4,383 research outputs found

    From satisfaction to expectation: The patient's perspective in lower limb prosthetic care

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    Neck pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint and a relationship with reduced work-related functional capacity is assumed. A validated instrument to test functional capacity of patients with neck pain is unavailable. The objective of this study was to develop a Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE), which is content valid for determining functional capacity in patients with work related neck disorders (WRND). A review of epidemiological review literature was conducted to identify physical risk factors for WRND. Evidence was found that physical risk factors contribute in development of WRND. Physical risk factors were related to repetitive movements, forceful movements, awkward positions and static contractions of the neck or the neck/shoulder region. An FCE was designed based on the risk factors identified. Eight tests were selected to cover all risk factors: repetitive side reaching, repetitive reaching overhead, static overhead work, front carry, forward static bend neck, overhead lift and the neck strength test. Content validity of this FCE was established by providing the rationale, specific objectives and operational definitions of the FCE. Further research is needed to establish reliability and other aspects of validity of the neck-FCE Aim Worldwide, family- centred and co- ordinated care are seen as the two most desirable and effective methods of paediatric care delivery. This study outlines current views on how team collaboration comprising professionals in paediatric rehabilitation and special education and the parents of children with disabilities should be organized, and analyses the policies of five paediatric rehabilitation settings associated with the care of 44 children with cerebral palsy ( CP) in the Netherlands. Methods For an overview of current ideas on collaboration, written statements of professional associations in Dutch paediatric rehabilitation were examined. The policy statements of the five participating settings were derived from their institutional files. Documents detailing the collaborative arrangements involving the various professionals and parents were evaluated at the institutional level and at the child level. Involvement of the stakeholders was analysed based on team conferences. Results Also in the Netherlands collaboration between rehabilitation and education professionals and parents is endorsed as the key principle in paediatric rehabilitation, with at its core the team conference in which the various priorities and goals are formulated and integrated into a personalized treatment plan. As to their collaborative approaches between rehabilitation centre and school, the five paediatric settings rarely differed, but at the child level approaches varied. Teams were large ( averaging 10.5 members), and all three stakeholder groups were represented, but involvement differed per setting, as did the roles and contributions of the individual team members. Conclusion Collaboration between rehabilitation and education professionals and parents is supported and encouraged nationwide. Views on collaboration have been formulated, and general guidelines on family- centred and co- ordinated care are available. Yet, collaborative practices in Dutch paediatric care are still developing. Protocols that carefully delineate the commitments to collaborate and that translate the policies into practical, detailed guidelines are needed, as they are a prerequisite for successful teamwork

    Production of organic seeds: Status, Challenges and Prospects

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    General article on the requirements of organic agriculture for seed production. Beside this the organic agricultural system has other demands for organic seed since it does not use chemical control measures and uses natural fertilizers instead of chemical fertilizers. Research can offer an important contribution in the production of seed without diseases

    The use of a SQUID magnetometer for middle ear research

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    A new technique is described for the measurement of vibrations in the temporal bones of an isolated middle ear. The precise recording of vibrations in the middle ear is of importance for the construction and improvement of a middle ear prosthesis.1 The method of measurement is based on a transformation of mechanical vibrations into magnetic flux variations. This is performed by attaching a small piece of permanent magnetic material to the eardrum or middle ear ossicles. The magnetic flux variations caused by vibrations of the eardrum or ossicles during application of sound can be measured by means of a SQUID magnetometer.\ud \ud Measurements showed that it is possible to measure vibratory displacement amplitudes of the eardrum down to about 10−10 m in a frequency range between 200 Hz and 10 kHz, although the acoustical and magnetometer conditions were not optimal. The method offers several advantages compared to already existing methods.2–5,

    Parthenogenesis: birth of a new lineage or reproductive accident?

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    Parthenogenesis - the ability to produce offspring from unfertilized eggs - is widespread among invertebrates and now increasingly found in normally sexual vertebrates. Are these cases reproductive errors or could they be a first step in the emergence of new parthenogenetic lineages

    Melting of regular and decoupled vortex lattices in BSCCO crystals

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    The angular dependence of the first-order phase transition (FOT) in the vortex lattice in Bi2_{2}Sr2_{2}CaCu2_{2}O8_{8} crystals was investigated by a low frequency AC shielding technique (with the AC field c\parallel c), in which the static-field component parallel to cc- (HH_{\perp}) was varied with the in-plane field HH_{\parallel} held constant. The linear decrease of the FOT field HFOTH_{\perp}^{FOT} with increasing HH_{\parallel} ends at a temperature--dependent critical value of HH_{\parallel}. A new transition, marked by the abrupt drop of the abab-plane shielding current, appears at this point. We draw a new phase diagram with HH_{\parallel} and HH_{\perp} field components as coordinates; this features at least two distinct regions in the vortex solid phase, that are determined by the different interplay between the pancake vortex-- and Josephson vortex lattice.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures Paper submitted to the conference proceedings of M2S-2000 Houston, T

    Naar een andere economische orde?

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    Trial discontinuation: lessons for future trial design?

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    Background: The current therapeutic arsenal still does not fulfill the therapeutic needs of inflammatory bowel disease patients. Although new drugs are constantly being developed, many will never reach the market. In this review we will search for reasons for discontinuing promising clinical trials and offer recommendation for future trials. Methods: The website clinicaltrials.gov was searched for interventional trials on novel inflammatory bowel disease therapies. Included were discontinued ‘Crohn’s disease’ and/or ‘colitis, ulcerative’ trials, started between July 1996 and October 2011 and discontinued. Pubmed was searched for publications to elucidate reasons for discontinuation. Results: One hundred and ninety one novel drug trials were published on clinicaltrials. gov, of which 24 (12.6%) were interrupted. The most common reason for discontinuation was lack of efficacy. Conclusion: Translation from bench to bedside is not always feasible, animal models come with restrictions. For better treatments, personalized medicine will be the future

    The capacitated multi-echelon inventory system with serial structure. 2. An average cost approximation method

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    This paper considers a multi-echelon, periodic review inventory model with discrete demand. We assume finite capacities on various production/order sizes and backordering of excess demand. We have already seen that modified base-stock policies work quite well under an average cost criterion. Here a method will be presented which provides an approximation of the average costs corresponding to a modified base-stock policy in a certain class of multi-echelon serial systems. In this the moment-iteration method developed by De Kok plays a central role

    The capacitated multi-echelon inventory system with serial structure. 1. The 'push ahead'-effect

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    This paper considers a multi-echelon, periodic review inventory model with discrete demand. We assume finite capacities on various production/order sizes and backordering of excess demand. We show that under the average cost criterion the optimal order strategy may be characterized by a so-called 'push ahead'-effect. Further we shall find that a modified base-stock policy approximates the optimal policy quite well