psychopathology in Late Adolescenc

    Türk Psikiyatri Dergisi 2009; Turkish Journal of Psychiatry Identi ty Confusion and Psychopathology in Late Adolescence

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of identity confusion with clinical diagnoses and personality pathology. Method: Participants in the first part of the study were 950 high school students or graduates. The participants were 484 males and 466 females ranging in age between 16 and 25 years of age (X = 18.3, sd = 0.

    Prevalence of Personality Disorder Diagnosed with SCID-II Among Psychiatry Patients in Turkey: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis 2

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    Objective: To review and summarize data on the prevalence of overall personality disorder extracted from SCID-II (Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III Axis II Disorders) studies conducted in Turkey with samples consisting of mental health service consumers, and also to elaborate on the level and sources of heterogeneity. Method: MEDLINE, WOS, PsycINFO, ScienceDirect databases as well as the Turkish Psychiatric Database have been systematically searched. Relevant studies conducted with samples composed of psychiatric inpatients or outpatients receiving psychiatric treatment were included. The diagnostic rate of any personality disorder was regarded as the valid indicator of the overall personality disorder prevalence; therefore, papers preŞenting data not conducive to this goal were excluded. Results: A total of 311 papers were identified, and 55 studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. Following a critical appraisal of the quality of the data involving point prevalence rates ranging from 20% to 100%, we decided to include 35 studies in the quantitative synthesis. A random-effects meta-analysis followed by a subgroup analysis yielded a summary estimate of 52% [46 - 58%] for the prevalence of overall personality disorder. A high level of overall heterogeneity 84.8% [80.0 - 88.4] was found to persist in each diagnostic subgroup with a particular primary diagnosis. Conclusion: The prevalence estimates derived from the meta-analysis of the SCID-II studies conducted in Turkey support the notion that personality disorder is preŞent in nearly half of the mental health service consumers. That the level of heterogeneity across studies originating from Turkey alone was as high as those observed in previous reviews covering studies originating from various countries suggests that the very source of such heterogeneity might be questionable validity and reliability of SCID-II diagnoses