674 research outputs found

    Globalization of rheumatology: activities of ILAR. Think global - act local

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    In 1997 a distinguished EULAR rheumatologist involved in the development of biologics asked somewhat ironically, “What is ILAR [International League of Associations for Rheumatology] doing?” Now, 3 years later, we are in a position to review ILAR’s activities in recent years and its plans for the future. The current ILAR Executive in its global mission statement outlined 5 areas of special interest: (1) confirming the importance of rheumatology as a specialty; (2) stimulating better education; (3) initiating and updating World Wide Web information on rheumatology; (4) continuing stimulation and support of transregional projects; and (5) tightening the links with WHO and other international health organizations. We will focus on these 5 mission issues

    Ovulation suppression protects against chromosomal abnormalities in mouse eggs at advanced maternal age

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    The frequency of egg aneuploidy and trisomic pregnancies increases with maternal age. To what extent individual approaches can delay the "maternal age effect"is unclear because multiple causes contribute to chromosomal abnormalities in mammalian eggs. We propose that ovulation frequency determines the physiological aging of oocytes, a key aspect of which is the ability to accurately segregate chromosomes and produce euploid eggs. To test this hypothesis, ovulations were reduced using successive pregnancies, hormonal contraception, and a pre-pubertal knockout mouse model, and the effects on chromosome segregation and egg ploidy were examined. We show that each intervention reduces chromosomal abnormalities in eggs of aged mice, suggesting that ovulation reduction delays oocyte aging. The protective effect can be partly explained by retention of chromosomal Rec8-cohesin that maintains sister chromatid cohesion in meiosis. In addition, single-nucleus Hi-C (snHi-C) revealed deterioration in the 3D chromatin structure including an increase in extruded loop sizes in long-lived oocytes. Artificial cleavage of Rec8 is sufficient to increase extruded loop sizes, suggesting that cohesin complexes maintaining cohesion restrict loop extrusion. These findings suggest that ovulation suppression protects against Rec8 loss, thereby maintaining both sister chromatid cohesion and 3D chromatin structure and promoting production of euploid eggs. We conclude that the maternal age effect can be delayed in mice. An implication of this work is that long-term ovulation-suppressing conditions can potentially reduce the risk of aneuploid pregnancies at advanced maternal age

    Guidance for laboratories performing molecular pathology for cancer patients

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    Molecular testing is becoming an important part of the diagnosis of any patient with cancer. The challenge to laboratories is to meet this need, using reliable methods and processes to ensure that patients receive a timely and accurate report on which their treatment will be based. The aim of this paper is to provide minimum requirements for the management of molecular pathology laboratories. This general guidance should be augmented by the specific guidance available for different tumour types and tests. Preanalytical considerations are important, and careful consideration of the way in which specimens are obtained and reach the laboratory is necessary. Sample receipt and handling follow standard operating procedures, but some alterations may be necessary if molecular testing is to be performed, for instance to control tissue fixation. DNA and RNA extraction can be standardised and should be checked for quality and quantity of output on a regular basis. The choice of analytical method(s) depends on clinical requirements, desired turnaround time, and expertise available. Internal quality control, regular internal audit of the whole testing process, laboratory accreditation, and continual participation in external quality assessment schemes are prerequisites for delivery of a reliable service. A molecular pathology report should accurately convey the information the clinician needs to treat the patient with sufficient information to allow for correct interpretation of the result. Molecular pathology is developing rapidly, and further detailed evidence-based recommendations are required for many of the topics covered here

    Variation in nomenclature of somatic variants for selection of oncological therapies:Can we reach a consensus soon?

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    A standardized nomenclature for reporting oncology biomarker variants is key to avoid misinterpretation of results and unambiguous registration in clinical databases. External quality assessment (EQA) schemes have revealed a need for more consistent nomenclature use in clinical genetics. We evaluated the propensity of EQA for improvement of compliance with Human Genome Variation Society (HGVS) recommendations for reporting of predictive somatic variants in lung and colorectal cancer. Variant entries between 2012 and 2018 were collected from written reports and electronic results sheets. In total, 4,053 variants were assessed, of which 12.1% complied with HGVS recommendations. Compliance improved over time from 2.1% (2012) to 22.3% (2018), especially when laboratories participated in multiple EQA schemes. Compliance was better for next-generation sequencing (20.9%) compared with targeted techniques (9.8%). In the 1792 reports, HGVS recommendations for reference sequences were met for 31.9% of reports, for 36.0% of noncommercial, and 26.5% of commercial test methods. Compliance improved from 16.7% (2012) to 33.1% (2018), and after repeated EQA participation. EQA participation improves compliance with HGVS recommendations. The residual percentage of errors in the most recent schemes suggests that laboratories, companies, and EQA providers need to collaborate for additional improvement of harmonization in clinical test reporting

    External Quality Assessment Schemes for Biomarker Testing in Oncology:Comparison of Performance between Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded-Tissue and Cell-Free Tumor DNA in Plasma

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    Liquid biopsies have emerged as a useful addition to tissue biopsies in molecular pathology. Literature has shown lower laboratory performances when a new method of variant analysis is introduced. This study evaluated the differences in variant analysis between tissue and plasma samples after the introduction of liquid biopsy in molecular analysis. Data from a pilot external quality assessment scheme for the detection of molecular variants in plasma samples and from external quality assessment schemes for the detection of molecular variants in tissue samples were collected. Laboratory performance and error rates by sample were compared between matrices for variants present in both scheme types. Results showed lower overall performance [65.6% (n = 276) versus 89.2% (n = 1607)] and higher error rates [21.0% to 43.5% (n = 138) versus 8.7% to 16.7% (n = 234 to 689)] for the detection of variants in plasma compared to tissue, respectively. In the plasma samples, performance was decreased for variants with an allele frequency of 1% compared to 5% [56.5% (n = 138) versus 74.6% (n = 138)]. The implementation of liquid biopsy in the detection of circulating tumor DNA in plasma was associated with poor laboratory performance. It is important both to apply optimal detection methods and to extensively validate new methods for testing circulating tumor DNA before treatment decisions are made

    Critical implications of IVDR for innovation in diagnostics: input from the BioMed alliance diagnostics task force

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    With the implementation of Regulation (European Union [EU]) 2017/746 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices (IVDR), from May 26, 2022, onwards, the development and use of diagnostic tests will be governed by a vastly expanded and upgraded EU regulatory framework. We provide here an overview of the amended transition timelines, the role of notified bodies, EU reference laboratories, expert panels, and the Medical Device Coordination Group (MDCG). We also describe the implications of the IVDR for innovative laboratory medicine by explaining the exemption for in-house devices (IH-IVDs). Two key challenges faced by the academic diagnostic sector are: (1) the stipulation on equivalence of tests (article 5.5d), which poses a new condition for the use of IH-IVDs and (2) the gray area between CE marked in vitro diagnostics (CE-IVDs), modified CE-IVDs, Research Use Only (RUO) tests, and IH-IVDs. Furthermore, the results of a questionnaire on current diagnostic practice conducted by European medical societies collaborating in the BioMed Alliance indicate widespread use of IH-IVDs in diagnostic laboratories across Europe and emphasize the need for support and guidance to comply with the IVDR. Diagnostic equivalents of the European Reference Networks (ERNs) for rare diseases could help ensure affordable and equal access to specialized diagnostics across the EU. Concerted action by clinical and laboratory disciplines, regulators, industry, and patient organizations is needed to support the efficient and effective implementation of the IVDR in a way that preserves innovation and safeguards the quality, safety, and accessibility of innovative diagnostics.Peer reviewe

    Evolutionary history of tuberculosis shaped by conserved mutations in the PhoPR virulence regulator

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    Although the bovine tuberculosis (TB) agent, Mycobacterium bovis, may infect humans and cause disease, long-term epidemiological data indicate that humans represent a spill-over host in which infection with M. bovis is not self-maintaining. Indeed, human-to-human transmission of M. bovis strains and other members of the animal lineage of the tubercle bacilli is very rare. Here, we report on three mutations affecting the two-component virulence regulation system PhoP/PhoR (PhoPR) in M. bovis and in the closely linked Mycobacterium africanum lineage 6 (L6) that likely account for this discrepancy. Genetic transfer of these mutations into the human TB agent, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, resulted in down-regulation of the PhoP regulon, with loss of biologically active lipids, reduced secretion of the 6-kDa early antigenic target (ESAT-6), and lower virulence. Remarkably, the deleterious effects of the phoPR mutations were partly compensated by a deletion, specific to the animal-adapted and M. africanum L6 lineages, that restores ESAT-6 secretion by a PhoPR-independent mechanism. Similarly, we also observed that insertion of an IS6110 element upstream of the phoPR locus may completely revert the phoPR-bovis–associated fitness loss, which is the case for an exceptional M. bovis human outbreak strain from Spain. Our findings ultimately explain the long-term epidemiological data, suggesting that M. bovis and related phoPR-mutated strains pose a lower risk for progression to overt human TB, with major impact on the evolutionary history of TB
